Thank you Chris. This is why I followed you. Why I bought your books. Why I listen to you on podcasts. You led the way. You checked every box and planted every flag. Your signal remained clear through all the leftist noise. Thank you. God Bless you.
I nominate Mogadishu and Khartoum as the locations for the UN headquarters and those of its various agencies that are currently located in NYC, Switzerland and other great tourist destinations around the globe.
He signed away the US membership of WHO today. A good move in the right direction so perhaps he'll do the same for the useless UN next? It is said that without the US funding the WHO will not be able to handle the next pandemic. Pray tell me what good the WHO did during covid? In many peoples' eyes they did far more harm than good, cosying up to China and refusing to try to get to the truth.
Grateful for some sanity,! This is coming from a former Democrat. The Democrats have bowed down to radicalism, and they have left a lot of us with no choice but to leave them behind.
Same. I'm now 70. As a career trial lawyer, I voted Democrat - always on the left, always viewing life through the myopic (and incredibly constricting, if not downright fucking stupid ) binary lens of oppressor - victim.
Then came 2020. The Dems blessed the BLM rioters, who ignited the George Floyd hagiographic flames and proceeded to torch entire segments of our country.
I walked away forever, extricating myself from the clutch of the leftist asswipes who populate the Democratic Party.
I so despise the left and am so put off with the Biden worship, the Obama cult, and the leftist mission to disassemble, destroy and disrupt the greatest nation in history, that I will do anything I can to stick it up the Dems collective asses.
To the Dems: you are a laughable club of middle school drama queens with the aggregate intelligence of a school of fucking codfish. May your ideology find its end in the darkest tarpits of a wretched hell. You've done your best to ruin our country. I wish you nothing but a hard landing in the deepest squats of the darkest pits of the rankest hell.
Hear!Hear! Well said, Eddie. This is what we hoped for, prayed for, and worked for during the last four years. It is so gratifying to see all of the constituencies that have now seen the truth, in spite of the Left’s lies and malfeasance. May it grow and prosper in all areas of governance, and enhance skepticism whenever a Democrat speaks.
Eddie, I know where you are coming from. I too tended to be on the left side of politics (Australia) and now wonder what the f##k was I thinking. Covid was the precipitating factor for me. Here in Melbourne (longest lockdown in the world) peaceful antilockdown protesters were assaulted and shot with rubber bullets however BLM protests went ahead without any police interference.
I, too, considered myself represented by the DP until the rise of the Clinton machine. Bush II made me disgusted by politics in general, and the Obama tenure made me temporarily apolitical. Trump's election was a breath of fresh air, the intensity and insanity of the left's reaction brought me back to my senses, nearly every one of my colleagues showed signs of Trump Derangement, and one of my oldest friends rejected me because I was turning Libertarian and said some positive things about Trump. Then, as you say, came 2020. I saw the handwriting on the wall and went all-in for Trump, America First, and the MAGA movement.
If Vance runs and wins next election, I predict the DP will go the way of the Whigs.
Eddie, I am proud to say that even as a child I saw through the American leftwing. I was never in their corner. I was not even a feminist. And I have always spoken up to say so. Despite what I received in return.
This is my "Told you so!" time.
I thought it was all so easy to see the nonsense. Plain as the nose on one's face. I tried publishing on this stance years ago....but I had to wait for the publishing houses to catch up. Took quite a while.
I wasn't so discerning. And I blame only myself. I blindly followed my family lineage, accepted democrats as the superior party, voted and voiced opinions accordingly. All through the military. Then came college and law school. Most law schools lean left and push the democratic agenda from day one. I felt right at home; I was familiar with all of the ideologies they were preaching, and I never really analyzed my position. Again it was more or less by default. Being a trial lawyer it was damn near mandatory to vote and push leftist policies, and I did my part. All of that went on until 2020.
