Munchausen-by-proxy, in the medical field, is now appropriately called medical child abuse.
"Medical child abuse (MCA) refers to a child receiving unnecessary and harmful or potentially harmful medical care due to a caregiver's overt actions including exaggeration of symptoms, lying about the history or simulating physical findings (fabrication), or intentionally inducing illness in their child"
These two comments (Yuri, Christopher) are astonishing. I live outside of such social milieu and among altogether different people, and need witnesses to this element to see it clearly. Please keep reporting, and include this element in your discussions.
One of the best arguments that I have heard came from an interview with a therapist who said, "This is the first time in medical history that we are telling a person who is suffering from a mental disorder that their brain is fine and it's actually their body that is messed up."
That sums up the problem as clearly and succinctly as possible and I continue to use that phrase when discussing the issue with people. Make the Left own up to the fact that they are pushing for irreversible medical procedures on children who are exhibiting signs of mental health problems and that is both cruel and ill-informed. It is like the lobotomy craze of the 40s and 50s, which permanently altered the brains of people who might have had a chemical imbalance or some other issue that could have been treated by therapy and /or medication. Ask them how this is different, especially since children's brains are not even fully developed until at least the early 20s?
Your comparison of the transsexual social contagion to the lobotomy craze is very interesting.
Lobotomy was a way for parents of ungovernable children to get them to behave, submit to discipline by removing all emotional affect. It was also a way to quiet adult embarrassments to prominent families--the promiscuous 20-something daughter or the homosexual adult man, the kleptomaniac, the morphine addict . . . all these scandalous black sheep . . . just insert an ice pick, scramble the frontal lobes and voila! You get a docile, passive, Good Citizen made to order.
The trans contagion is a form of Munchausen-by-proxy on a massive scale, as someone else here has pointed out. Now, rather than butchering their children into submission with lobotomy, mothers are using their children as tokens in their own vain purity spiral, demonstrating their progressiveness by encouraging any inkling of "gender dysphoria" to the point that the tokens demand surgery.
The parents are the problem in many cases. And not the problem in many others.
Some parents are completely blindsided this. Their kids were groomed online, by peers, and by teachers. In these cases, it is practically the same exact story every time. The groomers have their process perfected. Sometimes, it is even the therapists that kids are taken to for unrelated reasons!
Read the PITT substack and see the stories of parents who were the blindsided ones. It is called Parents with Inconvenient Truths about Trans...or something like that.
"This is the first time in medical history that we are telling a person who is suffering from a mental disorder that their brain is fine and it's actually their body that is messed up."
Actually, "we" are not telling them this, trans activists and many people in the trans treatment community are. Most other health care professionals haven't dug into the information about what is going on. Many of them are not aware that so many children are being castrated or having their breasts cut off. Most of them are not even aware that our professional associations have been captured, or what that implies.
But to address the therapist's point: Here we have patients who convince health care professionals that their bodies are wrongly created. These are extremely concrete thinkers who experience their psych issues as physical defects that need to be fixed. They presented their gender dysphoria this way before Post Modernism and trans activism became one. Now the trans activists are still adamant that their bodies have to be changed, while at the same time declaring that "gender" is entirely a thought construct, or, alternatively, "a feeling you have inside that no one else can know until you tell them your pronouns." These statements clearly state that gender dysphoria is a matter of thought and feeling. This implies to me that all treatment should be psychosocial. It is so puzzling when people show no interest in addressing and reconciling extreme contradictions in their core beliefs about who they are.
Either psychosocial treatment or none seems to be indicated when adolescents (mostly girls, naturally) declare a transsexual urge because it is being used as a way to effortlessly acquire intersectional victim status, thanks to the edifice of lies and half-truths the trans lobby has created, including the conflation of a metaphor with reality--challenging their claims regarding sex is a form of "genocide." This is a new and bizarre social status game that includes emotional blackmail: "Confirm my delusions or you will be responsible for my suicide and the suicide of others." Though as far as I know nobody has made the claim specifically, the trans lobby constantly suggests that denying the interchangeability of sex denies them existence itself. Many appear to literally believe that "If you refuse to believe I have truly become my chosen sex you deny my very existence." It's sheer madness.
