Powerful testimony. Thank God for laws being developed in some states that embolden witnesses of medical malpractice to speak out.

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The whistleblower is brave—and says directly that he or she would be willing to lose her job in order to stop these procedures on children.

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And then there is the threatened "prosecution."

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in 2018 or 2017 i read an article that said medical malpractice was the 3rd leading cause of death in the US. it claimed 250k to 400k deaths per year by malpractice. havent ever seen another assessement. im sure the health complex put a stop to publishing such information or changed definitions to hide it.

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It's already hidden. The numbers we have for total malpractice cases are an estimate.

A doctor I know told me that 10% of all diagnoses are disproven at autopsy.

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Perhaps - crime statistics would be another.

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Whenever you see or hear the term "gender-affirming care" you can be assured that this is nothing more than obfuscation and language twisting designed to deceive and hide the actual horrors being committed by these ghouls. These "doctors" are as horrible as the Nazi doctors utilizing human experiments during WW II. Yet our society just stands by and like the Germans of the Nazi era and do NOTHING. History will not be kind to these monsters. Nor should society tolerate their disgusting behavior. Shun these people whenever they appear in public.

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What is often overlooked in history is that those evil Nazi doctors… were copying American doctors! Eugenics started here, was beloved by the progressives (and our Supreme Court!), by all our medical elite and leading medical schools, and they spread (and often directly funded) the gospel of eugenics to Germany…

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Actually, eugenics jumped the Atlantic several times. William Jennings Bryant toured Germany circa 1908 and was horrified by the social Darwinism he saw there, and that resulted in his involvement in the Scopes trial. The American doctors you accurately cite were following Europeans. Each amped up the other, over and over.

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Wow, very interesting, thank you!

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May 24, 2023·edited May 24, 2023

The mother of the abortion movement was a eugenicists who wanted to eliminate brown and Jewish people thru "birth control" and sterilization. She sure is getting her wish given the location of many abortion mills and the people being catered to and subsidized by the government. Eugenics is alive and doing very will in the USA. The Nazi tag has been hidden as reproductive rights. Still shrinking the African American population while we import replacements from South America. Soon American blacks will become almost extinct given the education system, abortions and the mass killings taking place in the large urban population centers.

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50% of the reason the von Trapps fled Austria after the Anschluss was Maria's doctor trying to talk her into an abortion. Funny how they left that out of The Sound of Music.

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That is super interesting, do you have any references for that? That is my favorite movies and that would be a beautiful thing if that is why they left.

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I think I saw this in National Catholic Register. The other 50% of the story is that the eldest von Trapp son was starting his residency in a Vienna hospital and the administration wanted him to bear false testimony against a Jewish doctor. Sorry that goes against the movie, as does the fact that they didn’t escape by climbing the Alps, they just got on a train with their Italian passports.

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I believe that the National Socialists gave it a bad name - sort of.

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My thoughts exactly but when I suggest a line in the sand some act as if I'm the scary problem, that we must debate them.

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There is nothing these people won't do for $$$$. Once a victim is convinced to go down this "gender affirming" road, then the medical establishment has a cash cow for life. It's diabolical.

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History teaches us that when we act out of fear, we give in to evil. People of principle must stand up for what is right. The lines between right and wrong have been clearly drawn.

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Precisely. These are not situations which allow any excuse for cowardice. By not standing up you're saying you value your own comfort and financial security more than you value the bodies and lives of innocent young people.

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Harshly truthful. Clarity over what is involved.

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There have already been a number of lawsuits, but the MSM ignores them. This will continue until someone in the MSM switches sides and then the dam will break. It could be many years before that happens.

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I have a friend who is allowing (and facilitating) her 14yo son to transition. I convinced her to have him evaluated for autism awhile back, thinking if she could see that disability first, you would not expect a rational thinking brain from her kid. She had him diagnosed, and let him transition anyway.

I have two autistic boys, and because they are more obviously autistic and have been recognized as having a disability since very young, no one expects wholly rational thoughts from them. It’s obvious to me, but perhaps we have the advantage (never thought I’d say that) of having a more observable neurological injury.

Autistic kids are always at war with their bodies. Made worse by puberty. This transitioning of autistic children is criminal and abusive. Allowing an irrational (and likely already-damaged) brain to make irrational decisions, aided and abetted by everyone except the parents, is going to be one of the biggest malpractice events in history. That’s even AFTER the insane covid stuff.