Then the BLM riots changed everything. To spend a career in the law and watch the Dem POTUS candidates encourage and bless these rioters was too much. So after 48 years, I walked away from the Democrats for good. Their take on 2020 was unacceptable to me. I had given them time, money, and energy for almost 5 decades. But I’m done with them forever. Kamala bailing out rioters, there was the Deification of Saint George Floyd, bail is racist, Soros funded DA’s, cities burning while Dems celebrate BLM, Biden refusing to condemn BLM/ANTIFA criminal behavior, Jerry Nadler “AnTifa is a myth”, the democratic collective excuses “it’s just property damage”, the Dems advocating to “defund the police”, the teachers unions push for CRT, the 1619 Project, ESG, open border, the revival of Cloward-Piven Strategy, Fauci’s incompetence, Bidens impotent failure to investigate the origin of Covid, the absurd spectacle of the Kavanaugh hearings, DEI over merit, Wokism, Merrick Garland’s actions against concerned parents of school children, botching the Afghanistan withdrawal, etc., and I wanted no part of them any longer. I’m FOREVER done with Democrats.
My congratulations to you, Eddie. Though we would have run in different circles in your years of cleaving to the Democratic Party. And I may have argued with you, because I am a superb debater......but ultimately I always knew that something had to click in a person's own mind before they saw the light. Like a cult follower, they cannot be convinced until something gives in their own psyche.
I rolled out of the womb as a dyed-in-the-wool Systems Thinker myself. Discrepancies drove me wild, once I had established the verifiable patterns of reality. I added to that an excellent graduate education, and there was no stopping me. Not even even those hallowed academic halls which went leftwards.
What you are describing, btw, is Totalitarianism. Unraveling it has long been my specialty. Sometimes I share bits on Substack sites. Though too many readers assume that no one could have known anything about this phenomenon until 2020. Because they themselves did not. And because that was when the podcasts on the topic began, and the modern books started rolling out. They were all simply re-inventing the wheel, but they thought they were discovering the whole thing.
Agree with your comment! I’m a former Democrat from
“blue, no matter who” Massachusetts! Yes, the Democratic Party chose to embrace far left radicalism and as a result many like me have chosen to leave the party! As with this election, their arrogance, entitlement and condescension tuned a lot of people off. Thank you, Christopher, for leading the charge on reversing the scourge of DEI.
Chris Rufo did not lead the charge, actually. Not that I begrudge him trying to make a living out of it now that a great many people have seem the light.....but these ideas have been discussed and written about in American society alone since the 50s. In Europe, these ideas are centuries old. It is just that the mainstream population was caught by the collective delusion.
Generation X and Z believe they were the discoverers of all sorts of "new" concepts like this, when all they actually did was to recognize long-established ideas for the first time in their own lives. And then re-branded them. None of this is new.
Wonderful and so many thanks to you, Christopher, Governor DeSantis, and of course, President Trump! It was about time, and very importantly if possible, to monumentalize this exclusion in statute! That is very important as we will be returning to the same insanity without it.
I suppose if I am honest here, I would ask what took the former Democrats and general leftwing so long to open their eyes. That really perplexes me. The writing was on the wall decades ago.
For me it was, sadly, a combination of apathy and not paying attention. I was busy building my career and raising a family. Just too busy to notice. Then during the middle of Obama's 2nd term I started to pay attention and was shocked at what I was seeing. Now I pay close attention, not just on a federal level, but state and local as well.
Same here. 👍🏽 The family and career building, if done properly, is an all consuming enterprise! I have no regrets there, but I wish I would've been better tuned in to the fringes. I should've monitored the cultural decline, but I didn't. And I fault only myself for that.
I was very busy building a life too. But I noticed nonetheless. I cannot remember a time in my life when I did not notice what was going on.
I eventually gave up attempting to convince the mind-blind types what they simply could not see. And I concentrated on working out WHY they could not see. It's an interesting phenomenon.
It has occurred to me over the years, and mingling with all sorts of people, that some folk are very task-oriented to the exclusion of internal insight (they disdain it, in fact) and some are task-oriented but can also balance insight.
You might as well ask Catholics why their not Muslim, or Jews why their not Christian. Everyone has their own beliefs, whether Religious or Political. Just because you think your beliefs are right and everyone else is wrong is not how the world turns. No one owes anyone an apology or explanation as to why they changed their minds on any matter. Be happy they now think like you and leave it at that.
Chris is reluctant to toot his own horn enough here. Chris is almost single-handedly responsible for altering the trajectory of American policy on this issue. Yes there were others, but he put himself out there in an atmosphere of real risk to stand for the truth. Anyone who says 1 man can't change things... bull!