This schizoid state of affairs is behind what is clearly a social contagion, a sort of mass hysteria (or fad, if you want to downplay the seriousness of the thing).
The "genocide" will result in reality if children are sterilized in large numbers.
People who have narcissistic personality disorder also fabricate false selves, which they then demand that other people "affirm" as real. In the case of narcissists, they do not have much sense of self, so when others see through the fakery the narcissists reportedly feel like they are being annihilated. Their response is to counterattack the person who has seen them more accurately than they want to be seen, and the narcissists think of this as justified self-defense.
So much of the trans movement is about narcissism. I think there are people who are confused about their sex who aren't narcissistic, but the trans activists we see on social media and news reports mostly appear to be narcissists.
"when others see through the fakery the narcissists reportedly feel like they are being annihilated. Their response is to counterattack the person who has seen them more accurately than they want to be seen, and the narcissists think of this as justified self-defense."
Trans lobby rhetoric can be described in precisely this way.
It boils down to this: "We’re castrating kids in service of a political ideology that uses them as totems to move humanity into the new left-wing metaphysics. It’s something that we’re going to see in the next few years yielding horrific consequences, dystopian consequences, because it’s fundamentally at war with the reality of the universe, the reality of human nature. It cannot stand."
Before too much longer the number of people regretting their decision will grow large enough so even the most disengaged will be forced to admit the truth--that this social contagion is being deliberately engineered by activists who have captured mainstream culture.
We'll either normalize these child sacrifices to Moloch, or we will succeed in convincing enough people that it's a problem.
Right now, it doesn't look good. A recent Pew poll says something like 3/4 of Democratic Party respondents believe sex is undetermined at birth and must therefore be "assigned."
But then again, making the coercion and mutilation of children a part of the 2-party political debate would be a step in the right direction and bring the question to the attention of enough people, so they might see and understand just how radical, unreal, and downright evil the trans contagion is.
I thought exactly the same thing! What is going to happen when one day these kids start asking, "Why did adults let me do this, why did adults do this to me?" That will be such a sad day for them.
Excellent article, just cross posted. The 'New Totem' aspect of this is just a symptom that continues to promote the disease, the end result of which is the deconstruction of our society.
This is the opposite of "smashing the patriarchy." There is a lot of forced teaming with "feminism," but this ideology is absolute female hatred, female erasure, hatred of the mother, boundary violations of women/girls, and removal of consent for women/girls. The end goal of transhumanism is to steal the power of birth from mothers and put it in the hands of the state. The state is putting in place a mass sterilization program alongside female erasure, they are already attempting to birth babies outside of a woman's womb.
The "trans child" is a marketing scheme to sell unnecessary medicalization and create a class of life long medical patients, it's also an empathy trap. No one was every going to cough up empathy for adult men with fetishes and their sick surgeries, but people feel sad for the poor children "born in the wrong body." Of course no one is "born wrong." When it comes to bodies we "you get what you get and you don't get upset."
There is also an attempt to dissociate us all from our primary instincts, sex recognition, and trusting the authority of our own eyes and ears. This is a massive safeguarding failure for everyone, but especially for women and children.
"The 'trans child' is a marketing scheme to sell unnecessary medicalization and create a class of life long medical patients, it's also an empathy trap." Absolutely, well said!
