The era of DEI is ending. The era of MEI is beginning. Meritocracy, Excellence, Intelligence - the American way, not the Marxist way.

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Think of DEI as an attempt to create elaborate but specious intellectual and moral cover for grift. It is beloved of politicians who are always looking for ways to broker special privilege in exchange for political support.

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Excellent point! DEI in general gets the public ready for communism

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Marie: DEI sucks but carelessly throwing around the word communism also sucks.

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James Lindsay has successfully connected DEI/ESG/CRT with Cultural Marxism and communism. I don't think Marie G is exaggerating in the least.

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James Lindsay is a relative newcomer in commenting on and explaining this field....but he is very good! And he's right.

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30


Since the late 1940s, there have been small numbers of experts in the West studying the phenomena surrounding the Rape of the Mind (as Joost Meerloo put it). Some of them walk amongst you.

None of this comes from new ideas brought out by Chris Rufo or Shellenberger or Mattias Desmet or the new "Yuri Bezmenov". These ideas have been studied and untangled to a great extent over the past 75 years or more. Farther back than that, actually. It's just that most people had no interest in learning about any of it until it hits close to home.

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I like to check out both sides & it's clear to me there's what George Carlin would call "soft speech" intertwined in the DEI agenda. I'm watching Lindsay now! https://youtu.be/xbby7yFrIxM?si=2Hj6s8_UxGVl6QOC

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And, if you had ever had to sit through a modern "struggle session" as I have, you'd probably have a different opinion...

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I have been through modern "struggle sessions" too. I have seen previously normal, mainstream adults break down sobbing. It is common when the lefties get to Lifton's Confession stage of the Thought Reform process.

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What is a "struggle session"?

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LOL, sorry I couldn't resist.

But seriously... from James Lindsay's site: "One of the most famous and most evil techniques of Maoist Marxism is the “struggle session” (dòuzhēng, 鬥爭; or pīpàn dòuzhēng, 批判鬥爭, “critical struggle”; or sometimes just pīdòu, 批鬥; also called “denunciation” sessions). They were made famous during Mao’s Cultural Revolution (1966-1976), but they were utilized in the Chinese thought-reform (xǐnǎo, 洗脑, lit. “wash brain” or brainwashing) prisons starting in the early 1950s under the CCP. The nature of struggle sessions must be understood clearly in 2022 because Western nations are going through a “Woke” Maoist insurgency now, and the struggle session is all the way back in fashion (and has been for some time). Since being banned and returning to Twitter following Elon Musk’s acquisition, host of the New Discourses Podcast, James Lindsay, has been subjected to a rather brutal online struggle session (a “twitter storm” as a harassment campaign) in the attempt to punish him back off the site and to discredit his highly effective popularization of the term “groomer” for Maoist ideological groomers, especially those using Queer Marxism. In this groundbreaking episode of the podcast, James goes through the struggle session he’s currently experiencing while tying it to the psychological analysis of that phenomenon as presented in Robert Jay Lifton’s book Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism: A Study of “Brainwashing” in China. Join him to learn about this destructive form of bullying activism and to learn how you can resist it."


My own experience happened during a webinar at the college at which I was employed, during the height of the George Floyd psyops, and the pushing of Critical Race Theory into colleges, in 2019-2020. As A. mentions above, it's adults flaggelating themselves for stuff they never were guilty of but now feel they must certainly be (it only seems to happen to "privileged whites," of course). In any case, that podcast I linked to is very long but you'll definitely get it after diving in.

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Check out Steven Hicks or Jordan Peterson on Postmodernism. Putting us against each other & dividing us, gets them more money & power.

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Dave, Everything that's happening is designed to destroy whites and the civilization we've created over the centuries! No sentient being can believe DEI and affirmative action are anything other than communist weapons of destruction.

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That is exactly the purpose of this idiocy. Everything that's happening is designed to destroy whites and the civilization we've created over the centuries! No sentient being can believe DEI and affirmative action are anything other than communist weapons of destruction.

