Mao and his acolytes completed their infamous Long March in 25 years. It took the woke commissars 50 years to complete their Long March to power in the West. How long will it take the Long Reawakening to reclaim our future? https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/tiananmen-square-massacre-cultural-revolution

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First we have to steer our impressionable youth away from the delusive analgesic of radical performative collective action and the illusion of purpose, direction, and identity they get from supporting the progressivism that's bulldozing our country.


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You say "nihilism" and that's precisely right. Everyone should read "The Revolution of Nihilism: A Warning to the West", written in 1939 by a former Nazi supporter and ex-mayor of Danzig, Hermann Rauschning. It's a free download. Today's "revolution" is like Nazism in that it is essentially unprincipled and amoral, a faux-revolution - because however problematic most revolutions end up being, the French and Russians and Haitians had some real reasons to revolt. Combine this with the authentic, if illegitimate ideological conviction of today's "revolutionaries" and you get a thoroughly postmodern stew of meaningless but alluring abstractions, put into place through the combined efforts of fanatical ideologues and cynical careerists. It's truly the worst of both worlds. It's not revolutionary so much as itself counter-revolutionary, because it's attempting to overturn the one truly successful revolution in history, the American, 250 years after the fact. It's also no coincidence that, for all its blather about "indigenous rights", it demonizes the only successful repatriation of indigenous land in history, that of the Jews of Israel (also no coincidence that Israel, unlike the surrounding states that progressives prefer, is a pluralist democracy - everything they claim to espouse).

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I think one of the hallmarks of Wokeism is moral relativism (which, to your point, is amoral). Moral relativism is, along with its fraternal twin hypocrisy, one of my greatest dislikes...

For example, the Left used to be vehemently opposed to female circumcision (and, to a lesser extent, male circumcision), and indeed had international campaigns against it. They made the argument that such butchery, merely because “culture and beliefs” dictated it, could not be justified under any circumstances, even if the “victims” themselves desired it. Hmmmmm, nowadays they are MANDATING genital mutilation based on trans “culture and beliefs”, and because the “victims” themselves desire it! Either genital mutilation in service of one’s beliefs is OK, or it is NOT. To pretend that SOME beliefs justify it, while others don’t, is moral relativism. The same applies, mutatis mutandi, for all their issues, like race, criminality, censorship, etc.

You will never get moral “gold” from such moral dross. Alchemists don’t really exist, just as “women” don’t have penises.

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Got it. Thanks.

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A lot of history in a nutshell!!! Understood, Accurate, Enlightened. WoW. Thx.

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And the FBI is the Gestapo

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Great article that covers everything wrong with academia as well.

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I received Chris' new book yesterday evening and have begun reading. I so appreciate his efforts in writing this important wake up call.

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and we let them. Country club republicans were not looking at the influence of culture and education. They were busy thinking about taxes and defense. They thought these radicals wouldn't survive in the real world. I thought people would never accept tattoos at work, radical ideas, now boys wanting to be girls. But they got into power and now control it all. My son says civilization stands on a three legged stool. family, religion and the rule of law. All are almost gone. Glad I am old and won't live to see the end.

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> They thought these radicals wouldn't survive in the real world.

Unfortunately a lot of companies that shouldn't be surviving are being propped up by the government, directly or indirectly, under the doctrine of "too big to fail".

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This is the very reason that Universities, Church, the United Methodist, and political systems are failing the ordinary citizen in every aspect.

Continue to speak the truth because only the truth can set you free.


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In the early 80s I was a graduate student at Berkeley working on my Ph.D. in statistics. One of my housemates was a graduate student in English. One evening she had her friends over to discuss the new hot topic in their field, which was that everything was an expression of power. What about reason, I asked? "No such thing!" I was informed (patting me on my naive stats guy pointy head): it's all about power. Reason is a just mask that tries to cover up this fact. And, for the first time, I learned the word "deconstruction". I wasn't drawn into their enthusiasm, but I did come away with a degree of sympathy. After all, what was a Ph.D. student in English supposed to do that hadn't been done a million times before? I had no idea. A lot of idle minds needed a new cat to chase up a tree. Well, they found it.

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> One evening she had her friends over to discuss the new hot topic in their field, which was that everything was an expression of power.

The right reply to that is: "So you admit everything you say is just a power play, in that case why should anyone listen to anything you say?"

