Subvert the subversion. Mock them and meme them until their smears mean nothing. Wait til you see how demoralized the new CEO of NPR is, will have a spicy post on Sunday about her.

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Jan 26Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

As an American Jewish college professor, I can only wish that these two organizations were equally as energetic in confronting the more violent anti-Semitism associated with the campus and ANTIFA left.

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It is not enough to simply ignore these people and diminish their effectiveness, they have to be completely destroyed financially too. I recognize that litigation has significant barriers to entry like time and cost to the plaintiff, but I really do believe that forcing organizations like the SPLC and ADL to pay damages via defamation lawsuits is the way to go. King et al v. The Southern Poverty Law Center in Alabama is a step in the right direction, but there needs to be much more action taken against these evil psychopaths. The only thing that will prevent them from continuing their insidious operation is feeling pain and fear.

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Jan 26Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

This is exactly right. “In fact, if one must pin labels of hate, violence, or extremism on one faction in this debate, the charges should be reversed. Gender ideologues, not their critics, promote the hatred of biological reality, disseminate extreme ideological and pornographic literature in classrooms, and advocate for (and perform) violence on children’s bodies.”

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Jan 26Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

And let’s not forget the name Anthony Fauci. If justice means getting what is due to you, he likely has avoided justice.

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It's like Maytag.

Maytag built a brand around making quality products in America. The marketing creation of "the bored Maytag repairman" only worked for decades because Maytag's appliances really were good. Then Whirlpool bought Maytag, moved production overseas and transitioned to lowest-bidder, plastic parts. Now Maytag washers are just Whirlpool washers a different label. Whirlpool traded on the built-up brand loyalty for about a decade, but eventually reality caught up (as it always does), and people stopped being willing to pay a premium for the Maytag brand.

This is happening to EVERY institution in the West today.

Harvard still wears it's "veritas" on its sleeve, but people are noticing that it's a joke and that many Harvard grads are fragile, narcissistic, idiots. Gary Larson recently penned a Far Side along these lines... a job interviewer asking a candidate: "Our background check won't turn up anything will it? Drug use? Hookers? A Harvard diploma?"

Just like Maytag and Harvard, the new order within the ADL and SPLC are wearing the old orders' reputations like skin suits. It won't last. But they'll fleece a great many (both in contributions and in social damage) while it does.

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Jan 26Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

If there's a group of more odious vermin than these left-wing NGOs, I am unaware of them.

Their cupidity is never satiated, and they will never rest, because the number one enemy of progress is question. Besides, it's for your own good don't you see, so shut up.

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Many years ago I donated to the SPLC to help them sue the KKK. I stopped donating some time after their legal success. I stopped getting letters as I moved a lot. Then, a couple of years ago, I started getting fund raising letters from them. The letters are cleverly written propaganda that are designed to influence responses to an included push poll with a donation section at the end. They also include their “hate map”. Initially the “hate maps” included “black nationalist” groups. But they dropped those organizations as DEI gained strength. Now they also show several Catholic organizations

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Its not just NGOs, the entire federal and many state public health bureacracies were politically weaponized against the public during covid. In in NJ and the state dept of health and various county offices were absolutely worthless tools. The health commissioner was a puppet for the governor mouthing platitudes and propaganda slogans. Meanwhile NJ has among the highest death rates in the world

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You're my hero, Mr. Rufo. I *loved* your book, and found it so helpful in clarifying what's happening and who is behind in. I wrote in the margins and lent it out. I will pursue your excellent sources cited in footnotes. At one time, these very people advocated "speaking truth to power." Now that they have the ascendant, it's "Don't question our authority." Sad that all these brainwashed kids follow along like zombies, ignorant of history and calling for more of a system that will ultimately do away with the freedoms they take for granted, like ordering fancy coffee at Starbucks and anything they want on Amazon.

At that new college in Florida, the movie, Mr. Jones should be required viewing!

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Well past time to do the deep dive into, and ultra aggressive, very public counter attack against these leftist fanatical hit-shops (ala Harvard/Gay). Their power lies in their unchallenged attacks on their political opponents. People with power, wealth and a public platform (Ackman, yourself, etc.) need to lead that charge. Keep up the excellent work. The salvation of this country depends on it.

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The entire political left’s worldview is predicated upon lies. Lies that they retell over and over in their insulated bubbles where dissent is not allowed. They have built their world on the sands of lies. This is why the left censor’s and jail’s it’s opposition. Their world would crash into the sea of truth and fact if the wave of reality is allowed to wash up to their foundation. This why all crimes against humanity have been committed by the left. 100 million dead from communism. Hundreds of millions will die from their climateism. Millions of young people will be render sterile and mutulated by transgenderism. The left is where true evil arises.

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Ah yes, the reputation of the Southern (based in New York) Poverty (ahem, let’s open those books) Law (founded by an ad man) Center (possibly the only honest word in its name.)

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If the left can force a former president to pay a completely crazy woman $83.3 Million for a defamation that never happened about a rape that *certainly* never happened, the left still has far too much power from which to draw. Good luck getting a fair defamation verdict in a big city. Isn't the SPLC headquartered in Fulton County, Georgia, i.e. Atlanta?

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Ignore the Left or delegitimize them by pointing out their tactics. Both approaches are good advice. For more tips I suggest reading "Unwoke: How to Defeat Cultural Marxism in America" by Ted Cruz. I have reviewed "Unwoke" in my latest Substack at https://2026.substack.com/p/unwoke-review

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The irony of being labeled anti-Semitic by the ADL for criticizing George Soros, who funds generously just about every legal anti-Israel group in the news.

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