Jun 19·edited Jun 19Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

So Well done! As you said at the end of your report, there must come a reckoning to all this. And that reckoning must be much bigger and fiercer than just giving the lie to this latest 'Progressive' transgenderitis fad. People currently in positions of influence whose media/social media record would reveal how they were stupid enough and morally bankrupt enough to entertain such nonsense for even one minute should - if and when that reckoning finally comes - be disbarred from occupying positions in academia, in government or in any of the regulated professions. In a sane world they would find themselves subsequently having to work for a living in some occupation lowly enough that they will be able to reflect on their faddy groupthinking hubris.

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Yes: When there is no accountability, that's a sure sign that it will continue. No one is ever held accountable, or rarely, even after these things are brought to light. Let's change that.

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Yes I have long thought that if the holding of woke opinions ever came to have painful costs for the Woke themselves personally (rather than the 'costs' they impose on the lives of non-woke people lower down the social scale) then wokeness would quickly evaporate - just the the pure windbaggery that it truly is. I have no real prescription for how this could happen.... though I discuss it in this essay: https://grahamcunningham.substack.com/p/love-of-the-people

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Thanks for the link. Good point that the Woke rarely pay for the pain and damage they inflict on others all in the name of virtue signaling. Thank goodness that at least they tend to harm themselves eventually.

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maybe, I have noticed that leftist vermin and other democrat rodents really are to stupid to see their own insanity and stupidity., so when the shit they keep voting for happens to them, it will always be someone else's fault.

Democrat vermin keep screeching


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In fact there's retribution. The nurse whistle blower is being "investigated" by Biden, Garland and the FBI. Strong push back is needed. First step is voting in Novemebr.

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He is actually was resident surgeon at the time, now in his first year of practice, being persecuted for doing right.

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Good to know there are young people with guts and principles. Doctors have to take an ethics course. Too bad all of them don't remember and live by it.

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I meant accountability at the top. Voting has never been a means to that end within the 60 years I've been alive, but you go on ahead, I guess.

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Faddy Groupthinking Hubris or FGH. I'm going to start using that. It could also be $FGH according to the reporting on the money trail some journalists (Jennifer Bilek comes to mind) have exposed.

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Faddy Groupthink would be a great name for a band, or a character of some sort.

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Or the name of a new Harvard degree course?

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No offense, but I don't know if I could get a good job with an FGH degree. Just to be safe, I'll double major also in Lesbian Dance Theory so I have something to fall back on [insert eye roll.]

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To be safe I would make that Lesbian Dance Theory with Waste Management.... joint honours.

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Hahahahahahaa! Perfect.

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Sounds like a Vonnegut character.

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Jennifer has done outstanding work, in the trenches for years.

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Acronyms-r-us here!

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How about #$FGH to refer to this money-grubbing, child and family destroying cult?

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One can easily determine that something is evil if it preys on the minds, bodies, and souls of children. There will be a day of reckoning for anyone who does so whether it be here or in the hereafter.

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19

Matthew 18:6.

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A custodial sentence would be my preference

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Prisons pay about what they’re worth

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I have been a supporter of Chris for sometime, before SubStack, and I highly recommend anyone that can contribute to his efforts. He gets things done.

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Y'all know that Mr. Rufo also publishes elsewhere, via the Manhattan Institute, and Hillsdale College.

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The Manhattan Institute is affiliated with several other good writers. Theodore Dalrymple was one of my favourites from the moment he began.

Writer Mark Steyn also began pointing out the leftwing problems many years ago.

And then, there have been cross-disciplinary academics/writers who saw the underlying issues going back 200 years or more.

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Dalrymple is a gem - I've read his reports from the British underclass for several years.

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Jun 19·edited Jun 20

I have read the Hillsdale Imprimis for over 25 years. Nearly sent my children to Hillsdale.

I have read Manhattan Institute's City Journal since the 90s. You might call me a pioneer in keeping alive the mainstream perspective and classic thought. I could teach Chris a few things. But he doesn't like to listen to others.

I get the sense that Chris Rufo believes he is the first person to see WOKE totalitarianism out there, when many others have recognized it since the 60s. Chris is just the latest in a very long line of people who have seen what is coming down the turnpike. And many of those people have understood what is beneath this phenomenon, whereas Chris never mentions that, as if he is entirely unaware of the underpinnings.

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Does A. need a pat on the back?

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21

No, it's Chris Rufo who has cornered the market on demanding pats on the back. You hadn't noticed, JW?

That was a low comment. Do you want to be lumped-in with commenters like Candis?

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The perfect is the enemy of the good.

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I am not sure what you are getting at.

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I'm not surprised.

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20

What is your problem? Or are you simply trolling here?

You appear to be very unaware of the actual topic.

