Jun 18·edited Jun 18Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

Protect Vanessa Sivadge. The Biden regime's gender Gestapo is coming after her and Haim for fulfilling their Hippocratic oaths. The real criminals are Dr. Richards, Dr. Paul, and the Texas Children's executives who covered this up. Send this story to every doctor you know. Their response will reveal whether they are morally fit to practice medicine.

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19

Were I a Law Student, or just starting out, I would be spending A Lot of time studying what The Law says about Medical Malpractice and "Gender Affirming Care". Because very shortly you will not be able to swing a dead cat without hitting a lawsuit. Hospitals, Doctors, Org's/NGO's pushing this, Parents, Best be Lawyering Up. Judges also better brush up, cause the tidal wave is coming.

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Sounds a bit like the COVID scares. It’s starting to return in the form of litigation.

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"Don't Get Mad. Sue The Bastards!"

William "Whiplash Willie" Gingrich

Walter Matthau The Fortune Cookie (1966)

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Is a Nazi douchebag really qualified to make that assessment?

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Jun 18Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

I'm grateful that you bring a serious investigative capability to our sphere. It makes an important break from endless, circling political and cultural commentary.

Keep up the work. The children deserve better.

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Thank you!

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It’s a shame the talented investigative reporters are so few.

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Wokism does not = journalism.

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It is hard to know just what Chris Rufo is. I first came across him as a new writer for the City Journal, which I had been reading since the 90s. Then he said he was teaching a course for Hillsdale. In the past few years he published a collaborative book where another member of City Journal did the research and Chris did the writing. The book was a basic history of Neo-Marxism in America -- a new version of material that had been out there since the 60s. Now he seems to be an investigative journalist, publishing on substack....and always making sure that readers know it was CHRIS RUFO who saved the day. Ahem.

It now seems to be more about personal acclaim and attention than about the story itself. He certainly has his own PR machine going strong.

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I’m not far from you. I think it’s important that a conservative voice be heard, not just liberals like me.

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Hello, Bill. I will be upfront and say that I have never been leftwing, and in fact -- though I grew up in the midst of leftwing liberalism -- I always smelled a rat there. I long sensed that something was wrong. Therefore, I am one of those conservative voices. A well-educated conservative voice.

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I am often called a conservative , because I am tolerant of others’ beliefs and values. I’m a free speech enthusiast and hold the entire Bill of Rights sacred, including 2 and 10. I'm in fact a libertarian.

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they are abusing children, who, most probably, will commit suicide. I have raised 5 children and there is NO way on Gods green earth that a kid knows at the age of 11 or 15 or even 17 what they want to eat for supper, let alone destroying their bodies forever.

This is a money making grab and it sickens me that the current president is okay with it. If adults want to destroy their bodies..let them. But to touch and deform a child, that is evil. I hope that Dr Haim is freed by the evils of the DOJ and those whacked FBI agents who arrested him.

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agree totally. Milstones come to mind

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It's probably coming from Bernal the Personal advisor/ Controller to the Bidens.

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There are NO "sex-change procedures". Just the castration and sterilization of autistic and dysphoric children.

"sex-change" is an egregious euphemism to paper over an odious medical scandal and crime of the century. Which you're contributing to with the unquoted use of that phrase.

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Yes, it's not an easy question. I use "child sex-change" as the best of the options, despite the real limitations you outline here.

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Seems pretty "easy" to simply quote that phrase. Unless you're pandering to people like Iranian theocrats who sincerely "think" that changing sex is simply a matter of, for example, changing penises into ersatz neo-vaginas ...

But rather too many people subscribe to the Kindergarten Cop definitions -- boys have penises and girls have vaginas -- from which that "sex-change" follows.

Likewise the general corruption of biology -- you might have some interest in, and may be able to make some political hay out of, my open letter to the erstwhile reputable biological journal Cell which asked, apparently in all seriousness, "Is 'sex' a useful category?":


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Iranian "theocrats" do NOT "sincerely think that changing sex is simply a matter of, for example, changing penises into ersatz neo-vaginas"! Iran does not permit this. And Iran does not think that children should be slaughtered (15,000+) or starved to death in Gaza. Or have to live all their lives under brutal Jewish state occupation, either. Maybe some day the West will catch up with Iran in protecting children. But don't count on it.

