Excellent reporting on the ongoing scandal at Texas Children’s. Knowing the CEOs commitment to this insane ideology helps explain how the program started. It is still going on all over the country and the Congress needs to shut down the entire transing of minors industry. They passed ACA into which Obama snuck trans care as a mandatory covered service just before they passed the ACA Bill.

They are.complicit . Congress knows how to call emergency hearings, and this topic deserves one, to show the country the lies and duplicity that WPAtH etc used to fool people into sanctioning this.


The evidence is overwhelming ( Cass Review, WOATH files, and all the dociumemts released recent,y in the Alabama case..) it’s all there in the WPATH and friends own words. So no further “ investigation” should be needed. They aren’t denying the authenticity of any of other evidence

How do we force Congress to shut this down

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I missed the Alabama case story and don't know what I would be searching for as to what it even is. Does someone have links? Does anyone have good links to share on the WPATH and Cass Reviews that would be good to share with elected officials? We had pending legislation in TN re trafficking minors for "treatments" and I shared info from WPATH but felt like it was a cumbersome source and the Cass report came out while the legisiation was advancing and I could not find a good link to use for sharing those findings.

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The CASS review is an official independent review undertaken on behalf of the UK Government. It can be found here: https://cass.independent-review.uk/home/publications/final-report/

I can't help with the WPATH files I'm afraid, but a Google (or using your preferred search engine) should show it up

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Jul 11
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I'm sorry but I don't follow "click here" links from people I do know let alone people I don't.

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Public News did a summary of WPATH (“The WPATH Files” here on Substack re: WPATH: https://open.substack.com/pub/public/p/the-wpath-files?r=oykg8&utm_medium=ios.

Also, the women at Reduxx (https://reduxx.info/) report endlessly on all things related to this topic. One of their journalists did a deep dive into the people behind WPATH. I can’t find that report on their website, but you may be able to find it by searching the independent journalists’ websites. It was from about a year ago.

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On X there are some excellent science journalists to follow that link to the primary sources and explain them thoroughly.

Benjamin Ryan @benryanwriter

Christina Buttons@buttonslives

Are two that I recommend

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Jul 2Edited

Personally, I found the Cass Report out of Britain to have been too little, too late.

There was media commentary in the British Press (See The Telegraph for centrist views). Find the report here: https://cass.independent-review.uk/home/publications/final-report/

In terms of non-WOKE commentary, a little farther right than the centre, try TCW (The Conservative Woman under Kathy Gyngell). Or UK Column. Or Hartgroup.org.

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Thank you for your thoughts below. I happened to be listening to "An Informed Life Radio" podcast(hosted by Bernadette Pajer) when she mentioned this group. Has a nice summary of the research and a petition.Check it out!


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Yes! This is something each one of us can do, not just doctors! Sign their petition, everyone--it's the least we can do--it's our part.

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A protest chant started in my head as I finished reading the article.

"This CEO has got to go!"

Sending good thoughts for Haim. He's on the right side of history. I'm sure he'll have a long road ahead, but I'm confident he'll eventually win. All who are protecting children will eventually win.

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If you can afford to, sending a few dollars along with those good thoughts would be helpful. He has a GiveSendGo account at https://www.givesendgo.com/texas_whistleblower

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Thank you! Done, and shared.

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Also done.

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It astonishes me that this stubborn island of wokeism keeps doing everything it can to push its ideology despite the overall will of its state’s citizens… In automotive engineering, we called these problems “hardy perennials” and must be faced with drastic action.. Apparently sunlight won’t cure the infection.. time for a strong antibiotic.

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there really is only one effective way to exterminate the democrat rabies infestations,

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WTF? Speak plainly. I mean, I oppose the transgender movement because it is a political movement that, among other noxious aims, advocates mutilation of minors, but you should be careful not to become as evil as those you seek to "exterminate."

Recall the Nazis and their characterization of Jews as "vermin" or "rats." You really want to go there?

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the nazis called the jews rats. The jews were not rats. The nazis just wanted to kill jews. So, the nazis were rabid rats.