We have a long way to go. Trump needs to sustain this attention because it's not just the positions that need to be abolished, the people in them must be fired instead of reassigned. But boy it's nice to be on offense for a change.
Maybe a list like Chris, Charlie Kirk, Matt Walsh and all the others that worked to stop this critical theory Neo-Marxism from totally taking hold as it felt inevitable just 2 years ago.
More than 50 years ago, I recall debating affirmative action as a young engineer at ATT Bell Labs in New Jersey. Isn't AA another form of racial discrimination we pondered? Isn't our goal to be race-blind, counting only on merit?
"No" was the answer -- race-blindness is itself racist. That absurdity was to be tolerated for a while -- maybe as much as 30 years we estimated, and there would be benefits to black, Asian, Latino Americans, etc. After that, logic could prevail again.
None of us anticipated that a whole race-grievance industry would develop that would keep AA alive and invent new victim groups to grow the grievance industry further. Race hustlers sold seminars to our managers, and we all went along. Half-a-century is a long time, but the tide may finally be turning ... race- and gender-neutral merit may be making a comeback ...
Long overdue. Incredible how smart people allowed themselves to be indoctrinated into toxic DEI beliefs and practices. I remember Holmdel the way it was before all that nonsense — a hotbed of real innovation and creativity.
Hey, Peter: I'm just now reading your comment. Holmdel was indeed a great place. I know of only one engineer who called "BS" on the "workshops" we attended, and as I recall, his career suffered a bit for that.
BTL Holmdel had its politics, but it was full of smart ambitious people, and we all learned from each other. Great social life too(!). I've been married for 52 years to the fine woman I met at Bell Labs in 1970 -- ski club, tennis club, etc. What a place!
I was just a visitor at Holmdel, gave an annual seminar on the Japanese telecom industry, but I picked up something of the positive vibe you mention. What a great place, happy you found marital bliss there too!
Abolishing DEI in the federal government is step 1. Now DEI must be rapidly abolished from all educational institutions and the professions. Any university or professional accrediting agency that engages in racialist activity must lose all federal funding (including student loans for students). Discrimination lawsuits should be filed under the Civil Rights Act against these morally bankrupt institutions to make them choose between reform or extinction. Their current corruption is a social toxin.
Agreed! They need to make an example of a couple of the worst discriminatory abusers. I would suggest massive civil rights lawsuits against Google and Disney to drive a wooden stake into the heart of neoracism.
take a page from the Dem playbook and direct Govt offices to collaborate (and fund indirectly) with Conservative aligned NGOs to bring well considered and recognized-standing positioned law suits against those entities that chose to ignore the constitution and continue to discriminate. its a marathon, not a sprint.
Few educators were out on the vanguard of this massive battle against the DEI, CRT, ESG, and other alphabet warriors.
Most other educators were too afraid to raise the BS Flag. But there was an articulate, motivated and true subject matter expert by the name of Christopher Rufo leading the charge.
This military Veteran salutes your victory; a true victory for our Constitution and our nation.
Like all stereotypes, the image of the academic buried in his little corner of scholarship and ignoring the outside world is based in truth. The reality is a bit different. The politically active American professoriate has always been leftist, if not outright Red, and to our shame, conservative academics rarely dissent because the tendency is to keep one's head down and tend one's garden. I suppose it's like most other professions--you don't want to make waves in the gravy boat.
But after so much time trying to ignore outright insanity, if not evil, anyone with a conscience will be moved to act in some way. With the insanity following Trump's election in 2016, I quit my academic post in the spring of 2017, moved to Florida from a deeply Blue State, worked at a job in the shipping industry for a few years, then took an early retirement from teaching.
These ideologies have turned our schools of education into schools of indoctrination that have produced a generation of teachers and academic administrators who are true believers in DIE, critical race theory and the oppressed/oppressor paradigm. These are being taught throughout our K-12 schools. The battle isn't over until these cancers are excised from the training grounds of our teachers, the schools of education at our colleges and universities.
Absolutely correct. The left dominated and reshaped K through PhD. It will take some time to purge it all. Meanwhile, we're going straight into the classroom and having a huge impact on kids and teachers. So while Chris is attacking from the top, we're coming up from the bottom. I hope our pincher movement meets in three or four years.
