Oct 2Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

This only became possible because the media and public education, captured by the Left, spent the last 40 years teaching people to hate themselves and their country.

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Bingo! Someone else gets it! This was very well planned. Like a domestic abuser who first softens-up the target by slowly breaking their self-confidence. Much easier to take them down that way, in the end.

One practical move that would begin to undo this would be for every American to celebrate the country and its traditions. Be loud and be proud!

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Yes. The Italian Communist tactician Gramsci described the plan in 1929, and the American Left implemented it beginning in the 1960s: "In the new order, Socialism will triumph by first capturing the culture via infiltration of schools, universities, churches and the media ..." Of course Walter Duranty was way ahead of his time.

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If I may add, "be loud and be proud", loud in supporting/defending America in public and when called on. proud, not of a rainbow flag or BLM flag but of our American flag that is the one flag we need to elevate above all others, at all times. I have never been in a situation to witness someone burning our flag. IF it comes up, I will be right there to stop it. Someone "has a right to free speech", I dont think they have a right to burn our flag, and not get their ass kicked..

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women, like democrats, place more value on words than deeds. This is why a women will stay with the guy that beats the shit out of her once a month, yet says pretty "joyful" things. Its also why women read porn, and men watch it.

The democrats keep voting for more cesspool, death and perversion. But the democrat tyrants say joy and sing happy.

SO hard to tell if they like it, or just have not suffered, yet, for their insane votes.

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A, I am always looking for ways to "Be loud and be proud!". Please share how you express yourself and what you are learning. Thanks!

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Oct 2·edited Oct 2

Oh...that would take a full book, Jack. Though it may be coming, someday.

I am Canadian, actually. However, I admire the authentic America and what it once was. Used to be a sense of community spirit and pulling together there. The Can-Do approach.

If it were up to me, I would be celebrating being male or being female...in all their traditional modes. Most of us have shown our due respect to the non-heterosexual groups, but it does not mean we are to cringe forever at what we ourselves are. Respecting the minority groups does not require denigration of the majority.

Be proud of your Judeo-Christian heritage and values, if that is where you came from. Certainly our Western culture came from that. In so many ways. Perhaps even begin to darken the door of your chosen church or synagogue. Keep that God-hole in your brain/soul filled...because it protects you and your culture in more ways than you can imagine.

The American Thanksgiving and then Christmas are coming up. Pull your family gatherings together. Maybe even ask people to dress up. String those lights, sing those carols, and arrange the school nativity plays again. The light arriving in the darkness is a very important archetypal myth for humanity. Make certain that children are imbued with that. Similar idea in Hanukkah.

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Thank you for taking time to reply, A, Keep Canada Strong!

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the rabid leftist vermin hate themselves, and hate you for also not hating yourselves.

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anti white discrimination has to end. period.

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It says a lot about us as a majority white country that we've quietly put up with this for years. I'd say it proves how open minded the majority is. We decided to think about it. Sure, the more intelligent and common-sensed among us concluded it's the most insane clownworld bullshit ever, but we all gave it a chance. I'd say that period is over, and now it's time to fight back.

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I remember this beginning in the early 70’s as Affirmative Action for entrance to college, and employment also. Most people my age (college) had no qualms. We got it). Let’s even the playing field. Should take 10 years or so. In the early 80’s, the Bakke case became headlines. A white man with higher intelligence scores, SAT, etc, was not accepted despite his superior qualifications, while others were accepted with lesser qualifications, but different skin tone. The verdict was that the school had judged correctly that affirmative action trumped ability and merit. That was the turning point in many people’s thinking. Unfairness is so easy to see. We learn it from childhood and get very good at detecting it. I doubt that most people have negative thoughts about continuing this racism under a new name every few decades after 80 years of being played and watching their progeny be played as well.

(I will add that I found ways to work around this by moving into professions that I detected this problem was not a feature. Luck.)

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The problem is that this is a fight between mostly white people. White people in power are pushing this complete crap on the whole nation. There are way too many liberal men willing to put up with it.

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And way too liberal white women as well, especially the lobotomized white gen-Z’s on our college campuses.

This truly is a white V. white fight at its core.

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Do you mean whites coming with each other for positions, or whites in management roles enforcing the company policy, closing the door on pale skinned applicants?