The rabid vermin that support mutilating mentally ill children, are indeed rats. They just want to mutilate sick children, kind of like nazis wanted to kill diseased children, or do experiments on on healthy jew children.

These are pestilent rabid vermin who are in desperate need of extermination.

I can only hope someone like you can actually tell the difference.

You are the problem when it comes to dealing with rabid vermin. You cannot negotiate with rabid vermin, you can only stop them.

So, yes. Smarter people recognize when there are actual diseased vermin. spreading their disease, and the need to exterminate said rabid vermin.

I will settle for a political extermination. Pr perhaps banishment.

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Democrats have literally turned into rabid pedopathic rodents.

And these vermin infest so many areas of the country.

There really is only one way to eradicate the rabies epidemic.

Let us hope Trump and the few actual repubs in DC do this.

In the meantime, happy 4th of July to any of the sane citizens in this country.


Do you know why you never hear 4th of July knock knock jokes?

Because, Freedom Rings!!

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On the slide “Benefits of Understanding. . .” It lists one of the benefits as “Reduced health care costs.”

Really? Why??? If you are confused, you get a discount?

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Jul 2Edited

The WOKE are weaponizing medicine.

I thought at first you were referring to what "reduced health care costs" means in Canada.

Your phrase might refer to another medical atrocity program known as MAID, or state-killing. Under Troodo, the state will offer you final euthanasia under all sorts of excuses -- poverty, lack of appropriate medical care available (on purpose), being a veteran with PTSD, being an older person ashamed that your family wants to cash you in for an early inheritance, and so on. Parliament has discussed "offering" this goody to children too.

The Troodo government then issues formal reports on how much money they have saved in the socialized medical system of Canada, by killing Canadians instead of curing them.

No joke.

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Yes, we know about Treudeau’s insanity. I believe he is Fidel Castro’s biological son. Height, nose, eyes, chin. Plus mother’s confession about her affair with Castro.

I read a woman who applied for a wheelchair in Canada and received a reply suggesting she let them murder her. Cheaper, and she won’t need the wheelchair.

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Jul 2Edited

Recently, mainstream journalists in Canada who once supported Troodo have either hinted -- or come right out and said -- that Troodo is mentally unstable. I pointed this out myself before his first election....but who listens?

And yes, it is a poorly concealed belief in Canada that Troodo is Castro's son -- the North American Prince who was to bring Communism to the entire continent. JT is sometimes referred to as "Rosemary's Baby" (1968 film) for the likely sinister plans between Pierre Troodo and Fidel Castro which resulted in JT's birth. This totalitarian situation in Canada in 2024 has been well organized for a long time.

The MAID legislation in Canada is as bad as you have heard. It is a reincarnation of the Aktion T4 Program out of 1930s Germany. Disguised as -- what else? -- virtue.

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It was July 1st, Canada Day yesterday. The crowds celebrating the traditional and authentic Canada were out in force. I think that it gave some journalists a bit of courage.

Today, in one of the leading papers (and the only non-leftwing national newspaper):

"The inescapable implosion of Trudeau’s bizarro Liberal party: A collapse of their Toronto—St. Paul’s fortress is just the beginning. All that remains to be seen is how extensive the Liberals’ inevitable ruin will be once Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s strange, destructive experiment is over."

Whoa! Before two weeks ago when the safest Liberal riding in the country -- in Fortress Toronto (uber WOKE) -- was lost......no legacy media outfit dared make such (truthful) statements. On the front page!

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That is excellent news!

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The Wikipedia description of "Aktion T4" includes the absurd phrase "involuntary euthanasia." I suppose it's a euphemism for "homicide" or "murder."

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Well, the thing is -- with state euthanasia programs -- that these start out as "voluntary" in name, then they move to social pressure (as in your fellow citizens or family pressuring/guilting burdensome folk to use the program)....and then they move to involuntary. Where the state decides who is to be killed.

Such states count on psychologically/morally "normalizing" euthanasia as they move through the steps, so that unethical persons will eventually be saying -- "Yeah...my 70 yr. father? What does he add to society? And I am going to have to pay how much, eventually, for his care home costs? I can't see any point in allowing this to go further. Have you got an available appointment next week?"