This problem goes far beyond just harming the child….. it ruins whole families. In 2015, my granddaughter, at age 14, was struggling in school and socially. My daughter (divorced) took her for counseling. After 1 session, it was determined that “Lizzie” wanted to be a boy and we were to call her “Lime” (not sure why?). The family began to accommodate her and we thought this was being supportive. 3 sessions in, it was revealed that “Lizzie” said she was sexually assaulted by her grandfather when she was about 6 yrs old, and the counselor explained that this was the defining moment of her body dysphoria. This, of course, was reported to the police and investigated. Our family was Shocked! My father, who denied this vehemently, (who at the time of the “incident” was 71 yrs old!), was interrogated, along with other family. Nothing was proven, either way… (how do you prove a dispositive ???). I went weeks tortured with this information… I simply could not believe a man I’ve known my whole life, who I’ve seen interacting with females of all ages, my whole life, would’ve done this act…….. About 3 months later, ”Lime” quit seeing the counselor and she changed her mind again and decided that she is a girl, who likes girls, and reverted to being called by her middle (girl’s) name. She is now almost 22 years old, in college with a girlfriend and appears to be happy. The bad news is our family is still broken! We are split by who believes who…. Those who are not split must abide to the, if one is invited to Holidays, the others are not…. We dodged a bullet with the transitioning – thank God! But, the family is forever severed. Granddaughter cannot retract her statement (even if its false), due to the colossal harm it has caused.
Thank you Chris. I've been fighting this battle for five years now and it has totally severed me from my former "progressive" "community." It's the most sinister cult I have ever seen. What kind of "social movement threatens suicide if they don't get what they want? A cult. A dangerous, Flavor-Ade™-swilling cult does that sort of thing.
The trans suicide myth is foundational to the project and it was never based on evidence. I am linking here to my review of Hannah Barnes's new book, "Time to Think," about how the cult of the "trans child" took over at the UK's Tavistock GIDS clinic. They lied when they said "the science is settled." There was never any science. The "trans child" has always been an esoteric faith construct.
Conservatives definitely have to hold the line on this!! The Non-Binary, Trans ideologies have swept through K-12 is astounding and sickening to listen to adults--Drs., Teachers & POTUS not only talking about this issue ...but advocating for this!!!
It’s a symptom of the rot & sickness that has taken hold in a good part of our society. Unfortunately it’s the left that has considerable influence in our education system, politics & media.
Excellent piece, Chris. Well written. Insightful. On point. We find ourselves in a seismic shift unlike any other in history. Try and imagine for a moment an era in which one would not be met with astonishment, ridicule, or more likely a warrant for arrest for stating "my little girl decided she's a boy so we're having her breasts cut off today." We are officially prioritizing inner conviction over biological reality - and it's not only becoming OK, it's now encouraged; it's *correct.*
Your comments are right on target and eloquent. Kids who are genuinely suffering from gender dysphoria need counseling, and those claiming trans status owing to social contagion need a good spanking. It's all mental illness -- worthy of our sympathy -- but not of our participation. We would never aid an anorexic in her/his delusions and make it a "right" to starve oneself.
I have immense sympathy for the kids caught up in this. We're failing a society to direct kids in the right direction. I have young kids and can see it in their peers. Sad state of affairs.
I knew an anorexic during that contagion - Karen Carpenter was her favorite pop star. It is really quite simple to see how social media would amplify the effect. In those days, it was mass-broadcasting/publicity and word-of-mouth. Daily life has been restructured by participation in social media.
It gets worse. Estimates at GIDS in England were that 35% of kids who showed up at the clinic were autistic. Other studies have pegged the number at around 50%. Gender ideology is targeting our most vulnerable young people to achieve its aims. It's truly predatory.
Thank you for your work with this issue, Chris. My autistic daughter is caught up in this contagion. If you haven't lived it, you can't understand the terror.
I'm so sorry. Puberty is such a stressful, confusing time for young kids, especially kids with social difficulties. I can't imagine being a young girl in today's environment
Has Biden ever heard of Body Identity Integrity Disorder? It's a body dysmorphia disorder in which the sufferer wants a healthy limb amputated or a functioning spinal cord severed. People who have it are human beings, too. But that doesn't mean they should have their delusion "treated" with surgery. He's really just such a ridiculous character.
