"And now we have Ibram Kendi’s Antiracism Center, which is the most spectacular academic failure in many years"--I'd only add that public school throughout the U.S. rivals or exceeds Kendi's failure because it's been failing longer and on a more widespread scale.

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Good point!

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And for the same reason...affirmative action that allows dumb, incompetent people to be teachers, principals, etc. Affirmative action has destroyed everything!

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I would argue that the dumbing down of education to accommodate the falsehood that everyone should go to college, had the greatest affect of planting idiot teachers, admins, yada, throughout society -- which are now the libs' "useful idiots." As to the incompetent beneficiaries of affirmative action, yes, liberals feel anointed to promote blacks. Be it guilt or a racist feeling of superiority, they discard meritocracy. So as you point out we're chock full of credentialed idiots of all races. It is important to note that affirmative action (Thomas Sowell writes well on the subject) and the actions KC discusses below hurts her plus it hurts blacks and minorities long-term. But that's for another day.

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There are actionable items we can do, as a nation, to combat the credentialed crazies in education -- take away accreditations from institutions if they continue their poor behaviors, such as not allowing free speech, pushing DEI, pushing racism, etc.

Here is a tweet from DeSantis

https://twitter.com/desantiswarroom/status/1709718540624749041?s=42&t=0Y5sdbs5PbrA8_iIEpBOvA on the subject.

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Influencers? What? How would affirmative action affect influencers? Influencers aren't centrally hired...and if anything they turn out to be rather, uh, "problematic" people a lot of the time.

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As someone who is involved in the influencer world and has been for almost 11 years (though I deny claim to the term influencer), there is a lot of focus on minority groups for sponsored campaigns. Every thing I apply for says they are focusing on making sure people in “marginalized” groups get priority in the campaigns. I used to get many campaigns, and now, I never get chosen. There used to be no questions about race, sexual identity, etc., or at least not as frequently as there is now. With one company I work with, they recently sent an email stating their goals to ensure minority voices are heard and we were asked to take a survey claiming any of our minority statuses. As a white, straight, conservative woman, I could submit nothing. I thought I might qualify as a woman owned business, but since I “only” own 50% and my husband the other, I couldn’t select that either.

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I had similar experience recently. I support a long-term customer who manages homeless shelters in Chicago. They wanted a new software system and their RFQ demanded I explain our DEI programs. We answered that we have no such programs and left it at that. The left creates litmus tests to see if you are like-minded politically. I experienced it years ago with the CTA, the mafia-like union that controls CA. The racism you experienced and the litmus tests I experienced do hurt, but we will have the last laugh. I relocated my biz from CA to FL. The free states of the South will grow financially and overtake the liberal strongholds in the coming years. Their racism will make them economically poor - which was the situation in reverse before the civil war. Liberal policies and bad governance is bad business. The migration of people and money is huge and it's only growing. Time is on our side.

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I don't doubt that corporations select influencers according to their target demographics - I would guess that choosing someone who the target market will "vibe with" is at least as much the reason they choose minorities as affirmative action is, and probably more so. Kids are the group most receptive to advertising, and most kids today are not Caucasian.

Moreover there now exist large numbers of people whose primary identity characteristic is their status as a sexual minority or as some other purportedly different kind of person. These people exist in far greater numbers than they did 10 years ago, explaining the surge in questions about whether you will be able to advertise effectively to this demographic as "one of them."

Not that I agree with the idea that one can only relate with a person of one's own demographic - but it seems to be the driving principle of advertising these days. I think it stems from being afraid of putting a corporate foot in it if you try to speak to a demographic in the wrong way. The easiest solution is to use a person from each demographic as a mouthpiece to speak to that demographic.

And I don't mean to be rude, but you probably stopped getting very much work as an influencer because you got older. Also, I'm in a similar situation with the business I own with my esteemed girlfriend, but luckily I touched a dick once, so we're all-minority. Some advice for your husband ;)

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I can respect your opinion, but you also have no idea how old I am or the type of campaigns I’m competing for. I’m not an influencer for teenagers - my audience are women and often - women in their 60s. It’s a very different demographic. The campaigns are specifically for people my age and older. It has been only over the past year or two that I’ve seen this drastic shift. There may be a demand for this type of shift, but I don’t think it’s as big as people claim.

