I have quite the story. As a vet (British), I served as the Operations Director for a large US-based NGO overseas.

During my tenure, I was bullied, harassed and ultimately forced out of my position. Amongst my mistreatment, I was derogatorily labelled a “white terrorist” due to my military background (by another white US citizen 😂), dismissed as an “old white man with nothing to contribute,” called a colonialist (due to my ability to converse in a language other than English) and physically assaulted by my female supervisor….additionally, after assaulting me, she expressed surprise that I had washed my hands (after leaving the loo), despite being male..

To be frank, the work environment resembled “Lord of the Flies.” Despite reaching out to the Executive team and the Chief Ethics Officer, my concerns were completely ignored. Furthermore, I had no recourse to legal action, as I was employed in a third country…captured by ideology. Completely. I have first hand experience….now, where to tell my story…

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Wow. Thank you for sharing! It's important for people to hear stories like yours.

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Catherine -- most adults today have firsthand experience of totalitarian tactics in the workplace. You may not be there yet yourself, but keep in mind that this is very common. It is what Trump and all the centrists are fighting against. It is definitely not an unusual story. The rest of us have just given up telling everyone these common tales.

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Poor "BABY".

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Go home, lefty!

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Dec 4Edited

There are many stories like yours out there, Marcus. Very similar to what the average target of a Cluster-B personality goes though daily. And surrounding persons pay scant attention to that. The independent media is full of this, actually. But they run it today, and forget it by tomorrow.

You might have a read of "Snakes in Suits" by Hare/Bobiak, or any good book on Cluster-B disorders (which are at the root of totalitarianism in all forms).

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I agree completely.

You might be interested in reading my article on the relationship of totalitarianism and Cluster B:


I will check on the book that you mentioned.

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"Radical ideologies feast on mental disorders And Cluster B personality disorders"

Yes, true enough. Every form of totalitarianism (it is not solely a political issue) has a Cluster-B personality behind it as the authority. And from the delusions of that Cluster-B authority figure come the ideologies, insane as most of them are.

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I will have a look. I have been making the connection for decades between -Cluster-B disorders and totalitarianism. Though I am not impressed by new podcasters who claim to have "discovered" this; they seem to think that the first one to make a podcast on any given issue can claim the academic discovery...😁

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This guy may be interested: https://robbystarbuck.com/dei/

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Well, I just posted the mail I sent to the board. I can evidence everything, yet they still refuse to reply…😂

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Tell it here, and let it be shared!

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Will check it out. The book that is.

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Your experience is the same experience as every target of Cluster-B personalities, who are 5% of the general population.

Many of them go through far worse, in fact.

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I am certain. However, what matters most to me is that they failed to focus on the core mission. We were meant to be there to assist and support, not to pursue petty ideology or attempt to culturally reengineer a foreign land to mirror the idealised version of the U.S. they envisioned. Yet - they were attempting exactly that. It was a massive waste of resources - $15,000 (tax-free) per EDI consultant (plus airfare, 5* star accommodation and more etc.) A great jolly. A grift. All whilst neglecting the national staff financially and the mission's fundamental objectives.

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Dec 4Edited

Yes, I hear you. But this institutional and corporate behaviour is so standard now, it would be more of a surprise if they did not behave this way.

It has been going on for 25 years or more. I have encountered a great deal of it myself. And the independent media is full of stories like this. Every day.

Yes, it is wrong. Which is why I have been discussing for years, at length, the creeping totalitarianism of the West.

I simply do not understand why anyone would be surprised at this. It is expected these days, and has been for some time. It is like saying you are shocked at Communism happening, while being in Communist China.

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Wait, it cannot be the real Yuri anyway?

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Dec 4Edited

Congratulations. Usually we see childish "Yuri Bezmenov" rushing in to get this top comment spot, with all the near-guaranteed upvotes that always go along with it.

You got 48 votes! Yuri is going to hate you...😁

Psychologist Solomon Asch would have loved my observations on human nature pertaining to getting the top Substack comment spot!

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Zero idea who Yuri is? And never my intent, but I guess if it resonates.

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I have known since the 80s who the real Yuri Bezmenov is.

But this shyster is a Substack host who just stole that name. I am surprised he is not sued by the Bezmenov estate.

I consider the Substack Yuri to be a scammer, in it for a lucrative Influencer business.