Thank you, Christopher Rufo, for bring this topic forward! This is most definitely a type of social contagion. This theory, originally proposed by physician scientist, Lisa Littman, herself a voice in the area of "gender studies," is based on the observation that children (many girls) came forward in groups claiming that they identified as boys. This is, perhaps, similar to Emile Durkheim's observation about suicide as a social phenomenon. Children and adolescents are profoundly affected by the actions and behaviors of peers. Just look at the number of girls who have come forward in recent years - girls in the Western world who report being "gender dysphoric." There is something like a 4000% increase. It is simply outrageous. I just finished reading Hanna Barnes' excellent account of the fall of the UK's famous - or infamous - Tavistock Clinic. It is a powerful and extremely unsettling read. Barnes has done meticulous research and her work gives a very unbiased look at this, but one comes away with the sense that this "gender affirming treatment" could only be the result of a deliberate application of this insane ideology. How else could thousands of children, boys and girls, be put on puberty blockers and cross sex hormones, all of which have not been subject to any evidence-based research at all!
Jessie Singal, journalist and author of the substack, "Singal Minded," has suggested, in an interview with Barnes, that perhaps something similar will happen here. He referenced whistleblower Jamie Reed and her deposition about the Missouri clinic. I believe that this is indeed what will happen. Reed's claims are shocking, horrendous, so disturbing. This ideology simply will not stand. The whole thing is fiction, and can be traced back to the Dutch protocol which was based on a small number of young boys who claimed they identified as girls. Puberty blockers and cross sex hormones were given, and sometimes surgery was done. This study has since been debunked by European scientists as weak and lacking in evidence. It is maddening that American physicians, lobbyists, etc., continue to maintain that all of this is "evidence based" and they continue to say that major medical organization (AMA, APA, Endocrine Society) support this, which they do. However, these organizations are little more than mouthpieces for the trans agenda. They do NOT represent the beliefs of many physicians.
I appreciate all voices who stand against this vile ideology. Speaking up and coming forward. That is how we dispense with this!
The left is definitely on the "wrong side of history" with this one. In the future, people will drop their jaws in disbelief that this kind of "gender" madness could have ever taken hold.
Destruction of the nuclear family and other norms is a top Marxism goal. Parenting is to be done by the state. Tactics include promotion of sexual promiscuity, prostitution and pornography; sexualization of children; and expansive use of gender identities, pronouns and sexual orientations. For more info, see my Substack article "Top 7 Marxism Clues" at
It's interesting, isn't it, that even while the children are sexualized, their sexual body parts are cut off? The state of the science now is that the people who were born as male obviously end up sterilized after surgical transition. They used to be promised that their inverted penis would enable them to have orgasms more or less like a woman does, but that has turned out to be not true for at least some transitioners. The transitioners born female can become sterile, and also be less able to have vaginal sex.
The woke cult does not seem concerned about surviving past a few generations if at all. Maybe they don't accept the idea of physical extinction of their demographics, because death is body thing, or because it is the reality that nobody gets to deny.
Munchausen-by-proxy. "My kid is special, therefore so am I."
"Transhausen" has been the terfy term of art for a while.
Oh, cool.
Munchausen-by-proxy, in the medical field, is now appropriately called medical child abuse.
"Medical child abuse (MCA) refers to a child receiving unnecessary and harmful or potentially harmful medical care due to a caregiver's overt actions including exaggeration of symptoms, lying about the history or simulating physical findings (fabrication), or intentionally inducing illness in their child"
Thank you. These hormonal and surgical interventions are surely just that--child abuse.
For many, their children have replaced their we believe in science-love-black-lives-matter front yard signs.
I found a fellow Clif High fan!
We could say the entire “gender affirming” medical community is suffering from a version of MBP.
Define MBP?