Not a fan of Trump’s personality but his executive orders on our open borders, the insanity of gender identity which deny the reality of human sexuality, and the craziness of DEI which discriminates against whites, Asians and men in attempting to cure past discrimination against others are absolutely the correct approach to those festering problems.
I’m impressed with what President Trump has done risking his position relative to the slings and arrows coming his way. Of course, I don’t think he gives a rat’s rear!
Incompetence abounds in all races and both genders. We need to hire the competent, the experienced, the ethical, without regard to color or gender. Our lives are in the hands of firefighters, military, and workers on Boeing's assembly lines. We need people who know how to manage a firehose, shoot a gun, read a print, or tighten a bolt. We don't need a bunch of people worried about what pronouns are in vogue.
It makes you quite heady what’s happening just now in America! And who could have predicted it in the dark days of 2020.
In the months following the George Floyd riots – egged on by a hyperbolic media-fest - the caving in by elite institutions across the West to shrill Systemic Racism accusations became an orgy of moral cowardice. The self-flagellation of The System reached its apogee in the embarrassing spectacle of police officers ‘taking the knee’ to unruly and threatening racist ‘anti-racist’ mobs. No other word than toadying for such behaviour. In the UK, for example, parliamentary MPs were required to undergo ‘Unconscious Bias’ training sessions. That such a patronising (and tax-payer-fleecing) training programme came to be instituted illustrates just how unequal common sense was when up against the Western intelligentsia’s racial guilt-tripping.
I'm Hispanic, born and raised in LatAm (but a naturalized citizen now), and I always abhorred DEI initiatives, which naturally furthered racism. How the side aiming to be the saviors and promote "anti-racism" fails to see that biggles my mind.
Our college and university schools of "education" need a complete rebuild. They have long been schools of indoctrination with DIE and critical race theory with its oppressed/oppressor paradigm leading the way. This is manifest in the fact that these are now being taught in our K-12 schools by a generation of teachers and administrators who are true believers. This cancer will continue to metastasize until it is excised from the schools of indoctrination and they are returned to their original mission, the training of the next generation of teachers instead of indoctrinators.
Yes, it'll be a tough battle to reform the universities and K-12 schools. But I hope this victory gives conservatives the encouragement to keep fighting.
Thank you for your brilliant work and untiring effort, Chris. You are a true Patriot. 🇺🇸
Celebrating victories is healthy for our morale, as long as we maintain our vigilance and forward momentum. There is still much to do on an urgent basis; our children’s and grandchildren’s pliable minds are at stake, and they are the future of America. We need to push for civics and history courses that instill patriotism and respect for our blessed nation, and gratitude to God for blessing us with a second chance. We must do everything in our power to move the America First agenda forward while maintaining our 100% vigilance and our virtue.
Thank you Chris. This is why I followed you. Why I bought your books. Why I listen to you on podcasts. You led the way. You checked every box and planted every flag. Your signal remained clear through all the leftist noise. Thank you. God Bless you.
Thanks for your support! This is a big win.
Trump needs to drape one of those big beautiful gold Presidential medals around your neck. You deserve it.
He does indeed!
When you wake from your nightmare you will find all is well so you can stop your hating. It's making you ill.
Are you looking in the mirror?
Same here! I suscribe (paid subscription)! to this Substack and bought your book. Thank you for all your work
The golden age begins now! Defund ESG and UN next.
I nominate Mogadishu and Khartoum as the locations for the UN headquarters and those of its various agencies that are currently located in NYC, Switzerland and other great tourist destinations around the globe.
I was thinking Venezuela. But you're right. Caracas is still too close to our country.
love that idea!
He signed away the US membership of WHO today. A good move in the right direction so perhaps he'll do the same for the useless UN next? It is said that without the US funding the WHO will not be able to handle the next pandemic. Pray tell me what good the WHO did during covid? In many peoples' eyes they did far more harm than good, cosying up to China and refusing to try to get to the truth.
I'm also excited about leaving the WHO. It's beyond time to get out of these useless global organizations.
If only we could get our useless leaders in the UK to follow suit.
So true!
Defund 95% of the federal government!
Only if you're not able to defund 96%!
