In retrospect, how did we let us EVIL and DEGENERATE people get control of all of our
They've propelled us into the NEW DARK AGES.
We let:
-Marxists get control of our media
-America Hating Marxists get control of academic instiutions
-Transgender Leftists get control of our military and spy agencies
- Woke Leftists get control of our HR departments
Their goal was ALWAYS the destruction of Judeo Christian values in favor
of some Post Modern Marxist ideology.
The good news is we are rooting them out of government. We are dismantling DEI
departments in government and corporate America. We are outlawing boys competing
in woman's sports. And finally we are driving a stake into the heart of leftist media. The legacy media has been replaced by smart conservative and moderate content.
If we end the department of education we can take the first step in rolling back woke ideology
at the secondary education level.
THE FIGHT IS LONG FROM OVER. These people want death to America. It is our dark age and soft civil war.
The cultural Marxists/Woke Jacobins have been at it for decades, yes. Your list is spot on.
They have infiltrated everything like a cancer.
Liberal Arts is now Marxist "arts". Where are the artists? They are all equal, so just throwing a fistful of paint at a canvas and calling it a day is art. Look at the shitty architecture of the modern era, all inspired by postmodernism. It's all just crap. I am looking forward to the day where real artistic ability is allowed to rise to the top again.
Our music is crap, our architecture is crap, our art is abysmal. These are just the fallout examples.
And the infiltration of institutions and the brainwashing is necessary for all of that. They have really succeeded. Time for the people to resist and say "enough is too much!"
Local college just constructed the ugliest building I've ever seen, compared with the unbelievably beautiful architecture of the 100 year old Catholic University nearby. Postmodernism equals no truth, beauty, science, or rationality. Psychological war on the mind.
To answer your question: we let evil and degenerate people get control of our institutions by not paying attention to those institutions, or in the case of academia, not thinking it mattered all that much. But that is changing.
All of it driven and funded by Globalist vast wealth in order to destroy nations from within (and Russia and Ukraine from without), allowing for world control, at least in the Western Hemisphere so far.
The plane logs have been out for 5 yrs. I have them downloaded. The client list will come out in "stages". Not so sure this whole thing isn't a "play" on us.
I never doubted that it was this deep and I wouldn't be surprised if we uncover deeper rot. The transatlantic "elites" are completely morally bankrupt and they need to be excluded from any power on both sides of the ocean. Their guardians of power, who call themselves 'intelligence' yet perform nothing but stupidity, which is best represented by their adherence to the woke death cult.
This is a mass delusion that became a dangerous contagion. We must crush the carriers for the survival of decent civilization no matter how many nervous breakdowns that creates. Show no mercy in these people.
It's been building up for years and not just in the Intelligence areas. The FAA has had its bit of this too. Time to clean house. Your sole and number purpose is the execution of your duties as defined by your job description...if it isn't...your fired.
A few years ago I read a book written by a CIA field agent (can't remember the title and I suspect it's been borrowed from me since I can't find it in my library) whose portfolio was Mideast tech. His intelligence gathering was mostly from scientific conferences he attended and tech leaders and researchers he was able to charm. It was basic information aggregation and compiling, allowing him to summarize the state of technological advancement of various allies and enemies of the US. It turns out that the inventors and researchers are pretty open about the work they re proud of. You mostly need only ask casually across the whole of a discipline, then connect the dots.
This spy's book detailed the less-than-useless petty infighting and backstabbing politics that characterized the home office at Langley. This is the same CIA management that missed obvious traitor Aldrich Ames and got all our Russian assets killed. So, yeah, I can believe the home office staff has taken its eye off the ball. Usually, when employees aren't tasked with enough useful work, useless and destructive pursuits fill the void.
Here, self-identified troublemakers will hopefully be cashiered and replaced with a back office that better supports actual intelligence gathering, their primary task.
The Human Factor: Inside the CIA’s Dysfunctional Intelligence Culture, former CIA officer Ishmael Jones discusses various intelligence-gathering techniques, including the practice of attending events like scientific conferences to collect information.
All of this is part of the reason Lieutenant General Michael Flynn was sandbagged by the FBI and forced to leave the first Trump administration. The trans activists knew he would ferret them out, so they had him removed.
