I saw an email from the university where I teach part-time that the role is now Director of Belonging and Inclusion. I do think the Trump administration will see through this though.
I will not be lulled into complacency simply because my mailboxes have less ‘junk’ and my senses aren’t being battered at every turn. It’s all still there having quietly been rebranded behind closed doors. They have not given up and gone away. They are planning the next assault.
Your comment energizes me in my work! So thanks. I write and create to help more people of principle be way less dependent on systems/institutionso that can be corrupted like this again.
Of course there's no such thing as total personal autonomy, but people with no/low consumer debt and money in the bank can say "That doesn't work for me" way more easily than those living on the razor's edge. It was a huge takeaway from my last corporate job as I saw peers clapping for things I KNEW they didn't agree with.
We need to go check out online medical information sites like Web MD and see if they are still using ‘Gender assigned at birth’ nonsense. It has been incorporated into to everything just like evolution. All of a sudden we are to believe this nonsense.
The Associated Press style book FORBIDS the use of that term. In order for a journalist to get their story published they must abide by the style book. And that leaves them little room to write an accurate story.
Then, if we're going to affect that culture gone astray, we must exercise our independent ability to communicate, correct & constantly combat in every way possible the APs policy, both within its publications - replies in articles, for instance - and support those publications which follow verbiage supported by law wherever possible. Exercise the same tenacity they do on the issue.
I've been pretty much erased on FB. I used to enjoy jumping between CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NYT, etc pointing out their lies. Their solution was not to start telling the truth. They didn't attempt to refute what I said. They simply ghosted me. Keep that in mind, anytime you hear from the MSM. You are hearing only what they want you to hear, and they bury the rest. These outfits are a credit to totalitarian states everywhere.
I serve on the NC State Board of Education and use my seat to fight for sound academics only. My positions are always defeated when votes are taken. That’s okay, because my goal is to be heard. Our side must stay in power for several years to come. We have six or more decades of the Left’s takeover to undo.
@Rick- advertisers spend lots of money targeting particular demographics. BK and Mickey Ds? Blacks and Hispanics. Diabetes medication? Blacks and HIspancis (because they're more prone to diabetes due to their diets and genetics). Financial planning? Whites. Education? They're starting to show more minorities which is a good thing. Mixed race families? I think they go overboard when Dad is white, Mom is black, the kids are HIspanic and the MIL is Asian. That's ridiculous.
It feels like the US is inching forward but here in the UK, the woke zombie apocalypse is still in full swing. It’s going to be a long hard war, good luck my American cousins!
Thanks Chris. This is a very important and useful message - “return to the original mission”. And execute with excellence, empathy and everyone. Truly, everyone.
I do not care if this feels vindicative or vengeful, but I do not think that we should be content with institutions going back to their original mission. Like most commenters said before me, they are simply being conceited, doing things in the shadows.
These institutions need to be, when possible, dismantled. The message to send is that there is no coming back from corrupting several generations of young students. It was not ignorance on their part. They knew damn well what they were doing. We cannot let them away with a "Ooops, my bad. You won't catch me again".
My question is whether we are seeing less DEI or are we just desensitized from the constant bombardment of the message? Our local high school in the PNW has huge banners on the fence surrounding the school promoting BLM and LGBTQ+. I'm going to submit a complaint to the EndDEI.Ed.Gov website to help our community move into the new era.
One of my favorite trolls: the only reason we have DEI is that public school teachers have failed to end the racial achievement gap. Teachers & public education have failed and thus we need constant thumb-on-the-scale redistributionist racial communism across all American institutions. I am pro-education but also "woke" to it's limits and dangers (pedagogy of the oppressed radicalism)
The mission of the university is not limited to the discovery of new knowledge. It must also include the transmission of old knowledge, including, above all, what is known about the origins and history of those cultural traditions and achievements of Western civilization that are embodied in our liberal institutions. These are things that used to be embodied in the core curriculum at places like Harvard, required of all entering students during their first two years on campus. Hopefully the next generation of university presidents will see the wisdom of returning to this core mission of undergraduate education, in the absence of which woke ideologies based on a lack of historical knowledge are able to flourish.
For the simple truth is that a culture--any culture--that is not transmitted from one generation to the next will quickly disappear.