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Divide et Impera.

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This is great but it falls short in one detail. Firings. The document talks in detail about all the policies and enforcement mechanisms needed to get the Woke out of government. But employees at any level with a commitment to wokeness likely cannot be remediated. All employees with a history of promoting or executing woke policy need to be terminated. While there is a chance a small % of them might be reformable and their work could be remediated into non-woke activities that is a risk that should not be taken. All federal employees engaged in "woke work" should terminated en masse. I guarantee you no one out here in America will miss a single one of them.

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See the section on Schedule F, which would allow the administration to fire any policy-making officials in the bureaucracy.

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Yes, you are right. Maybe it's too much detail. But I'd love for you to expand into excruciating bureaucratic detail on how to operationalize Schedule F. Sometimes Trump can lose focus with the tweets and all and if you have his ear which I think you do, I think you could give him a detailed blueprint on how to quickly and correctly fire everyone that needs firing, like a lot a lot of people.

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Good idea for a future article.

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I might have missed it, but I do think insubordination to the President (not furthering his agenda) calls for termination. Either all the power of the Executive branch is vested in him, or it is not. And either you are a servant or not.

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I don't think that Chris has Trump's ear.

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He doesn’t need Trumps ear. Just a cabinet member or someone on JD’s staff. I’m sure Chris has the ears of a few people in DC

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Where do several commenters here get the idea that Chris Rufo must have clout in high places? Never saw it, myself.

Can you give me the details? WHY you consider him to have this clout, over and above all the other independent journalists/activist types out there?

Really...spell it out. This is not obvious to me.

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Hi A. I think that Chris has the recognition in the political community for said community to reach out to him. DUH ! My 7th grade teacher said the other day that he’s a great guy.

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I notice that whenever I ask such commenters to provide the details of this claim....I never hear from them again.

Quelle surprise.

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Don't forget that it was MAGA voters, and not D.C. insiders who convinced Trump to rid himself of the Florida sheriff.

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I'd be terribly surprised if Mr. Rufo does NOT have access. Trump is not ignorant of most of these facts, as evidenced by his attempt at the Schedule F remediation, at the very least. I'm certain Chris will not respond to your quite likely erroneous assumption, but it is my understanding that he does have access.

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Dec 5Edited

I am still waiting for your answer, Reg. About why you think Chris Rufo should have Trump's ear. You were terribly keen on that possibility, but you cannot tell me why?

Says it all, doesn't it? You don't really know. Just as I thought. It is just your groupie needs getting the better of you. You come to sites like this because you need someone to fawn to.

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I normally don't reply to people without the courage to even name themselves, but your ridiculous statement is indicative of your type of troll. You trolls love to ask for "proof" of a comment, while never providing proof of your own assertion. Return to mommy's basement.

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Dec 4Edited

I have never quite understood why Chris thinks he is top of the league in....I am not quite sure what category. He has done a bit of this and a bit of that. Just as many others out there have done. Substack is full of the new "Conservative activist" type, all blowing their horns.

And the world is full of "journalists". Most middle class educated people I know can write at the same level as Chris.

Chris does not have an educational background in totalitarianism. He is generalized there. So he is not expert from that angle. If you know even the basics of totalitarianism, you can figure out that there needs to be a non-violent counter-revolution. Nothing new about that. It is quite obvious. The question is...HOW? Exactly. Precisely. Not vagueries.

So although Chris seems a decent enough fellow, I really don't see the "having Trump's ear" part of the story.

Why? Why would he have Trumps' ear? No one can tell me why he is apparently astounding. I read his book and I read his Substack. Details? Fill me in?

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Curious, why are you on this particular forum? Your antagonism is very apparent towards Mr. Rufo. I believe this is his forum. I come here to be informed and to gather hope from a person who is active in many ways combatting the current system. I am grateful for all Christopher Rufo is doing, and hope that incoming President Trump does take note of what he is doing. Observing some of your comments, it seems that you are "blowing your own horn". To what avail is this helpful?

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Chris isn't an expert, but you are? And I've never heard of you before today. But maybe you have Trump's ear. So there's that.

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Sked F needs to have a broadly interpreted implementation. Basically, any one in a manager role and above should fall into the 'F' category.

