Islam will not change. Subjugating / converting / eliminating infidels is one of its foundational principles, written directly into its source documents and woven through its covenants.
Islam will not change. Subjugating / converting / eliminating infidels is one of its foundational principles, written directly into its source documents and woven through its covenants.
I remember when Christopher Hitchens and, later, Sam Harris sounded this warning. Naturally, they were denounced as racist xenophobes and Islamophobes. The mealymouthed apologists in the "reformed" or allegedly moderate Muslim camp have been running cover for their fundamentalists all the while, giving the impression that Islam is reformable when it is not. Besides, the UK and Europe can't wait for reform, even if it were possible.
So the real enemy is not the Islamists because their aims are clear, but the secular or moderate Muslims who are too stupid to realize they are part of an evil religion?
Fundamentalist Muslims are indeed the enemy, and those Muslims who give lip service to reform but have no agency to enact it are useful idiots, as the commies used to say, or, to be charitable, pawns in a game they have no real interest or motivation to quit.
I'm operating under the theory that God need only 'flip a switch' inside them and then the logic that they employed in "embracing" will invert to REPULSION. The "Idea" is to create an environment where no individual makes a VICTIM of any other individual. This is done by BECKONING, not clubbing. It is EASY to recognize evil when you understand that it DOES use a club and it FORCES YOU TO PARTICIPATE.
Our recently elected idiotic socialist government wants to bring in laws to prevent any kind of discussion, never mind criticism, of Islam and its followers.
The problem here is of course pleasing foreigners into your country. They do not have more rights than the citizens. The law is the law. Engaging in riots is not permissible. Women cannot be subjugated. All laws are to be followed regardless of religion. If you don’t like it, leave the country.
Very similar in the USA. There are two sets of laws. This contributes to the hollowing out of the society.
Our world is a mess. Our Western culture and civilization is crumbling before our very eyes thanks to the feckless people we vote for.
You mean the FECKLESS PEOPLE WE HAVE TO CHOOSE FROM. They all seem to come from acedemia and haven't put on a yoke and pulled a load a SINGLE DAY IN THEIR LIVES. A prerequisite of holding office should be that you have to come from WORKING a career for a minimum of 10 years.
These are the Muslims I knew when I was a cab driver in Sacramento. They kept their shops and played by the rules and kicked soccer balls around and ate hamburgers and sent their children to public school where the kids weren't known for giving everyone else problems.
The US curdled and went sour after the Iraq invasion- meaner, more trigger-happy, more alienated, more addicted, more polarized. The 2008 mortgage collapse made that even worse. But neither of those situations are the fault of ordinary Muslims living in the US.
But the US isn't the UK, which is currently getting buried by newcomers- disproportionately young single males. I have to wonder how many of them decided to settle in the UK after being given the bums rush by other European countries. Large cohorts of young single males are society's nightmare. (As I noted in the pages of The Atlantic in 2015 when Angela Merkel opened up the borders of Germany to a wholesale flood of immigrants- fwiw, largely a rolling 2nd and 3rd order consequence of the US-led adventure in Iraq.)
But whatever the case, increased numbers of human beings always lead to logistics problems. Food, clothing, shelter, energy and water use, schooling, productive employment, achieving the goal of pitching in to contribute more than you take away. Almost everyone is both a giver and a taker. The problems show up when there's more taking than giving. And the more newcomers that show up and the faster it happens, the more criminality, antisocial conduct and tension there is.
Contending with millions of newcomers a year is tough enough for the US as it is. An estimated 2.6 million in 2022. But the continental US has around 3,110,000 square miles of territory, and the UK has an area of only 94,300 square miles. And net immigration to the UK in 2022 was 734,000. Total births in the UK in 2022 605, 479.
Islamism- fanaticism that insists on politicizing a sectarian community- definitely exacerbates the problems. But the basic problem would show up no matter the "identity", due to the numbers. A big crowd of newcomers showing up all at once always leans too hard on the locals. Just opening up the gates is disaster economics. No matter the particular economic ideology.
Maybe I am misunderstanding your comment. Many of those rioting are white born-in-England Englanders. They also have to follow the laws of the land or be told to "leave the country"?
Islam will not change. Subjugating / converting / eliminating infidels is one of its foundational principles, written directly into its source documents and woven through its covenants.