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"Transgender identity is recognized through sex reassignment surgery. Sex reassignment surgeries are partially financially supported by the state. Some homosexual individuals in Iran have been pressured to undergo sex reassignment surgery in order to avoid legal and social persecution.[12] Iran carries out more sex reassignment surgeries than any other country in the world after Thailand."

"Some human rights activists and opponents of the government in Iran claim between 4,000 and 6,000 gay men and lesbians have been executed in Iran for crimes related to their sexual orientation since 1979."



I can hardly wait until the West "catches up with Iran" ... 🙄

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OMG, I had no idea

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Rather shocking, ain't it? Partly why I'm rather "peeved" with Rufo -- his implicit endorsement of "sex changes" -- notwithstanding his assertions to the contrary -- is simply of a piece with theocrats of various stripes who apparently think that changing sex is just a matter of changing one's genitalia, even if with ersatz and non-functional replicas.

But feminism in general has to take some lumps for that state of affairs -- not for nothing do Substackers Lorenzo Oz and Helen Dale argue that transgenderism is the bastard child of feminism:


In the same vein, you might "enjoy" a post by a Canadian professor of anthropology, Kathleen Lowrey:

"Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner

Judith Butler didn’t invent gender ideology, anthropologists did."


Of particular note from her post, an article by another anthropologist, Gayle Rubin:

"Thinking Sex: Notes for a Radical Theory of the Politics of Sexuality":


"Asked his advice, Dr. J. Guerin affirmed that, after all other treatments had failed, he had succeeded in curing young girls affected by the vice of onanism by burning the clitoris with a hot iron."

Some "murky" morality if not rather twisted "logic" in all of their "arguments". Politics and strange bedfellows.

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if the rabid democrats cannot lynch a baby in the womb, they will wait a few years, and then chop off her titties or his dick. These vermin just like to kill babies, children and the poor.

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I thought that was the goal? I mean, as long as they're leftist babies.

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Mixed feelings. The babies start out innocent, but like the rabid Muslims, the vermin program the children into becoming rabid little rodents. Just like the rabid parents.

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If you refer to these procedures as genital-mutilation surgery, readers will generally understand. It's a tough call, but using the preferred terms of these butchers is probably not the best choice. First they distort the language, then they butcher the children.

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Are you talking about circumcision?

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nope., only rabid leftist vermin confuse a wonderful sanitary procedure (that is so helpful when a man reaches old age) that does not interfere in the least with mans need to keep the species going,

with chopping up the sex organs of mentally ill children, to just kill off more humans, which is the goal of the rabid left.

hope that helped, but in your case, nah!

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Helpful? With what? You have part of your penis chopped off!

You should probably oppose ALL kinds of genital mutilation bud.

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well, at least you are not sofaking stupid to be unable to ask a question, let me help

I have been a nurse for 40 years, in that time, I have taken care of a few old men that were un circumcised. They dicks were almost rotting off, because keeping that part clean is very difficult. And cleaning that area, once it is rotten, is extremely painful and usually got you slapped, by said old guy.

ZERO circumcised men have that problem.

I wonder how in the hell the ancient jews knew this?? Or figured out a fantastic solution.

Let me help your stupidity further.

Circumcision does not eliminate any of the pleasure of having sex, at least according to the billions of guys that had it done when they were infants, and makes it easier to prevent disease.

Chopping off a girls clitoris, removes all the pleasure, but hey, rabid Muslims men do not care about that. And the genital mutilation the democrat vermin enjoy doing to their children, not only eliminates any reproduction, but destroys the health of the victims, and forever removes any sexual pleasure. But hey, democrat vermin also do not care about that, and try to confuse it with circumcision.

I suspect these concepts are way to advanced for a democrat like you, and yes, its obvious you are a democrat, so you may have to find a conservative to help explain.

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So what you’re saying is that you only have part of a penis now, and that you like that?

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I don’t think that’s really true according to men who have been through the procedure. And how do you know that? I say keep your hands off my dingaling, and ffs teach your sons to wash their genitalia. It’s not that hard.

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Also, try soap and water every once in a while on your stankbanana.