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Midwit bureaucrats love DEI too, as it replaces competence as the basis of selection for positions of power with the criterion of identity (or ostentatious support of it). Unfortunately, we live in a complex society in which many systems barely hold together with the best expertise available, so abandonment of competence will eventually lead to catastrophic consequences.

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29

There can be no dei administrators without dei policies.

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I pray you're correct! My liberal white Ex-wife with generational wealth tells me to; "Check my white male privilege". I ask her about her generational wealth & she acts like she doesn't know what that is. She does not believe after whites males have been ostracized she's next.

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“Progressives”: 🙈🙉🙊

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Progressives is a euphemism for Marxists.

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They actually are regressives

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I have the exact same story! Let's connect and compare notes!

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She had a little wake up seeing Biden on the debate but she's still hung up on abortion & refuses to understand it belongs with the states

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If she's opposed to white male privilege then she must be actively opposed to female-exclusive draft registration requirements.

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I told her about the female draft & regardless of what info I send her she thinks I'm making it up & goes on watching "The View". She also does not believe that liberals are supporting the trans agenda. She was a charge nurse in high risk perinatal so I sent her the Christopher F. Rufo, Dr. Haim stuff & she thinks I want to be trans(?).

I tell her this is about the future of our children & our country. Doping them up & performing surgeries on them will in my thinking eventually make them government dependents.

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My ex is the type of Ivy educated progressive who won't live anywhere near black people...

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Does she ever give you any reason to believe she'll adjust her thinking based on what you say? Doesn't sound like it, but if you have children together I can see your dilemma.

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Cherchez la (blanche)femme...

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It is the struggle of good vs evil, it’s as old as time, by any other name. Light conquers darkness, but never ends it (it only recedes). All it takes for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing when evil happens. Which is why “those who fail to learn from history are destined to repeat it.”

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I hope so, Yuri. But it seems a little early to make that claim.

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I really would like to believe that. But here in Boise, Idaho, they are just getting started. They are now trying to find sneaky ways to expand DEI where I work. There are still some checks and balances but they are being fought by the Woke.

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I stepped aside twice "for the good of the company" I worked for & in both cases it made our jobs harder. If it would have made our jobs easier or if we were in some type of learning mode there would be nothing to mention. I believe in embracing & learning anything new but we did learn & it wasn't working & then there was "NO" going back! So the other thing I learned was; Good people get tired of working with employees that don't care, I moved on after 7 years. Good Luck

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The Marxist way has been around since ancient Greece. Obviously, it had different names prior to Karl Marx, but the methods were very similar if not the exact same.

I would love to believe that you are correct, and I think a lot of people are waking up to your idea of MEI (which isn't new either). However, I'm afraid that evil will always be hiding in the shadows, waiting for an opportunity to regain its power.

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30

Oh it's not over,

I was just writing a letter to the police oversight board. I wanted to share some words of encouragement. Some important suggestions. Hm let me look at your other priorities... What are their priorities? BLM. DIE. Implicit bias. Systemic Racism. They intend to count the races of all police interactions - not joke - to keep statistics by race.

But We can do better. We need a hot line so black guys skulking in the bushes dude feel singled out..

Anyway, enough complaining. I'm going to get a translator. We're trying to figure out what the new police chief wants.

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Not quite sure I am understanding your comments here.

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Keeping chipping away Christopher. We’ve already seen a shift which is great. Real change in culture takes time, as our current situation was years in the making. Thank you!

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Yes this article really got to the nub of our DEI madness:

diversity = narrow-minded

equity = unjust rigging of the system

inclusion = exclusion

There's just two more to add to the poisonous mix that has been festering in our universities in recent decades:

education = lazy-minded ignorance

progressive = regression to barbarism


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Right on!

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Cultural Marxism is a planned strategy to disassemble the cultural norm of meritocracy, and replace it with overt reverse-racism. It has NOTHING to do with the true meaning of the three words diversity, equity, and inclusivity. It has to do with the imposition of top-down authoritarianism.

