While we’re not perfect at living out our faith, the U.S. is still a majority Christian nation. As Christians, we’re called to recognize the dignity of every human life. So, yes, we should show compassion to immigrants. But that compassion doesn’t mean we have to open the floodgates indiscriminately.

My in-laws came from Honduras under the worst conditions, worked hard, and contributed to this country. They’re frustrated to see people exploiting the system, which undermines their sacrifices. This isn’t about paranoia; it’s about facing reality. In the UK, the government has jailed people over social media posts, and

excessive accommodations for Muslims are prevalent. It’s not about discrimination, it’s about protecting what makes a culture unique and cohesive.

Christian or not, we must to balance compassion with prudence. Welcoming people is a good thing, but not at the expense of our values and social fabric. We have to draw a line and ensure those coming in are willing to respect and integrate into our way of life.

We can’t afford to be naive. We have to defend our faith, our families, and our future. It’s not about rejecting people; it’s about preserving the values and principles that make us who we are. If we lose that, we lose everything and I fear we are well on our way without a hard stop.

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People like your in-laws are untouchables to today's Democrats. Productive immigrants who are outspoken against illegal troublemakers are to be avoided at all costs. Only the elites are allowed to tell the proles how to think, speak, and behave.

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Morning Chuck,

Exactly right. Thank you for your insight.

My in-laws bust their asses every day to contribute and live out solid values, only to get sidelined for political theater. You’re right—the elites control the narrative, and anyone challenging it gets shut down. COVID was a wake-up call: we saw just how quickly people roll over and accept being told what to do and think. It’s beyond a travesty—it’s a warning.

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Compassion - prudence = evil.

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Just about every week since 2019, First Diversity Staffing Group Inc. has shuttled vulnerable Haitian migrants in unmarked white Ford and Chevy vans from Florida to Ohio, where they are allegedly exploited for cheap labor by companies like Dole Food Company Inc. It is a secretive and sinister operation that has gone unchecked for more than five years. The mastermind behind this scheme lives in a $1.35 million mansion on Pawleys Plantation Court. His name is George Ten, but in that underworld, his nickname is "King George," because of his opulent lifestyle of luxury cars, cash handouts and fast-talk. For years, he has operated his reign of alleged exploitation openly and freely out of a former mansion on E. High Street.


Cui Bono? Who benefits?

Look, each migrant generates a lot of cashflow. There is the cashflow for their welfare, state provided medical care, education, rent and food assistance, etc.

Many of the local "republican" politicians get rich off the migrants, as do religious "charities".

"Eds and Meds" remains much of what the welfare state does, and the providers of Eds and Meds get rich off headcount.

The locals that aren't cued into these revenue steams rarely benefit as much, and of case those of us that pay for it (usually at the state and federal level) are on the hook for it all.

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11 mins ago·edited 10 mins ago

King George needs to "wake up dead" some morning... soon. Too bad we can't do the same to the U. N. Secretary General, who is up to his eyeballs in this deviltry. We can put him in prison for life though.

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Mr. Rufo calls assimilating 15K Haitians "a transformative challenge". Did the taxpaying citizens of Springfield vote to accept this challenge? Or was fundamental transformation thrust upon them by progressive one-worlders, led in this nation by Barack Obama and his financial supporters?

In Springfield (and across this nation) It is likely more difficult to get a zoning change approved on a single property, than it is to be made to accept 15K folks from a radically different foreign culture. Where does our Constitution provide for this?

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Help me out. Weren't the 15K Haitians legal and also invited by local businesses to work in Springfield? I don't think these people were thrust upon the community. Otherwise I agree with the premise that absorbing 15,000 newcomers into a 60K community is beyond challenging.

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I would like more clarity on this. Their "legal" status was not established by the usual immigration procedures (which I went through myself as a legal green card applicant), involving criminal background checks, AIDS test, TB test, and other health screenings prior to being granted entry into the US. From what I understand, they were quickly processed under a special scheme to allow them to work in the US. I believe the Democrats are starting to blur the definition of "legal immigrant" so as to allow many more unvetted immigrants into the country. Now we are getting TB and AIDS, and probably other communicable disease, outbreaks as those checks have not been carried out.