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"...most kids today are not Caucasian."

White children are by far (nearly 2:1) the largest child demographic at ~50%, which is the most relevant factor in this context.

Also, have you ever considered that some people have integrity and prefer to live an honest life? Or do things like that never even cross your mind?

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What exactly is your point?

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OK, I'll take that word out of the comment. Affirmative action destroys everything, regardless.

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Racist much.

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Yes!!! I prefer whites! Your using that phrase, racist much, makes it obvious that you've bought into the never-ending lies and propaganda continually spewed by the government cabal. Prefering one's own kind is a natural, inherent characteristic of all beings.

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I did Nazi that coming.

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😂😂”racist much.” = nothing to contribute. “Nazi”. 🤣😂🥲. Nana-boo-boo.

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A false prophet in a delusional philosophy.

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You are exactly, precisely correct. Kendi's fantasies most likely came from our 'education system' which has been controlled by the left for the last several decades, and which indoctrinates the students from kindergarten through post-grad schools with anti-American, leftist propaganda. Most of that propaganda evolved from theories which filtered down from the ancient Greeks, were twisted by Karl Marx and filtered through the communists and various layers of academia. The first whiff I got of such was when minorities started getting advantages on small business loans, entrance into colleges and such. But I never imagined that scammers would be making millions of dollars on it like they did after Ferguson (Michael Brown) and the George Floyd situation.

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Perhaps he wasn’t, or isn’t, smart enough to pursue something real and productive so he just sits back with his Race Hustling Flamethrower. And Lies. B as in B. S as in S.

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The best takeaway line of the recent "debate" was made by Tim Scott when he noted that none of the usual excuses for racism actually are related to racism at all. He said that the single thing that did in the black community was LBJ's Great Society (which also did in the education system, eventually). The more I think about this, the more correct it is...yet no one ever goes there. Maybe deserves some good writing, Chris.

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You and several of us smelled the grift as far back as 2020, when Kendi and his fellow travelers at BLM began to ply their trade. Woke corporations such as my former employer were all too happy to virtue signal with massive cash payments. The results are as predictable as the sunrise.

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"Shakedown" is the correct term.

And why call it a failure? The grift and the heist have worked exactly as intended.

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Sep 30, 2023
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Yes, same here with respect to DEI training (and worse) at corporate campuses, and yes, I've seen the powerful and destructive effect of a woke worldview gripping even mature minds. But it is a battle worth fighting.

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Christopher Rufo researched and wrote and article on these brainwashed by the Leftists called “Cluster B.” The behavior meets criteria of the Cluster B type of Personality Disorders from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. These people are very unstable and very difficult to treat. I speak from experience as a therapist.

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Lefties are not capable of logical thinking...they do not understand cause and effect. You can't have a legitimate debate with them because of that. Blacks and lefties do not have the brain power to grasp cause and effect. That's a huge problem.

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Yes, good, respond to the left's firehose of psychological pseudoscience by issuing your own. Summarily diagnose whole chunks of the population with the aid of your magic little book. Certainly the left has a good old time plopping out words like narcissist and sociopath so why shouldn't you lot have some of the same fun?

Your ilk are goons.

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Oct 2, 2023Edited
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They do not have the brain power to understand logic so they're incapable of rational debate.

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The only talent Kendi has is grifting.

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And he’s a remarkable talent at that task!

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Well, he's been coached to do what he does. Someone as dumb as he is doesn't think for himself.

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Indeed. Give credit where credit is due.

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Supplement this with the damage caused to educational institutions and students. I'm suing my daughter's former school whose management fell in love with CRT and in 2020 falsely accused several teachers and students of racism. Two lawsuits could cost the school over $500,000

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We could use more of this sort of grassroots opposition.

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Good luck, but unfortunately, often WE all pay for such lawsuits, if we are taxpaying citizens. If at all possible to sue individually in addition to the school, perhaps the personal consequences to those individuals would reduce the frequency of - and the need for - such lawsuits.

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I just finished your book” America’s Cultural Revolution” and can’t think of a better endorsement that what is happening here. Thanks for writing it. I have recommended it to many of my friends....