Once reestablished, Sked F should be used with surgical precision, from day one, starting with those higher up the food chain and progressing downwards as other initiatives uncover the blight.

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I think quite a few who might not make the "policy" cut could be removed simply by shutting down all DEI departments in federal agencies, as well as with contracting groups who love to grift by spreading that Marxist filth.

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Agreed. As we are seeing unfold.

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Not to distract, but since you mention Nixon & Reagan, could also give your take on the successes, if any, of the now-forgotten Clinton-Gore program to reinvent and down-size Government? And maybe address the government union money laundering machine.

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Bingo… that was the one piece the original poster left out: something which we never should have in the first place: government unions. Ever since they have been in place our progress from a civil perspective has been completely destroyed. They foster an entitled, us versus them mentality where they resent the people who pay their bills and show nothing but resentment…

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Overturning JFK’s EO 10988, legalizing public sector unions, is a much-needed step. It would complement Sched F, and reach farther down into the swamp.

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As I understand it, reinstating Schedule F gives the president authority to carry out firings and workforce reductions

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I love the RIF (reduction in force) idea presented by Viveck . We, in the Military. have already been through it-(precedent). If your SSN ends w/ a 6, you're gone in 2 wks unless you can prove you're needed. The next # is 3. No lawsuits for "race based", "gender based", etc firings.

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But you are WOKE anyway. So why would it matter?

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Mass firings would definitely speed up and streamline the process. I hope the administration will figure out a way to fire employees while at least crippling woke activities if they can't be fired.

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If you're considering whether or not a federal employee meets criteria for firing but are just not sure the correct answer is ... FIRE!

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The WOKE are in a brain-lessened state. They have been mind-snapped. I have previously explained the science of it here.

Unless they awaken of their own accord, they will continue working out of this false state. Some do awaken (like cult followers who awaken), although many more do not.

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Daniel, I agree and offer my own comments by "Bill".

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Firing may not be possible in some cases. I propose the “Tucker Carlson treatment”. This is when you are not fired but your administrative privileges are revoked, you’re sent home and told not to discuss anything publicly or you will lose your job and your pension. Go fishing, golfing, whatever, but stay away from the office.

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I hope not. Whatever rules exist that would allow someone to just go fishing on the public dime need to be revoked. You're FIRED and you're not getting paid.

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What is your definition of "executing woke policy"? What percent of federal employees do you envision this would cover? Just curious.

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This is more complex and nuanced than some commenters think. Catherine commenting on this above is a student who has presumably never been in the fulltime workforce, for instance.

And it may be difficult to point fingers with certainty. What about employees who were following the dictates of managers, in order to keep their jobs? Who, exactly, will be deemed the responsible parties?

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Eye opening read. I had no idea the level of entrenchment of the left ideology. It’s going to be a huge undertaking. Godspeed!

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For the past 500 years, this phenomenon has been documented in a vast number of books and papers.

And the post-war totalitarianism of the West began with the JFK assassination of 1963.

The entrenchment has been out there a long time. I was out there discussing it even as a girl. I don't know why so many have missed this.

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Vance could, should, and would be the perfect "czar" to personally oversee every aspect of the implementation of the above policies, and it would shine a brighter light on most aspects of how far the federal bureaucracies have fallen and turned against "we the people" (as well as set an opportune stage for Vance/* 2028).

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Yes, I know from personal experience that JD understands these issues and wants to make progress on them.

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We should keep an eye on his relationship with Peter Thiel, who shows all evidence of being a WEF-type transhumanist.

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Dec 4
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A. A. has a flying monkey! That's cute!

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It is a shame to see Mary Rose's childish, obnoxious posts on Rufo's substack.

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I agree, so stop posting them.

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BRAVO, Christopher F. Rufo! I hope that President Trump and his team use your blueprint to entirely eliminate racist woke DEI ideology from the federal government, and return our constitutional republic to sanity, common sense, and meritocracy. Defunding DEI programs will automatically eliminate the woke hires who foment them. It is a very good start!

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Thanks for your support!

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Linda, you have to get over your habit of projecting onto Chris Rufo.

As many of us do, he writes some interesting material from time to time. But Chris is not a god. And the idea of defunding DEI is pretty obvious. It is where anyone would start.

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It might be obvious now, but it wasn’t obvious when I first proposed it with Gov DeSantis two years ago. The reason it’s “obvious” is because we’ve been making the case since 2022.