It is the way the state works the Thought Reform steps which will get them past the hurdles of ​squeamishness. Individual critical thinking and individual morality can be turned-off in many people, using Thought Reform techniques.

Hey...it worked on once-normal folk in 1930s Germany!

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Yes . . . let me get this straight . . . Because all euthanasia is assumed to be "voluntary," that is, requested by the person who wants to die, "involuntary" means that the state (in this case) coerces someone to request death or makes it easy for relatives/proxies to "volunteer" grandad for the killing floor. Over time, euthanasia becomes routine and an option for more and more trivial reasons. Not too much time though, since death has already been recommended for people who are depressed or who are just struggling with life as most everyone does from time to time.

The Final Solution for inflation, homelessness, opiate addiction, etc.

Life is sure enough cheap and getting cheaper up there in the Great White North.

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the democrats here are as rabid as the leftist vermin in Canada.

"Allison Ducluzeau was diagnosed with advanced abdominal cancer, which Canadian doctors told her was inoperable, and, instead of being given hope, she was offered assisted suicide. Two years later, Ducluzeau is in remission, and she is furious with the doctors who counselled death rather than treatment".

I can only hope that all the evil rabid shit the dims and comrats pass onto others happens to them in spades.

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Jul 2Edited

There are many stories like that in modern Canada, Pat. There were over 45,000 people killed by the Troodo government in the first six years of the MAID legislation. There is a pair of doctors in British Columbia (I use that term for them loosely) who bragged in the first few years of MAID that they had a kill-score of 700 bodies between them. It might have been higher, but they were busy doing the paperwork to submit their invoices. One of them is an Obstetrician, when she isn't killing.

"On February 29, 2024, legislation to extend the temporary exclusion of eligibility to receive MAID in circumstances where a person's sole underlying medical condition is a mental illness received royal assent and immediately came into effect. The eligibility date for persons suffering solely from a mental illness is now March 17, 2027."

The lingo used is that you are "eligible" for state-killing under certain (wide) circumstances. As if they are offering you a chance at a lucrative lottery. Chilling scam-talk.

The irony is that Troodo's mother Margaret has had a decades-long serious mental illness (she goes on the speaking circuit).....and most thinking Canadians believe that Troodo has a serious mental disturbance himself. Has he signed up?

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I worked with some Canadian nurses (in North Carolina) 20 years ago. I tried to tell them what their government was doing, and going to do to the peasants. They just laughed.

Pointing out then, that they came here because they did not get enough pay in Canada, and reminding them that rich Canadians were coming to the USA for med care, because their state health was suicidal, they just laughed.

I no longer feel sorry for idiot lemmings that keep plunging as fast as they can towards their own extinction.

Viva la Evolution. Let the stupids die.

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Jul 3Edited

I am not into letting them die -- if I can help it -- as I am into hoping they will awaken.

I have to admit, there are some days though that I think of Canada as hurtling towards "Jonestown North".

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forgive me...

Do you know why no one tells jokes about the Jim Jones koolaid massacre?

Punch line is too long!

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And yet, Canada refused euthanasia for a trans "woman" who is in excruciating pain from her surgery. No doubt the optics would be horrific, drawing attention to the fact this surgery is NOT, in fact, as easy and painless as ear piercing, and number two, to the fact that there are transitioners who deeply regret their decision. https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/transgender-woman-denied-euthanasia-in-canada-over-post-surgical-pain-and-regret/

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Troodo's Liberals always look to see how the optics will play out for them on any given situation. Euthanasia in this case may have looked worse.

During Christmas of 2022, a large clothing retailer in Canada (who probably had Liberal connections) ran a TV ad exhorting Canadians to "Give the gift of love" in terms of considering recommending that final IV to pesky family members. Then this ad ran a soft-filtered video of a 30-something woman in B.C. who had had state euthanasia because she could not access medical care for Ehlers-Danlos disorder (the non-fatal type). The whole ad was an outrage, and public complaints eventually had it taken down.