Welcome to the United States of Totalitarianism!

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Yes. They use what I call definition fraud. They try to change the definitions of the words to support their agenda. The simplest example I can describe for how it causes harm is this: They claim they want to make everyone equal. However, they can't make everyone into billionaires. The only way they can make everyone equal economically is to crush everyone into grinding poverty. Yet, somehow, those in charge are never subject to the same rule, thus, those in charge become wealthy while the subjects of the regime are made into slaves, working for the leaders.

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I see it as a form of gas lighting. For example, 'privilege' is a dirty word to them but it's often the result of hard work. If someone earns an honest fortune and want to join an exclusive golf resort, that's a perfectly ethical choice.

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Like the fake vax for example? Yeah, right. Best advice? Don’t trust them. Stay healthy and avoid doctors unless you have to. Obamacare: National Healthcare is a communist plank. When it was passed (yes and it is unconstitutional) most private practice doctors retired or joined hospital or large corporate doctor groups. They do what they are told by their employers or lose their jobs, in spite of taking their oath to do no harm.

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There is no reason we have to accept this evil nonsense. Fightback whenever & wherever you can. Get active in the schools.

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Their "inclusivity" excludes everyone but freaks and "people of color," which they can't even define. Most "people of color" I know are offended by it.

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Thanks for your work. As a professor in a state university in Michigan, currently with dark blue leadership, it would be an uphill battle to abolish DEI in our universities. It requires people to speak candidly and confidently against it and point out its flaws and deception. Too many just are silent and go along to appear in step with culture. I’ve been the victim of cancel attempts just for stating my views, which used to be not only allowed but expected on a university campus.

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My son is a rising sophomore at Michigan. The protests were insane. The administration did not seem concerned until it affected them personally as these pro Hamas people went to their private homes. I was very disappointed. Our tuition is insane for a public university and for my son to text me and say I can’t think with the screaming and chanting outside my class. I suppose it’s to be expected at such a liberal institution.

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Sad. Michigan has more than 250 DEI bureaucrats and this is the result of so-called “diversity.” I’m not at that university but it is spreading

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You live one life, my friend. If you do not feel strong enough alone, then focus on growing a like-minded underground. Never surrender the truth. Remember your advantage. Truth is a sword.

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deletedJun 29
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Exactly. In a conversation with an alumna who appreciates my speaking and writing on this. She saw it beginning in high school years ago (she just got her masters) with “trigger warnings” and “safe spaces.” Of course Chris’ book “America’s Cultural Revolution” and others about American Marxism (Mark Levin) are excellent, factual histories of how we got here. They are useful to debate left wing academics and the DEI bureaucrats, though many are mind captured by the agenda.

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What are the possibilities for drilling down a bit deeper than “outlawing” DEI. The entrenched left is nimble enough to obfuscate or rename and continue their work with minor interruption in some cases. Could there be a framework for civil fines and penalties against universities when they violate state law regarding racial discrimination? Conservative states could seize property or place liens on assets against universities that refuse to pay the fines. We need to raise the cost much much higher for our opponents.

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For clarity: Teaching young people with European or Asian backgrounds that they are inherently evil and they owe a racial debt would be a violation of the law, perhaps even existing civil rights law, because it is intended to introduce physical, financial, and moral segregation.

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Even further clarity: Pretry much every subsection of Title II Sec. 201 of the Civil Rights Act is violated by constructing what amounts to a “Nonwhites Only” sign on your door, the direct inverse evil of what the law has originally intended to stop. Conservative AGs can certainly interpret the inverse as an equal violation of the law.

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deletedJun 29
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I would push back on some of that. I think the founders were specifically worried about totalitarianism. I assume what you mean is a kind of soft totalitarianism where we lost our religious moral foundation and replaced it with a new fundamentalist (totalitarian) one. It’s difficult to maintain the protections of our legal system without the original Judeo-Christian culture and morality. This leads to repurposing our laws to hunt the opponents of the new religion, leading to charges of totalitarianism. Solving the moral disintegration will take time, but in the meantime we have opportunities to hit the insurgency hard and at least slow it down.