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It's tremendously sad. The whistleblower indicated to me that many of the "gender" patients have autism.

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Right - and that connection should be a screaming red flag. Autism in girls is harder to recognize, and they get diagnosed later, so they are prime targets for this darkness. The autistic brain is often not rational and may be searching for why they do not feel at home in their bodies or in the world around them. (My son thinks that dogs can eat people. You cannot convince him otherwise. We just love him and steer clear of dogs, and eventually he will figure it out. But we do not agree and say, you’re right! Dogs are deadly! That would be insane.)

I used to think there wasn’t much point in diagnoses or even recognizing autism if you can “function,” but I no longer think that. I now encourage anyone who’s kid has signs of it to take that seriously first before they get sucked into darker things.

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To be fair he’s not wrong. Dogs can eat people, they just usually don’t (in the US, in many third world countries rabies makes that a statistically relevant fear). Like 20 people a year die of dog attacks in America, people dying of other causes and getting eaten by their own hungry dogs happens frequently. In this case your son is actually the logical and reasonable one. I have often said that if aliens did visit earth they would be mystified by the human need to keep animals around that can easily kill us, just because we enjoy their company.

I used to have a 100 pound Pit Bull Great Dane mix and I let him sleep in my bed. Pit Bulls are essentially a combination of breeds used to fight bulls for sport (now people like to use them to fight other dogs for sport) Danes were bred to hunt boars and protect nobility. These are big freaking dogs that have historically been bred to have a fairly large aggressive streak. Anything that will tear up a bull or a boar can absolutely tear me to shreds. There is absolutely no logic in that. Sure I could point out that 20 deaths a year is a statistically minuscule amount and that this particular dog was the sweetest dog I have still ever met. But at the end of the day I was taking a completely unnecessary risk. My choice to have a large dog that could easily maim or kill me and to let it have access to me at my most vulnerable was in no way a reasonable or logical decision; it was an emotional decision. Even small dogs can kill you via mauling and since small dogs tend to be the choice of hoarders and old people small dogs probably eat more already dead people than giant dogs do.

I think that’s one of the things that makes autism difficult, often times the autistic brain is actually the logical reasonable brain, but we don’t live in a logical reasonable world. We live in an emotional world. Logically your son is right, dogs are inherently dangerous, dogs can kill and eat you. Keeping dogs around doesn’t make any sense.

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More individuals need to speak out. We’re in a world of complete cowardice.

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That's changing. Each whistleblower establishes a new standard.

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I’m so encouraged by these amazing whistleblowers!

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I think a log of people would but don't have much of a platform to make a difference. Ordinary average Joe's feel like they can't do a whole lot. Feels pointless to potentially risk your job arguing with Bob in the break room.

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I think that is why the Anheuser Busch boycott is persisting at a high level. Finally, ordinary Joes got to express their anger about how they are being treated by the ruling class!

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Yes, and this is what leads to mob rule.

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"We have a generation of kids with mental health problems. It’s very sad. And we need to treat those problems correctly, not by recommending that they change genders to fix their mental health problem....They’re going to wake up in ten years and discover that they’re infertile, that they can’t have children, that their sexuality is completely dysfunctional. And ultimately, I believe that that realization is going to cause them to harm themselves—when they wake up and realize that they’ve already been ruined."

What an absolutely eye-opening and heartbreaking interview! These poor, confused children are having their lives and their bodies destroyed by the very people who supposedly swore an oath to "Do no harm!" As hard as it may be for some people to accept this fact, I believe that whistleblower was correct when they noted that there was a demonic presence in their workplace because truly there is nothing else that would explain this obsession and, indeed, celebration of something that is so clearly pure evil!

I have three friends who currently have children that are starting down this path - one is totally supportive, because she and her husband have been told repeatedly that their daughter will kill herself if they do not "affirm" her transition. But it is truly sad as it was clear for years that their daughter suffered from mental health issues and needed counseling, not hormones and surgery! Now they have completely cut themselves off from most of their family, any friends who raised concerns, and their former church community.

My two other friends are keeping lines of communication open, asking good questions, and seeking a variety of medical/psychological counseling. They are not shunning their children, but are also not encouraging them to move forward in this process. They know they have a long road ahead of them but also believe this is a social contagion and that, in time, with proper support and calm, consistent parenting, their children will move beyond this phase.

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Thanks for reading and commenting!