Trans kids are status symbols for karents, just like the demoralized DIEvy League:
I've seen it with my own eyes, when I lived in Seattle. The parents are never a surprise.
Elite overproduction has led to eunuchs before, and families got a status boost for it.
These two comments (Yuri, Christopher) are astonishing. I live outside of such social milieu and among altogether different people, and need witnesses to this element to see it clearly. Please keep reporting, and include this element in your discussions.
Thanks for that. Subscribed now lol
One of the best arguments that I have heard came from an interview with a therapist who said, "This is the first time in medical history that we are telling a person who is suffering from a mental disorder that their brain is fine and it's actually their body that is messed up."
That sums up the problem as clearly and succinctly as possible and I continue to use that phrase when discussing the issue with people. Make the Left own up to the fact that they are pushing for irreversible medical procedures on children who are exhibiting signs of mental health problems and that is both cruel and ill-informed. It is like the lobotomy craze of the 40s and 50s, which permanently altered the brains of people who might have had a chemical imbalance or some other issue that could have been treated by therapy and /or medication. Ask them how this is different, especially since children's brains are not even fully developed until at least the early 20s?
Your comparison of the transsexual social contagion to the lobotomy craze is very interesting.
Lobotomy was a way for parents of ungovernable children to get them to behave, submit to discipline by removing all emotional affect. It was also a way to quiet adult embarrassments to prominent families--the promiscuous 20-something daughter or the homosexual adult man, the kleptomaniac, the morphine addict . . . all these scandalous black sheep . . . just insert an ice pick, scramble the frontal lobes and voila! You get a docile, passive, Good Citizen made to order.
The trans contagion is a form of Munchausen-by-proxy on a massive scale, as someone else here has pointed out. Now, rather than butchering their children into submission with lobotomy, mothers are using their children as tokens in their own vain purity spiral, demonstrating their progressiveness by encouraging any inkling of "gender dysphoria" to the point that the tokens demand surgery.
The parents are the problem in many cases. And not the problem in many others.
Some parents are completely blindsided this. Their kids were groomed online, by peers, and by teachers. In these cases, it is practically the same exact story every time. The groomers have their process perfected. Sometimes, it is even the therapists that kids are taken to for unrelated reasons!
Read the PITT substack and see the stories of parents who were the blindsided ones. It is called Parents with Inconvenient Truths about Trans...or something like that.
That is an excellent substack...often times heartbreaking to read.
"This is the first time in medical history that we are telling a person who is suffering from a mental disorder that their brain is fine and it's actually their body that is messed up."
Actually, "we" are not telling them this, trans activists and many people in the trans treatment community are. Most other health care professionals haven't dug into the information about what is going on. Many of them are not aware that so many children are being castrated or having their breasts cut off. Most of them are not even aware that our professional associations have been captured, or what that implies.
But to address the therapist's point: Here we have patients who convince health care professionals that their bodies are wrongly created. These are extremely concrete thinkers who experience their psych issues as physical defects that need to be fixed. They presented their gender dysphoria this way before Post Modernism and trans activism became one. Now the trans activists are still adamant that their bodies have to be changed, while at the same time declaring that "gender" is entirely a thought construct, or, alternatively, "a feeling you have inside that no one else can know until you tell them your pronouns." These statements clearly state that gender dysphoria is a matter of thought and feeling. This implies to me that all treatment should be psychosocial. It is so puzzling when people show no interest in addressing and reconciling extreme contradictions in their core beliefs about who they are.
Either psychosocial treatment or none seems to be indicated when adolescents (mostly girls, naturally) declare a transsexual urge because it is being used as a way to effortlessly acquire intersectional victim status, thanks to the edifice of lies and half-truths the trans lobby has created, including the conflation of a metaphor with reality--challenging their claims regarding sex is a form of "genocide." This is a new and bizarre social status game that includes emotional blackmail: "Confirm my delusions or you will be responsible for my suicide and the suicide of others." Though as far as I know nobody has made the claim specifically, the trans lobby constantly suggests that denying the interchangeability of sex denies them existence itself. Many appear to literally believe that "If you refuse to believe I have truly become my chosen sex you deny my very existence." It's sheer madness.
