As a Minnesota resident, I watched in horror as our largest city burned under the guise of "peaceful protests." I have deep concern about a resurgence of violence in 2024 and the response that would follow. We don't have conservative leaders to manage the air or the ground. We are highly vulnerable to lockdowns or worse.

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I've long assumed a Republican victory in 2024, esp. a Trump victory, most definitely WILL bring the only kind of reaction the misguided, and the rich radical-chic (Pelosi and her ilk) who fan their fury, know how to muster. Hold on to those pussyhats. When they start burning our cities and terrorizing as they did before, we will need to do more than send in the troops (as even many liberals wanted to do in 2020). We will need to send in the tanks.

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You cannot ban protests in a liberal democracy but you CAN call them by their right name. "'Protesting' in the Western world is rarely about our cherished 'democratic freedoms', It is usually aggressive, manipulative, power-hungry narcissism.....(with a side order of looting and sexual abuse). Protesting in places like Iran or Afghanistan is noble and dangerous....in the West it is mostly an ugly form of self-engrossment." Conservative politicians and pundits need to etch this mantra (like a broken record) into everything they say about 'Protests' and the riots they trigger.

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No mention of Jan 6? Really? Doesn't wash out leftist violence, but it's a glaring omission.

And if you're promoting internet idiots like LibsofTikTok anyway, can you throw me a bone? I'm like Morrissey, but shorter. Your movement's got no rizz, and I alone can fix it.

e: Who knows not this? but what can Rufo do

Against a world, a base, degenerate world,

That courts the yoke, and bows the neck to Cæsar?

Pent up in Florida, he vainly forms

A poor epitome of American greatness...

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The left will find a reason for violence. However, it sure would help if Trump withdrew from the race and threw his support behind DeSantis.

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Christopher’s foresight, planning and overall vision are treasures for those who espouse traditional values and don’t want to see our culture and society further destroyed. I hope leaders are listening and preparing. We, the people, are dependent upon their actions.

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You are quite correct, Chris, in posing this question. It is clearly evident that the left has raised a loud and large army of activists and agitators to create chaos to civil society who oppose their views. They are funded by very rich elites through NGO’s and government institutions with globalist views and of course the media is all in.

It is shocking. Anyone with their eyes open will see their ramping up of censorship worldwide leading up to the elections. Can we even trust that elections will be honest? Have they already succeeded in creating enough apathy and fear in us to shut us up and make us take a knee to their authority?

Keep up the fight despite my despair I do believe one person can make a huge difference.

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It's December 2024. The Trump-Biden contest is over. One of these men is president-elect. Imagine the national reaction to each. Trump wins, what is the reaction of the far left? Biden wins, what is the reaction of the far right? Who has the bigger organization? Who has the bigger financial and political backing? Either way, civil war is possible. Not North vs South. Urban/costal vs Rural/heartland. If Trump-Biden is our choice, this country is headed for a crisis of historic significance.

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Dec 5, 2023·edited Dec 5, 2023

Based on the performance of "conservative leaders" so far, either they won't prepare at all or they'll prepare to enable the progressive regime.

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Excellent advice. "By failing to prepare, you are planning to fail." Benjamin Franklin

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Well balanced article.

And remember Kamala helped bail out the 2020 rioters! They are the Democrat shock troops.

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There would have been riots last time. I lived in New York and they were boarding up against the eventuality of a Trump victory. The BLM street army in NYC was rewarded with a payout of 20k per person to anyone who had an encounter with the police, so they may be primed for the next time something happens the left does not like. The message will be we can't live under a 'dictator'. I am sure the security forces can prevent this before the riots are necessary.

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Yes, I do believe the marxists make their paid bus migrations every four years.

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What is the ideology of the progressives discussed in this article? Says Bradley Thayer, director of China policy at the Center for Security Policy and author of "Understanding the China Threat": "Communism is not something which exists only in China. It's also present in the U.S. The U.S. is presently undergoing a tremendous ideological upheaval between political liberalism, the traditional ideology of the United States vs. progressivism, which is a type of communist thought." For the details I suggest reading my latest Substack article titled "The Ideology that Captured Our Culture" at https://2026.substack.com/p/the-ideology-that-captured-our-culture

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"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure". It would be good to have lots of lawyers that are against riots.

Also, if Trump wins there is a chance that the riots will turn into a full-blown civil war.

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