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They are fighting to be the saviors, the "good" guys and gals, helping the minorities, while hiring the people around them and guaranteeing themselves a job. They just want to be able to look virtuous. Unfortunately, I know both sides. My mom's family is not what I would consider elite. My dad's family is. I hear what is said behind closed doors. The virtue signalers are the bad guys. They don't mean any of it.

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Yes--a lot of emasculated men around these days

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Too many.

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Oct 2Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

Dear CHris,

The emphasis on equity rather than equality is ruining Cornell University. I am looking forward to your reports. Perhaps they will come out in time salvage what is left.



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This could be said about so many universities.

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This is so true--some like Chris can work to chance the many universsities--but I will take the opportunity to change one. Too many of my colleagues who see the problem opt to do nothing because the problem exists at so many universities.

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Can't blame them. "Doing something" = pissing off the admin with nothing to show.

Also have no clue how to build media contacts. We need friendly media to visit universities-- scholarships for undergrad journalism majors to expose their universities would be a good start.

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"...in favor of a pseudo-Marxist ideology that condemns the United States as a fundamentally racist country"

In Canada, the current government plays this by substituting "native peoples" as the supposedly discriminated-against group. You have to have someone to play that role in this game, or it will not work for the power-mongers.

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We've got the Native Americans targeted as a discriminated group as well. They are used for just about every virtue signal political use imaginable, including the trans agenda. And all the while, they are still relegated to reservations. It's mind-boggling.

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Yes...isn't it? They would be far better off unchaining themselves from the victimhood role in which they have been cast. Does them no good.

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Yep. Same with the black population, although there are millions of black people who are not in that victimhood mindset. The racebaiters/race grifters do not convince them all.

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That's very true, but there is a middle ground as well. Victimhood is not the absence of speaking against discrimination. It helps when we all do it whether in group or out group.

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Reserves are a gilded cage. If the status natives leave, they lose their tax benefits. Takes a very strong willed person to break free.

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Not much gilding left in such places.

So they retain their tax benefits, but live less-than-desirable lives otherwise.

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Cheap smokes, booze and gas. Sometimes it doesn't take much. As I said, it takes a strong will to tear oneself away from the visible benefits, especially if one is not very employable.

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Oct 3·edited Oct 3

Cheap smokes, booze and gas....for all those noble ancestral pursuits. With low education and low skills training. The fantasies of the indigenous lifestyle never match.

And yet....the "settlers" are always to blame when it goes predictably wrong...didn't you know?

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A. A. In general principle, I agree with you about the "natives". But they really did get screwed over both in the US & CDN. It seems to me that their "victimhood" (I hate the term but could think of a better one) is more rational than that of the African descendents.

Last year, we visited the Chickasaw / Choctaw nations area in SE OK. The Chickasaw have a have a fabulous cultural center in Ardmore OK. I was very impressed at how they presented the history of their interactions with Europeans. They acknowledged "sins" / errors that were committed by both groups.

What was especially amazing & gratifying to see is that while acknowledging past transgressions, they have "buried the hatchet" on the past" and are living in general harmony with their fellow Americans. Truly a novel and noble approach. There may be other tribes with similar approaches that I am unaware of. May their tribe increase. I hope and pray that other "oppressed: groups can come to a similar end of the hostilities.

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Oct 3·edited Oct 3Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

Daniel, I am on the Canadian side, where the reality is very different. Have you heard of the Residential Schools narrative that was cooked-up by the WOKE? Used as an excuse to burn or vandalize 112 Christian churches in Canada so far? And we never stop paying so-called reparations. While drug abuse, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and family violence just keep multiplying on the reserves. Though it is never their fault, apparently.

Our Governor General is indigenous from an Arctic community. Is she into stewardship of the earth, therefore? No way....she spends on a luxury urban lifestyle as if the money will never dry up. Many indigenous use gas-powered chainsaws to clear their lands. So they can build casinos. And have private pilots fly in groceries that are 90% junk food. Eat the ancestral way? Are you kidding?

Glad if the American tribes are doing better. What you understand about some indigenous history rarely applies north of the 49th.

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A. I'm not sure how many other US tribes have adopted the attitude of reconciliation of the Chickasaw, hopefully many.

I know just a smidgen about the residential schools in CDN but my impression is that they were quite similar in both countries.

Are you saying that CDN residential schools narrative is hoax "cooked-up by the Woke". I'd love to hear more about that! I don't think the history of these schools requires much cooking.

