On the thread, I'm getting closer to putting something together for Substack - I held off because I just did not have a sense of the internal structure or logic of the ideology, or have it quite right. I'm getting close - and I think that you will find it interesting, and maybe even mostly correct.
I have become more sharply negative since we first spoke, as I have studied gnosticism. Immanentizing the Bourgeois regime is embarrassing.
There is an overwhelming current of gnosticism to the transgender / transhumanist ideology. What could be more gnostic than trying to use technology (secret knowledge) to escape the limits of your own body?Mary Harrington has a lot to say about this.
Thank you for the tip. Christopher recently asked me what the ancient would say of the transgenderists, and I said that the philosophers would see them as a religious cult.
This got me to keep this thought-experiment as a way of explaining trans. When we think of them removed to ancient Athens, their gnosticism becomes more obvious (beautiful gendered souls in clumsy/wrong bodies of mud/clay.
I will do what I can to tap this empty idol with my little hammer...hear that little ringing echo?
your comment reminds me of a line of rilke i just read:
"Here, in the realm of decline, among momentary days,
be the crystal cup that shattered even as it rang."
(well, rilke in translation)
sorry im locked out of twitter, im blocked from reading your thread😤
Great quote from Rilke!
On the thread, I'm getting closer to putting something together for Substack - I held off because I just did not have a sense of the internal structure or logic of the ideology, or have it quite right. I'm getting close - and I think that you will find it interesting, and maybe even mostly correct.
I have become more sharply negative since we first spoke, as I have studied gnosticism. Immanentizing the Bourgeois regime is embarrassing.
There is an overwhelming current of gnosticism to the transgender / transhumanist ideology. What could be more gnostic than trying to use technology (secret knowledge) to escape the limits of your own body?Mary Harrington has a lot to say about this.
Thank you for the tip. Christopher recently asked me what the ancient would say of the transgenderists, and I said that the philosophers would see them as a religious cult.
This got me to keep this thought-experiment as a way of explaining trans. When we think of them removed to ancient Athens, their gnosticism becomes more obvious (beautiful gendered souls in clumsy/wrong bodies of mud/clay.
I think there's a lot there to work with. The specific Mary items I've seen recently on this subject:
Those two videos are VERY good on the subject of the religious aspects of transhumanism.
Mary's own substack is here: https://reactionaryfeminist.substack.com/
Wow - ¡Qué Wow!
Thank you, Brian much obliged!
i very much look forward to reading, i will subscribe to make sure i see it.
the quote is from the rilke poem starting "Be Ahead of All Parting" from the Sonnets to Orpheus, here is link to full text:
Speak with you again, soon.