Well, people who study political movements are fairly confident that America's left-wing violence is a communist revolution. Even the unschooled like me can see the similarities between what is going on here and what happened in China and Russia before the communists came to power. I think the problem is that the hard-left, which controls all the institutional power in this country, are part of it and are facilitating the takeover by every means possible, i.e., the courts, the media, the schools, etc. While "opposition" is basically ineffective at best, and cowardly and complicit at worst. There is no excuse for remaining silent while our history, culture and population are destroyed because you are afraid that the Amazon/Washington Post will publish an unfavorable article about you or your supporters, but that's where we are.

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"Americans must become confident again that their government will enforce the law, without fear or favor." Wait a minute. The public isn't confident BECAUSE the government has demonstrated that it won't enforce the law against Leftist rioters. You can't just conjure up public confidence when the government, at all levels - federal, state, and local - has shown that it will not do so. The first step is for government to grow a pair and stop giving the Left a free pass. There have been violent riots in D.C. at both the White House and the DNC's headquarters. I could count the number of arrests on the fingers of one hand. At the DNC, six cops were injured and there was one arrest. Yet, arrests are still being made of people who walked through the Capital, through open doors, nearly three years ago. No wonder people don't, and shouldn't, have confidence in the equal application of law.

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

Keep exposing the truth. Watch "The Fall of Minneapolis" to see what was not allowed to be seen.

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"Federal law enforcement should intervene." 'Social Justice' 'Protests' should be called by their right name.....mostly orgies of spoilt-brat self indulgence with looting added benefits. The judiciary should be above the partisan political fray. Police should not have taken the knee to the BLM racket. SO MANY SHOULDS. But the biggest problem is the millions of Americans who SHOULD never have been taken in by all this Social Justice 'activism' nonsense in the first place. Before there can be any serious disruption of these networks, a braver kind of politician is sooner or later going to have to confront these millions of (mostly) Democrat-voting electors with some hard truths about how full of s*** they are.

(You of course are doing some great work on this score.)

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Law enforcement has to enforce the law against these thugs vigorously on all levels not just the federal level

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Why the Feds? Why not local authorities with local insights and awareness? This is the United STATES of America, not AMERICA of States.

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The problem with your theory is that antifa is not, in fact, a network. It's goons. Their goonery, when they get up to it, attracts every goon for a hundred miles. There is no grand plan.

There is, as a result, no danger of revolution from this quarter. You mention CHAZ, so you should see why. They cannot organize anything, even something as small as a city park. They start to eat each other alive in micro-factional conflict.

These people are completely unaware that "seizing the means of production" involves continuing to work - in fact, it means working harder. They, like most young folks today, want to be noticed, more than they want anything else.

In making them out to be some organized & dangerous faction, you are giving them a hundred times more respect than they deserve. That they invoke the horrors of fascism to justify their goonish attention-seeking behavior is a disgrace and an embarrassment far more than a danger.

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Leftists justify violence using Marxist ideology. Examples include the critical race theory displayed during the 2020 riots and the post-colonial theory enacted during pro-Palestinian protests on campuses. Marxists believe the end justifies the means and have adopted the slogan "by any means possible." When you see these clues you can clearly identify the ideology as Marxism, which includes classic Marxism and all of its mutated variants.

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I agree. They're only doing as well as they are through intimidation tactics, and those can be stopped if we find people with the will to do it.

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Have you seen the documentary the Fall of Minneapolis?

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You will be astounded, dismayed, deeply frustrated and saddened by the information, complete with documented evidence and actual video cam footage, to back up the claims of this Documentary, Produced by Liz Collin, Written and Directed by Dr. JC Chaix.

You can't help but cheer for this righteous exposure as you cry over the senseless suffering caused by all the immoral and unlawful deceptions played upon the American public.

My heart was broken 💔 as I watched footage of what our Law Enforcement Officers were so UNJUSTLY put through to push an EVIL narrative filled with out-right lies, cover-ups and disgraceful inhumanity to the very people who have dedicated their lives to serve for the good of our Communities, States and Nation. Our Police Officers were FAILED by the cowardice of the City Government of Minneapolis (as well as other Administrations failing Officers across our Nation).

There is no doubt of the deeply challenging and difficult situations in which cities found themselves with the unruly rioting mobs. The liberal extremists voted in to run their City and State Governments carry a major burden of fault for these injustices.

Where has the desire to have Leaders of Integrity gone? More times than not, we reap what we sow.

Our Law Enforcement across our country are owed a BIG APOLOGY for the hatred, unkind actions and deep disrespect they were unjustly shown. Shame on those who participated.

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Antifa is concentrated in progressive cities which are uniformly blue.

The Progressive Left is getting what they voted for, and will continue tolerate it as some sort of Virtuous Hairshirt of Penance for their privilege.

Eventually they will tire of it, but in the meantime be thankful that unless you live in a leftist West Coast city, you don't have to actually deal with them.

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Democrats welcomed political violence in 2020, when luminaries of the party, Pelosi, Harris, Waters and others, stoked BLM and Antifa riots with thinly veiled calls for destruction.

Barack Obama spoke in violent terms as well. “Republicans are the enemy.” “Get in their faces.” “If they bring a knife, we bring a gun.”

Maxine Waters exhorted leftists to attack Trump officials. Some, in fact, were attacked on the streets, and in restaurants.

It was delicious to see the DNC under attack by violent leftists last week. Democrat congresspeople in the building were scared to death. They were hoisted on the petard of their own doing.

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Your entire recommendation is that federal law enforcement should intervene? How could the feds have time? They are too busy prosecuting people who just happened to be in D.C. on 1/6/21, including those who never set foot in the Capitol or trespassed or did damage anywhere else. Actually I meant just "Republicans": https://dianelgruber.substack.com/p/joseph-bolanos-fbi-and-nbc-made-a

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The weaponization of the DoJ and the upper levels of the FBI is outrageous, dangerous and totally unacceptable.

I can only imagine the frustration and anger that grass-roots agents in the FBI are feeling.

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It's an ideology, not an organization or group. /s You can't even get the federal government to acknowledge that left-wing extremism exists. I can tell you the amount of resources dedicated to extremism on the left is 1:10 while they overturn every rock in every media and assembly looking for "white supremacists" and right-wingers with inconvenient thoughts. You can very easily find tens of websites in an hour focusing on left-wing tactics on disruptive and destructive practices and guidance against the government, in addition to gathering places and rally points where they organize activities. This is all fine according to authorities, because they are practicing their first amendments right of free speech and assembly. The same could not be said of authorities against right-wingers who communicate and gather. The left is aware of this fact and are emboldened by it. I resist claiming that the agencies are in on the charade, but the cesspool that is the DHS and FBI don't inspire much confidence.

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