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Arguing with "A" (now with an extra "A"!) is useless. She knows all, has infinite wisdom, and melts down and leaves eventually anyway, when people fail to recognize her brilliance in a manner she expects. Watched her do this on other substacks.

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me too. I ignore it.

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Well there is Mary Rose who claims she is uber-Christian, and you claiming you are such a fine person....and yet look at the way the two of you behave. Like you're from the gutter.

You know, all totalitarians dehumanize their prey, just as you are doing to me. Calling them names and referring to them as "it". The Nazis loved doing this to the Jews.

Do you feel any shame or remorse? Either of you? Probably not. The WOKE are cut-off from their empathy centres of the brain. Which is what makes them seem non-human.

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You are like a chancre sore, Mary Rose. I know you have an empty life. And chronic relationship problems. You used to moan here about it.

So your answer is to goad and insult others? Maybe you are boozed-up when you troll the Substack sites. There is something badly wrong with an adult woman who does what you do.

And then claims that she reads C.S. Lewis. Too funny!

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Dec 4Edited

Your issue is that you simply do not have any wisdom, Mary Rose dear. Quite vacant.

And you vastly resent those who do.

Unless they are Substack hosts whom you can fawn over in your chosen personality cults with all the other fawners out there. Like rockstar groupies whose only life involves their objects of projection. Rather sad.

I can spot them at ten paces. They're all the same.


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No, based on totalitarian principles and patterns, that these things would indeed play out this way was obvious to me long ago. You do not seem to understand the theory behind any of this, Chris. You wish to be an action man, which is fine, but you seldom or never grasp the theoretical foundations it is all built upon.

And 2022 was only two years ago. Totalitarianism has been creeping ever more steadily into the West since the early 1960s.

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Dec 4Edited

Chris, I find fault when you begin stating that you and you alone knew these concepts. Lot of hubris there. Have a slice of humble pie, my friend. Because you are not even aware of how wide a category totalitarianism is, and that DEI is just a classic totalist power-pattern dressed up in a new frock.

If people out there are so easily duped as a host on a Substack can manage....there is not much hope for us. The first step is to awaken from their blooming gullibility. But they leave MSM and then swallow any old thing because it appears on a Substack.

Totalitarianism has been going on in the world since the dawn of mankind. And you think that it was first noticed by you, in 2022?

Western universities have had programs in totalitarianism since at least post-WWII. By your own admission, Chris, you have not even read the classic literature in the field.

So you think you were the first to know any of this....in 2022? I am going to have to giggle there. Did you actually check out this belief of yours? Because I had been involved in these ideas for many a long year by then. Mattias Desmet had been teaching the field, in Belgium, for over 15 years by that time. And he had predecessors before him.

Hm-m-m, what was it I formally studied all those years ago then? Long before you came along.

Chris...what am I going to do with you?

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Where do I say that "I and I alone knew these concepts"? Many people know them. I cite them in my book.

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Mr. Rufo, by giving any credence to what A spews so foolishly, I believe we are making a mistake. I thought perhaps he actually possessed some rationality him or herself, but obviously I was mistaken. Ignoring the poor creature might be more effective. Let him or her preen in front of the mirror alone. He/she is incapable of understanding how boring it has become.

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Reginald, it is you that we ignore. You obviously want to get a rise out of several of us. Troll much?

And you are one of those who has no knowledge of this field, so whatever you say is meaningless in this regard. Like asking a 5 yr. old girl to design a major bridge as her "engineering" project.

Are you another groupie?

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While I think of it -- this Substack phenomenon might operate in different ways according to who your readers are, and how much knowledge they have on the subject. How widely read they are.

If you have high school graduates here (or less) alongside PhDs who were educated prior to the 90s, when universities were still authentic and solid requirements really had to be met, you are going to have a mess.

Those who stopped early in getting educated might think that whatever any popular Substack host tells them MUST be the cat's meow. Popularity on any media site is all that counts for them. And that anyone out here who refutes it deserves to be attacked (much the way the WOKE operate).

They have no idea how the material and opinions they find written by a Substack host might compare to others in that field, because these Substack readers do not even realize that a field exists.