Another explosive exposure. Deeply disturbing. Where did all this actually begin? Women’s rights & abortion groups? Was it during the gay rights activists groups - joining the alphabet soup of bi/trans/queers - pressing & demanding more legitimacy?
It started with color revolution tactics being visited upon us by the deep state. And it wasn't women's rights but modern feminism that ushered in a good deal of it, yes. That they could brainwash us into giving up our kids to pre-school while we chase a "dream career" was horrible enough. Look at what that did to kids. The deep state wanted 50% more taxpayers and they got it. They couldn't fund their USAID projects without near 100% participation (e.g., taxpayer money).
So send women to work instead of raising kids, teach them that killing their kid in the womb is self-empowerment, teach men to be beta-male soy boys obsessed with weight-lifting and posing. Teach everyone it's fine to swap partners and divorce, leaving kids confused with 2 hostile homes (in most cases), meanwhile, also infiltrate the schools so that these needy and confused kids have someone to guide them... that isn't their estranged and emotionally absent parents.
Yes Feminism has proved particularly toxic. I grew up in the Women’s Lib era thinking it would help with career options and educational opportunities. I had no idea of the real agenda
And Hollywood has a long storied history of this. Back to at least the 1930s. They have always been co-opted by the Democrat party. Famous actors used to be co-opted to campaign for Democrat presidential candidates, ride campaign trains across the US for candidates such as FDR. Why people are surprised now that they're so political is beyond me. THey are a large part of the propaganda arm of the deep state. Notice how there's not a lot of space in between what spews out of the TV as "news" but is really "infotainment" and a movie, these days.
I saw this first hand in DIA with all the crazy Pride stuff. I retired in 2019 and knew this was going across the entire government not just the USIC. Time to fire all the leadership starting with SES6 down SES 1. Maybe even GG-15s. Next action tell the workforce leave your personal life and crap at home don’t bring it to the workplace!
This sounds like a communist psyop backed by the deranged Democrat Party. The party has left its mainstream members who had better recognize it and form a new one or at least become independent and stop supporting radicals who call themselves Democrats
Thank you for correcting my error. I had responded quickly without reviewing my notes. I should have cited Herbert Marcuse or Rudi Dutschke instead.
But my more thorough review of Gramsci’s work demonstrated that there was an even earlier open warning about the dangers of the infiltration of the institutions of society.
Reflection on Gramsci and the long march provides insight into the current corruption of mainstream religious institutions
Part of the Marxist-Leninist “long march through the institutions” described by Rudi Dutschke and Herbert Marcuse in the sixties. I edited this comment because originally had mistakenly mentioned Gramsci.
CRufo and Robby Starbuck are among the top key resources to expose, combat, and destroy the DEI-Trans religion and rot. My subscription to their Substack and/or organization via X are $ well spent.
In retrospect, how did we let us EVIL and DEGENERATE people get control of all of our
They've propelled us into the NEW DARK AGES.
We let:
-Marxists get control of our media
-America Hating Marxists get control of academic instiutions
-Transgender Leftists get control of our military and spy agencies
- Woke Leftists get control of our HR departments
Their goal was ALWAYS the destruction of Judeo Christian values in favor
of some Post Modern Marxist ideology.
The good news is we are rooting them out of government. We are dismantling DEI
departments in government and corporate America. We are outlawing boys competing
in woman's sports. And finally we are driving a stake into the heart of leftist media. The legacy media has been replaced by smart conservative and moderate content.
If we end the department of education we can take the first step in rolling back woke ideology
at the secondary education level.
THE FIGHT IS LONG FROM OVER. These people want death to America. It is our dark age and soft civil war.
THANKS Chris for leading the fight!
The cultural Marxists/Woke Jacobins have been at it for decades, yes. Your list is spot on.
They have infiltrated everything like a cancer.
Liberal Arts is now Marxist "arts". Where are the artists? They are all equal, so just throwing a fistful of paint at a canvas and calling it a day is art. Look at the shitty architecture of the modern era, all inspired by postmodernism. It's all just crap. I am looking forward to the day where real artistic ability is allowed to rise to the top again.
