Thank you for not quitting. It mattered, is mattering, and will matter. Courage inspires more courage.

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Absolutely this.

The reason that the people who want to rule over us over-react against the courageous is that they know that courage is contagious. They want to stamp out courage as soon as it arises.

As a famous frenchman once said: "pour encourager les autres"

They never seem to realise that it is inherent in courage itself to not shrink back under their threats of retaliation. By definition the people who do that lack courage.

"Fight. Fight. Fight!"

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The fact that they go after even children demonstrates their level of evil. Even ordinary criminals often leave the kids out of it.

Thank you for fighting. Please don't stop. Just because official DEI/CRT programs may be shutting down does not mean they are giving up. They will rebrand and continue. Communists NEVER give up.

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I always laugh when Leftists report having been threatened on the internet.

They don't realize that the fact that such occurrences are actually noteworthy to them is evidence of the partisan imbalance in their favor.

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Well said!

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I generally liken the dems to MAFIA...BUT the MAFIA have STANDARDS!

Imagine if they used their 'powers' FOR GOOD instead of EVIL.... Many of those people are BEYOND HELP and ONLY GOD will be able to wake them up or send them packing to that final, HOT never-resting place.

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Agree it won’t go away after the initial ‘victory.” There was too much indoctrination in schools for too long for this to just wilt away after one battlefield loss (admittedly/thankfully a huge and significant one). We all need to keep the spotlight and heat on.

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Thanks for your bravery and that of your family. It takes guts to be on the front lines. We all appreciate it.

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These people are full-blown Marxists, even if they don't think they are. They are the scum of the earth. Thank you for your reporting all these years. You ripped the scab off of a cancer and exposed it for what is is.

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There are many of us out here, Manuel, who have seen this growing in America for decades. And studied it. Those who arrived in this awareness during COVID Mania, taking to podcasts and alternative media, are the newcomers. Eyes just now opened.

This began in the 60s, soon after the JFK assassination. And even then, it was an extension of the totalitarianism which had taken over Germany of the 1930s/40s, went underground, and later crossed the Atlantic. Waiting for the American post-war generation to come of age.... as the new recruitment targets.

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Thank you and I am quite aware of it having been exiled from Cuba and having all lands expropriated. Been a student since the 60s.

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Most Americans are totally unaware of this. They think that American totalitarianism began with COVID Mania. And that the individuals who clamoured onboard the podcasts and Substacks were the discoverers of this phenomenon.

You will be called a troll (and worse) if you attempt to enlighten them. Tell them there was a whole longstanding academic field out there before their Substack author was even born. And millions of people alive who have lived through political totalitarianism. And cult/gang totalitarianism.

Chris is a decent enough fellow, but he is not one of the deeply insightful or well-read types on the in-depth subject of totalitarianism. I think he saw a career opening for an "activist", and moved on it. Not realizing that there are many people out here who know a great deal more about it than Chris does. Then the PR machine took over.

But we have the cult of personality on many Substacks. Just as prone to propaganda as many of the MSM. The readers/subscribers become groupies. They already have a confirmation bias because they signed-up for and have stayed with that particular Substack. Even paid subscriber fees. So they WANT to believe their author is a hero and a god. Ahem.....

Substacks generate herds and groupthink, hate to say. If you are not careful, it is very easy to be pulled in.

And whatever the Substack author writes....will gain bucketloads of gushing comments, above and beyond what the article calls for. It becomes like a Fan Magazine. The commenters often assume that the author of their chosen Substack must be an expert on the topic. When that is not often the case. It is generally down to the given author having spied an Influencer opening, or the possibility of a New Media career.

If Chris is loyal to the truth.....he needs to acknowledge these pitfalls to the Substack world. That Substack does not always put truth first.

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I had no idea you were going through this hell, although I should have. Leftists in any country can only win by force and intimidation since their philosophy is not attached in any way to reality.