This schizoid state of affairs is behind what is clearly a social contagion, a sort of mass hysteria (or fad, if you want to downplay the seriousness of the thing).
The "genocide" will result in reality if children are sterilized in large numbers.
People who have narcissistic personality disorder also fabricate false selves, which they then demand that other people "affirm" as real. In the case of narcissists, they do not have much sense of self, so when others see through the fakery the narcissists reportedly feel like they are being annihilated. Their response is to counterattack the person who has seen them more accurately than they want to be seen, and the narcissists think of this as justified self-defense.
So much of the trans movement is about narcissism. I think there are people who are confused about their sex who aren't narcissistic, but the trans activists we see on social media and news reports mostly appear to be narcissists.
"when others see through the fakery the narcissists reportedly feel like they are being annihilated. Their response is to counterattack the person who has seen them more accurately than they want to be seen, and the narcissists think of this as justified self-defense."
Trans lobby rhetoric can be described in precisely this way.
Yes. :-(
It boils down to this: "We’re castrating kids in service of a political ideology that uses them as totems to move humanity into the new left-wing metaphysics. It’s something that we’re going to see in the next few years yielding horrific consequences, dystopian consequences, because it’s fundamentally at war with the reality of the universe, the reality of human nature. It cannot stand."
Before too much longer the number of people regretting their decision will grow large enough so even the most disengaged will be forced to admit the truth--that this social contagion is being deliberately engineered by activists who have captured mainstream culture.
We'll either normalize these child sacrifices to Moloch, or we will succeed in convincing enough people that it's a problem.
Right now, it doesn't look good. A recent Pew poll says something like 3/4 of Democratic Party respondents believe sex is undetermined at birth and must therefore be "assigned."
But then again, making the coercion and mutilation of children a part of the 2-party political debate would be a step in the right direction and bring the question to the attention of enough people, so they might see and understand just how radical, unreal, and downright evil the trans contagion is.
I hope that this will be seen in the same cast as lobotomies—horrific medical malpractice, relegated to the status of cautionary tale.
I thought exactly the same thing! What is going to happen when one day these kids start asking, "Why did adults let me do this, why did adults do this to me?" That will be such a sad day for them.
Patent medicine is your all-American historical analogue.
I believe that, in time, this will indeed be seen as lobotomies.
Excellent article, just cross posted. The 'New Totem' aspect of this is just a symptom that continues to promote the disease, the end result of which is the deconstruction of our society.
our article took a different look at this issue.
This is the opposite of "smashing the patriarchy." There is a lot of forced teaming with "feminism," but this ideology is absolute female hatred, female erasure, hatred of the mother, boundary violations of women/girls, and removal of consent for women/girls. The end goal of transhumanism is to steal the power of birth from mothers and put it in the hands of the state. The state is putting in place a mass sterilization program alongside female erasure, they are already attempting to birth babies outside of a woman's womb.
The "trans child" is a marketing scheme to sell unnecessary medicalization and create a class of life long medical patients, it's also an empathy trap. No one was every going to cough up empathy for adult men with fetishes and their sick surgeries, but people feel sad for the poor children "born in the wrong body." Of course no one is "born wrong." When it comes to bodies we "you get what you get and you don't get upset."
There is also an attempt to dissociate us all from our primary instincts, sex recognition, and trusting the authority of our own eyes and ears. This is a massive safeguarding failure for everyone, but especially for women and children.
"The 'trans child' is a marketing scheme to sell unnecessary medicalization and create a class of life long medical patients, it's also an empathy trap." Absolutely, well said!