Our music is crap, our architecture is crap, our art is abysmal. These are just the fallout examples.
And the infiltration of institutions and the brainwashing is necessary for all of that. They have really succeeded. Time for the people to resist and say "enough is too much!"
We have to say on offense. We need to call them out for
taking America into a Dark Age; the loss of enlightment and rationale reason,
and chaos.
Dennis Prager was right when he said the left destroys EVERYTHING it touches.
Local college just constructed the ugliest building I've ever seen, compared with the unbelievably beautiful architecture of the 100 year old Catholic University nearby. Postmodernism equals no truth, beauty, science, or rationality. Psychological war on the mind.
Uglier than this at the University Of Minnesota?
That looks like the museum in Bilbao, Spain.
Nope. We The Tax Payers of Mn spent 14 million on this.
Also: They want schools to look like prisons.
Because they have so much in common with prisons.
Institutionalization, no matter how you look at it.
Absolutely. Look at the monstrosities going up in the cities that have growth spurt right now. Like Boise, Idaho. Blecccccch.
Saw something recently about how the Obama library is in the Soviet Bloc style. And falling apart before it opens.
That is so perfect.
To answer your question: we let evil and degenerate people get control of our institutions by not paying attention to those institutions, or in the case of academia, not thinking it mattered all that much. But that is changing.
All of it driven and funded by Globalist vast wealth in order to destroy nations from within (and Russia and Ukraine from without), allowing for world control, at least in the Western Hemisphere so far.
Just when you think the rot couldn’t have been any deeper …
I only shake my head over the fact that people are surprised.
DC votes 96% Democrat. No place else in the country is nearly that extreme.
Welcome to Berkeley and Oakland, CA.
Wait till Epstein's client list and plane logs come out.
The plane logs have been out for 5 yrs. I have them downloaded. The client list will come out in "stages". Not so sure this whole thing isn't a "play" on us.
I never doubted that it was this deep and I wouldn't be surprised if we uncover deeper rot. The transatlantic "elites" are completely morally bankrupt and they need to be excluded from any power on both sides of the ocean. Their guardians of power, who call themselves 'intelligence' yet perform nothing but stupidity, which is best represented by their adherence to the woke death cult.
Great to know we have intelligence officers and analysts who suffer from delusions and hate the country. I mean, what could possibly go wrong?
This is a great post on the same topic:
As with every other malady, this seems to have started with that sissy beta male narcissist 0mama…
Ok to dead-name him. You have my permission. Eight years of this freak at the controls.
*12 years
yeah, I get your drift
Barry never disowned Jeremiah Wright.
Or Muslim Brotherhood.
This is a mass delusion that became a dangerous contagion. We must crush the carriers for the survival of decent civilization no matter how many nervous breakdowns that creates. Show no mercy in these people.
They empowered the freaks, psychotics, narcissists, and other worse dregs of society. What could go wrong?
His suggestion, Make Insane Asylums Great Again. Told him MIAGA sounds pretty good.
It's been building up for years and not just in the Intelligence areas. The FAA has had its bit of this too. Time to clean house. Your sole and number purpose is the execution of your duties as defined by your job description...if it isn't...your fired.
A few years ago I read a book written by a CIA field agent (can't remember the title and I suspect it's been borrowed from me since I can't find it in my library) whose portfolio was Mideast tech. His intelligence gathering was mostly from scientific conferences he attended and tech leaders and researchers he was able to charm. It was basic information aggregation and compiling, allowing him to summarize the state of technological advancement of various allies and enemies of the US. It turns out that the inventors and researchers are pretty open about the work they re proud of. You mostly need only ask casually across the whole of a discipline, then connect the dots.
This spy's book detailed the less-than-useless petty infighting and backstabbing politics that characterized the home office at Langley. This is the same CIA management that missed obvious traitor Aldrich Ames and got all our Russian assets killed. So, yeah, I can believe the home office staff has taken its eye off the ball. Usually, when employees aren't tasked with enough useful work, useless and destructive pursuits fill the void.
Here, self-identified troublemakers will hopefully be cashiered and replaced with a back office that better supports actual intelligence gathering, their primary task.