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deletedJun 19·edited Jun 19
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I’d rather have more concrete results than more talk. There are plenty of places to get that. Mr. Rufo gets impressive results, then tells us about them. And I support him for his actions more than his words here.

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How do you know I don't get results? But I remain humble about it.

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Ok. Let’s hear about your “results.” Do you want a cookie for each success?

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20

Double standard.

You seem to support Chris Rufo demanding bags of cookies for each self-proclaimed "success". But no one else? Notice the way he words his posts so that it always looks as if whatever it was that he did -- such as writing an article about a whistleblower -- was the main component of subsequent regime change? Purposely blurs the lines between cause and correlation. I am more truthful and less shifty.

How does a person get on your favourites list, pray tell? Not that I care.

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20

What is wrong with you? You used to be decent. And now you come across as a troll, using Cancel Culture and insults on anyone who expresses an opinion not identical with yours. What makes you any different from the dreaded WOKE in that respect?

Don't try my patience, JWSPOONER. And I notice that you are very keen on telling everyone of all of your "successes". I find it in poor taste to add your supposed professional credentials to your handle on social media sites. As if you want to claim superiority over others right from the start. And who knows if it's even authentic? These days, if I were you, I would hide the MD designation.

Word to the wise -- a little humility goes a long way, my friend.

How do you know I don't outshine you in credentials?

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A. I know nothing about you except what you write on this thread. Your age, education, experiences, male/female ?———nothing. “Judgmental” best characterizes what I can discern from your writings. My background is my background. I could say more, I could say less but at least the readers know something about me. You? Nothing. One cannot help but wonder: Why?

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deletedJun 19
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Sorry you’ve apparently spent all day thinking about my post. But I was talking about Mr. Rufo, not you. I’m more interested in what he is accomplishing than reading lots of his writing every day, which I took to be your point.

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deletedJun 20
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This is your third reply to my “not that important post.” Hence my conclusion that it stuck in your mind, for whatever reason. I merely said I care more about what Rufo does, and don’t care if he posts frequently. You want to read more. Bully. There are many Substack posters who post every day. Why are you here complaining about one who doesn’t?

If it was clear to you what I was saying, why did you say I think medical school is just about talk? I said nothing about that. Evidently it triggered something for you, and it bothered you enough to write about it. Again, I wasn’t talking about you.

Swelled head? You’re the one boasting about your accomplishments and making a simple post about you.

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A lot of us writing on Substack have day jobs. Personally speaking, as a subscriber to several others' Substacks, I prefer fewer articles with higher quality.

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In my experience, people who do real investigative work do take longer between posts. This is usually because they are working on a big story. I follow many of them here on Substack, and they are all busy investigating and then writing the report. However, I also follow some culture writers and news writers and a few experts. They usually post more often because they are trying to keep up with the news cycle. If you choose, you could try following a mixture of types. I never run out of anything to read. Well, I do, but it's rare.

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GOOD! I want child mutilators in prison!

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Thank you for exposing these evil people

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Jun 19Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

For me, personally, this is the most important thing you are doing. I love kids. I have three myself. Children are the most precious things we have.

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19

Until only a few years back, young people under the age of 25 were not allowed to rent cars. The car rental companies followed accepted science that the young brain, primarily the frontal cortex aka the executive decision maker is not fully formed until after 25 years of age. This part of the brain is vital to make educated and far-reaching decisions in life. For the car rentals companies such matters mea life and death situations. We now have doctors performing sex change procedures on young people under the age of 18. It is unconscionable and should be illegal. We don’t let these kids dienk or vote! What happened to the liberal Left who claim(ed) they were basing their decisions on science?

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The left wants to lower the voting age, because they don't get enough support from adults...

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Liberal left claims about “following the science” have always been dishonest

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19

Well said, Leslie.

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Everyone involved in this child sexual mutilation/butchery - including the PARENTS - belongs in prison! Every last one of them!

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Joe Biden is either so stupid or so uninformed about the issue that he believes that mutilating gay children in the name of "gender affirming care" is somehow like the civil rights struggle of the 1960's.

He doesn't understand or care that this is exactly the approach that Iran uses in its futile attempt to stamp out homosexuality by forcing gay men to be castrated to avoid being murdered.

Donald Trump is equally stupid and uninformed but he at least is surrounded by people who would do the right thing to save the children (ban gender affirming care for those under 18) even if for the wrong reasons. It's unbelievable but a vote for Trump in this case is a vote for sanity.

In addition to the mutilation of children and the unfairness of men competing in women's sports the issue of privacy is equally troubling. In my opinion the worst aspect of Biden's new Education Act Title IX regulations that go into effect on August 1 of this year is that boys and men will be able to to shower with high school and college girls (including my 17 year old granddaughter). They will have no shame in doing that when it's perfectly legal.