Now we’re talking 😂
Defund any natuon that has anti-American sentiment
Grateful for some sanity,! This is coming from a former Democrat. The Democrats have bowed down to radicalism, and they have left a lot of us with no choice but to leave them behind.
Same. I'm now 70. As a career trial lawyer, I voted Democrat - always on the left, always viewing life through the myopic (and incredibly constricting, if not downright fucking stupid ) binary lens of oppressor - victim.
Then came 2020. The Dems blessed the BLM rioters, who ignited the George Floyd hagiographic flames and proceeded to torch entire segments of our country.
I walked away forever, extricating myself from the clutch of the leftist asswipes who populate the Democratic Party.
I so despise the left and am so put off with the Biden worship, the Obama cult, and the leftist mission to disassemble, destroy and disrupt the greatest nation in history, that I will do anything I can to stick it up the Dems collective asses.
To the Dems: you are a laughable club of middle school drama queens with the aggregate intelligence of a school of fucking codfish. May your ideology find its end in the darkest tarpits of a wretched hell. You've done your best to ruin our country. I wish you nothing but a hard landing in the deepest squats of the darkest pits of the rankest hell.
Hear!Hear! Well said, Eddie. This is what we hoped for, prayed for, and worked for during the last four years. It is so gratifying to see all of the constituencies that have now seen the truth, in spite of the Left’s lies and malfeasance. May it grow and prosper in all areas of governance, and enhance skepticism whenever a Democrat speaks.
Some of us always saw the truth, and were never duped. Despite being in the midst of the daily leftwing insanity.
I think we all deserve a round of applause for having lived with open eyes for decades.
Eddie, I know where you are coming from. I too tended to be on the left side of politics (Australia) and now wonder what the f##k was I thinking. Covid was the precipitating factor for me. Here in Melbourne (longest lockdown in the world) peaceful antilockdown protesters were assaulted and shot with rubber bullets however BLM protests went ahead without any police interference.
Welcome to the resistance.
The members of the resistance have been out here as a cohort, resisting since the 60s, actually.
What took everyone else so long?
Wow! But cod is a tasty fish!😂
Indeed, although I'm inclined to go for the Dover Sole 😂
He, that’s definitely a treat!👌
Come on, Eddie, tell us how you really feel!
I, too, considered myself represented by the DP until the rise of the Clinton machine. Bush II made me disgusted by politics in general, and the Obama tenure made me temporarily apolitical. Trump's election was a breath of fresh air, the intensity and insanity of the left's reaction brought me back to my senses, nearly every one of my colleagues showed signs of Trump Derangement, and one of my oldest friends rejected me because I was turning Libertarian and said some positive things about Trump. Then, as you say, came 2020. I saw the handwriting on the wall and went all-in for Trump, America First, and the MAGA movement.
If Vance runs and wins next election, I predict the DP will go the way of the Whigs.
Does DP stand for Democratic Party or double penetration?
Douchebag Pussies.
Eddie, I am proud to say that even as a child I saw through the American leftwing. I was never in their corner. I was not even a feminist. And I have always spoken up to say so. Despite what I received in return.
This is my "Told you so!" time.
I thought it was all so easy to see the nonsense. Plain as the nose on one's face. I tried publishing on this stance years ago....but I had to wait for the publishing houses to catch up. Took quite a while.
I wasn't so discerning. And I blame only myself. I blindly followed my family lineage, accepted democrats as the superior party, voted and voiced opinions accordingly. All through the military. Then came college and law school. Most law schools lean left and push the democratic agenda from day one. I felt right at home; I was familiar with all of the ideologies they were preaching, and I never really analyzed my position. Again it was more or less by default. Being a trial lawyer it was damn near mandatory to vote and push leftist policies, and I did my part. All of that went on until 2020.
Then the BLM riots changed everything. To spend a career in the law and watch the Dem POTUS candidates encourage and bless these rioters was too much. So after 48 years, I walked away from the Democrats for good. Their take on 2020 was unacceptable to me. I had given them time, money, and energy for almost 5 decades. But I’m done with them forever. Kamala bailing out rioters, there was the Deification of Saint George Floyd, bail is racist, Soros funded DA’s, cities burning while Dems celebrate BLM, Biden refusing to condemn BLM/ANTIFA criminal behavior, Jerry Nadler “AnTifa is a myth”, the democratic collective excuses “it’s just property damage”, the Dems advocating to “defund the police”, the teachers unions push for CRT, the 1619 Project, ESG, open border, the revival of Cloward-Piven Strategy, Fauci’s incompetence, Bidens impotent failure to investigate the origin of Covid, the absurd spectacle of the Kavanaugh hearings, DEI over merit, Wokism, Merrick Garland’s actions against concerned parents of school children, botching the Afghanistan withdrawal, etc., and I wanted no part of them any longer. I’m FOREVER done with Democrats.