If 112 churches were burned or seriously vandalized (vs graffiti and other minor damage), that is certainly is a loss & a sign that the hatchet hasn't been buried in those locales. That said, since many residential schools were run by churches & by badly misguided "Christians" I can understand their anger. That said, I do not justify burning down churches. May God have mercy and bring reconciliation!

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Oct 4·edited Oct 6

I think it's time to learn the facts here, Daniel. Actually, if you go back a few years before Troodo's reign there were 400 church burnings/vandalizings in all.


by Brian Giesbrecht (retired Manitoba judge)

"Blacklocks reports that since 2010, when the Truth and Reconciliation (TRC) commissioners began making the claim in interviews and in interim reports that thousands of indigenous children had died at residential schools under suspicious circumstances, more than 400 Christian churches have burned in Canada.

Those allegations were false, and based on a conspiracy theory.

But, the church burnings increased significantly after the May 27, 2021 Kamloops announcement ramped up that claim to an actual accusation by the Tk’emlups Indian band that 215 children had died under sinister circumstances, and were buried by priests in secrecy on the school grounds — “with the forced help of children, as young as six”.

Where did that Tk’emlups story come from? Most importantly, why would anyone believe such obvious nonsense?

The conspiracy theory that launched the entire missing children claim was largely created out of whole cloth by a defrocked United Church minister, named Kevin Annett."


This insanity has been very similar to the Satanic Panic of the 80s/90s in the US. Same phenomenon. Or the Thomas Quick affair in Sweden. These situations all fit a behavioural pattern.

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This is somewhat like the damage and burnings of Jewish properties in 1930s Germany, on the basis of delusional fantasies (mind-viruses) that were purposely spread.

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Oct 4·edited Oct 4

Daniel, with all due respect, I don't think you understand the situation in Canada. Quite different from the US. Including the residential schools issues. whose history was reality-managed so as to fit a WOKE/Marxist narrative. You didn't know that? You should read some accurate literature on this.

I do not agree that those Christians who ran the various schools were all badly misguided . Where do you get that idea? Compared to who?

You seem to be operating on various fashionable myths here. Instead of the actual facts.

Bring reconciliation? It is not some kind of war. What they need is a sense of self-agency. To wean themselves from the welfare system. Not so different in that way from communities in American ghettoes.

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That should be our goal. Bury the hatchet. 🪓 Admittedly the centuries old sins of the ancestors, but also acknowledging that they are all dead, with very few descendants identifiable.

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I used to teach writing, literature, research, and public speaking at a blue-state state school, until I was forced out by the mandates. I now work in a trade. For a while, I considered returning to college-level teaching now that many schools relaxed their mandates, however, I'd say that 95% of the job postings for positions I am qualified for all have some version of the same requirements.

Some examples:

"We are particularly interested in receiving applications from candidates from underrepresented groups and from candidates who have interest and/or experience in working with diverse student and community populations."


"Evidence of one’s demonstrated commitment to social justice education, inclusion, diversity, and/or intercultural training."

(source https://jobs.chronicle.com/job/37723965/assistant-professor-of-writing-creative-writing-/)


"Ithaca College is committed to building a diverse academic community and encourages members of underrepresented groups to apply. Experience that contributes to the diversity of the college is appreciated."

(source https://jobs.chronicle.com/job/37640003/lecturer-writing/)


"#1) A letter of application, which includes a paragraph detailing your experience with and commitment to justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion in the areas of higher education applicable to this position (as one complete pdf document)."

(source https://jobs.uri.edu/postings/13947)

These directives have never stopped me from applying, however, as in the case of certain literary magazines that offer "marginalized identities" a break on reading fees, I suspect that as a white person, with no book published yet and if-not-stellar-at-least-above-average qualifications, regardless of how multi-cultural my syllabi have been, my application is automatically placed below those applications from persons who prominently announce and trade on their identities. And this is not to say I have not tried to use my "working class background" to cram myself into a "marginalized" slot and thereby gain some advantage in the oppression olympics.

However, I grew tired of this (and it was all to no avail). I decided I would only apply to schools that had made a decision to cut the jargon. Six months ago, there were very few. I had not looked at any postings until this morning (it is true, I gave up), to write this comment, and I was actually encouraged to see quite a few more than expected, in which the qualifications for a writing and literature instruction job are not heavily (or even at all) focused on whether I have an underrepresented experience to bring to the community. So maybe something is shifting.