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Well said, Margaret.

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There's no evidence that HIV/AIDS or TB significantly spiked in Springfield, Ohio, because of Haitian immigrants. Conjecture is not science. The old white supremacist playbook is tired. Many of the poor white people in Springfield, Ohio, receive government assistance. They are too lazy to work. The Haitian migrants have proven that they are willing to work harder for less compensation. And they show up on time for their jobs.

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Go away, Leftist Loon.

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I never said those diseases had spiked in Springfield. It was a general comment that these diseases have occurred elsewhere and that there is increased risk. Why do normal vetting procedures include these disease screenings if they are not important?

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I doubt a large percentage are now employed in any job at all except maybe crime. And bringing in low-cost labor is abusive to everyone involved. There is a reason Haiti has not gone anywhere except into the gutter in 400 years of self-rule. That should be highly cautionary.

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Many impoverished white residents of Springfield, Ohio, receive government assistance and are too indolent to work—Appalachian culture!

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The French put Haiti into debt by demanding reparations for its freedom. After the successful slave revolt in Haiti, the United States refused to recognize Haiti as a sovereign country, which also had a negative impact on the Haitian economy. It's important to note that propaganda isn't science.

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This article seems pretty accurate:


The Haitians were not "thrust upon" the community; they were invited BY CERTAIN POLITICIANS AND BUSINESS OWNERS. The taxpaying citizenry at large were not consulted.

The same thing is going on in Charleroi, PA (near Pittsburgh). There is an NGO involved, along with a handful of politicians (and likely the local CofCs as well).


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Right. Follow the money trail.

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Why would local businesses invite an influx of 15,000 people to a town of less than 60,000 people? Did a massive factory just open in Springfield and they're having a hard time finding enough workers? I wasn't aware that the town was so prosperous.

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Just about every week since 2019, First Diversity Staffing Group Inc. has shuttled vulnerable Haitian migrants in unmarked white Ford and Chevy vans from Florida to Ohio, where they are allegedly exploited for cheap labor by companies like Dole Food Company Inc. It is a secretive and sinister operation that has gone unchecked for more than five years. The mastermind behind this scheme lives in a $1.35 million mansion on Pawleys Plantation Court. His name is George Ten, but in that underworld, his nickname is "King George," because of his opulent lifestyle of luxury cars, cash handouts and fast-talk. For years, he has operated his reign of alleged exploitation openly and freely out of a former mansion on E. High Street.


Cui Bono? Who benefits?

Look, each migrant generates a lot of cashflow. There is the cashflow for their welfare, state provided medical care, education, rent and food assistance, etc.

Many of the local "republican" politicians get rich off the migrants, as do religious "charities".

"Eds and Meds" remains much of what the welfare state does, and the providers of Eds and Meds get rich off headcount.

The locals that aren't cued into these revenue steams rarely benefit as much, and of case those of us that pay for it (usually at the state and federal level) are on the hook for it all.

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All good questions, perhaps they should be directed to the Republican governor.

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All good questions, perhaps they should be directed to the governor.


It's the Dems who are the real cause of this problem.

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Excellent question. Likely up to the states - to enact laws that protect them for Fed financing of NGOs operating in the state against the wishes of the electorate.... or something more comprehensive. Do not know, I do not understand the mechanics, but there are likely actions states can do to orotect themselves from Fed financed NGOs and the other ways the Fed imposes its wishes (outside the constitution) on states.

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Round up the people involved and put them away.

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Also... it would appear the Fed has taken too many tasks not assigned to them by the constitution. It would be in the interest of States to take over that not afforded the Fed by the constitution as a counter to the Fed meddling in affairs not assigned to them by the constitution. Perhaps a wet dream, but I have a feeling States have a lot they can do.