It takes courage to see the light and change course. Happy to have you on our side!
That list of political insanity really puts the last few years into perspective.
My congratulations to you, Eddie. Though we would have run in different circles in your years of cleaving to the Democratic Party. And I may have argued with you, because I am a superb debater......but ultimately I always knew that something had to click in a person's own mind before they saw the light. Like a cult follower, they cannot be convinced until something gives in their own psyche.
I rolled out of the womb as a dyed-in-the-wool Systems Thinker myself. Discrepancies drove me wild, once I had established the verifiable patterns of reality. I added to that an excellent graduate education, and there was no stopping me. Not even even those hallowed academic halls which went leftwards.
What you are describing, btw, is Totalitarianism. Unraveling it has long been my specialty. Sometimes I share bits on Substack sites. Though too many readers assume that no one could have known anything about this phenomenon until 2020. Because they themselves did not. And because that was when the podcasts on the topic began, and the modern books started rolling out. They were all simply re-inventing the wheel, but they thought they were discovering the whole thing.
Too funny!
Wow! Now, tell us what you really think.
Impressive wordsmithing!
😂😂I love it dude!! Well said!🤣
born again hard!
Agree with your comment! I’m a former Democrat from
“blue, no matter who” Massachusetts! Yes, the Democratic Party chose to embrace far left radicalism and as a result many like me have chosen to leave the party! As with this election, their arrogance, entitlement and condescension tuned a lot of people off. Thank you, Christopher, for leading the charge on reversing the scourge of DEI.
Chris Rufo did not lead the charge, actually. Not that I begrudge him trying to make a living out of it now that a great many people have seem the light.....but these ideas have been discussed and written about in American society alone since the 50s. In Europe, these ideas are centuries old. It is just that the mainstream population was caught by the collective delusion.
Generation X and Z believe they were the discoverers of all sorts of "new" concepts like this, when all they actually did was to recognize long-established ideas for the first time in their own lives. And then re-branded them. None of this is new.
I'm glad we're finally leaving that radicalism behind—especially DEI.
Wonderful and so many thanks to you, Christopher, Governor DeSantis, and of course, President Trump! It was about time, and very importantly if possible, to monumentalize this exclusion in statute! That is very important as we will be returning to the same insanity without it.
I suppose if I am honest here, I would ask what took the former Democrats and general leftwing so long to open their eyes. That really perplexes me. The writing was on the wall decades ago.
For me it was, sadly, a combination of apathy and not paying attention. I was busy building my career and raising a family. Just too busy to notice. Then during the middle of Obama's 2nd term I started to pay attention and was shocked at what I was seeing. Now I pay close attention, not just on a federal level, but state and local as well.
Same here. 👍🏽 The family and career building, if done properly, is an all consuming enterprise! I have no regrets there, but I wish I would've been better tuned in to the fringes. I should've monitored the cultural decline, but I didn't. And I fault only myself for that.
I was very busy building a life too. But I noticed nonetheless. I cannot remember a time in my life when I did not notice what was going on.
I eventually gave up attempting to convince the mind-blind types what they simply could not see. And I concentrated on working out WHY they could not see. It's an interesting phenomenon.
It has occurred to me over the years, and mingling with all sorts of people, that some folk are very task-oriented to the exclusion of internal insight (they disdain it, in fact) and some are task-oriented but can also balance insight.
You might as well ask Catholics why their not Muslim, or Jews why their not Christian. Everyone has their own beliefs, whether Religious or Political. Just because you think your beliefs are right and everyone else is wrong is not how the world turns. No one owes anyone an apology or explanation as to why they changed their minds on any matter. Be happy they now think like you and leave it at that.
Your usual silly and un-insightful stuff, Reddog. Because you want my attention.