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people defend half truths the most insanely

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My point here is that a lot of these fields like the humanities fell for postmodernism, neo-Marxism, CRT, etc. because they ran out of gas and were eager for the next big thing to come along and energize them. That left them vulnerable to capture.

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The Chinese Communist Party has been a great supporter and funder of the American Cultural Revolution. They know the easiest way to destroy America is to dismantle it from within using the Marxist strategies of destruction and revolution. The goal of the Chinese Communist Party is to destroy the U.S. by 2049, the 100th anniversary of the founding of Communist China. Many Americans have been duped into thinking the Chinese Communist Party is our friend. But you can't trust a communist because they are quite willing and even eager to lie.

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“The issue is never the issue, the Issue is always the Revolution” - Radical SDS Activist

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Let the counter-Revolution commence, brothers and sisters! You have nothing to lose but your freedom.

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Great summary! My post to another QTR's Substack re: the exact topic... the bottom line was: "The task before us now is one of building the counterculture of equal moral status in the face of the sophistry which will most surely continue." While yours was stated as: "The task for the counter-revolutionary is not simply to halt the movement of his adversaries but to resurrect the system of values, symbols, myths, and principles that constituted the essence of the old regime, to reestablish the continuity between past, present, and future, and to make the eternal principles of freedom and equality meaningful again to the common citizen."

Rather I would say the task is finding a way to join together those who (only since 2020) appear to be 'counterculture'...WE ARE, AND HAVE BEEN THE COMMON SENSE, MORAL CULTURE. The numbers of people who were piped pippered into woke insanity are large but NOT as large as they want us to believe. Their divide and conquer strategy has worked ....another boxed ticked by the globalist's covid plandemic...and our challenge is to find our moral common sense people of any and no religion and join forces. IF we don't, they win. (Here's an excellent interview laying out this as the bottom line: https://www.brighteon.com/051733b1-cbc1-46d4-a070-d78b71073168...warning: hard to face...but common sense adults will take up the good fight vs. the rose colored wearing hippie think crowd who will say 'It's all good...you are so negative...get away!...you are ruining my bliss." (Yes, the social psych op started in the 60's.)

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"The numbers of people who were piped pippered into woke insanity are large but NOT as large as they want us to believe."

I agree entirely. I have no doubts that the majority of the country, including youth, is still solidly Republic, Constitution, Bill of Rights and government of the people. We must focus and defeat marxist ideology but as much a danger is the financial sponsorship and operational planning of the globalist ruling class. Without the massive involvement of globalists, oligarchs and undoubtedly, China, I strongly suspect this marxist revolution would collapse rapidly. I know, one thing at a time is enough for one man but I would really like to know Christopher Rufo's viewpoint on the role of the WEF/NWO and how best to fight that battle.

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Agree...it's a war and our battle fronts are many. I see the NON-ELECTED WEF, WHO, IMF, UN... etc as the head of an octopus while the arms are slapping and trying to strangle us...VAX, CRT, BML, EVERYTHING TRANS RELATED, DESTRUCTION OF EVERY WORKING SYSTEM...FINANCE, JUSTICE, MEDIA, MEDICAL, ELECTION, FOOD PRODUCTION/DISTRIBUTION, CITIES, FAMILIES, EVEN IDENTITY. UNLESS and UNTIL the octopus head is removed more arms will just continue to grow and we die.

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... yes. As I went about falling into bed at midnight n up getting the crews going(5a I began) in the morning, I thot “these 60’s guys- what losers!” And now after60+yrs agriculture raising ppl food (one of us is gone now) all we did was to support the way to our own demise. Never missed voting(lesser of two evils) and early on knew we were being lied to. Here we are: ‘How now Brown Cow’?!

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the #1 reason people go commie left wing and become "useful idiots" is due to high housing prices. Study Germany post WW2 history and you'll find that to be true. The right wing in Germany (Nazis were left wing obviously) were having a hard time getting votes and realized they had to build build build housing. Then things got a LOT more normal once housing costs came down. Then you have little to complain about and no one is fighting for the "little guy" because there is no little guy.

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Our politicians also shipped much of our manufacturing base overseas. They allowed monopolies to form and create oligarchs. We allow oligarchs to buy politicians. Our political system has been corrupted which created conditions suitable for the spreading of a vile ideology. If everyone had a family, a house and a decent job, we wouldn't be in the situation we are in today.