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Exactly! Our Constitution did not and does not provide for illegal migration into this country. The rule of law in our unique democratic republic (we are not a "democracy") is formed by consensus in a citizen's referendum - a vote and not by a select few. The "few" in this case could be some manufacturers and businesses strictly for profit motive of cheaper labor. Or, the few more than likely are the same but with One World Globalist interests. In our society, there is no provision or exception for a short term massive infiltration of one culture into this country. In any case, Rome learned this a little too late!

I am not sure that "the taxpaying citizens of Springfield" voted in a majority for this problem. There can be no other legitimate excuse for what has happened there. The semi-veiled and true intention of this illegal activity has been to radically overwhelm our values and culture.

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Just about every week since 2019, First Diversity Staffing Group Inc. has shuttled vulnerable Haitian migrants in unmarked white Ford and Chevy vans from Florida to Ohio, where they are allegedly exploited for cheap labor by companies like Dole Food Company Inc. It is a secretive and sinister operation that has gone unchecked for more than five years. The mastermind behind this scheme lives in a $1.35 million mansion on Pawleys Plantation Court. His name is George Ten, but in that underworld, his nickname is "King George," because of his opulent lifestyle of luxury cars, cash handouts and fast-talk. For years, he has operated his reign of alleged exploitation openly and freely out of a former mansion on E. High Street.


Cui Bono? Who benefits?

Look, each migrant generates a lot of cashflow. There is the cashflow for their welfare, state provided medical care, education, rent and food assistance, etc.

Many of the local "republican" politicians get rich off the migrants, as do religious "charities".

"Eds and Meds" remains much of what the welfare state does, and the providers of Eds and Meds get rich off headcount.

The locals that aren't cued into these revenue steams rarely benefit as much, and of case those of us that pay for it (usually at the state and federal level) are on the hook for it all.

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I don't see how we can have an honest discussion about the destruction of our communities, the effect of millions of foreigners on the job market and the serious rise in heinous crimes while continuing to pretend that this is "immigration". It is not. The Biden-Harris administration has willfully and with no lack of foresight allowed - if not planned - the influx of millions of unassimilable people into our country whom they effectively resettled based on asylum claims they know are phony. This administration has also incentivized the continued breach of our borders with prepaid debit cards via apps to the phones of those on their way here with instructions on how to proceed when they arrive, and they even sent planes to pick up "migrants" from various countries. To add insult to injury, our government has, for all intents and purposes, declared that the preference will go to the newcomers while citizen have no right to complain. See South Chicago.

How is this "immigration" when we all know that it actually is population replacement with the aim of achieving the coveted one-party state.

And remember this: Noticing any of the above officially makes you a racist bigot xenophobe.

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It is definitely a plan. No accident. One world globalists. Obama, Soros, UN, etc etc

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I just found out Chelsea Clinton was married to a Soros. OMG.

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It is all part of the Marxist one-world rule business.

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Illegals are not immigrants.

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This tsunami of illegals will fundamentally change America and not in a good way.

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The same kind of tsunami has already done so in Canada. And in England.

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True. Also in Italy and other European countries. Also negative there...

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Ireland is falling due to this too. Although the advocates for free speech in Ireland recently had a victory.

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Anyone with an unbiased view of history recognizes that kingdoms rise and fall with the inevitability of the tide. Did colonialism bring civilization to backwards people? Did a Tibetan general traitorously allow Chinese troops to conquer Tibet? Did Sodom, Gomorrah, and Washington, DC bring about their own destruction? The Visigoths sacked Rome. The only question remaining is who will take over the USA when its perversion and corruption are complete.

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I see a simple, equitable solution for the people of Springfield. Ship half of those Haitians to Martha's Vinyard, which will of course gladly accept them, find housing for them, and feed them.

Oh, wait. Matha's Vinyard has already kicked out a much smaller number or immigrants. Could it be that progressives are disgusting hypocrites of the "Do as I say, not as I do" mentality? Yes.

