What kind of material would you like to see next year? As you’ve seen, I’ve been experimenting with a podcast and want to get your feedback. Do you prefer the monologue format or the guest/co-host format?

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As for material, I’ve always found investigative reporting, and yours in particular, to have considerable impact. I became a Walkaway by way of City Journal reporting where I found your proof and sources very convincing. That kind of high-caliber work is credible and persuasive, and it’s fundamental to the sea change we’re witnessing.

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Dec 24Edited

I began reading the Manhattan Institute's City Journal sometime in the 90s. Off and on, and then I had a print subscription for years. It was head-and-tails above the usual social commentary magazine offerings of the time, including the "elite magazines".

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Dec 23Edited

Next year? For the Manhattan Institute line-up, I always thought it would be enlightening for American readers to understand how totalitarianism began spreading in the 1960s in Canada through Maurice Strong, successful oil & gas businessman who went on to nefarious things at the UN. And his pal Pierre Troodo, who was a friend of Communist leaders everywhere, a member of the Club of Rome, a eugenicist who was tight with the Quebec Jesuits, and the pusher of "multiculturalism" on Canada whether Canadians wanted it or not. Pierre Troodo first became Prime Minister in 1968. He was the northern route to totalitarianism.

I suspect it would open a few eyes.

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Advocates of white nationalism assert that their objectives include ensuring the survival of the white race and the cultural integrity of historically white nations. They advocate for the maintenance of a demographic majority of white individuals in predominantly white countries, the preservation of political and economic dominance, and the prioritization of their cultural values within these societies. Numerous white nationalists express concern that miscegenation, multiculturalism, immigration of non-white individuals, and declining birth rates among white populations pose existential threats to the white race.

Scholarly analyses indicate that white nationalism shares significant overlap with the ideologies of white supremacism and white separatism. While white nationalism is sometimes characterized as either a euphemism or a subset of white supremacism, journalists and analysts frequently use the terms interchangeably. White separatism is defined as the aspiration to create a "white-only state," whereas white supremacism encompasses the belief in the inherent superiority of white people over non-white individuals, advocating for their dominance. This ideology often draws on concepts from social Darwinism and Nazism.

Critics posit that the term "white nationalism" serves as a rebranding effort, asserting that expressions such as "white pride" exist primarily to offer a more palatable public image for what is fundamentally white supremacy. This perspective suggests that white nationalists tend to eschew the term "white supremacy" due to its negative connotations, and it is further argued that many white nationalist organizations promote ideologies that can incite racial violence.

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Your silly treatise is entirely out of context of what Mr Rufo was writing about. Did you accidentally drop this tired on his Substack?

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Dec 23
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You call someone a Nazi out of the blue and simultaneously complain about ad hominem.

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Yeah, nah. No thanks. Sell crazy somewhere else.

We don't want any.

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I'm reciprocating, dummy! I used to rescue weak, wannabe Proud Boys like you from Aryan Brotherhood prison gang rape.

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I see now. You ONLY do ad hominem.

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Merry Christmas and congratulations on your new arrival!

If you don’t have a strong preference, why not experiment with both?

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I enjoy either one, but it does depend on the topics chosen when you interview. So far, you are sharper than your guests.

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I think that the guest/co-host format makes for more interesting listening as you bounce ideas and arguments off of each other. I think that you could do a lot of great and unique podcasts talking strategy with other conservatives thinkers and leaders on how best to recover the culture and reward and celebrate merit, virtue, and nobility. Merry Christmas and best to you and your family.

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Hi Chris,

Consider doing both formats. Keep your options, especially in the beginning. Why not experiment a little bit until you find your footing?

Good luck!


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Good idea

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1st - Thank you for all you have done and I am looking forward to the new works.

Possibly more that any other person you have brought change to America.

2nd - For truly long form, more than an hour plus, I think you have to have a guest mostimes.

Otherwise for the less long (which I think may have more impact), I think a cohost could work best, but the interviewer asking you questions is a good idea too.

But I wouldn't limit myself right away but try some different formats to see what you and the audience likes.

3rd - Paywalls are for rich folk. Either get a sponsor or live on advertising.

I'm looking at you Bari and The "Free Press". What a ridiculous name for a paywalled rag.

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Merry Christmas to you and yours! Enjoy this Blessed Holiday- and well-deserved time off with your family! Prayers continue for your extraordinary investigative journalism! Stay strong!

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America is worth fighting for and you’re one of its best defenders. Thank you for your tireless relentless dedication. Merry Christmas to your beautiful family.

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Have a good break Christopher. I'm in the UK and we're watching you guys with interest and excitement to see how things shape up after DT gets inaugurated.

Keep pushing ! As you say, I think we reached and passed peak woke in '24 so there are signs of a shift in the right direction, and you definitely can take some of the credit for that.