Good observation. It's not just junk mail. Check out the visuals for the Target (TGT) analyst meeting yesterday - wholesome looking moms, several of whom were not racial or ethnic minorities, and no obvious "alternative" families. They're finally being inclusive.
It seems in my mail and email the system now has me characterized so that all the donation request to fix the world do align in someway with my basic beliefs.
With regard to institutions like education, private companies, I fear they will not fully remove the DEI apostles.
I supervise student teachers at a four-year university, and they are required to journal each week as part of their student teaching experience. Every single journal prompt is about CRT. The responses are oftentimes word salads because they are oppressive and intrusive concerning family traditions, culture, and assets. They're hard to read.
One of the things the DOJ was doing: They accused conservative police precincts and school districts of being racist and then made them sign consent decrease and included mandatory training and anonymous reporting on radism between kids and
Data collection on students... The cowardly adults in our school district folded to this without letting the parents know. Kids have been weaponized against each other. Randomly This week we got an email saying that DOJ had released us Because we did so good on implementing all the things they made us do. All the adults in this situation were cowards.And it hurt a lot of kids. Thank goodness for trump. But it is so deeply embedded in our School district that I doubt it will change.
Many universities simply have changed their department names from DEI to something else, making no operational changes to their devious culture.
I saw an email from the university where I teach part-time that the role is now Director of Belonging and Inclusion. I do think the Trump administration will see through this though.
I (Strongly) suspect you are right.
@Shelly — Yes, that is a popular diversion I’ve seen as well. Total BS. State universities supposedly risk losing their State funding if caught.
I will not be lulled into complacency simply because my mailboxes have less ‘junk’ and my senses aren’t being battered at every turn. It’s all still there having quietly been rebranded behind closed doors. They have not given up and gone away. They are planning the next assault.
I plan to be ready.
Your comment energizes me in my work! So thanks. I write and create to help more people of principle be way less dependent on systems/institutionso that can be corrupted like this again.
Of course there's no such thing as total personal autonomy, but people with no/low consumer debt and money in the bank can say "That doesn't work for me" way more easily than those living on the razor's edge. It was a huge takeaway from my last corporate job as I saw peers clapping for things I KNEW they didn't agree with.
We need to go check out online medical information sites like Web MD and see if they are still using ‘Gender assigned at birth’ nonsense. It has been incorporated into to everything just like evolution. All of a sudden we are to believe this nonsense.
My hot button thing is "Undocumented Migrants", instead of Illegal Immigrants.
"Illegal alien" is the legal term.
Media should Use It!
The Associated Press style book FORBIDS the use of that term. In order for a journalist to get their story published they must abide by the style book. And that leaves them little room to write an accurate story.
Then, if we're going to affect that culture gone astray, we must exercise our independent ability to communicate, correct & constantly combat in every way possible the APs policy, both within its publications - replies in articles, for instance - and support those publications which follow verbiage supported by law wherever possible. Exercise the same tenacity they do on the issue.
I've been pretty much erased on FB. I used to enjoy jumping between CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NYT, etc pointing out their lies. Their solution was not to start telling the truth. They didn't attempt to refute what I said. They simply ghosted me. Keep that in mind, anytime you hear from the MSM. You are hearing only what they want you to hear, and they bury the rest. These outfits are a credit to totalitarian states everywhere.
The Associated Press style book FORBIDS the use of accurate terms.
There Fixed it
George Carlin Shell Shock
Jon, I totally agree with you. Trump is an expert at doing that. And we’re getting a lot better at it. I even notice that by the house members.
I serve on the NC State Board of Education and use my seat to fight for sound academics only. My positions are always defeated when votes are taken. That’s okay, because my goal is to be heard. Our side must stay in power for several years to come. We have six or more decades of the Left’s takeover to undo.
I just hate to call it a 'side'. I support anyone's right to want what they want. But they must also support my right to want what I want.
Sound academics must include tolerance of contrary ideas. Same for sound politics, which we haven't seen in decades.
I prefer illegal aliens.
@Te- yes, they do. Advice- if you're looking for trustworthy medical information, I suggest Clevelend Clinic or Mayo Clinic as your first choice.
Great. Now make them put white people back in commercials.
