It’s not happening.

It’s happening, but it’s not a big deal.

It’s a good thing, actually.

If you’re upset about the thing, you’re the real problem you bigoted right wing extremist.

Way to keep the receipts and expose subversive MSM propaganda. Fact checkers are demoralization agents.

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Consider the racism inherent in their propaganda. I understand why cats and other domesticated animals are seen as a food source in countries that don't have our food supply chains. But we're now in Kansas and we like our ducks and small pets alive and off the grill. It takes a racist to deny that a cultural practice doesn't fit in the USA. It's as if they are afraid this practice is fixed by skin color and/or ethnicity, so it must be denied.

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I agree, and only want to add that the repugnance felt by most normal Americans to the butchering and consumption of pets puts the lie to the left/liberal's precious multicultural agenda.

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They should raise their own cats for food and not steal pets. I think this probably happened once or twice.

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AND/OR, if the story can be used in any way to refute/denigrate/mock Trump, it will be.

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The woman in the original cat eating video is American. Americans routinely eat racoon and squirrel. Is it racist to say that Americans consider these animals as a food source in light of our incredible food supply chain?

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The woman eating a cat 'raw' in the middle of the street after stepping on its head is deranged. Her nationality is not pertinent. NEXT.

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It's pertinent that she's black. It's primitive behavior. It fits.

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I take exception with your characterization of all Americans as deranged based on the actions of one person. You can't generalize an entire population based on the actions one one person!

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You need some reading comprehension.

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You just made a point supporting what I stated. The racism is inherent in the need for denial.

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Agreed except for the comment about ducks. That is a common food. Ever hear "your goose is cooked"?

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Hunted geese and ducks are commonly eaten, but not the ducks and geese in the town park.

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If you're a poor immigrant, why wouldn't you? You don't really know or care that it's not the custom in America, or if you do, your need to feed outweighs any care you might have.

Point being, we are swamped by people who have significant cultural differences in numbers too difficult to support and integrate, but you're a racist for even thinking that.

(Personally, I think the whole cat story could have been planted (as in, brought to light) by Dems just before the debate because they knew Trump couldn't resist it and it would take him of topic.)

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“ cultural differences”. I’ve been in Haiti a few times, and not in a tourist enclave; Petionville and Cite Soleil both. Even “Christians” fear the Voodoo; upper class people keep windows closed at night for fear of evil spirits flying in. Families worship their sacred tree. There’s a museum on the road to Gonaive where people turn in their Voodoo objects to the Church. Groups of dancers in grass skirts in huddle formation in a trance moving down the road. Three nights in a row nonstop African drumming around Xmas. Etc. I was there and I saw all of this. This is the worldview Dems want to assimilate in Springfield. Idiots!

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This is the 21st century. America should not be plagued with primitive, third world parasites. Period!

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If I were hungry enough I would eat a cat. Even someone’s pet. If you were starving, you might eat ME! It’s human nature!

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Move to a third world country. You'll fit in there.

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Fair enough.

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Thank you!

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These partisans believe in winning, not in honesty. Their sophistry was never intended to be consistent.

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Yes, I agree with you about Rufo and his ilk. Well said.

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If you're a poor immigrant, why wouldn't you? You don't really know or care that it's not the custom in America, or if you do, your need to feed outweighs any care you might have.

Point being, we are swamped by people who have significant cultural differences in numbers too difficult to support and integrate, but you're a racist for even thinking that.

(Personally, I think the whole cat story could have been planted (as in, brought to light) by Dems just before the debate because they knew Trump couldn't resist it and it would take him off topic. Catnip, one might say ...)

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Sep 20
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Huh. DEI and other Woke agendas were seen as bad by regular folks long before social media began discussing it. This kind of thing has been pushed in schools for well over a decade now. And not all the teachers in the schools are very comfortable with reading books about gender choices or gay penguins to 5-year-olds. Nor are most teachers thrilled with letting kids do whatever they want because maybe they have an emotional reason for being brats and doing dangerous things to their peers and teachers at school. Most teachers wish they could give consequences to students when needed because it has worked for centuries. Most teachers wish that they could give honest grades to students so that students would be motivated to work And try hard to turn in well done assignments. Or at least turn in assignments. Rufo did not cause the backlash, dear.

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Sep 21
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I speak from my own personal experience and haven't told a lie. Not one. But believe whatever you want.

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Sep 20
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Na, I'm sure it's really all about the issues

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And they're all taking housing which we don't have. Unless of course they're taking old mattresses and sleeping in people's front yards.

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Sep 20
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Exactly. Some are taking jobs, and some are taking welfare. Lots of both presumably, since there are lots of immigrants

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Sep 20
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If Soviet Yuri says it is true, then it must be.

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It's happening, just like I said. Those Haitians in Springfield these days!

OK, it's not happening just like I said, but that's not a big deal. Those Africans in another city at another time!

OK, it's maybe not happening at all, but maybe I can argue that something happened, possibly, based on this sketchy evidence I'd never accept for anything I didn't already believe.