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deletedJun 29
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Ideological capture is what we are trying to do. We want our ideology to control the institutions. There is no neutral. There was an illusion of neutrality pushed for many years in libertarian circles, but that was part of why we are in this predicament. That isn’t totalitarian, it’s just having a policy and actually believing in it enough that you’re willing to enforce it. Anyone on the other end of the stick will call it totalitarian, and they always have. It’s the nature of political conflict to never be fully resolved and never find ultimate “justice.”

Each of the social organization modes that you listed will enforce their rules if they want to exist. Any that don’t are on borrowed time.

And yes, I agree that you can perform ideological capture of a society without warfare. That is hopefully what we will be able to do. Naturally we need to seriously upgrade our ideology and its messaging because it is severely lacking at the moment, which is why we lost so much ground. Judeo-Christianity collapsed no later than WW2 but arguably before and failed to prevent itself becoming in equal parts a marketing scam, a feminized neurotic network, and an isolationist fundamentalist cult. It failed to be relevant, innovative, meaningful, and most importantly, accountable. It failed to deal with the moral questions of the 20th century and to reasonably respond to discoveries in science. I could go on, but in conclusion, the left did not gain power, the right abdicated it through its own failures. Now we have to half their destruction while we simultaneously get our shit together.

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We don’t need more laws. The law schools are graduating thousands of woke lawyers by the day who love to twist the laws into unconstitutional walls to lock us into the communist rules. The administrative unelected government makes rules that subvert individual rights and handcuffs the people’s elected representatives from making meaningful change while incentivizing career politicians to get rich in office for selling out the people’s freedom: big Gov + big Corp = Fascism. We can’t even have fair elections right now.

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In addition, Big Gov + big Corp = Communism. The two faces of totalitarianism, fascism and communism, are virtually identical.

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Murray Rothbard in his book, “The Libertarian Manifesto” made an observation I believe is correct: the concept of a straight line political spectrum of “left vs right” is incomplete. In truth, it is a circle, with left and right at 9 o’clock and 3 o’clock. At 12 o’clock the extreme left and right meet in tyranny. At 6 o’clock, exactly opposite tyranny, is maximum individual freedom and responsibility. The original American idea: your rights end where mine begin and vice versa, don’t tread on me.

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Unfortunately, the American left is no longer at 9:00. It has been skewed much closer to 12:00 in your model. Marxism has thoroughly infiltrated the left in the U.S., dragging the left toward totalitarianism.

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That’s the idea, it starts out “moderate” as in Socialist and if allowed to, it creeps to more extreme (from 9 to 12). Same with “moderate” Conservatism, as it turns into the Deep State CIA and MIC overthrowing foreign Countries’ governments and now our own while making themselves rich and powerful (from 3 to 12), winding up with tyranny from The UniParty. That’s where we are. They are also globalists with a one world government agenda. They align themselves with the WEF/WHO/UN and surrender our National sovereign rights. Evil Bill Gates has bragged about it coming for a long time. People think Covid is over, it’s not. They already are putting the mRNA into their fake food and buying up the farmland as they quietly roll out the Fed CBDC to be like the CCP able to turn off access to your money if you don’t do as they say. This is what are children are facing unless we stop this evil in its tracks right now. We definitely need term limits if we are going to take back our government from The UniParty.

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Term limits are needed for all elected officials and government employees. Government employee labor unions should be made illegal.

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I accidentally deleted, sorry. The UniParty has to be stopped. Term Limits I believe is the way forward because the Country is divided but we can I think agree on this: career politicians getting rich in office for selling us all out is unacceptable to all of us.

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Term limits are needed for all elected officials and government employees.

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Start with Texas and Florida universities and keeping an eye on what they are doing.

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As long as blacks and other “minority groups” are allowed to get away with their victim mentality, and the rest of society is forced to accept (and pay for) the unacceptable levels of bullshit that comes with it, nothing is going to change. Including my mind, so don’t bother trying.