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May 24, 2023Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

I have two friends with transgender children. One transitioned back in 2017. At that time I didn’t realize what was happening and was just very concerned that they were allowing their daughter to make medical changes to her body at such a young age. My other friends now have a “nonbinary” daughter. It is affecting so many and I am incredibly worried at what the future will bring for these precious girls who are doing irreversible damage to their healthy bodies. It’s tragic.

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Extremely sad.

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It is truly tragic - and later, when these young people realize what they have done, and that their own parents encouraged them to do it, what will happen then?

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Great question. I wouldn’t want to have to come up with an answer.

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I agree! How do you tell your kids that you were more interested in being their friend than their parent and that's why you went along with something you knew was a bad idea?

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Dear Karen, I would contemplate how I might feel were it happening to one of my own, but I cannot - it really is simply too unthinkable, a true nightmare reality. And to know that it is a terrible cult in which the children are caught-up with Presidential, etc. sanction and encouragement is to know terror.

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You’re absolutely right. I’m fortunate not to be dealing with this in my own family because I can’t even imagine how devastating it is.

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You protected your child. That is what real parents do.

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Reading this hit me hard. I know I shouldn’t be surprised, I know this is not the first or the last Dr/hospital to experiment on children, but damn people - these are kids! They’re supposed to be confused about who they are. The entire period of adolescence is for transitioning from being a child to being an adult. These monsters, masquerading as healers, are taking advantage of our children! If such evil doesn’t motivate people to condemn the radical left culture, then this ship deserves to go down.

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Yes, "monsters masquerading as healers" is 100 percent accurate.

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To contemplate this is to receive a terrible education - to see how unthinkable this all is.

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This breaks my heart every time I hear stories like these. But none of the MSM will publish these accounts - they just push it off as “right wing propaganda”. It’s so frustrating and devastating to watch.

I hope that these whistleblowers will make a difference, but from everything I’ve observed, it doesn’t seem to move the needle.

I feel sick over all this and feel like I’m just watching a horror movie that I can’t stop. I read things about transgender medicine from “allies”, and it’s unbelievable. They sound like robots and are all talking about how all the research supports them. I can’t tell you how many articles I see that say “not transitioning increases suicide risk” and “gender affirmation medication is completely safe.” Few people actually look into the research and take it at face value - and what the activists claim it says even when it doesn’t.

I can’t believe the number of people in comment sections I see saying “puberty blockers are totally safe and reversible” and “no one is doing sex changes on minors” because that’s the garbage that is out there and no one questions it.

I have endometriosis, and Lupron is often prescribed for treatment. I wouldn’t go near it after reading hundreds of accounts of women who have had so many issues with it. When I read that was the puberty blocker often used, I was dumbfounded that anyone would suggest children should be on it.

I was reading an article about how something like 40% of Gen Z “identifies” as LGTBQ+, and the guy being interviewed was like “we are so happy to see this. This generation are creating a world where you can be your true, authentic self. We don’t see the same trend in other generations because they are too scared/ignorant to identify with a different identity” (paraphrased). So everyone but kids and young adults (who don’t have fully developed brains) are just in denial?! I mentioned this to my husband and he said “clearly, it shows that their target is children.”

And also - how are we celebrating them as their true, authentic self when we are telling them they have to change who they are to do that? Sounds contradictory to me. Combined with how Gen Z had massive mental health issues, I’m not sure we are as successful with creating these happy, confident people as the activists claim.

I do see some “left” people speak out but they always say “do not lump me with conservatives. I don’t want them to use what I am saying to push their agenda”, and I suspect they still keep voting for the same people pushing this crap.

I keep praying to know what to do or say, and I always think about scripture that says ““But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea”.

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May 24, 2023Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

Yes, they always make sure to disavow any “right wing bigot” affiliation. It’s very disheartening at times.

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"These doctors are activists, and they live for the applause of the medical community that praises and glorifies this up-and-coming success that has absolutely exploded, this transgender wing of medicine that has exploded over the last ten years. And they’re regarded as up-and-coming and cutting edge. And everyone’s on their side: the media is on their side, big tech is on their side. And everyone is applauding these providers who do this. And I do think that they think that they’re changing the world by what they’re doing. For better or worse, I think they believe that they’re making their mark on history, and they’re wanting to play God."