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I feel peak woke was probably in 2022, because there were signs of people pushing back already in 2023, e.g. the Bud Lite story, Lia Thomas etc. Before that people were frozen or hypnotized. Also, AOC removed her pronouns this May, so even she could feel the wind turning.

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So good to hear about the shift in direction away from woke dogma in the UK! May it roar up like a wild fire and completely cleanse the minds and hearts of your nation! My mother's roots came from England so your words were very heartening!

Janice Wood

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I rarely waste the extra time required ti digest videos and podcasts, rather prefer to read text as it's more time efficient. So if you feel the need to follow the crowd in that direction please include a text transcript. Thanks.

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Yes, always will include transcripts

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Ditto that.

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Dec 23Edited

For what it is worth to readers here, I always remember at this time of year that it was Judaism and then Christianity which raised mankind out of the lower cold-blooded reptile brain into the new consciousness of human empathy.... and the moral code which built Western civilization.

I am in awe of that. We mustn't lose it.

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Congratulations on your baby daughter! May the Lord bless every day of her life.

Chris, thank you for your tireless efforts for sanity and reason and for keeping us well-informed.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours!!

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Merry Christmas and happy Chanukah to all. It’s truly interesting and satisfying and fun to be part of this community. My only request is that you keep supplying transcripts of the videos: I’m old school and I can read in ten minutes what takes an hour of listening. I simply lack the patience for the visuals…

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audio and video content....This is one of my big projects for the coming year, so please let me know what formats you prefer /// From a reader whose hearing is quite dubious (playing too much overamplified Greek music in small rooms), well-constructed text is greatly superior to audio - and much of the time spent with videos is better emotional than educational fodder.

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Yes, I include edited transcripts so readers can quickly get through it via text.

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Thanks. I love transcripts.

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Dec 23Edited

I agree. I like my information in text. I have always preferred reading it to listening to it.

And it's faster.

Emotional content is good in audio/video, however.

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Agreed. If i do not have the time I read. I may prefer the audio/video but I end up listening a minority of the time since it is often not time efficient.

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First and foremost, thank you for the work that you are doing. There's a gas lighting aspect to all of this that is particularly concerning. The Claudine Gay plagiarism reveal vindicated my meticulous teaching on how to properly handle outside sources, which was ridiculed by a faculty member in a meeting. I am no longer there, but he still is.

To answer your question, I appreciate the monologues very much. It's a break from the guest/host format. However, both have their uses. Your delivery in the monologues is particularly effective in terms of constructing a cogent, evidence-based argument without interference.

So I have made my departure from a particularly "woke" institution. For example, a wealthy, indoctrinated parrot Japanese student called me her "white oppressor;" professors teaching this ideology ought to be taken to task for creating "a hostile work environment, in my opinion. In Fall 2023 I attended an this same college an "anti-racist" DEI workshop. It was shamelessly anti-intellectual racist garbage, e.g. "Consider yourselves part of the white race that is detrimental to society."

My ambition is to work at the Manhattan Institute, assisting you with your endeavors.

Happy holidays. Congratulations on the new member of your family!

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Sorry to hear about this and merry Christmas!

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Thanks for all you do. I consider you a happy warrior. While I know the trend everywhere seems to be towards multimedia and video presentations, I actually appreciate your written reports. You go into enough depth to actually address the issues. I realize from a marketing standpoint, the shorter ones help with the reach, but as a contributing supporter, I appreciate the thorough written updates, and hope they will continue.

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Merry Christmas.

I'm happy with the written format. I rarely listen to podcasts or interviews so I'm not one to comment other than to say that format is lost on me.

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Congratulations on your new little one. Merry Christmas.

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Congratulations, Chris, to you, your wife, and your whole family on the birth of your sweet baby daughter! Love and blessings to you all as you celebrate your sweet baby girl!

Thank you so much, Chris, for your honest and intelligent coverage of the left’s radicalization of U.S. institutions through DEI, BLM, transgender ideology, and ESG, etc. Your work has brought much needed light to all of dark forces relentlessly at work in our society. Many thanks, Chris, and Merry Christmas!

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Ho ho ho

What did Santa pay for his reindeer sleigh?

Nothing, it was on the house.

What does it cost Santa to operate his sleigh on Christmas eve?

8 bucks, 9 on a cloudy night.

What does a tornado and Christmas have in common? (with a nod to us victims of Helene)

Before its over, there will be a tree in the living room.

and for the bad boys,

Why is Santa such an angry old man?

Because, he only comes once a year, and that's down a chimney.

Ho ho ho

As the Red Baron told Snoopy,

Merry Christmas, my friend.

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Just subscribed - it's important to support your moral quests

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