Many of them here believe that you, Chris Rufo, are the avenging angel and genius of the totalitarian fight. That you suddenly discovered totalitarianism a few years ago. First in the entire world! And that because you got your name in the MSM a few times, you must be a famous celebrity and hero who is going to save the West. Better than Churchill. And you do not dissuade them of these fantasies.

I just sit back and roll my eyes. Is this for real?

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No, you don't really cite them in your book (I am probably one the few on Substack who has even read it....despite all of your groupies 😍).

You discuss the history of Neo-Marxism in the US as far as some Neo-Marxist issues go. I always thought that a full history required at least another volume or two. You don't even really touch the gender ideologies, for instance, or the inter-locking Psy Ops, or some of the other major figures. And I would have begun a history at the JFK assassination, and how that fit.

I considered your book a basic introduction to that period in the US. In terms of some of the players and some of the events.

Totalitarianism is not just players and events, however. More than anything, it is the Psychology and Evolution behind the phenomenon. And that is my expert field, Chris. Few can touch me on that.

I have shared generously with you here, over time, but you maintain the attitude that you are going to pat me patronizingly on the head....since YOU are the big Substacker, and I am a mere commenter. That delusion alone deserves its own book. Someone signs up for a Substack, and they are transformed to godhood! The delusion of the modern age. I'm sorry, Chris, but it makes me laugh. Another one for the Psychology papers.

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Here it comes....

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Dec 4Edited

Chris, decades ago I saw and spoke up about much of what goes on in the WOKE world. I am a long-time canary in the coalmine over this way of thinking, I was also formally educated in the cross-disciplinary specifics of totalitarianism. I think your own education was more general, no?

Really, it began above the surface in the US back in 1963, at the point of the JFK assassination. Although some say it never really died in the European West after the Third Reich.

And you think that no one else saw the creeping totalitarianism or said/did anything about it until post-COVID Mania?

C'mon, Chris..... you could not have looked too hard prior to 2022.

There were writers like Roger Scruton, Mark Steyn, Marshall McLuhan, Theodore Dalrymple, Thomas Sowell, Melanie Phillips writing about all of this by at least the 90s. Often well before. And I haven't even mentioned Joost Meerloo, Andrew Lobaczewski, Hannah Arendt, and Eric Hoffer! They published about this topic in the 1940s and 50s.

Presumably you have met Theodore Dalrymple (Anthony Daniels) through the Manhattan Institute. You believe that all of us were unaware or stupid about totalitarianism until you and 2022? Talk about memory-holing reality! What do you think the Third Reich was, but a population-wide totalitarian regime? Though none of us alive today knew this?

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Is this really necessary for this conversation? Is the game here "King of the Hill"? How about welcoming another literate warrior to the battle?

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That is a very unthoughtful comment of yours, Fred. You scraped it off the surface, I take it.

Those you call 'literate warriors" are not the same. Some of us have actual graduate educations and long experience in the appropriate fields. And some just decide to try out the "activist" game to see how much fame and money they can make on it.

In other words, some have real substance. and others just want to be "Influencers". You need to learn the difference, or you are simply helping to make things worse.

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Yes, Fred, it is necessary. When we are talking about freedom-fighters, if you have a few who are in there scamming you, it makes everyone look sideways at all the others. So yes - this conversation is important. Do you wish to hide truth? Isn't that the whole problem we are up against? Why add to it?

Besides which....where else is a critiquing area available for reviewing the Substack process itself? I mean, if you claim that independent media is going to take over MSM and tell society the truth....we better shine a light on this Substack process. All the Substack platform offers is individual host sites So you either bring up the conversation on an individual site, or not at all.

It is more like the WOKE who to want to squeeze out insightful and truthful commentary. So why would you be wishing to squeeze it out here? Are you WOKE yourself?

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I’ll say one thing A. It doesn’t take any education or degrees to recognize an asshole when they see one. And you certainly fit that bill.

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All for truth. Why are you being dismissive of Chris's work?? He's getting a lot of traction..Don't see anywhere he's posted anything not true.

This is a long battle, we need all the warriors we can get.

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She's cray cray. Watch for the eventual meltdown and "I'm leaving you heathens!" announcement.