I remember when Christopher Hitchens and, later, Sam Harris sounded this warning. Naturally, they were denounced as racist xenophobes and Islamophobes. The mealymouthed apologists in the "reformed" or allegedly moderate Muslim camp have been running cover for their fundamentalists all the while, giving the impression that Islam is reformable when it is not. Besides, the UK and Europe can't wait for reform, even if it were possible.
So the real enemy is not the Islamists because their aims are clear, but the secular or moderate Muslims who are too stupid to realize they are part of an evil religion?
Fundamentalist Muslims are indeed the enemy, and those Muslims who give lip service to reform but have no agency to enact it are useful idiots, as the commies used to say, or, to be charitable, pawns in a game they have no real interest or motivation to quit.
I'm operating under the theory that God need only 'flip a switch' inside them and then the logic that they employed in "embracing" will invert to REPULSION. The "Idea" is to create an environment where no individual makes a VICTIM of any other individual. This is done by BECKONING, not clubbing. It is EASY to recognize evil when you understand that it DOES use a club and it FORCES YOU TO PARTICIPATE.
Our recently elected idiotic socialist government wants to bring in laws to prevent any kind of discussion, never mind criticism, of Islam and its followers.
Religion is about compulsion and force, nothing new to see here.
The problem here is of course pleasing foreigners into your country. They do not have more rights than the citizens. The law is the law. Engaging in riots is not permissible. Women cannot be subjugated. All laws are to be followed regardless of religion. If you don’t like it, leave the country.
Very similar in the USA. There are two sets of laws. This contributes to the hollowing out of the society.
Our world is a mess. Our Western culture and civilization is crumbling before our very eyes thanks to the feckless people we vote for.
Speaking for myself, I didnt vote Lemocrat!
You mean the FECKLESS PEOPLE WE HAVE TO CHOOSE FROM. They all seem to come from acedemia and haven't put on a yoke and pulled a load a SINGLE DAY IN THEIR LIVES. A prerequisite of holding office should be that you have to come from WORKING a career for a minimum of 10 years.
Intelligent commentary on the current situation, by an Iraqi immigrant to the UK, a self-identified Muslim
These are the Muslims I knew when I was a cab driver in Sacramento. They kept their shops and played by the rules and kicked soccer balls around and ate hamburgers and sent their children to public school where the kids weren't known for giving everyone else problems.
The US curdled and went sour after the Iraq invasion- meaner, more trigger-happy, more alienated, more addicted, more polarized. The 2008 mortgage collapse made that even worse. But neither of those situations are the fault of ordinary Muslims living in the US.
But the US isn't the UK, which is currently getting buried by newcomers- disproportionately young single males. I have to wonder how many of them decided to settle in the UK after being given the bums rush by other European countries. Large cohorts of young single males are society's nightmare. (As I noted in the pages of The Atlantic in 2015 when Angela Merkel opened up the borders of Germany to a wholesale flood of immigrants- fwiw, largely a rolling 2nd and 3rd order consequence of the US-led adventure in Iraq.)
But whatever the case, increased numbers of human beings always lead to logistics problems. Food, clothing, shelter, energy and water use, schooling, productive employment, achieving the goal of pitching in to contribute more than you take away. Almost everyone is both a giver and a taker. The problems show up when there's more taking than giving. And the more newcomers that show up and the faster it happens, the more criminality, antisocial conduct and tension there is.
NYC in the 1880s and 1890s was no picnic, either.
Contending with millions of newcomers a year is tough enough for the US as it is. An estimated 2.6 million in 2022. But the continental US has around 3,110,000 square miles of territory, and the UK has an area of only 94,300 square miles. And net immigration to the UK in 2022 was 734,000. Total births in the UK in 2022 605, 479.
Islamism- fanaticism that insists on politicizing a sectarian community- definitely exacerbates the problems. But the basic problem would show up no matter the "identity", due to the numbers. A big crowd of newcomers showing up all at once always leans too hard on the locals. Just opening up the gates is disaster economics. No matter the particular economic ideology.
Maybe I am misunderstanding your comment. Many of those rioting are white born-in-England Englanders. They also have to follow the laws of the land or be told to "leave the country"?
It is a political movement disguised as a religion.