Perhaps the title of the book:
The Human Factor: Inside the CIA’s Dysfunctional Intelligence Culture, former CIA officer Ishmael Jones discusses various intelligence-gathering techniques, including the practice of attending events like scientific conferences to collect information.
All of this is part of the reason Lieutenant General Michael Flynn was sandbagged by the FBI and forced to leave the first Trump administration. The trans activists knew he would ferret them out, so they had him removed.
Little did we know what the "fundamental transformation of America" was really all about.
The Communists told us in 1969 when they announced that they were going to begin a “long march through the institutions”.
Another explosive exposure. Deeply disturbing. Where did all this actually begin? Women’s rights & abortion groups? Was it during the gay rights activists groups - joining the alphabet soup of bi/trans/queers - pressing & demanding more legitimacy?
This is a very sad time for humanity.
TY Chris.
It started with color revolution tactics being visited upon us by the deep state. And it wasn't women's rights but modern feminism that ushered in a good deal of it, yes. That they could brainwash us into giving up our kids to pre-school while we chase a "dream career" was horrible enough. Look at what that did to kids. The deep state wanted 50% more taxpayers and they got it. They couldn't fund their USAID projects without near 100% participation (e.g., taxpayer money).
So send women to work instead of raising kids, teach them that killing their kid in the womb is self-empowerment, teach men to be beta-male soy boys obsessed with weight-lifting and posing. Teach everyone it's fine to swap partners and divorce, leaving kids confused with 2 hostile homes (in most cases), meanwhile, also infiltrate the schools so that these needy and confused kids have someone to guide them... that isn't their estranged and emotionally absent parents.
What a setup. Just what a cult would do.
Yes Feminism has proved particularly toxic. I grew up in the Women’s Lib era thinking it would help with career options and educational opportunities. I had no idea of the real agenda
Same. And of course, Gloria Steinem delivered the goods to the deep state as a self-admitted CIA asset.
an "apocalypse" but not sad at all. the word means "a revealing" real JOY
Sounds like what Hollyweird has been doing too — trying to normalize that which is not.
And Hollywood has a long storied history of this. Back to at least the 1930s. They have always been co-opted by the Democrat party. Famous actors used to be co-opted to campaign for Democrat presidential candidates, ride campaign trains across the US for candidates such as FDR. Why people are surprised now that they're so political is beyond me. THey are a large part of the propaganda arm of the deep state. Notice how there's not a lot of space in between what spews out of the TV as "news" but is really "infotainment" and a movie, these days.
And the educational system, MS media, music industry, and pop-culture in general.
nauseates me this cult like belief system has been allowed to flourish for so long. The former leaders at the top should be brought to account.
Rufo does it again! Our rock star. And they wonder why DEI hires are an issue.
I saw this first hand in DIA with all the crazy Pride stuff. I retired in 2019 and knew this was going across the entire government not just the USIC. Time to fire all the leadership starting with SES6 down SES 1. Maybe even GG-15s. Next action tell the workforce leave your personal life and crap at home don’t bring it to the workplace!
This sounds like a communist psyop backed by the deranged Democrat Party. The party has left its mainstream members who had better recognize it and form a new one or at least become independent and stop supporting radicals who call themselves Democrats
Part of the Marxist-Leninist “long march through the institutions” described by Gramsci in the sixties
You mean the 1920s-30s - Antonio Gramsci died in 1937! The Long March has been marching much longer than you imagine.
Thank you for correcting my error. I had responded quickly without reviewing my notes. I should have cited Herbert Marcuse or Rudi Dutschke instead.
But my more thorough review of Gramsci’s work demonstrated that there was an even earlier open warning about the dangers of the infiltration of the institutions of society.
Reflection on Gramsci and the long march provides insight into the current corruption of mainstream religious institutions
Yes started after WWII but WW and FDR helped inspire the sentiment. The depression may have soured some on capitalism.
Part of the Marxist-Leninist “long march through the institutions” described by Rudi Dutschke and Herbert Marcuse in the sixties. I edited this comment because originally had mistakenly mentioned Gramsci.
CRufo and Robby Starbuck are among the top key resources to expose, combat, and destroy the DEI-Trans religion and rot. My subscription to their Substack and/or organization via X are $ well spent.