(EDIT: I want to clarify that I do think my unsuccess has as much to do with not having a published book* as it does with my lack of proudly trumpeted identity. But I do find the DEI/underrepresented/marginalized/etc language off-putting (as perhaps it is meant to be).

* (although, could that too, be attributed to not being the candidate of ideal identity? I can't go there; I like to think my fiction stands on its own, though perhaps it does not.)

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All the Marxism is right out in the open. It's really something, isn't it? How about teaching at a college like Hillsdale in Michigan? They might have openings.

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Yes it is, and thanks for the suggestion.

"A college like Hillsdale" appeals, no doubt.

Michigan? Not so much.... 🤣

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It's mostly (I believe) an online school. I take a lot of free courses from there. Fantastic stuff. One on Classical Music, one on C.S. Lewis and Christianity, and now there is one on Marxism. Taking that for sure! Also one on Jane Austen's "Northanger Abbey" - they tout a rich liberal arts program that isn't tainted with commie indoctrination.

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Ah yes, I remember that now. Loved Northanger Abbey, my first Jane Austen that I read as a goth teen, hungry for anything goth, even goth parody!

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Yep, FBI agent Bill Priestep is the pride of Hillsdale. You may know him as the agent that initiated the Crossfire Hurricane investigation into Trump.

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Maybe he’ll learn something there.

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You don't say? Oh well. As long as they don't indoctrinate and have great free courses, I'm still going to take them. I haven't seen Bill's signature on anything.

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What do AG Paxton, Bill Clinton, and Trump have in common?? They all had the audacity to run against and beat a Bush…and so they were impeached!!

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It really is amazing how we're living through such a total and comprehensive ideological takeover of the West—I bet you'd get these same exact statements in England, Scotland, Canada or Australia—and how it's bad etiquette to even mention it, how noticing paints you as some species of bigot.

It feels like Civil Rights morality—equal opportunity, not being a bigot, helping the unfortunate outcast etc—was slowly heated up like the proverbial frog in boiling water until it became the first moral commandment of every action, and combined with our gradual secularization DEI has more or less supplanted the Ten Commandments and the Constitution.

No people can live in a moral vacuum and our brief post-Cold War tolerant multi-faith republic has been conquered by a much stronger morality. Yet oddly enough "the last shall be first" and the Parable of the Good Samaritan do have a familiar ring.

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I have been drenched in antiracism since I was in elementary school. Since Brown v. Board. It seems like it never will stop. I am tired of being lectured in a new way every 20 years or so. Preaching to the choir, people.

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Can't argue with this at all. Well said.

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Beautiful comment, thank-you.

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Have you tried University of Austin? They are a new classical university. They are teaching what a university is supposed to teach students not what the government wants taught.

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I looked at that when it was first announced, thought that was an exciting project and in a state I could imagine moving to, also! But it was too early for hiring. Will check back with it if I decide to get back on that horse! Thanks!

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Yes, the founder is an individual named Bari Weiss. She is what I call a bi neocon…sometimes when she’s masturbating she dreams of Bush…other times she dreams of Dick! 😜

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Vulgar and completely innapropriare.

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I will never forgive the Republicans that sacrificed 7000 of our best and brightest to slaughter hundreds of thousands of innocent Muslims after 9/11!!

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All you got is name-calling? Why are you even --trying--to read Chris Rufo?

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I will never stop attacking the Bush Republicans that almost destroyed America…NEVER!!!

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I didn’t need to know that! JK

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I think they are starting to change some of this now to make it more of a statement of "purpose" because many are recognizing the overreach. That sucks that you had to leave.

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I hope you are right, that there’s a change in the way the wind is blowing.

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Thank you Chris. I think most people do not understand the extent to which these marxist-like ideas have been institutionalized. Just like woke, shedding a light on DEI so the racists can flee like rats is most definitely the first step.

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Lefties are trying to claim that Marxism is an economic-only philosophy. When in fact, cultural Marxism not only exists, but is a pillar on which the Chinese communist party has built their totalitarian system. "Well, that seems to work well for THEM," is what lefties say about the crushing oppression heaped upon the Chinese population. They don't even start to recognize that that IS the model the PTB want to emulate here. James Lindsay's work on exposing and explaining cultural Marxism here in the US and its far-reaching cancerous results is worth examining (at NewDiscourses.com).

You and Lindsay combined would be a great force against this scourge. It is heartening to see you both coming to a lot of the same conclusions. I absolutely love that your work exposing institutions espousing this absolutely totalitarian agenda continues. God bless you for the work you are doing to combat it.