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which is exactly what happens to old guys, who cannot wash themselves properly anymore. jesus but democrats are stupid vermin, and they get every nasty thang they earn.

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I’ll bite. Yeah I’m against it and wish it was not done to me, but you have to admit that there are degrees of difference between gender reassignment and male circumcision

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well, in your case, most of the brain gets chopped off, but hey, any improvement in that leftist rodent personality

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Circumcision doesn't render one sterile.

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Dick is a self-proclaimed troll.

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hah, that little rodent has 2 generations to go before he makes it to troll

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Wikipedia: "Gender-affirming surgery is a surgical procedure, or series of procedures, that alters a person's physical appearance and sexual characteristics to resemble those associated with their identified gender." [What a monstrous 'idea']



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"genital-mutilation surgery" is still more accurate than "child sex-change" which is what Christopher was using and what I was objecting to.

Hard to believe that he would continue to use the term -- unless he's pandering to various religious communities who might think that was possible or preferable to homosexual children ...

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if he wants any reach in Youtube, he has to use rabid democrat vermin speak to stay there

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18

I noticed on some of the comments made to Dr. Haim on the Give Send Go fund raiser that there were several medical professionals who donated and thanked Dr. Haim for his bravery. If only all the medical professionals who stand silently by wishing they could be so brave, stood up and found their bravery. I understand the risks involved and that not everyone is cut out of the same cloth as Dr. Haim and Nurse Sivadge but if a significant # of medical professionals stood up to this ideology and blew the whistle when appropriate, this could all end. The Feds can't prosecute or persecute 10 or 20% of the medical professionals in this country. It wouldn't take more.

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Yes, we need doctors, nurses, and administrators to start speaking out.

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And school administrators and personnel. In many states, including mine, children can seek psychological and medical care without parent knowledge or consent. Some staff encourage this practice and go so far as to transport children to and from appointments (which is a violation of school policy). It’s far past time for those who work with kids to just say no to this nonsense. I am one of them, and I will be keep saying no regardless of our new law, HB24-1039, which requires me to say yes or lose my job 🤦‍♀️. Thank you for all of the work you do, Chris. It helps those of us in the trenches to muster the courage to resist and to protect kids at all costs.

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More than that.... rebellion! Every moment this goes on is too late.

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Report like this, and others by Chris Rufo, perform a valuable service in building a common-sense consensus, and giving doctors and nurses courage to speak up. Note that Nurse Sivadge spoke up after reading one of Rufo's reports. FBI agents probably monitor his reports. G-men, if you're reading this, go ahead and speak up, unless you've already been de-balled. It would be good to know whether AG Garland ordered the harassment of Dr Haim and Nurse Sivadge.

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My father and my brother both deceased, were physicians, but my brother practiced from the 60’s, until the 90’s , before the trans insanity, so he was not threatened like doctors are now with having to go along with the trans cult.

However, my father grew up in Nazi Germany, and his practice was threatened by the Nazis, …their ideology had to be observed just like the trans ideology has to be observed now

. I can see very little difference. Both ideologies are authoritarian and based on lies.

Doctors and others who do not bow down to the lies of the trans cult, (even though it is infinitesimally small) , are under surveillance or threat , and have lost their jobs by speaking the truth.

Any ideology based on lies and false narratives is authoritarian. I see very little difference between Nazism and trans ideology except for the fact that the trans ideology has spread much more widely ..and that is a real concern.

By the late ‘30s, nobody could speak out in Nazi Germany…those few who did, ended up in concentration camps if they did not escape.

It hasn’t come to that yet. But if we don’t speak out now, then when?

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Sadly, the USG can prosecute 97% of the country’s physicians just so long as enough remain to serve the needs of the elites

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These “doctors” are no different than Mengele. They should be in prison for this slaughters.

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Dr Haim should be defended for not violating the Hippocratric oath -There is no doubt that DOJ is coming after individuals who are opposed to the trans agenda as a means of showing fealty to the radical trans groups who are hard core Democrats

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This is easily the most corrupt government in the history of the US, and we have surely had some pretty bad ones. Teapot Dome is just for pikers.

