Sitemap - 2024 - Christopher F. Rufo

Kamala Harris and the Coming Rhetorical War

Expanding the Logos Initiative

A Compromised Secret Service

Plagiarism and Disparities

Texans Against Transgender Medicine

Texas Children’s Hospital Still Leaning into Gender Ideology

How DEI Corrupts America’s Universities

Tell Texas Children’s: No More Pediatric Sex-Changes

Suppression of Dissent

The Activist Connection

Bowman’s Folly

Texas Children’s Hospital Now Under Investigation

The Murky Business of Transgender Medicine

Monthly Report for Paid Subscribers

Counterrevolution 4: Nino Scalia on Kendi, Trump, and the Necessity of Action

DOJ Indicts Doctor Who Exposed the Barbarism of “Gender-Affirming Care”

In Portland, the Intifada Begins in Kindergarten

Open Q&A


Boycott, Divest, and Sanction Columbia

Counterrevolution #3: The Left-Wing Smear Machine

Shaping the Narrative on “Decolonization”

Riot Tactics Redux

Monthly Report for Paid Subscribers

DEI Dominates the University of Kentucky

Signal’s Katherine Maher Problem

Counterrevolution #2

DEI Conquers Stanford

The Left’s Hamas Problem

Katherine Maher’s Color Revolution

Academic Dishonesty at UCLA

Larry Sanger Speaks Out

The Zen Koans of NPR

Quotations from Chairman Maher

One Year on Substack

Trouble at the Fed

“It’s an Empty Executive Suite”


Trans Factual

Subscriber Q&A

Copy and Paste

A World in Miniature

From Left to Right

Claudine Gay, Silicon Valley, and Ending DEI Forever

Monthly Report for Paid Subscribers

Speaking with Joe Rogan

In the Fight with the ACLU

Giving DEI the Pink Slip

The Purpose of Higher Education

Harvard's Plagiarism Problem Multiplies

Exeter Under Ideology

The Moment Disney Went Political

The Business of Transgenderism

Monthly Report for Subscribers

How to Stop DEI

Defame and Punish

The Real Story Behind Drag Queen Story Hour

A New Civil Rights Agenda

Counterrevolution #1

Subscriber Q&A

Texas Children’s Hospital Whistleblower Comes Forward

The New Right Activism

Claudine Gay’s Data Problem

“The Conservative Mastermind Behind Claudine Gay’s Ouster”

Claudine Gay Resigns

In Review: 2023