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The click from Frankfurt School of Social Research after being kicked out of Germany because of their mostly Jewish heritage were hired by the big 5 Ivy League Universities Humanities Department, add to that the Educational Philosophical inclusion of John Dewey and the infamous Dr.Carl Rodgers mixed with Greek Philosopher “Gorgias’ art of persuasive speech in the Teacher’s Union and Marxist cultural contamination into our society, while America silently sleeps through the 50’s and you have the mess we’re in. Santayana (among many) said: “ Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it.” The fact is the meta generation don’t know history because Marxist education has revised it to their godless narrative. This next election will be a watershed event.

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as the government picks the winners and losers. just read the enviro-nazis want to end gas powered generators. Say what -sun or wind powered generators??? these people are nuts.

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Interesting that the exploitation of children has followed the same timeline. A coincidence? I think not.

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Actually, the Left hasn't conquered anything. It has been colonized by Big Capitalism (AKA the medical/military/industrial complex), just as the cultural changes in the 60's were colonized by capitalist forces. There is no real Left in the United States at this point. Part of the problem is that even the "working class", at least until quite recently, has actually been well-paid Middle Class by the standards of any other country on this planet. They've been bought off. And then there is another hidden working class that is female and unpaid, even as individuals in that class may ALSO work poorly, and not so poorly, paid jobs outside of the home. Everything is swallowed and co-opted by the corporate and billionaire class which turns around and blames the so-called "Left" for the inevitable social and economic problems. Look at climate change. Denied for decades and decades by Big Oil. When it is obvious we are in a fix, the WEF is pushed to the fore (it's been developed in the wings for decades now, thanks to the same people who have brought us Forever Wars) with solutions to prevent global climate collapse by killing off as many people as possible through vaccines, social movements (BLM, anti-immigrant violence and neglect, incompetent and negligent and often inaccessible medical care, income inequality, etc.), transgender ideology, the ever-present bullshit wars (Ukraine, Israel, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan, etc.) with all the damage to economies worldwide that result from those wars, all while the billionaire and corporate class is making OODLES of money on death and destruction. And now we have the Great Reset where the corporate and billionaire class will take possession of all our assets, including our land, and if we don't toe the line they'll off us. They're spreading the most bizarre cocktail (appropriate word if ever there was one) of toxic metals in the atmosphere which is killing huge expanses of forests, making money on the deal (Bill Gates, anyone?) from some investment but also the hidden theft from the nation's coffers, in an attempt to hide how bad global warming already is. Now we have huge forest fires burning (for four months now in Canada and I don't know how long in Siberia). The very spraying of these metals in the atmosphere (to dim the sunlight and lessen the heat) quckens the demise of the entire planet, including our forests which are the lungs of the planet. Warming has gotten so bad even this extreme measure of geo-engineering cannot hide it. Don't believe me? Watch this this web-site and play with it every day to watch the degradation before your eyes in real time:

Download this wonderful web-site to your computer and weep.


The United States IS racist. Its roots are racist. The ideology of race has changed through the centuries. Most people who consider themselves White today were not considered White in Benjamin Franklin's time. And it isn't the mythical "Left" that is pushing bizarre ideologies into schools and other institutions: It's the WEF (look at their ESG program) and billionaires. They've bought out the universities, healthcare system, courts, Congress and White House (look at that preposterous show yesterday passing a bill that "determines" that Israel is not racist--what a HOOT!), non-profits, schools, media. We don't even have media anymore. We have to rely on substacks for "news".

Wake up, indeed. Most importantly, think for yourself. Stop joining bandwagons. THINK FOR YOURSELF. Do your OWN research. Learn some REAL history (not the World According to Reagan). If you still can, given the amount of aluminum and graphene oxide that is being sprayed on you. The better for 5G microwave to addle-pate you. Critics of geo-engineering are predicting 50% of humans alive today will die of dementia because of the toxic materials being sprayed on us world-wide in a pathetic (male) attempt to block the sun. No wonder so many people appear to have lost their ability to think independently.

It sounds like this book is pushing the old, failed narrative.

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"The United States IS racist." I would say humanity is racist and if you haven't lived overseas, you haven't seen real racism. I would not be surprised if America is one of the least racist countries in the world if not actually the least racist.