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On that subject, Teapot Dome came to life after Harding died, and he was in all cases exonerated from any wrongdoing whatsoever. There was no “Big Guy” who jumped on calls while his addict son collected millions for… ( fill in your own answers). Harding, who cleaned up Wilson’s messes, is probably the most underrated President in American history.

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The DOJ is a mafia like organization. Nice profession you have there-be a shame to lose it. Bend the knee or else.

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The fact that any one of these so called medical professionals would even contemplate such barbarity on a child is beyond comprehension. There are some truly evil people that have pushed this agenda , in the medical community, government, our public schools and health systems and of the pharmaceutical industry. No child should ever be allowed to have any choice in this type of situation.

If an adult wants to undergo such treatment so be it. Any child should never be allowed access to such brutality. Parents who allow, enable , or encourage their child obviously has mental health issues and are projecting their uncivilized views onto their child.

Money and corruption are one evil combination.

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The parents are told, by doctors, do you want a dead child (suicide) or a trans child. Honestly.

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Thank God that there are still people like Haim and Sivadge Who have the courage to risk confronting an evil and entrenched system.

We all owe them a debt of gratitude.

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Thank you for this work. Our culture is so sick.

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Appreciate it!

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Children are not safe even in red states. Hospitals and school districts can be corrupted and ideologically captured in any area. Thank you Christopher for your dogged journalism and bringing this story to light. Take care to protect your children from these sick and demented people, and don't think just because you live in a red state that your family is safe.

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Yes, well, they certainly are.

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FBI agents like Paul Nixon and David McBride are incredibly dangerous. They are intimidating citizens at the behest of an out-of-control government. They will do worse if not held accountable.

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agree, the entire FBI needs to burned to the ground. Starting with the 7th floor in DC.

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There is such a thing as evil that lives and walks on this earth. You need look no further than the doctors who have betrayed their Hippocratic oaths in order to carry out these twisted “treatments” on innocent children. Thank God for Vanessa Sivadge and Dr. Haim for recognizing the harm being done, and acting to make it stop.

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"The UnderToad", What a great moniker for your comment!

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A great deep-dive into the murky details of the Chattering Class' transgender mass psychosis. But as you say at the end of your piece, there must come a reckoning. And that reckoning must be much bigger and fiercer than just giving the lie to this latest 'Progressive' fad.... one of so many others. People who were stupid enough and morally bankrupt enough to entertain such nonsense for even one minute should - if and when that reckoning finally comes - be disbarred from occupying positions in academia, in government or in any of the regulated professions. They should find themselves subsequently having to work for a living in some occupation lowly enough that they will be able to reflect on their small-minded hubris.

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In addition, the doctors, nurses, and administrators who practiced or facilitated genital-mutilation surgery should be prosecuted for criminal child abuse, intentional infliction of irreversible injury, and medical fraud. And if found guilty, jailed -- they'd have plenty of time in prison to reflect on what they did. And the public would be protected from any attempt to resume their specialty.

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Damn straight! Circumcision is EVIL!

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Hear, hear! Yes!

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I have a friend who transitioned at 62. She is very happy with the change and says she has always known she was not really "a man". While I support her choice, I still do not understand why anyone would want to go through all of that with all of the related expenses. I do not think that anyone under 21 or even older is really prepared to make such a decision. It is sick that people are making money off the uncertainty of children.

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Some of the kids at Texas Children's were 11 and 12 years old. It's insane.

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I wonder why they don't just help them to live their lives dressed and behaving as the opposite gender and see if that is really what they want on a permanent basis. It would help if we didn't live in a world with such rigid ideas of how men should be and how women should be. I have noticed more men walking down the street wearing skirts and I always think that is a lot better than going thru surgery and hormones. Especially when people are so young.

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Exactly. Let people play around with gender expressions, but stop thinking they can change their sex. Cross-dressing yes. Hormone therapy no.

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19

By time a person is an adult they can make their own decisions.

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This makes perfect sense.

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Criminal as well!

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That's an autogynophile. Very different from young teens and tweens caught up in the confusion of peer pressure, puberty, etc.

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Aren't “ whistleblowers” supposed to be a protected class and immune from prosecution?

And I still don't understand how psychological conversion therapy is “ banned” while surgical castration/ conversion is “ okay.”

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If there are 57 or whatever "genders" why do people still only have the choice of 2? Think about it.

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