If you're upset about these elisions and constantly shifting terms, you're the real problem, you libtard.

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I have been reading your namesake's work - invaluable insight.

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1. The "mainstream" "news" media isn't called Fake News for nothing.

2. Thanks for doing actual journalism.

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When the mainstream media and the ruling class decide to pick on a critical issue, it is usually for two reasons: first, the issue is serious enough and is affecting their interests, and therefore the narrative must be controlled to ensure that the results are in their favor. Second, in doing the former, the ruling class gets to strictly filter and manage the narrative on what needs to be said about any given topic; which ‘experts’ are given the stage to speak; and whose voices are excluded from debates, or even defamed and slandered, if necessary.

That's why I enjoy wearing this "Don't let mass media tell you what to think" tshirt in front of sheeps 👇


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The job of the media is to cover events. With a pillow.

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Great exposition of basic skills and methodology taught in Journalism 101. Integrity, dedication, and, above all, restless curiosity.

Hey,wait - curiosity - didn’t that kill the chicken, or is that just in the MSM?

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Wow! This should be put out everywhere. I wish some left wing MSM journalist would finally crack from the pressure of having no integrity and broadcast or print this. Amazing work as usual Christopher! Thank you for your unrelenting fight for the truth.

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My subscription dollars at work.

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Keep up the good work! Only voices like yours are telling the truth.

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"Propaganda " is indeed accurate. I had no idea that much work went into an article like this, impressive. Next they'll say "Chris Rufo explains detailed analysis, but we can confirm it does not prove that *HAITIANS* were cooking a cat". All of this dismissal and little work from ABC can be summed up as - because Trump.

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In the 1950's, in Indiana high school basketball, it wasn't an unsual to see the

home town coach having a cigar with the referree coach before the game. What came next

was no surprise.

Its time to stop playing nice. Any Republican that goes on ANY Elite media program

has got to fight back. Its time to fact check, live, the FAKE fact checkers.

Remember these people are stupid and lazy. There are only a couple of things they care about:

-hairspray and make up look good

- Towing the DNC line

- Getting invited to the right parties

- Advancing their careers

However none of these people can think their way out of a paperbag. When they LIE we need to defend the truth as well as call them what they are - DNC operatives.

We can have our way with these people seven days a week and twice on Sunday if we are up to the battle.

Time to sharpen the elbows.

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Well done 👍 These people are looking worse by the minute.

Keep up the fine work.

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This is absolutely Awesome

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There is a reason why the radio and TV stations are the first to be taken over in a coup d'état. Thought is what is portrayed by those who control the media, it is the opioid of the masses. In the U.K. the BBC badge up their reports with “Verify”, but who guards the guards! It is right to challenge those who claim the authenticity of their reporting. Once again well done Christopher Rufo you challenged the wisdom of mass migration without regard to religiosity, ethnicity, norms and values. Likewise in the U.K. animal rights activists disrupt traditional legitimate field sports but do and say nothing over halal slaughter without pre-stunning of 24m animals per annum!

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"There is a reason why the radio and TV stations are the first to be taken over in a coup d'état."


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This is real journalistic work, and I appreciate it - I do not wish to be involved in falsity. You and your people have meticulously presented your reporting - including its limits.

Corporate media has also a secondary echo/amplification layer - men such as Chait, Yglesias, Jilani, Hasan and others who also do no journalism whatever, but amass "followers" and curate "facts" and "construct narratives." Their function is to "sell" the faction, party and ideology of the clique who have gained control of the ruling institutions of the state. This includes the smearing and denigration of dissenters.

Naturally, the clique or faction regards itself as synonymous with Democracy: "Our Democracy."

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There is a world of difference between being a racist and a culturist. Not all cultures are equal in their human qualities of respect for persons, for the greater creation, for societal stability. The globalists who push for a world without borders are ignorant of history and of human nature - and of course, these social engineers forcing unlimited migration all live in walled communities.

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I don't think it is so much from ignorance as it is intentional.

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We mere citizens don't hate the lickspittle news media nearly enough.

I'm afraid as they lose more and more audience to subscription-based journos who, like our intrepid Mr. Rufo here, dare to contradict the groupthink, their lying will become more transparent and desperate as they come to rely exclusively on cash injections from globalist billionaires.

Remember when CNN tried the online subscription model? How long did it last? A week?

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The story is the story here, of course. Say what you will about the often-outrageous DJT, he has certainly made us all aware how dangerous and corrupt our major media are. But regarding the cooking and consumption of house pets (even if feral), we could use the wisdom of General Sir Charles James Napier here. “We kill, grill, and eat cats in Congo; it’s our culture.” “Be it so. In the United States of America, we arrest, try, convict, fine, and imprison those who abuse and kill small animals. Our culture is better than yours, which is why you are here and not in Congo.”

Addendum: I suppose there are few childless cat ladies in Congo.

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I'm surprised to see a vegan in the comment section here.

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Great work. Find more!! Overwhelm them!!

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