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Add the theoretical explanations from Iain McGilchrist (imbalance of brain hemispheres) and Mattias Desmet (being caught in mechanistic thinking from the same)....and we have a real winning team!

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Absolutely! I'm a fan of both of them and thank you for reminding me I need to get back to reading more of both of their work. I have mostly seen them on YouTube/Rumble.

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Yes, there are several who are publishing warnings of communism lately.

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DEI has become ubiquitous in our country. There is so much more danger in the ideology and practice of this insidious deliberately deceptive program. It’s so much more than just about hiring and promotion practices.

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It is a key tactic in Neo-Marxist takeover.

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It’s got to be an off-shoot of Critical Theory, followed by CRT.

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Either we believe in the Rule of Law or we don’t. DEI says we don’t.

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The government killed the 14th amendment many decades ago with affirmative action. It’s as dead as the 4th amendment since the Bush administration, the 10th amendment since Wickard v. Filburn, and it’s where the 1st amendment is currently headed under the Biden/Harris administration. We should have a requiem for the Bill of Rights.

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I didn’t know the 10th amendment was dead. It’s why Dobbs went to the States…

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It went to the States because neither the Court nor the Republicans have the votes to apply the 14th Amendment to abortion. Sending it to the states is only a compromise in the face of the Abortion power. It will not stay in the States. Kamala openly campaigns on a Federal bill to impose all abortion, all the time on the States.

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The opinion of SCOTUS found that it was not an enumerated right in the Constitution, neither in the 14th Amendment nor in any other Article or Amendment. The Court in Roe did not find that enumerated right to abortion either. What they found was that the Constitution conveyed a pervasive right to privacy. The Court that overturned

Roe could not find the underlying principle that caused the Decision in Roe. As with any unenumerated right, the decision is reserved for the States, and the People.

Votes are unnecessary in overturning a decision. POTUS is not the States. Neither candidate would have authority to tread on States’ rights without enumeration of that power in the constitution.,ie as in ending slavery based on equality.

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The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

The constitution does not enumerate a right not to be murdered or to be robbed, but each of us retains each of our natural rights whether enumerated or not. If a state were to sanction the murder of certain individuals (because of the color of their skin, for example), the 14th amendment delegates to Congress the authority to protect these individuals from their murderous state policies.

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I’m sorry you misunderstood me, but what you are describing are crimes, also statutorily determined by states . And the 14th amendment stands as a bulwark against inequality under the law. The Constitutionally enumerated rights is where Roe fell short, but nonetheless reserved for the States, and the People.

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“Equitable treatment means we all end up at the same place.”

So....do we all end up in a White House executive position, then?

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This concept of equal outcomes started with employment law. Inequality outcomes indicate unequal treatment, making the employer guilty of racism. Of course, it could never be proved, but now it’s become a philosophy to live by. And it was bad law, that sounds good, but essentially reinstates what we fought a 4 year war against.

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Christopher, thanks for taking this on. The long march BACK to sanity and Equality under the law needs a hella lot of light shining in those deep dark corners of the administrative state. DEI must d.i.e. or our country will die and the overlords will have us at their disposal.

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I'm glad you are a focusing on what can be known and shown versus opining about what may or may not be happening in the shadows.

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Yes, thanks Chris. Looking forward to this.

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"...the regime preaches one set of values in principle but pursues the opposite in practice."

This is part of the manipulation game.

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This is an important project and it comes at a good time. I would like to point out that the ideology that condemns the United States as a fundamentally racist country is not pseudo-Marxist. It is Marxist. The next-gen Marxism of today simply replaces class with race or sex. I have written many articles on this topic including this one titled "A Handy Checklist: Easily identify Marxism in current events" at https://2026.substack.com/p/a-handy-checklist

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Thanks. Priceless, especially destroying the right to private property.

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Thank you for viewing the article. Abolition of private property is a basic tenet of classic Marxism that is often also present in next-gen forms of Marxism. So is anti-capitalism. As Ibram X. Kendi famously said: "To be truly antiracist, you must also be anti-capitalist." See my article on the topic at https://2026.substack.com/p/marxism-in-current-events

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How do you recognize the manipulation game?

Harrison Koehli on his Ponerology Substack gives some clear indications, in his summarizing of the PhD thesis concerning the Dark Personality types, by Australian Karen Mitchell.