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We've all heard the term, "put somebody out of his/her misery." But urging Grandpa to kick the bucket is a case of "putting you out of our misery." Sheesh.

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Totalitarians always begin by luring people into their traps with statements that have a little bit of truth in them. Such as insisting they are introducing state euthanasia to show compassion to fatally ill patients in acute pain, with no hope. The voters who don't see what is coming will reply, "Oh...OK. Sounds caring and compassionate. I can go along with that".

Then once the legislation passes on that basis, the idea changes. It starts falling down the exceedingly slippery slope. The government begins opening euthanasia to all kinds of "eligibility" factors. Pretty soon, you wonder how you arrived in Hell.

They used the same tactic across the West for abortion laws. At first, it was all about saving the less than 100 women in the U.S. annually who died from botched illegal abortions. As soon as the legislation began to flow, so did the abortions for all sorts of other "eligibility" reasons, or no reason at all (Canada). It was planned that way.

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Absolutely correct.

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And explain how a transition for which the hospital nets $100,000, and creates a patient for life, saves money…

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it "saves" money by making millions for the butchers at the hospitals. See also Tenn Dr bragging about how much money the hosp will make butchering children, for life.

"A video has surfaced featuring a doctor at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Tennessee, Dr. Shayne Taylor, discussing the financial benefits of transgender surgeries. According to the video, Dr. Taylor mentions that these surgeries are a “big moneymaker” and that patients require many follow-up appointments, generating significant revenue for the hospital.

Financial Impact of Transgender Surgeries

The video highlights the lucrative nature of transgender surgeries, with Dr. Taylor stating that even top surgery (breast removal) alone can generate a substantial amount of money. The exact figures mentioned in the video are not specified, but it is clear that the hospital stands to benefit financially from these procedures."

what is extra amazing, the AI actually found this, despite leftist filtering.

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Truly disgusting and completely unethical, given the preponderance of evidence that "transitioning" children is harmful and does not reduce psychological distress or suicidality (which is what the butchers use to pressure parents), with suggestions that the converse is true.

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Where is the board of TCH? Allowing this CEO to destroy the reputation of the hospital and to harm children and open up the hospital to untold liability is professional malfeasance.

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In his article on the subject, Christopher Ruffo supplied a list of their names and emails and encouraged readers to write them.

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The board likes the income from the transgender clinic. $100,000 per child for complete medical and surgical transition, plus a lifetime of care.

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Thanks Chris for defending "We The People." Your words of truth shine a disinfecting light on Wokeness. Corruption at the top is always the hardest to eradicate. Whether it be TCH or Harvard. The light will not be enough, but if it moves "We The People" and eventually succeeds in removing the lies used to support hurtful funding streams throughout society and the lies that support "modern racism" (the funding of DEI, CRT, DOE,..) then the world will become a better place.

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This is so insane, and so difficult to wrap my head around, that this much insanity is so entrenched and institutionalized. What a massive clown show. Sadly, it's kids that pay the price.

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About how much money has TCH taken in for "gender-affirming care" of minors since they began providing it? Asking for a friend.

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People need to stand up to this insane ideology that is so harmful to children (as well as confused young adults). I quit at the VA (I was an RN in Mental Health) - six months short of being able to retire - when the administration began making changes that were actually harmful to my patients, my fellow veterans (not about gender, as that hadn’t yet become an issue back then).

Nowadays, when faced by someone insisting on claiming there are more than two genders, I tell them this (literally): “Men are from Mars, women are from Venus. All the rest of your genders are from Uranus."

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Trans in the Olympics? As of this morning I will not be watching the Olympics.

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These people are pure evil

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Don't be fooled, this just another greedy corporation looking for more ways to get paid. You won't ever see them support anything that causes them to make less money.

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An outlaw organization, participating in revolution.

Who is funding this intransigence?

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Thank you for covering this. This state terrorism is destroying so many lives. It's completely hijacked mine and sent me into extreme financial distress, and I don't even have kids. It was my neighbors and corrupt law enforcement.

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Ukrainian flag at corner of TCH. Not an American flag.

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