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I can’t believe there aren’t more mothers and fathers completely irate over this. If anyone comes near my child, he (or she) had best run for his life. My kiddo will be 7 next month. Last week, he didn’t want to go into the ladies room with me, so I went into the men’s room and looked to make sure no one was in there before I stepped outside and waited for him. Sorry, fellas. I don’t wanna see your junk, but I certainly won’t tolerate anyone exposing himself or worse to my young son.

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Rachel, none of us mind you coming into the men's room to ensure your son's safety. The vast majority of men totally understand this.

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Biden and his fam are war profiteers, launderers and grifters. All he's ever cared about is filling his coffers at the expense of human suffering. Of course now probably all he "cares" about are his naps and an occasional ice cream cone.

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I am as old as him and I love my naps and ice cream. Also thc, single malt whiskey and sex. 😎

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TMI + you go, Dave.

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Joe doesn't appear to actually understand very much right now. It's his voice that says "trans is the civil rights era of our time" but, more than any President in my lifetime, the words and ideas aren't his. One of the great things about being a young, radical, progressive advisor for a senile President is that he is a human teleprompter. You type words and he regurgitates them, utterly unaware of their nonsensibility.

That's why Joe scares me. Trump scares me for other reasons, but I've decided he's the less frightening of the two.

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Are those young, radical progressive advisers moonlighting as Disney script writers?

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Different people, but same class and same education.

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"It's unbelievable but a vote for Trump in this case is a vote for sanity."

This thought goes through my head every week or so, as the Democratic Party keeps pushing even more totally illogical and destructive ideas in the name of liberation.

I'm reminded of the 1991 Lousiana governor's race. The choices were David Duke (KKK Grand Wizard) and Edwin Edwards (former governor with a history of taking bribes). A major bumper sticker for Edwards read, "Vote for the crook, it's important."

There are two kids of corruption. Donald Trump is the "how can I use this office to benefit myself?" corruption. This as run-of-the-mill behavior in Washington; certainly the Bidens appear to have done the same thing. But the Democratic Party's corruption is far more radical: "how can I use this office to hurt America?" Joe himself doesn't think this way (when he thinks at all) but his advisors certainly do. Thus, in this election, even though Trump is a fool, I say (stolen from Rod Dreher), "Vote For The Clown. It's Important."

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I refuse to believe there is any such thing as a gay child. And I’m not sure about gay adults.

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There are people who are homosexual, and the evidence is clear that your adult sexuality is determined in utero. However nobody should be putting kids in boxes based on their supposed future sexuality. If a boy is very swishy and likes dolls his father should still make sure he knows how to protect himself, and that he is raised to treat people right, and to act with dignity. Too many men leave the raising of their gay sons to the women in his life, but a gay son needs his father as much if not more than a straight son. And he should never, ever, ever allow his son to be put on hormones or castrated because he happens to like “girly” things. Men need to protect their gay sons from this evil cult of genderism.

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Part of the gay movement is a response to the endless increase of single parent homes, most often with the mother, where a father is either completely absent or rarely present. A person chooses to be gay just like a person chooses to get a divorce, abandon one’s family, or have an affair. It’s a destructive choice that hurts families, children, the institute of marriage, the mora social fabric of our culture, etc. There is no positive outcome for the choice.

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Your theory is nonsense.

I’m gay, from a normal family. My brothers and sisters are straight. When I look at a beautiful woman I feel nothing except an aesthetic appreciation. When I look at a handsome man I feel something much, much deeper, like a charge from balls to bones. It’s not a choice, and only a fool or a bisexual thinks it is. I’m also married to a man, and have a good life, close to my family and full of laughter. In addition the stats are now clear: gay male marriages last longer than heterosexual ones, which in turn last longer than lesbian ones. That tells me that men, including gay men, are not the problem. Being gay is not a choice, but neither is being ignorant, so I won’t hold it against you.

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That is atrocious! Absolutely unforgivable.

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Jun 19Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

Chris gets results! Best subscription money I spend every month. :-)

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Jun 19Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

TCH was a beacon of light when I was in training. I hope it will be again.

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An iconic institution that seems to have lost its moral compass and shredded the Hippocratic Oath. So sad.

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The two-track prosecution is the best idea since sliced bread.

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Thank you for what you do. Already a paid subscriber.

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God bless Ken Paxton.

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This rot goes up to Meritless Garbage… Prosecute him in 2025.

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I doubt Trump would do it (lacks the attention span) but a 4 month prison sentence for Garland and Mayorkas for contempt of Congress seems like a perfect counterpoint to what they did to Bannon. Democrats need to see that lawfare can go both ways. That's why it's dangerous.

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Jun 19Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

Good for you, Chris!

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Jun 19Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

I want to encourage people to file a complaint with the Texas medical board against these doctors still performing these procedures that Christopher mentions in his articles (like Dr Richard O. Roberts and Dr David Paul). Here is the link:


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