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What confounds me in this whole DEI business is that feminism is obviously one of the DEI pillars.

However, you have many women claiming to be anti-WOKE who nonetheless are very proud of the fact that they proclaim themselves feminists. Pardon me? There is a large disconnect somewhere there.

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That is the JK Rowling dichotomy. Women are threatened by trans ideology and policy. Rowling chooses women. Trans activists hate Rowling. Problem is that outsiders see this as an isolated feud. It is more than that. It explodes the notion of intersectionality. For example. LGBT+ are all COMPETING groups masquerading as allies. DEI policy pretends that this is not the case. this farce can only be held together by the objectification of all white men as oppressors. Biden is the biggest fool and hypocrite of all of them

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Oct 2·edited Oct 13

Totalitarians of different stripes/different narratives will triangulate with one another against a common scapegoat. Gives them more power in the short-term. Generally they turn on one another eventually, as the situations becomes more specific.

For example, the leftwing WOKE triangulating/cooperating with the Islamists against the normals/Christian Europeans. For now. Eventually there will be a face-off for supremacy.

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Mr. Mugabe made loud noises about Caucasian Africans but when his popular front collapsed, he murdered millions of Blacks from other tribes. He kept Caucasians around because we were worth robbing.

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All white men as oppressors… we’re destroying 2 generations of young men that haven’t had the chance to oppress anyone. This is serious for mothers of young men. If you observe the landscape, they have already fallen behind the young women in large part.

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I must add that feminism was the original gender-based Neo-Marxist ideology. Then followed all the others. Including the more severe Trans agenda....spawned by feminism.

JK Rowling always conveniently overlooks this. She should know better. She assisted in opening the Pandora's Box, which she is now trying to close.

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That is the real truth. If you hate you will be hated. Accept that and be better next time.

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That would be (for the most part) the radical feminists. I know, because I worked closely with them for a few months. It was awful. They absolutely condemn the trans agenda but do not see that they are part and parcel of a similar agenda themselves. They absolutely do not see it.

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Personally, I think that the ideology of feminism overall is dangerous. It was produced by the Neo-Marxists of the 60s/70s and was never about women's rights at all. That was just the cover story. Feminism was meant as a vehicle to push forward the new Marxist Revolution.

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Agree completely. It was used to get women out of their homes and rather than taking care of their children, giving them up to the state to raise and indoctrinate, while expanding the taxpayer base to include women. Insidious. We were had (well those of us who fell for it). And notice that even the feminists are fine with common use misogyny. Most of them seem to hate other women! Especially women who they see as "traditional" for *gasp* daring to raise their kids and provide meals and a good home for them and their husbands.

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I noticed when I was growing up that feminists actually feel contempt for the feminine. From bragging that they were tomboys, to sneering at women in traditional family-building roles. Seemed to me they were shooting themselves in the foot....attempting to prove that women were lowly. Just the opposite of what they claimed.

It suited the revolution to have the state take over our children. And to promote family breakdown in every way. Also used feminism to weaken national defences by having large numbers of women in the military. This leads to a weak and chaotic society. Which is exactly what they want.

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Well said. I definitely was someone who as a small and neglected female, learned to fight with the boys and took that as a badge of honor. Say what? Why would it be? Because we were "empowered" - lol. Yeah it is ridiculous. Puberty took care of that for me but I retained my independence thinking it made me strong. It has been tough. I'm definitely built for it, but so many women are not. I would have done things differently if I hadn't bought in. And yes, what a brilliant and insidious pathway to destroying civilization. Now men are pretending they are us!! Full circle?

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Mary Rose, you and I are feminine women -- with backbones of steel, nonetheless. Strength does not come only from muscles. It comes from character too. Though not from man-hatred.

I take pride in being an actual woman, with no tattoos or trans-wishes, with children, and with an education as well. The WOKE feminists did not get me. And life can be pretty good on this side. Though many females of recent generations may never know that, sadly.

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Yes, exactly. I was caught up in it too.

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Depends on what kind of feminism. Second wave was about equal opportunity (NOT outcome!) Third wave is about intersectionality and all the DEI crap.

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The problem with the second wave is that it was a requirement to participate. It didn’t take long to realize I didn’t want to dress like a man for work. I was competitive when I was still a girl. Born that way.

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4th wave is about chicks with dicks. Hard pass.

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I don’t think in terms of Woke. It’s a throwaway word that has no meaning, except as a verb.

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