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TV commercials, pay close attention.

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Yeah, even commercials are a joke, because every family is made up of a black dad, Asian mom, and a white sondaughter.

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In Europe the advertisements are >90%black/brown males and white women and their half caste kids. The few that have white males in them show them as shorter, uglier goofier and socially inferior to black and brown males.

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I suppose the idea is to reverse the past 40 years before nonwhites were allowed in commercials. I understand but don’t know what the anti-white campaign accomplishes. I don’t care if the father is black (more black dads are a good thing), Asian moms, and Slavic children. I couldn’t care less. But seeing characters more reflective of broader America, or whatever country, would be more reasonable to all viewers it would seem.

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Well, THAT FLEW entirely to hell over your head.

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More black dads is not a good thing!

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To be honest... I do not think most blacks and minorities "naturally" see themselves as victims. It requires indoctrination. Get rid of the indoctrination and lefty-induced racial outlook an everything (racism), and you solve the problem -- although it may take a generation.

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Indoctrination is exactly what's been going on for decades and most blacks and minorities have bought into the brainwashing and do, indeed, believe they're victims of whites. The government has been brainwashing with its never-ending propaganda for more than 60 years!

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But, a generation? How many more generations?

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David, great question. We need to codify racial blindness. Make it illegal to disobey that edict in education and government and, more importantly, start sending today's racists to jail. How long will that take? I would guess, 20 years if we start now. But we have to stay diligent. Hey, maybe less time, but it is difficult to change people's minds until history says, "Beginning around the 1970's people thought you could cure racism with racism. Turns out, it just bred more racism." Not until the Rufo Doctrine along with analysts established the fact that all forms of racial preferences, are forms of racism and are hurtful.

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Finally, the worm is turning… even though we are suffering through the results of the DEI train wreck: brainwashed, incompetent graduates…

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This encapsulates the problem perfectly. At a recent "Anti-Racist" training, the low-scholarship "she/they," a Dominican, intimated, in narcissistic fashion, that the dominant culture needs to change because SHE doesn't like it. Imagine being told by an immigrant that because your culture isn't her culture, you need to change it. And the fealty to pettiness that she was peddling is so antithetical to what academia should be. High school girls' bathroom stuff; don't like the way someone looked at you? Report it as "racist." Innocent, well-meaning questions should be turned into malice. Then in the same breath, "colonialism" is evil, while simultaneously colonizing us by insisting we teach literature on one shallow theme: immigrants feeling out of place because "racist." Even more offensive, she gets paid 6 figures, while I, working like a Dog, earnestly teaching people how to properly construct a research paper (without confirmation bias!) make down south of that.

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Your last sentence contains the term "confirmation bias "which leads us back to the" intellectual" underpinning of so much of this :psychology ,and there's plenty more where that came from, Unconscious bias, micro aggressions, dunning kruger effect etc. Designed to be weaponised by a member of the oppressed class against an oppressor ie heterosexual white male(s) when required. But look at photos from any recent psychology graduation ceremony and it's a case of spot the white male.

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29

The hidden purpose of DEI is to weaken and undermine our country, hence DEI's elimination of the notion of meritocracy while promoting -- and worshiping even -- mediocracy and incompetence. Imagine Russia or China or Iran abandoning the ideas of merit and competence in their education systems. Of course they are not going to do this to themselves, but they are more than happy to watch us impose this enormous error on our society. The faster we can get rid of DEI, the better off we all will be.

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Every college graduate should forward a copy of this to the president of their alma mater and include a message that they will no longer contribute to their college or univesity unless they eliminate the DEI idealogy.

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I'm drafting a letter to my school district with some of these points as this is entirely their focus! K-12 system. Teachers are "encouraged" to add pronouns to name badges this year.

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Boom! Right on target!