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All too predictable. Happened to a lot of us with no national platform. The radicals in Berkeley went after me, a mere mom, fighting gang control of our neighborhood and safe school practices, they did all these same tactics and more. The idiot white savior kids at Berkeley High created a FB petition to have me gang raped. Poor Magazine called me racist practicing Ethnic Cleansing after the neighborhood group I chaired shut down a local drug house using state nuisance law.

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Wow, the stories people are sharing of Leftist retaliation are eye-opening... So many of them, all of them more awful than one might imagine. Things are/have been worse than I realized, and I knew them to be bad.

Somebody has to bring these stories together in a book. There has to be an acknowledgement of what happened, and a reckoning.

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Pacificus, if you wish, you can read stories with the same or similar behaviour patterns from other versions of totalitarianism.

There is the book category of cult memoirs, for instance, or the memoirs of spouses or children of Psychopaths/severe Cluster-B types. Same phenomenon as the WOKE attacks. In fact, many of the former situations are far worse than what Chris describes here.

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Thanks for the steer, A. Yes, some of this stuff reminds me of Scientology-like retributions inflicted against apostates. That's the sort of thing we are dealing with, at scale.

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Yes....to one degree or another -- Scientology, Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormonism (a whole category of apostate books there), Jonestown (written by the few survivors), the Charles Manson cult, the Hamilton-Byrne cult of Australia, and so many more. The totalitarian patterns jump off the pages.

Same with the other shocking stories of totalitarianism within families.

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Well....you're twisting my arm......this is my field of expertise already.

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My God! I am so sorry. And kudos to all you achieved despite these vicious attacks. Those responsible must have the law and be accountable for what they did.

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Yikes. Sorry you had to contend with such depravity. You are very courageous.

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Motivated, out of necessity for survival. The radicals are mentally deranged, even the elite ones who teach at UCB, seen it all, up close.

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Laura, I'm in Berkeley too. Pretty vicious.

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Yep. Funny thing, even close friends turn into screaming memis if your burst their ideological bubble.

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It is the same reason, different degree, as drove the many Germans who committed suicide when they knew that Hitler was dead and the Allies had won. They refused to live outside of their collective delusion.

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Hard to believe, but I gently try to show them what happened to me, and one old friend patted me on the head and said something to the effect, I think you're just stressed.

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We should take a walk and laugh together.

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Would love to meet. I'm not sure I can laugh yet about this. Not until I get some justice. But I am letting the world know.

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I hear you.

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As a founder of a Tea Party group in a very socialist blue area I can attest to the fearful harassment suffered by you and your family. And these unlawful activities have only escalated in the past decade as the globalists understand the power of our values. Thank you for never giving in and continuing the fight. Our country remains in perilous danger and we must continue to fight if we want our country to survive.

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Thank you for your service -- unironically.

Stay with it. Trump's moves are good first steps, but this will be a long, hard fight.

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I know you didn't write this for this purpose, but you're an American hero. And as a retired service member, that "you're" is plural, for such service includes the sacrifices of your family. May God give you and your family great joy in this moment. May He continue to protect you and your family. May He continue to strengthen you in your work, for evil won't just quit because an executive order was signed against it - the fight for truth, the fight for our republic, is never over. May God grant you the wisdom both to take the next step in the battle and to know when to hand over parts (or all) of the fight to others. Thank you, Chris, to you and your family.

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I lived in the Pacific Northwest during the Left's Reign of Terror in 2020-2021. It took courage for you to speak the truth in the face of their violent depravity. Thank you for doing that. I gave up and moved someplace more sane. The people who are still in Washington and Oregon pay the price every day as they endure uncontrolled crime, drugs, homelessness, and incompetent government.

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This is me. I prayed for years to have the opportunity to move. Every door slammed shut and I finally yielded to a kind of Jonah-in-Nineveh situation. I don’t want to be here, I’m sick of dealing with constant corruption and cancerous ideologies, but it’s where I’m called to be and all I can do is share truth every chance I get. I can only pray if enough people like me stay, we might somehow effect enough change to make the PNW a place as peaceful as it is beautiful. It won’t happen in my lifetime but maybe it could be true for my grandkids. I hate living somewhere that I won’t defend at all morally or philosophically—the ideologies that have taken root here are insidious at best. But it is beautiful and I take some comfort in that even when I feel like I can’t stand to be here another day.