Realize that some of us apply real thought to these issues. And leave it at that. 😁
I thought I smelled some brain cells frying while you thought up your reply 🤣
Chris is reluctant to toot his own horn enough here. Chris is almost single-handedly responsible for altering the trajectory of American policy on this issue. Yes there were others, but he put himself out there in an atmosphere of real risk to stand for the truth. Anyone who says 1 man can't change things... bull!
We have a long way to go. Trump needs to sustain this attention because it's not just the positions that need to be abolished, the people in them must be fired instead of reassigned. But boy it's nice to be on offense for a change.
Thank you!
It is a long way to go, but this is a great victory. Thanks for your support!
Maybe a list like Chris, Charlie Kirk, Matt Walsh and all the others that worked to stop this critical theory Neo-Marxism from totally taking hold as it felt inevitable just 2 years ago.
please don't forget Ben Sasse
More than 50 years ago, I recall debating affirmative action as a young engineer at ATT Bell Labs in New Jersey. Isn't AA another form of racial discrimination we pondered? Isn't our goal to be race-blind, counting only on merit?
"No" was the answer -- race-blindness is itself racist. That absurdity was to be tolerated for a while -- maybe as much as 30 years we estimated, and there would be benefits to black, Asian, Latino Americans, etc. After that, logic could prevail again.
None of us anticipated that a whole race-grievance industry would develop that would keep AA alive and invent new victim groups to grow the grievance industry further. Race hustlers sold seminars to our managers, and we all went along. Half-a-century is a long time, but the tide may finally be turning ... race- and gender-neutral merit may be making a comeback ...
It's crazy how long we've put up with this. Time to stamp it out, hopefully for good.
Long overdue. Incredible how smart people allowed themselves to be indoctrinated into toxic DEI beliefs and practices. I remember Holmdel the way it was before all that nonsense — a hotbed of real innovation and creativity.
Hey, Peter: I'm just now reading your comment. Holmdel was indeed a great place. I know of only one engineer who called "BS" on the "workshops" we attended, and as I recall, his career suffered a bit for that.
BTL Holmdel had its politics, but it was full of smart ambitious people, and we all learned from each other. Great social life too(!). I've been married for 52 years to the fine woman I met at Bell Labs in 1970 -- ski club, tennis club, etc. What a place!
I was just a visitor at Holmdel, gave an annual seminar on the Japanese telecom industry, but I picked up something of the positive vibe you mention. What a great place, happy you found marital bliss there too!
Abolishing DEI in the federal government is step 1. Now DEI must be rapidly abolished from all educational institutions and the professions. Any university or professional accrediting agency that engages in racialist activity must lose all federal funding (including student loans for students). Discrimination lawsuits should be filed under the Civil Rights Act against these morally bankrupt institutions to make them choose between reform or extinction. Their current corruption is a social toxin.
Yes, the university and corporate worlds should be next on the list. Florida proved it can be done—time for everyone else to follow.
Agreed! They need to make an example of a couple of the worst discriminatory abusers. I would suggest massive civil rights lawsuits against Google and Disney to drive a wooden stake into the heart of neoracism.
i'm with you, but don't want my grandkids to see a meme of Mickey and Minnie with a stake in their chests. /s/
take a page from the Dem playbook and direct Govt offices to collaborate (and fund indirectly) with Conservative aligned NGOs to bring well considered and recognized-standing positioned law suits against those entities that chose to ignore the constitution and continue to discriminate. its a marathon, not a sprint.
Few educators were out on the vanguard of this massive battle against the DEI, CRT, ESG, and other alphabet warriors.
Most other educators were too afraid to raise the BS Flag. But there was an articulate, motivated and true subject matter expert by the name of Christopher Rufo leading the charge.
This military Veteran salutes your victory; a true victory for our Constitution and our nation.
Like all stereotypes, the image of the academic buried in his little corner of scholarship and ignoring the outside world is based in truth. The reality is a bit different. The politically active American professoriate has always been leftist, if not outright Red, and to our shame, conservative academics rarely dissent because the tendency is to keep one's head down and tend one's garden. I suppose it's like most other professions--you don't want to make waves in the gravy boat.