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FYI, I am mixed-race and was born and raised overseas (due to American racist laws which prevented my father working in the U.S. in his field during WWII). And before you apply those facts against my cognitive abilities, I should add that I am a direct descendant of four U.S. presidents and my Anglo family has been in the U.S. since the 1630's. Racism is a specific ideology. Yes, there are in-group/out-group dynamics in most peoples. But racism is an ideology that comes from Europe. And the issue is not WHO is racist but that the U.S. is racist at all. The argument is that Critical Race Theory is bullshit. Some of it may be. I don't know because I've never had the leisure to get as degree in the subject. But to argue that the U.S. is NOT racist is ignorant. Learn some friggin' history. The U.S. is not one of the least racist countries. By far. We specialize in extermination of the politically inconvenient.

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If you are denying humanity is racist, I can't help you. If you are denying racism exists in the 3rd world as well as the 1st world, I can't help you. And I never said America has no racism. And unfortunately today, it is getting much worse but with different targets. You need to reread my post. PS: Much of today's left ideology is deeply racist.

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Racism is a specific ideology. I suggest you read up on it. I do not deny discrimination against other ethnic groups exists in other countries. But racism is a Western European concept. Part of being racist is having more power than the subject of your racism. This is not true throughout the world. And we are not talking about the rest of the world. You are deflecting. We are talking about the U.S. and the U.S. "Left" "winning the culture wars", with Critical Race Theory apparently being one of the offending ideas. It's not really based on theory. It's based on history. The first thing British settlers did was slaughter Native Americans. Give me a break. It's really not that hard to understand. And you are not personally responsible. I'm pretty sure you were not born in 1610, were you? You are responsible for current day racism if you participate in it. I don't know you. I don't know that you do. Stop taking it so damned personally. This is not about you.

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Furthermore, I am the first to recognize that my Anglo family tree is full of racists going back centuries.

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> Part of the problem is that even the "working class", at least until quite recently, has actually been well-paid Middle Class by the standards of any other country on this planet. They've been bought off.

Read those two sentences again to see what's wrong with your logic.

> And it isn't the mythical "Left" that is pushing bizarre ideologies into schools and other institutions: It's the WEF (look at their ESG program)

ESG is merely all the forms of leftism you endorse in your comment formulated as an acronym.

The WEF and people like Bill Gates are merely implementing the various leftist agendas, e.g., anti-racism, anti-"global warmng", you endorse in your comment. Since these agendas are incredible stupid, their implementation inevitably leads to various disasters. You then seek to blame these disasters on the WEF and "billionaires" so as to avoid having to confront your own and your beloved left's responsibility for them, even though the WEF and the billionaires are merely doing what you spent decades lobbying them to do.

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I don't endorse any of those isms. I'm simply saying capitalism colonizes any political movement in this country that might threaten it. That's all. I have to wonder about a book that is so quickly and readily available at Walmart. Either I can't write worth shit, which I know is not true, or you are reading a lot into my comments that isn't there. To say that there is no truth in Critical Race Theory indicates you don't know your own history. I don't support the WEF, Bill Gates, vaccines, or this idea that we have to follow ESG in order to fight global warming. That's ridiculous. ESG is actually a policy the WEF is putting out for investors. It includes transgender ideology which has nothing to do with global warming except that it sterilizes a lot of people. Most people the the "Left" do not support Karl Schwab or Bill Gates. They are being manipulated. As are you, apparently.

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> I don't endorse any of those isms.

Proceeds to endorse CRT and global warming hysteria.

> Most people the the "Left" do not support Karl Schwab or Bill Gates.

To the extent this is true and not merely a case of No True Scotsman, all this means is that they've retained enough sanity to be horrified by the consequences of their own ideas.

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What is your point? I know the racist history of this country. Duh. And global warming is actually real. Check out Dane Wigington's geo-engineering web-site. I'm just connecting the dots and you appear to be trying to stuff me into some stereotype. I don't fit. Never have and never will.

Are you just picking a "side" and rabidly defending it? I'm not into children's games. I'm more interested in reality. Believe whatever you want. But watch out for yourself and those you love. Don't just follow some "leader". If you're looking for a savior or leader, he/she/it is in the closest mirror.

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> I know the racist history of this country.

The word "racism" as used today has no coherent meaning.

> And global warming is actually real.

And yet they keep having to push back the timeline on their predictions, because they inevitably fail to come true.

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