This is a valuable statement and very well said - it gets at the mentality of the doctors and their associates from the inside, so that we can understand them. This is a valuable addition to understanding the process ideally (philosophically) and objectively as a matter of fact.

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I really wanted to understand from the whistleblower: what drives these people? What is the motivation that blinds them from the consequences they enact?

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You found and were found by a person of intelligence and articulation, moral courage. and integrity. I am personally impressed by this person.

When he or she is spoken ill-of in public, as will happen, we will witness the travesty of truth in concentrated form. We will all be adjacent to the evil, as it unfolds, having read her account. The spectacle is more appalling the closer we come to it.

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Love to read your interviews!

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This is the biggest mystery. Will we ever know?

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As Dr. Greenwald says, these actions being taken by doctors are contra some strong counter-incentives.

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The ideologists see a higher reality - lying to us is not "lying" for them - they are making a better world as against the ignorant, etc. We are resisting both "the good" and "the future."

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At one time the lobotomy was cutting edge, too. We learn nothing.

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The cycle of Greek drama, forever. The Epicurean Philosopher Lucretius said that the foolish walk in circles until they die, and St. Augustine and Dante Alighieri added that the sinners continue to walk in those circles into eternity - that they will never repent or be cured.

The more I read about lobotomy, the more accurate I realize that this comparison is. But this "gender medicine" is perhaps even worse. Lobotomy was a completely experimental and even merely theoretical treatment which was pushed by foolishness and cynical hucksterism. The gender "medicine" is all of that, plus being based on a mystical gnostic speculation about beautiful souls being trapped in the "wrong" bodies and desperate for true "liberation" so as to be their "real selves."

That is, this "medicine" is not even grounded in scientific speculation as was lobotomy.

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You are so right. As a therapist/coach, my job is not to "affirm" delusions. The analogy to lobotomy is spot on. There is no other surgical pipeline for a mental disorder. And don't forget that the inventor was the recipient of a Nobel Prize!!!!!

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Interesting for me to hear from a clinician. Thank you.

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Reminds me of the classic joke, "What's the difference between a surgeon and God?"

God doesn't think he's a surgeon.

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When Jamie Reed blew the whistle in Missouri I said there will be more like her, and here we are. It's an all-American patent medicine fraud with cult characteristics. Thousands have been harmed and the consequences will take decades to be understood.

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I will be protesting the ACLU's blinkered participation in this travesty in Washington, DC on 11 August. Please consider joining us?

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If true, this is wild. I don't know the details of this particular case but I'm surprised such a large hospital would allow this to continue, given how risk-averse many in the medical field are. And yes, the culture of fear thing is absolutely true. Walking on eggshells.

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Yes, verified with documentation and confirmed with the first whistleblower. This is, unfortunately, standard practice in many children's hospitals.

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I appreciate that it is your method to be fully prepared before speaking. By the time they know that you know, you have the screenshots and already know the structures, syllabi and connections, and before writing, you have verified and cross-checked.

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May 24, 2023Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

"demonic presence". It might be right. And there is absolutely something Luciferian with the Pride movement over the last few years. (Not to mention that "Pride" is literally the Satan's deepest Sin, and what causes the fall from the Heavens.)

Playing God sounds right as well, elevating oneself above Realities. The timeless Hubris of Humans.

But the way of the ungodly shall perish.

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Whistleblower is right that there is a religious element to "gender-affirming care."

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Thank you for exposing this evil! It’s everywhere - I’m sure you saw the story about Texas Children’s competition, Dell Children’s doing the same here in Austin.

Parents, you can’t all be whistleblowers, but you have to vet your kids’ doctors about this before it’s too late! See here:


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We will put a stop to this. We're driving the narrative and legislation that would outlaw these procedures on children.

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Bless you, and thank you for all you’re doing! It’s working!!

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May 24, 2023Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

“they live for the applause of the medical community…they think they can play God”

Wow. That explains so much of what we’ve seen in this world - and not just with transgender surgery. The woke institutional capture of medicine, education, business and government is fueled by human ego. Very powerful stuff; kudos Chris for asking the right questions. My heart bleeds for the children; how can we save them?

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Get active, contact your legislators, and speak the truth.

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Watching this stuff happen it does make me think about how bad stuff happens in history. Like Rogan will wonder how people can let the bad stuff in the 1930s and 40s happen. Probably because they were told it's ok and or they were intimidated into silence.

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Yes, all of the institutions are firmly in support of this monstrous "gender-affirming care."

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