@Rick- advertisers spend lots of money targeting particular demographics. BK and Mickey Ds? Blacks and Hispanics. Diabetes medication? Blacks and HIspancis (because they're more prone to diabetes due to their diets and genetics). Financial planning? Whites. Education? They're starting to show more minorities which is a good thing. Mixed race families? I think they go overboard when Dad is white, Mom is black, the kids are HIspanic and the MIL is Asian. That's ridiculous.
Nearly every family portrayed is mixed race OR a gay couple.
Yes. I did forget to mention the gays couples. Well, they're out there so they can't be ignored.
As are mixed race couples....point being who is being spotlighted and who is being excluded. The political agenda driving this imagery.
It feels like the US is inching forward but here in the UK, the woke zombie apocalypse is still in full swing. It’s going to be a long hard war, good luck my American cousins!
@Ann- and to you, my UK cousin! My maternal grandmother was from Farnborough, outside of Aldershot.
Thanks Chris. This is a very important and useful message - “return to the original mission”. And execute with excellence, empathy and everyone. Truly, everyone.
I do not care if this feels vindicative or vengeful, but I do not think that we should be content with institutions going back to their original mission. Like most commenters said before me, they are simply being conceited, doing things in the shadows.
These institutions need to be, when possible, dismantled. The message to send is that there is no coming back from corrupting several generations of young students. It was not ignorance on their part. They knew damn well what they were doing. We cannot let them away with a "Ooops, my bad. You won't catch me again".
My question is whether we are seeing less DEI or are we just desensitized from the constant bombardment of the message? Our local high school in the PNW has huge banners on the fence surrounding the school promoting BLM and LGBTQ+. I'm going to submit a complaint to the EndDEI.Ed.Gov website to help our community move into the new era.
One of my favorite trolls: the only reason we have DEI is that public school teachers have failed to end the racial achievement gap. Teachers & public education have failed and thus we need constant thumb-on-the-scale redistributionist racial communism across all American institutions. I am pro-education but also "woke" to it's limits and dangers (pedagogy of the oppressed radicalism)
The mission of the university is not limited to the discovery of new knowledge. It must also include the transmission of old knowledge, including, above all, what is known about the origins and history of those cultural traditions and achievements of Western civilization that are embodied in our liberal institutions. These are things that used to be embodied in the core curriculum at places like Harvard, required of all entering students during their first two years on campus. Hopefully the next generation of university presidents will see the wisdom of returning to this core mission of undergraduate education, in the absence of which woke ideologies based on a lack of historical knowledge are able to flourish.
For the simple truth is that a culture--any culture--that is not transmitted from one generation to the next will quickly disappear.
What’s really bad was churches got in on it. They are supposed to be aligned w the culture
Lots of goverment contract money to be made from providing services for millions of illegal aliens.
Good observation. It's not just junk mail. Check out the visuals for the Target (TGT) analyst meeting yesterday - wholesome looking moms, several of whom were not racial or ethnic minorities, and no obvious "alternative" families. They're finally being inclusive.
It seems in my mail and email the system now has me characterized so that all the donation request to fix the world do align in someway with my basic beliefs.
With regard to institutions like education, private companies, I fear they will not fully remove the DEI apostles.
Yes, the long countermarch through the institutions has begun... bravo..
But academia is beyond reform. There, the problem is "systemic." Tear it down to the studs, and start over. There is no other viable solution.
Defund, dismantle, and re-invent higher ed--Now.
I supervise student teachers at a four-year university, and they are required to journal each week as part of their student teaching experience. Every single journal prompt is about CRT. The responses are oftentimes word salads because they are oppressive and intrusive concerning family traditions, culture, and assets. They're hard to read.
One of the things the DOJ was doing: They accused conservative police precincts and school districts of being racist and then made them sign consent decrease and included mandatory training and anonymous reporting on radism between kids and
Data collection on students... The cowardly adults in our school district folded to this without letting the parents know. Kids have been weaponized against each other. Randomly This week we got an email saying that DOJ had released us Because we did so good on implementing all the things they made us do. All the adults in this situation were cowards.And it hurt a lot of kids. Thank goodness for trump. But it is so deeply embedded in our School district that I doubt it will change.