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Thank you!

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As a student of German Literature and Philosophy at the University of Bonn, I have long understand the connection between the neo-Kantian idealism of Hegel, Marx, et al, critical theory of the Frankfurt school, and Foucoult’s nonsense, but I never understood HOW it infected America. ACR provided me with a significant breakthrough in my understanding of this, so thanks again.

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Race hustlers do what they do. Glad to hear people are waking up to the grift, and rejecting it. Such a vile and destructive ideology.

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What took so long?!? My FAVORITE commentary on this nothing guy is by Glenn Loury. If you want a great laugh, watch this YouTube discussion with McWhorter about 3 minutes in... perfect description of the grifter. https://youtu.be/OmOW_3f5gBY?si=w7BR8Vadb7ZrYzJt

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Glenn is a champ.

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Glen and John rip Kendi a new one fairly often. It's what kept me relatively sane through the moral hysteria.

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Great commentary. Thanks for the link.

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Love Glenn!

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Loved that!

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Kendi (whose real name is Henry Rogers, but that name sounds "too white" for a racist grifter) could not even define the term "racism" when asked by an elite liberal crowd at the Aspen Ideas Festival. There was gentle laughter from the crowd, but Kendi was too dense to figure out why they were laughing at him. The 1619 project, BLM, CRT, DEI, and even Barry Dunham (POTUS 44), together with Anti-Racism, all turned out to be frauds making false promises that they could not fulfill, and probably never intended to fulfill. The gullibility of liberal elites seems to be boundless. Slowly people are waking up to this reality. It is taking much longer than I would have thought, but people are very loathe to admit they were wrong.

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The video from Aspen is one of the funniest things I’ve seen in recent years. Incoherent.

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Appropriately, considering POTUS and his word-salad sidekick.

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Sep 30, 2023Edited
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And this vile individual is still practicing his destructive agenda using the demented meat puppet who was such a fan of the KKK in years gone by. Right, "boy"? (aka LL Cool)

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All true, but I think you give Obama too much credit. He's an empty suit...a stooge for the cabal...and doesn't have an original thought in his pin head. He does and says exactly what he's told to do. He's controlled by the same puppeteers that handle Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, the neocons, et al.

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“Anti-racist racism” is a double negative. It always meant to me that he was preaching racism against those he felt had shown it to people of color first, i.e., white people, whether the shoe fits or not. And the man can’t even define the term!

He’s now responsible, however indirectly, for a whole new generation of black kids being racists.

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Yeah, no matter what, if you’re white, you’re hated by these people! So I say show no fear and defy their rhetoric with all you have!

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Yes, he is responsible along with the US government that's been spewing vicious propaganda against whites for more than 50 years. The government cabal uses these low IQ pukes like xkendi as cannon fodder to destroy whites and the civilization we've built over the centuries.

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And even more responsible for multiple generations of white people being anti-white racists, at least performatively.

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I agree with the first bit, but I seriously doubt anyone under 21 who has not been offered the collegiate kool-aid even knows about Kendi, CRT, and the great race grift.

From what I can see, the latest generation of black kids neither knows nor cares about this nonsense.

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And you would be completely wrong.

Race-based Marxist dogma is being fed to schools in varies forms, starting in Kindergarten. BLM is alive and “well” in all manner of ”Blue” cities.

(My wife is a kindergarten teacher at a Title I school in Portland)

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If you are interested in connecting with other anti-woke people who live in the Portland area, please let me know. I don't know what we can accomplish here beyond providing each other with moral support, but I want to start organizing locally.

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I am one of the 10 plaintiffs that sued the city (systemic ADA Civil Rights violations) and won.

Portland Dissent is a good place to look on here.

Centrists need to be moved away from destructive “Progressives.”

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Thanks for responding! That is very interesting, that you are one of the 10 people who won against the city.

Thanks also for the recommendation on the Portland Dissent site. I checked it out and it is something I want to support.

I have found a couple other Portlanders on Substack who want to get together to talk about what we can do to counteract the woke propaganda and culture here. I want to explore the possibility of forming a network of people who meet in person or virtually, or at least via text. I wish we had a way to exchange private information on Substack, but since we don't, are you interested in setting up a time and place to meet? I unfortunately have too much going on for a couple of weeks, but will be ready to pick up this subject thereafter.