This problem goes far beyond just harming the child….. it ruins whole families. In 2015, my granddaughter, at age 14, was struggling in school and socially. My daughter (divorced) took her for counseling. After 1 session, it was determined that “Lizzie” wanted to be a boy and we were to call her “Lime” (not sure why?). The family began to accommodate her and we thought this was being supportive. 3 sessions in, it was revealed that “Lizzie” said she was sexually assaulted by her grandfather when she was about 6 yrs old, and the counselor explained that this was the defining moment of her body dysphoria. This, of course, was reported to the police and investigated. Our family was Shocked! My father, who denied this vehemently, (who at the time of the “incident” was 71 yrs old!), was interrogated, along with other family. Nothing was proven, either way… (how do you prove a dispositive ???). I went weeks tortured with this information… I simply could not believe a man I’ve known my whole life, who I’ve seen interacting with females of all ages, my whole life, would’ve done this act…….. About 3 months later, ”Lime” quit seeing the counselor and she changed her mind again and decided that she is a girl, who likes girls, and reverted to being called by her middle (girl’s) name. She is now almost 22 years old, in college with a girlfriend and appears to be happy. The bad news is our family is still broken! We are split by who believes who…. Those who are not split must abide to the, if one is invited to Holidays, the others are not…. We dodged a bullet with the transitioning – thank God! But, the family is forever severed. Granddaughter cannot retract her statement (even if its false), due to the colossal harm it has caused.
I'm so sorry. That sounds just horrible for your family.
Thank you Chris. I've been fighting this battle for five years now and it has totally severed me from my former "progressive" "community." It's the most sinister cult I have ever seen. What kind of "social movement threatens suicide if they don't get what they want? A cult. A dangerous, Flavor-Ade™-swilling cult does that sort of thing.
The trans suicide myth is foundational to the project and it was never based on evidence. I am linking here to my review of Hannah Barnes's new book, "Time to Think," about how the cult of the "trans child" took over at the UK's Tavistock GIDS clinic. They lied when they said "the science is settled." There was never any science. The "trans child" has always been an esoteric faith construct.
Yes, it's moral blackmail.
this sickens me on so many levels
So disturbing on SO many levels!!
Conservatives definitely have to hold the line on this!! The Non-Binary, Trans ideologies have swept through K-12 is astounding and sickening to listen to adults--Drs., Teachers & POTUS not only talking about this issue ...but advocating for this!!!
This is not only is EVIL!!
It’s a symptom of the rot & sickness that has taken hold in a good part of our society. Unfortunately it’s the left that has considerable influence in our education system, politics & media.
Excellent piece, Chris. Well written. Insightful. On point. We find ourselves in a seismic shift unlike any other in history. Try and imagine for a moment an era in which one would not be met with astonishment, ridicule, or more likely a warrant for arrest for stating "my little girl decided she's a boy so we're having her breasts cut off today." We are officially prioritizing inner conviction over biological reality - and it's not only becoming OK, it's now encouraged; it's *correct.*
This is unplowed ground in an unstable landscape.
Your comments are right on target and eloquent. Kids who are genuinely suffering from gender dysphoria need counseling, and those claiming trans status owing to social contagion need a good spanking. It's all mental illness -- worthy of our sympathy -- but not of our participation. We would never aid an anorexic in her/his delusions and make it a "right" to starve oneself.
I have immense sympathy for the kids caught up in this. We're failing a society to direct kids in the right direction. I have young kids and can see it in their peers. Sad state of affairs.
The way some parents are using their kids to gain status and praise through this is sick 😕
I knew an anorexic during that contagion - Karen Carpenter was her favorite pop star. It is really quite simple to see how social media would amplify the effect. In those days, it was mass-broadcasting/publicity and word-of-mouth. Daily life has been restructured by participation in social media.
It gets worse. Estimates at GIDS in England were that 35% of kids who showed up at the clinic were autistic. Other studies have pegged the number at around 50%. Gender ideology is targeting our most vulnerable young people to achieve its aims. It's truly predatory.