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If you don’t mind living in the inland NW, try Coeur d’Alene, ID. More beautiful than Seattle or Portland but much saner politically IMHO.

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Oh we’d love to, but my husband has a really good job and that unfortunately anchors us to the SeaTac area. God closed all the other doors for similar jobs, so we’re here for now. Having him commute via Spokane airport would add days to the days at a time that he’s already gone. We’ve done the math and we just don’t want to do that to our kids or marriage. Otherwise we would in a heartbeat!

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Just get out of King or Multnomah Counties and it's much better. Sure, there are still liberals, but not the really psychotic ones you have in Portland and Seattle -- more the annoying, conformist types who put up "in this house we believe" signs.

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Thank you. The verbal assaults are insane, and I hate the number of times my kids have borne witness to the homeless population getting high, defecating, or even pleasuring themselves while we’re stopped at a red light at a main intersection. I dare not go to my local grocery store anymore. It literally has the worst crime rate in the country out of the thousands of stores in its nationwide company. It’s unbelievable how bad it has gotten—CHAZ may have ended, but the problem only got worse. I’m just thankful for the 2A laws that seem to be sticking around…this is all the result of progressive policies and politics in action. It’s a nightmare.

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We do need to stay within an hour or so of SeaTac airport, but we’re definitely looking on the fringes of that. Tacoma is where we live now and I describe it as “Gotham City but not as clean.” We’re fine with working class, just…not Seattle-Tacoma-Olympia…

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If you have to stay close to SeaTac, Burien/Arbor Heights area is an enclave of (relative) sanity in King County, and it happens to be right next to SeaTac.

Kind of blows me away how overwhelmingly prog King County has become. It's almost like living in a totalitarian state where dissent is not allowed in public.

In fact, I think a big part of the reason it is that way is due to effective intimidation and economic persecution of those with alternative views.

Hang in there.

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Yes, and Pierce county is just as bad (where we are now), with Thurston not far behind. We’re looking into the Kitsap area, but we’ll see what God does.

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Skagit is not bad. Might be a bit working-class for some people's tastes, but it's really got just about everything western WA has to offer, and it's only an hour's drive from Seattle if you need something from the big city.

Basically avoid counties with universities if you want to minimize the crazy.

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I remember when all of this was happening - it's when we first met you in Seattle. As much as I regret that you didn't get on to the Seattle City Council, because you would have been a much-needed voice of sanity, it has been wonderful to see your focus and your purpose as you have taken this very important fight nationwide!

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I'm so sorry you had to go through all of it. Lenin would be proud of their terror.

By the way, is it possible to do anything with the Open Society Foundation? Otherwise it will continue after the Democrats take back control

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I sent your terrific book to my granddaughter who is a senior at U. Of Maine. I had checked. They have a DEI department there, much to my chagrin. Keep up the great work. I am so sorry about the terrible things people have done to you and your family.

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I have to say that I am one of he ones that chose not to get into a pissing contest with the liberals since my encounters with them over 10 years ago. I learned enough then of how vicious they are. I had enough and chose to live my life in the shadows because I wanted a life without the harassment. I am a Vietnam vet. Many people thank me for my service when I really don’t feel like I personally did anything special. I was in Vietnam near the beginning when most of us had never heard of Vietnam. We were just doing what we joined to do. You and people like you are the real heroes. People that are willing to sacrifice the peace you left behind to take on these liberals. You and your loved ones sacrificed so much. Thank you for your service.

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You have to wonder why they're so agitated about losing a policy that does nothing to help them. My guess is it is all about The Grift. Too many people are making big money off of corporations by selling them on DEI practices.

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I wonder how many people get their daily bread by running courses all over the country teaching the employees how to be racist (in the best possible way of course).

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I found you after searching for reasons why national democrats were defending the 2020 riots. National democrats like Kamala Harris. Thank you for your courage and keep on fighting against these Marxists.

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