But after so much time trying to ignore outright insanity, if not evil, anyone with a conscience will be moved to act in some way. With the insanity following Trump's election in 2016, I quit my academic post in the spring of 2017, moved to Florida from a deeply Blue State, worked at a job in the shipping industry for a few years, then took an early retirement from teaching.
Thank you for your support!
These ideologies have turned our schools of education into schools of indoctrination that have produced a generation of teachers and academic administrators who are true believers in DIE, critical race theory and the oppressed/oppressor paradigm. These are being taught throughout our K-12 schools. The battle isn't over until these cancers are excised from the training grounds of our teachers, the schools of education at our colleges and universities.
Absolutely correct. The left dominated and reshaped K through PhD. It will take some time to purge it all. Meanwhile, we're going straight into the classroom and having a huge impact on kids and teachers. So while Chris is attacking from the top, we're coming up from the bottom. I hope our pincher movement meets in three or four years.
True, the battle isn't over. But I hope this momentum propels conservatives forward into tackling education next.
Not a fan of Trump’s personality but his executive orders on our open borders, the insanity of gender identity which deny the reality of human sexuality, and the craziness of DEI which discriminates against whites, Asians and men in attempting to cure past discrimination against others are absolutely the correct approach to those festering problems.
I’m impressed with what President Trump has done risking his position relative to the slings and arrows coming his way. Of course, I don’t think he gives a rat’s rear!
Absolutely. Day One was spot-on.
Incompetence abounds in all races and both genders. We need to hire the competent, the experienced, the ethical, without regard to color or gender. Our lives are in the hands of firefighters, military, and workers on Boeing's assembly lines. We need people who know how to manage a firehose, shoot a gun, read a print, or tighten a bolt. We don't need a bunch of people worried about what pronouns are in vogue.
Yes. Time for the return of meritocracy!
Meritocracy all the way!!!
If you’re good, you’re good,
end of story!!!
If you’re NOT good, your skin color is NOT an excuse.
It makes you quite heady what’s happening just now in America! And who could have predicted it in the dark days of 2020.
In the months following the George Floyd riots – egged on by a hyperbolic media-fest - the caving in by elite institutions across the West to shrill Systemic Racism accusations became an orgy of moral cowardice. The self-flagellation of The System reached its apogee in the embarrassing spectacle of police officers ‘taking the knee’ to unruly and threatening racist ‘anti-racist’ mobs. No other word than toadying for such behaviour. In the UK, for example, parliamentary MPs were required to undergo ‘Unconscious Bias’ training sessions. That such a patronising (and tax-payer-fleecing) training programme came to be instituted illustrates just how unequal common sense was when up against the Western intelligentsia’s racial guilt-tripping.
Forward march from here on...I hope so anyway.
We've certainly made a completely 180 from 2020 and the past four years. Now to keep going!
This is real hope and change
Grateful for everything YOU have done to push this forward; it’s made all the difference!
We appreciate your support!
I'm Hispanic, born and raised in LatAm (but a naturalized citizen now), and I always abhorred DEI initiatives, which naturally furthered racism. How the side aiming to be the saviors and promote "anti-racism" fails to see that biggles my mind.
It is truly insane. I'm glad colorblindness and meritocracy are making a comeback.
Our college and university schools of "education" need a complete rebuild. They have long been schools of indoctrination with DIE and critical race theory with its oppressed/oppressor paradigm leading the way. This is manifest in the fact that these are now being taught in our K-12 schools by a generation of teachers and administrators who are true believers. This cancer will continue to metastasize until it is excised from the schools of indoctrination and they are returned to their original mission, the training of the next generation of teachers instead of indoctrinators.
Yes, it'll be a tough battle to reform the universities and K-12 schools. But I hope this victory gives conservatives the encouragement to keep fighting.
Thank you for your brilliant work and untiring effort, Chris. You are a true Patriot. 🇺🇸
Celebrating victories is healthy for our morale, as long as we maintain our vigilance and forward momentum. There is still much to do on an urgent basis; our children’s and grandchildren’s pliable minds are at stake, and they are the future of America. We need to push for civics and history courses that instill patriotism and respect for our blessed nation, and gratitude to God for blessing us with a second chance. We must do everything in our power to move the America First agenda forward while maintaining our 100% vigilance and our virtue.
Excellent! Let's continue getting rid of this DEI poison.