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29

So well said. It is good to be reminded of how the left redefines words to create the impression of compassion when they are doing evil. They parasitically attach themselves/and redefine good things like racial color blindness, equality of opportunity, and inclusion (being against racism) in order to transport their evil throughout society. Another example of this is LGBTQIA2S+ where the most deviant and mentally ill members of society have parasitically attached themselves the LGB community. Sadly, the methodology has worked on too many unsuspecting people resulting in widespread mental derangement -- the new field army of the left. It appears the war between the left and everyone else has become a war of the indoctrinated against the civilized.

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I was in a MN state meeting (too long to explain the details), but it was the first time I heard someone co-opt the term accessibility. Not to mean access (or lack there of) for individuals with physical handicaps or disabilities but meant that oppressed victim groups don't have access. I was shocked to what I was hearing; in disbelief! Luckily, someone who had encountered this term highjacking spoke up! Now I know the angle these folks are using and will speak up the same!

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What I have learned (after reading about the rabid little democrat rodent, at Wake Univ Med school) who bragged inline about hurting a patient, because he was wearing a maga hat) is that anyone NOT a white male, that graduates from med school after 2020, is a quack I will not accept.

It is kind of bizzarr, when I was a kid, if a black guy was a doctor, you knew he was good, because rabid democrats hated blacks and passed laws to attack them and keep them in their place.

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And I have not seen any follow up as to whether that appalling person was ejected from any possibility of any career in health care whatsoever. As I hope they were.

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Oh correcting myself - he laughed at her gender pin. And after searching, all I could find was that the student took an “extended leave.” Anyone whose conscience allows them to celebrate hurting a patient because they hold a different opinion is a psychopath. Best transfer to law school now, kid.

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the rabid little rodents at that indoctrination center supported the rabid little rodent, who expressed her insane stupidity by admitting that online,

I have spoken with several alumni from Wake, and let them know "they" supported rabid little leftists,

Outrage as North Carolina medical school BACKS woke medical student who tweeted about deliberately injuring patient for mocking her pronoun badge

Wake Forest University School of Medicine has defended Kychelle Del Rosario

This was despite her admitting to having purposefully missed the victim's vein

The school said a probe found her claims on Twitter did not reflect the incident

Meanwhile a 'staged' statement by Del Rosario hinted that she'd be back working


PUBLISHED: 10:26 EDT, 11 April 2022 | UPDATED: 14:38 EDT, 11 April 2022

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Thanks for this research. As a physician, rendering care without any bias on whether the patient's belief system is the same as mine or not, I personally would like to see this woman, and any like her, drummed out of medicine, or any profession providing any kind of human care.

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absolutely, I worked as a jail and prison nurse for years.

I was surrounded by scum sucking rabid parasites.

When those rodents stepped into the med unit, they magically became patients. Who I had an obligation to care for, as best as I could. And I did, and I made sure they did not see the disgust I had for them, because, I am a nurse, who has a patient in front on me, and my "feelings" have no place there. .

When they left, they went back to being scum suckers. The pedopath rapists and murderers were the toughest.

Psych was kind of tough too.

Cardiac nursing was the best.

Other than the rabid little democrat being evil enough to harm a patient because of a hat, her stupidity disqualifies her to be a doctor.

I heard of some nurses, or doctors, that may or may not have done a similar thing to an inmate, but they sure as hell did not brag about it, especially online.

Two reasons why that retch should not be a doctor.

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Excellent piece.

I would suggest all humanities courses be scrapped.

Then they have to defend how these courses are good for the nation they are taught in.

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"Judge everyone as an individual, rather than as avatars of the "oppressors" and the "oppressed."

Rights of individuals are guaranteed in the U.S. Bill of Rights. Oppressors vs. the oppressed is a key feature of the Marxist worldview. My latest article on Substack summarizes the key differences between U.S. democracy and Marxism in "U.S. Democracy vs. Marxist Rule" at https://2026.substack.com/p/us-democracy-vs-marxist-rule

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You want to change a countries culture and norms? Start by changing what the next generations taught in school. That’s what goin on here and it’s up to parents to say ‘stop’!

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DEI is hardly the only part of the left-wing canon that is the opposite of what it purports to be.

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