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Dec 4Edited

WOW. You're still hanging around any Substack site that will have you...are you Mary Rose? You never add anything intelligent. Just your moaning. Or your mocking. Or your pretense that you actually read good books...😂


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That's basically baloney. There may have been a few voices -like Scruton - crying in the wilderness, but up until very recently, few had the courage to publicly denounce wokeness, DEI, ... in the face of the rabid left. Rufo was one of the few, and cheers to him!

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No, you are badly wrong there, Alexander. There have been MANY voices calling attention to this.

It seems as if you simply failed to notice. So it is actually that you yourself had a deficit, not that no one else had realized all of this and was calling it out. Because they were indeed.

Where were you?

Get cracking and educate yourself before you make these silly comments.

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Spamming isn't healthy.

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Contrarian, much?

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It is called "well-informed debate", Frans. For important issues that will decide which way Western civilization turns.

If we are unable to engage in this kind of skilled debate, we are no better than the WOKE.

Is that what you want? If so, count me out. Frankly, I rarely see you contributing much. But you are quick to come to the wrong conclusions and lapse into insults against me. When I contribute heavily.

I am not impressed.

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Nobody likes you.


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Chris is a longtime fighter of this poisonous ideology, continually risking his reputation and career to battle it, which is more than 90% of us do. No, he’s not a god, but he is a kickass public servant who can clearly see what is wrong and how to fix it. It’s ridiculous to belittle Linda for seeing and recognizing this. Chris cannot be commended enough for his good work.

I’m guessing you feel this way because you do not fully understand how much our concept of liberty has been co-opted by small, petty, destructive ideologies. I would suggest starting with a basic history of the American Revolution- minus the racialist aspect, you will find that King George wanted to restrict speech, confiscate guns, do away with fair trials by trying colonials in Nova Scotia, tax them without legal representation in Parliament, make colonials use approved government paper for legal documents, board British army soldiers in their houses…all basically tyranny. Everything Chris talks about is a different but equally bad form of authoritarianism and tyranny, and tyranny is worth resisting with everything we have.

To fight this tyranny, colonials stole a continent from the most powerful government on earth, the largest economy, and the most intimidating army and navy on earth with a few borrowed ships from

France and a militia. They literally made up a government and convinced 13 ragtag colonies to join. They fought a war that lasted 13 years from start to finish, in a country with almost zero infrastructure, no bridges, and that was wholly centered on what they were fighting against. Without realizing the American Revolution was as far from Jamestown in time as WWII was from the Revolutionary War, we tend to think of it as a starting blow, not the result of 150 years of tyranny from England.

The bureaucracy needs to be brought to heel. Chris is a hero of the revolution.

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A is a disrupter. It does it to many Stacks. Ignore.

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Dec 4Edited

Right....if you say so, Jen.

You're entitled to your opinion, even if I think you are far short on actual facts and understanding.

I have formal expertise in the cross-disciplinary fields which cover totalitarianism. How many times must I state that on here, before it sinks in? I am better educated than Chris, if you wish to look at that. He has a general background up to a Master's degree level, I believe. No specific education in the field. Little reading of the literature.

Where do you get these ideas of yours about who or what I must be? Or how Chris compares in the field? In your imagination? You don't even read most of my comments, obviously. I have written hundreds on this Substack by now.

Over 25 years ago, Mark Steyn was the main player in anti-WOKE activism. And writing. He set the pace for accomplishments. Hard to match Mark. Though I doubt you even know of his work. And there were many others. Why do you fixate on and fantasize Chris Rufo? The work of James Lindsay is excellent, for example.

You are another who simply wants any supposed authority to project your self onto. And then you fawn. Amazing how all the world's heroes suddenly show up on Substack...isn't it? Ahem.

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Go away and be weird somewhere else.

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Please take your meds.

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You make such wide assumptions, A. Perhaps you should consider the mirror into which you seem to be peering.

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That was a silly comment, Reg. Very silly. You are just tossing off nonsense now.

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Au contraire. It is other people here bring broad and vague. I am very specific. Because this is MY field. And I am good at it.

Give me details. Why would you say this? What assumptions? I work on facts. And given your own bio, I think I know these concepts far better than you.

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De-WOKE-ification is much the same as De-Nazification was, at the end of WWII. A cleansing of totalitarianism. A nullifying of Pathocracy. Taking the power away from the Psychopaths in the un-elected power networks.

One might argue whether or not De-Nazification was successful, or whether it simply went underground.