Predatory, indeed!
Thank you for your work with this issue, Chris. My autistic daughter is caught up in this contagion. If you haven't lived it, you can't understand the terror.
I'm so sorry. Puberty is such a stressful, confusing time for young kids, especially kids with social difficulties. I can't imagine being a young girl in today's environment
Has Biden ever heard of Body Identity Integrity Disorder? It's a body dysmorphia disorder in which the sufferer wants a healthy limb amputated or a functioning spinal cord severed. People who have it are human beings, too. But that doesn't mean they should have their delusion "treated" with surgery. He's really just such a ridiculous character.
His staff is just feeding him words to say. It's sad to see.
Thank you, Christopher Rufo, for bring this topic forward! This is most definitely a type of social contagion. This theory, originally proposed by physician scientist, Lisa Littman, herself a voice in the area of "gender studies," is based on the observation that children (many girls) came forward in groups claiming that they identified as boys. This is, perhaps, similar to Emile Durkheim's observation about suicide as a social phenomenon. Children and adolescents are profoundly affected by the actions and behaviors of peers. Just look at the number of girls who have come forward in recent years - girls in the Western world who report being "gender dysphoric." There is something like a 4000% increase. It is simply outrageous. I just finished reading Hanna Barnes' excellent account of the fall of the UK's famous - or infamous - Tavistock Clinic. It is a powerful and extremely unsettling read. Barnes has done meticulous research and her work gives a very unbiased look at this, but one comes away with the sense that this "gender affirming treatment" could only be the result of a deliberate application of this insane ideology. How else could thousands of children, boys and girls, be put on puberty blockers and cross sex hormones, all of which have not been subject to any evidence-based research at all!
Jessie Singal, journalist and author of the substack, "Singal Minded," has suggested, in an interview with Barnes, that perhaps something similar will happen here. He referenced whistleblower Jamie Reed and her deposition about the Missouri clinic. I believe that this is indeed what will happen. Reed's claims are shocking, horrendous, so disturbing. This ideology simply will not stand. The whole thing is fiction, and can be traced back to the Dutch protocol which was based on a small number of young boys who claimed they identified as girls. Puberty blockers and cross sex hormones were given, and sometimes surgery was done. This study has since been debunked by European scientists as weak and lacking in evidence. It is maddening that American physicians, lobbyists, etc., continue to maintain that all of this is "evidence based" and they continue to say that major medical organization (AMA, APA, Endocrine Society) support this, which they do. However, these organizations are little more than mouthpieces for the trans agenda. They do NOT represent the beliefs of many physicians.
I appreciate all voices who stand against this vile ideology. Speaking up and coming forward. That is how we dispense with this!
The left is definitely on the "wrong side of history" with this one. In the future, people will drop their jaws in disbelief that this kind of "gender" madness could have ever taken hold.
And whoever is the main group representing Them will blame it all on whatever group is opposing Them in that time.
Destruction of the nuclear family and other norms is a top Marxism goal. Parenting is to be done by the state. Tactics include promotion of sexual promiscuity, prostitution and pornography; sexualization of children; and expansive use of gender identities, pronouns and sexual orientations. For more info, see my Substack article "Top 7 Marxism Clues" at
Thanks for sharing.
It's interesting, isn't it, that even while the children are sexualized, their sexual body parts are cut off? The state of the science now is that the people who were born as male obviously end up sterilized after surgical transition. They used to be promised that their inverted penis would enable them to have orgasms more or less like a woman does, but that has turned out to be not true for at least some transitioners. The transitioners born female can become sterile, and also be less able to have vaginal sex.
The woke cult does not seem concerned about surviving past a few generations if at all. Maybe they don't accept the idea of physical extinction of their demographics, because death is body thing, or because it is the reality that nobody gets to deny.
Of course they are not concerned about surviving. They invented the Human Voluntary Extinction Project. Voluntary, that is, for now.