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NIMBY liberals are not just a stereotype... THEY LIVE.

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:For them, mass migration is a potential source of patronage and votes, best cultivated surreptitiously"

This was very much the idea when former Prime Minister Pierre Troodo of Canada introduced his policy of "multiculturalism" in the late 1960s. He shamed native-born Canadians into it. So that he and his party could benefit. He made it into an ethical sin to question this. Same old trick they all use. Pierre was Communist, btw. Though he kept that under his hat while he was running for office.

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9 hrs ago·edited 8 hrs ago

A very good clear delineation of the core issues. Unfortunately one party seems to think that no control is the best policy, whereas, in fact, solving these questions begins with asserting control of the process.

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IQ is also a factor and that is largely genetic. A donkey can't be trained into a racehorse

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Wow, you know everyone's IQ? Especially with a name like "Monkey Brains"? Get lost with your vile filth.

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…and the wrong part of his statement was - ?

Nobody will argue that America’s history and record on immigration is perfect or, for that matter, entirely moral or just. It does have rules, though - even argued favorably by Obama. For

immigration any country can pick and choose who it wants to admit. Base the criteria on IQ, professional skills, juggling ability - whatever. But do have criteria that citizens agree on so these people can be welcomed by communities and have a hope of improving them and themselves.

Myself, I’d rather have the current issue be framed in terms of refugees instead of immigrants and help solve “the root problems” endemic to so many of the Central and South American countries that these unfortunate souls are fleeing.

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"and the wrong part of his statement was - ? "

Gee, maybe that, as far as I'm aware, there are no IQ tests being conducted at the border?

It's always helpful to see the ACTUAL racists out themselves. Disgusting, but helpful.

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What does the term 'racism' even mean any more? It is flung about indiscriminately like confetti at a funeral. Ironically, its main use is to brand people who disagree with leftism as subhuman.

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It absolutely is misused/overused. But here we have a case of the real thing - assuming people have a low IQ simply because of where they were born. It's a good thing to see the real thing exposed!

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But, it has been scientifically shown that different populations have different mean IQs, and this is generally reflected in whether their societies are functional or dysfunctional. IQ does not make someone more or less intrinsically valuable as a human being, but it is something that must be taken into consideration.

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Where was that statement in the original post to which you replied? I don't see it.

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It's always helpful when the open borders lunatics out themselves. Another issue with low IQ third world countries is they have to utilise severe punishment to deter crime. Due to the general population's inability to self regulate. This is incompatible with Western Liberal society.

So yeah high crime or illiberal policing and a low trust society. Thanks buddy

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Take it easy there, Mo.

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Most Westerners will be happy for their country to do what it can for genuine asylum-seekers fleeing for their lives – always within the bounds of realism. And most are not implacably opposed to economic migration per se. (If I had grown up in some god awful country that is what I would try to do myself.) What rankles with people about the bleeding heart pro-immigration lobby and their parasitic ‘human rights’ lawyer enablers is the wholesale disregard of the interests of the wider host population. What rankles is how the virtue-signalling vanities of the university sheep-dipped) middle class have imposed costs borne primarily - not by themselves personally but by the non-‘opinion forming’ classes lower down the social scale. What rankles above all perhaps is this chattering class’ foolish and reckless assumption that the civilisation that has succoured them will still be there however much they mess with its cohesiveness and however much they undermine it with their ‘globalist’ sentimentalities. https://grahamcunningham.substack.com/p/the-migrants

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The immigration nightmare being repeated in most western liberal democracies is not an accident, nor an unintended consequence of misguided policy. It is a deliberate strategy to undermine modern civilization. I recently learned of the Cloward-Piven strategy, which is one name for it; but taxonomy does not answer the question, any more than Marxism or Islamism are the final answer. Why am I so confident that this is intentional? Because the barriers to entry for high-skilled productive immigrants that western liberal leaders keep insisting are essential to multicultural societies [which is true] are as high as they have been in my lifetime. Could you, Mr. Rufo, legally become a British citizen today? I'm confident your status as a "far right extremist" would instantly disqualify you. And if by some chance it didn't, you would be told that they already have enough of your kind, thank you very much. And yet there is no discernible upper limit to the wretched refuse from foreign shores who are allowed in while the authorities are birdwatching through their binoculars.