I hope to cover this concept in my next book.

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Thank you Mr Rufo, its like beautiful choir music drowning out the screeching whines from the leftist vermin infesting our halls of power.

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We appreciate your support!

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support hell,, I LIKE you guys, keep up the good work.

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Well put

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Christopher Rufo is my personal hero. From his first words, I knew he was an extraordinary thinker and communicator. I am a Baby Boomer who knew in 1969 that my freshman Sociology Professor was striving to get me to hate my country. She failed, and thus, a conservative was born. Rufo’s vision gives me hope. Listen and learn.

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That's good, Carol. But Chris Rufo is just one of tens of thousands out there who have seen this and speak up about it. In fact, some of us have spoken up about this all of our lives. Far before Chris arrived on the scene just several years ago.

I find this a weakness of the Substack system -- that too many readers fall to fawning, in cults of personality over some Substack host. Simply because the regular writing is presented to them on their screen. No different than falling to MSM "authorities" -- many of whom are just newscript readers.

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Why can't you just build your OWN reputation instead of going around insulting and belittling the people who painstakingly built theirs? You sound like a condescending Bitter Betty. I'm guessing your attitude is why YOU have failed at any attempt to build an audience.

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Mary Rose, you seem to miss that your own modus operandi is insulting and belittling other people. That is all you have been doing here to me since you arrived on the scene.

Aren't you the woman who boasted how uber-Christian she had become, and the woman who always moaned (just like Celia Farber) about everyone else?

How are you any different from the WOKE? How is your behaviour towards me even vaguely Christian, as you claim?

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Dec 4Edited

Says it all there, Jen. Showing your true colours with that disrespect of yours. Anyone who refutes you is just a bore. Right?

What a wonderful example of a respecter of freedom and liberty and humanity you are😁.

Tell me. How is this response of yours any different from how the WOKE behave? You are a carbon copy of them. Just more of the same ugliness.

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Well....I have read many of the extraordinary thinkers of humankind. I would say that Chris does fine at a certain level, more often than not. But so do most middle-class educated people I know.

Although he is not up in the Pantheon of the Gods in terms of being an extraordinary thinker, in my opinion. Let's keep it real here.

Are you widely read?

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Thank you for supporting our efforts!

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I’ve served 25 years in the military and have served nearly 20 in civil service in one of the DoD components. The DEI ideology is the antithesis to a merit based system that’s built on competence and hard work regardless of ethnicity. Over the last 4 years DEI and the degradation of military standards has been on steroidal overdrive. I’ve been questioned on why and who I’ve hired, had to take “unconscious biased training” as part of the hiring process,hiring panels have to be of a certain make-up, there’s instructions on DEI. If the next administration wants to eradicate this racist ideology they have to start with swift decisive actions and consistently root out those who defy his direction. Those that oppose racist DEI principles must push back, stand up for equality but also know they will be supported in their efforts.

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"The DEI ideology is the antithesis to a merit based system."


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This is the deep state shock treatment that is necessary, especially in concert with Schedule F.. The infection must be cut out first, then treated with antibiotics… Wokeism and all its tenets, must be removed from the government and the deep state made shallow by meritocracy and mass dismissals.

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Ok, no argument. But it is stating the obvious.

This has long been known.

We need the details of the strategy now, and we need to assess ways in which the strategy may or may not actually work. We must foresee potential weaknesses. How? By knowing the underlying principles.

I am reading too many generalities here.

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Unfortunately, he's going to have to fight the RINOs in Congress too, along with all stripes of leftists infecting the federal bureaucracy, every step of the way to get anything done at all.

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That's where, "we the people" should come in. Two yrs rinos up for re'election. We must be aware of those that need to go.... I'm gunna do my part.

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This plan is both well-thought out, and inspiring, but will one possible unexpected issue crop up: where are the numbers of non-ideological personnel going to come from, if large number of existing office holders are fired or quit? They will come from today's campuses, where ideological capture has been the norm for generations.

That's why recapture of the university system will be key. A "shock and awe" reduction in Federal support for CRT, anti-"whiteness," queer studies and the like must hit the ground running. But a larger problem will be legitimate areas of study such as sociology and anthropology with mixtures of objective and ideological-driven.

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Yes, well said

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Dec 4Edited

Hah! I have said that for many years. The De-WOKE-ifyers seem to think they just fire the rotten batch, and hire new uninfected employees.