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I wonder how much propaganda is actually believed and what happens when school lessons conflict with a family's and peer group's values and attitudes on race.

From here, it looks like nobody other than those with some sort of vested interest really cares about this manufactured race conflict but will say pretty much anything when put on the spot, going along to get along and all that.

Or am I missing something, like the equivalent of the Hitler Youth denouncing parents as Jewish sympathizers or children of the former USSR turning in their parents for counter-revolutionary tendencies?

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BH, I would love to believe most people do NOT believe this garbage, but that would be wishful thinking IMHO. Most people are not good at touting what they do not believe. The parents often do not know and often lack power. The views of the bad guys are often grabbed parasitically from the false narratives of false prophets. Our job, IMHO, like Mr Rufo, as truth seekers, is to use the sword of truth to kill the false consensuses, discredit the false prophets, expose their evil ways, and neuter them without sacrificing our freedoms. But like everything, easier said than done!

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Great news, Christopher Rufo. This is in large part, thanks to you. Let’s hope DEI is Dead End Ideology. Keep up the great work.

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Great line about “dead end ideology”!

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Congratulations Chris! I know others helped push back on this clown but your work has led the way. This was no easy task and is a major achievement in exposing and destroying this poisonous ideology. Babylon is a massive empire and every step taken shifts power back to the people and the collective human good.

Thank you for your excellent work.

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Here's another "part of the pattern we saw in 2020".

A comment I made on another 'Stack yesterday: “The year after Black Lives Matter protests, the S&P 100 added more than 300,000 jobs—94% went to people of color.” Well that's an interesting statistic. Another statistic that would be interesting.....the year after the BLM 'protests', how much was the year-on-year increase in murders and rapes of black people by other black people? And all in the name of Social Justice." https://grahamcunningham.substack.com/

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Yes, I tweeted about this. Shocking.

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My question about the murder spike statistics was not entirely rhetorical. I did see some (ones with reasonable provenance) in some articles I read circa 2021/22 but I can't now remember which/where. It would be a powerful message to get those statistics out there though.

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Another intellectual lightweight affirmative-action creation of academia.

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I would be thrilled if you’re correct, Mr. Rufo.

You have and continue to do life changing work.

We will always be indebted to you.

But, Henry Rogers, a.k.a. Ibram X Kendi, was perhaps the stupidest 😂 of all the critical race theorist. Perhaps one of the stupidest academics of all time. I would by no means say critical race theory is done, because as Linda Darling-Hammond says, I’m abbreviating, Paulo Freire’s Marxist model of learning is in 98% of our school systems in the United States… The Castle model of SEL.

Equity is the goal of critical race theory, equity is everywhere. K-12, universities, corporations, ESG, digital currency, etc... you know better than me...

And there will be other Floyd like happenings.

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Makes me wonder if Kendi was simply a stalking horse for a white elite agenda. The Left doesn't care about minorities any further than they can use them to divide us, demean us, and destroy us. Why else would they latch onto his pathetic drivel and turn it into a mandate for Western civilization?

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If you want a global governance model, what countries are likely to resist? What countries have the longest history of individual freedom and sovereignty? Hint: which countries have the strongest links to Magna Carta, Habeas Corpus and bills of rights?

Those countries were built by a specific ethnicity. Even if you yourself are the same ethnicity, do you want those people to retain their place in society or be replaced by the more compliant? Perhaps people more comfortable with authoritarian measures and government handouts.

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Those of us who are anchored to reality could see this fraud for what it was. Yes, I too am glad to see it go the way of all Marxist-based theories. Very satisfying. What would be icing on the cake are criminal charges.

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Kendi may have been discredited, but let's not forget the cancer-like mechanism in our human spirit and culture that allowed the charlatan to turn into a destructive force. It still exists. Having said that, it is a lovely victory in the war of the rational vs the woke. Also, kudos to you, Mr Rufu. Your ability to "see when the emperor has no cloths" and then "shine a light" on these cockroaches that infect us, are powers that are in short supply.

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