The fact that Claudine Gay still gets to maintain a position with the faculty of Harvard and keep her $900,000 salary doesn’t sit well with me. With her ideology, she should be nowhere near education and should seek a new career.

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Jan 4·edited Jan 4Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

Truth has inherent power. Does Politico even know what truth is anymore? David Roberts’ quote “We are all Rufo's bitches.” should be framed as a trophy momento alongside Gay’s presidential portrait.

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Brilliant! Godspeed, Christopher Rufo! Beware attempted character assassinations and other bogus attacks from the Left, including Soros-funded lawfare. You are now a prime target of the cultural Marxists, racialists, anarchists and globalists who want to destroy America.

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Jan 4·edited Jan 4

The resignation of Claudine Gay was an impressive achievement that only a few weeks ago I couldn't believe could happen. Bravo Christopher Rufo!

To boot, the academic humiliation of Claudine Gay, described last month by the Harvard Board as "a scholars' scholar" and now routinely described as a serial plagiarizer with a mediocre research record to begin with. Well done!

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You upheld Harvard's moto "Veritas", better than the institution itself.

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Your work is very heartening, Chris. I’ve stood up to bullies for years, so I have firsthand experience that courage is contagious. I can’t thank you enough for doing this.

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My first reaction was to feel nervous at your transparency, until I reminded myself that the opposition has been doing this for years more-or-less covertly; you're not giving away any trade secrets. I love the didactic element in your activism. May your courageous commitment to truth be contagious.

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Oh, the sweet irony of Harvard which so earnestly defended affirmative action all the way to its demise at the Supreme Court has now become a national laughing stock precisely because of its affirmative action hiring of its plagiarizing president. Now, at least the most obvious example of the malignancy has been excised.

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The Left despises any TRUTH, particularly when it is out of their control.

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This! "Rufo: My primary objective is to eliminate the DEI bureaucracy in every institution in America and to restore truth rather than racialist ideology as the guiding principle of America."

May guiding students to seek the truth no longer feel like a subversive thing to say!

(I hope this got through to the chucklehead who ridiculed me at a faculty meeting for teaching our students (mostly Chinese internationals and serial, cultural plagiarizers) to paraphrase properly!)

Excellent work!

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Many kudos to Christopher Rufo and those who chose to risk their well being by exposing this disgusting fraud.

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Please keep hammering away at gender ideology. I don’t think the message has quite gotten through!

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As soon as i found out you were the driving force in getting this FRAUD thrown out of its ill gotten position I paid for a subscription to your stack! KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK! ❤️❤️❤️

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Until Proven Innocent was published in 2007. That's a long time ago in political terms. There's a big contingent that just doesn't want to hear these arguments because their self esteem is wrapped up in dogooderism based on the tenets of DEI. And as any Mom can confirm, guilt is a powerful motivator and remains a significant lever on majority, normie populations. I hope Rufo's success here isn't just a one off.

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Great work Chris. What an awesome interview. Thanks for engaging with non-conservative outlets. Such clear thinking. I would love to know more about what you mean and how you "smuggled the narrative into the left-wing media." I love supporting your work.

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The truth or facts to the left is krypton to them. It has to be avoided at all costs

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