Here's another name for this phenomenon, from the transmitting end: Weaponized emigration. The Mariel Boatlift in 1980 was Castro's gift to America; you may recall the opening scene from Scarface.

A mere 150k Cuban convicts and political dissidents was enough to permanently change Florida, and progressive politicians must have learned something from it. That something might be: If you allow in agents of chaos, your high-maintenance subjects may soon forget all about their Constitutional rights and liberties, and start begging for heavy-handed expansion of govt power. That was certainly proven true after 9/11 for Republicans, and COVID for Democrats. For you youngsters out there, Joe Biden is proud of drafting the prototypical PATRIOT Act in 1994, but it was considered too radical back then. He has bragged about that frequently in the past, which both parties conveniently forgot by 2020.

There is also evidence of something deeper and darker at work in what is seldom talked about in the furor over the border. The Biden administration refused to grant asylum to our Afghan collaborators after the disastrous 2021 withdrawal, because they were claimed to be too risky, despite the fact that their names were already known to the State Dept two years earlier--because they were documented and vetted by our own military personnel. So the original failure to honor our commitments to these people happened under Trump. But they were denied under Biden as well, while Mayorkas held the door open for anyone from anywhere, including Taliban sleepers. And only now are people beginning to take notice of all the children who are unaccounted for in this mass migration. Are most of them accompanied by their own parents? Likely, but nobody really knows. Weird for the party that's so big on Compassion and Decency, innit?

What we are witnessing is not really a debate about any sort of policy; it's treason. To paraphrase an often misattributed quote from John Stuart Mill, America's moral Gibraltar: The only thing needed for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Speaking as a descendant of Holocaust refugees, I can attest that there is a long and perilous period of cognitive dissonance that must be overcome in the public mind, before people realize that their elected leaders might actually want to destroy them.

It's time for complacent citizens of western democracies to wake up, and quit fiddling while Rome is sacked by barbarians. We have allowed this to happen to ourselves, because we are too spoiled to admit that honest policies entail sobering costs and tradeoffs. The true "trickle-down economics" is allowing govts to print money for wars and welfare programs that becomes our future debt, and the true devil's bargain is when we vote for other people's pockets to be picked so that we can signal our moral virtue to our peers. We are bankrupting our own future by being politically lazy, and politicians are happy to fill the vacuum of our ignorance.

But even in the dead of winter, new shoots emerge seeking sunlight. I was very encouraged by Vivek Ramaswamy's recent televised Springfield town hall, and by his intelligent analysis of administrative overreach at a recent CATO event:


The next few years are going to be existential crises for the US, UK, and EU nations. Our familiar way of life is changing dramatically, and we'd better come to grips with it sooner than later. It's going to be very hard to solve our problems without granting some sort of excessive power to govt, which I think was their intention. But history offers hope as well as despair. People have fought through worse and prevailed. If there is hope for Argentina and El Salvador, there is hope for us, if we have the will and the intestinal fortitude.

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A wonky “appeal to reason” over the immigration issue. Jeez Louise we passed that rest stop a hundred miles back you’ll have to get out and pee in the bushes.

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Problem is the people funding both parties want lots of cheap labor to increase profits. All segments of the Republican party want severe restrictions on illegal immigration, but the people paying for campaigns don't show up on polling.

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Migration must be controlled.. our border bozo is cynically manipulating the subject by allowing a free for all invasion which supports her ideology and desire for a one party state

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Our populace must also insist on assimilation which, to date, it has not. Our insouciant population is too invested in virtue signaling its tolerance.

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