This used to be said quite regularly about schools and teachers, as if there is a waiting cohort of well-trained and educated non-WOKEs just waiting to be the new teaching brigade! Or people assume that if you turn to private schools, all will be non-WOKE (often the private schools are even more WOKE than public).

Where do these uninfected sorts come from....in a society and a young generation immersed in WOKE? Their own educations have been abysmal, for one thing. Which is something I notice on the Substacks of many Millennials. Even those who claim they attended "elite" universities. They seem to have lower educational levels than the pre-WWII generation received in standard high schools. And of course most of them have been culturally indoctrinated into the totalitarian concepts.

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Cheer up! There are indications that the generation now approaching college age--the 13 to18-year-olds--is becoming contemptuous of woke practices and ideology. There is a growing cohort of rebellious teenagers graduating high schools in which they have been browbeaten and harassed by their leftist teachers. They'll be motivated to resist ideological capture in college because they've been harangued about it for 13 years at school and (in many cases) at home. Even young women, those most susceptible to being conned by the fake compassion of contemporary leftist ideology and its absurd "wokeness," will eventually come around after witnessing their elders go insane. Young men will invite them into a conservative counterculture that values patriotism, masculinity, femininity, and fair play. How much of the wider culture moves away from woke influence remains to be seen, but there are some hopeful signs, too many to discuss in this forum. The Bud Light phenomenon is one major indicator of where the $ is to be found in the near future. Anyway, cultural change is slow (though seems to be accelerating) but it is happening.

From my 63-year-old perspective, It's interesting to see what was once counterculture mutate into the dominant culture, and we are set for a generational pendulum-swing to the right now that the bizarre excesses of the left are becoming recognized by the general population.


There's a growing realization that college is not the royal road to success. That's a topic for another thread.

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I know that college is not for everyone, Bull. What is left of it, in 2024. Unless universities do a major rehaul, there is little real education going on in those halls any longer. Besides which, the students are all too busy being activist thugs to study.

Though I find that kind of comment usually comes from those who have not invested what I did in higher education....sour grapes is the way it comes across.

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I would jump at the chance to work in a non-woke governmental job. I run an intranet for a huge global company right now, and even though based in a red state, they have embraced a lot of the DEI/Culture & Inclusion bullshit. I am experienced, talented, and wear a lot of hats. I would love to replace THEIR brand of Learning & Development with actual pedogogy that assists learners/workers rather than confuses them, among running any aparatus they need.

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¡Reclaim the Republic!

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Srsly! Use Republic instead of Democracy in all instances.

We must join the word game already in play.

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The Trump admin spent all of 2017 getting rid of 10s of thousands of regulations and should do so again with the focus listed here.

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Excellent stuff. Really lays out the historical precedent, the reason for change now, and how to get started. I get the sense that if carried out as proposed, it could end up a bit like X after Elon cleaned house. 80% of the personnel, that added little and were malingerers, went bye-bye and then you're left with people who actually want to do the real work. Of course, federal civil service employee will cling to their positions with more fervor (and less alternatives) but in the end I can't see them sticking around for this.

Next we need to think through how to attack these issues at the state level, and not just friendly states like Florida. How can we use other means to start pushing back in places like WA and CA? An important question for another day...

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Bureaucratic mumbo-jumbo and deep-seated mindsets are elusive targets. I fear they will just hide and evade until the regime changes and they can re-emerge from the shadows, stronger and more resilient than ever.

I don’t think we will be victorious until we successfully reframe the problem for what it is. In this case wokism is a hobbled up combination of leftist tribalism and reverse racism.

The first step is to stop fighting on the left’s terms using the watered down Orwellian acronyms that they use. We aren’t fighting diversity or inclusion, we are fighting reverse racism and judging people based upon their group rather than individually. I think Trump needs to draw a line in the sand and declare that he is demanding that every neo-racist voluntarily quits day one and that we will have zero tolerance for neo-racist scum. Those that refuse to quit should be prosecuted civilly for racist violations which specifically includes reverse racism and judging people based on their group.

We need a clear position that neo-racism is wrong, and that anybody participating in this immoral activity will be fired and prosecuted.

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I agree. See above (or below, depending) suggestion about replacing things department by department.

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