May 7Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

Every. Single. Thing. that I have ever trusted is corrupt. Thank you, thank you, thank you for exposing this Maher madness.

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Next layer of the rabbit hole: Moxie Marlinspike. Real name of the guy who created Signal. Not sure if it's worth migrating group chats over to Telegram, we should assume everything is compromised and act accordingly...

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May 7·edited May 7Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

Marlinspike was an anarchist. It is highly unlikely that he is woke.

Concerning Telegram:

Telegram is a really bad choice if you want private and secure communication, especially private and secure group chats, because Telegram doesn’t encrypt them end-to-end. The app just doesn’t support this.

And when it comes to direct chats, you need to manually turn on end-to-end-encryption because this is not enabled per default.

Many people don’t know that Telegram just isn’t that secure or private.

Furthermore, Telegram have developed their own obscure encryption algorithm, which is something you just don’t do in cryptography because those algorithms need to be very well and widely tested before they are being considered secure.

Signal on the other hand is using well know cryptographic functions and their protocol has been scrutinized a lot. If you are not convinced, read one of the numerous papers or look at the code yourself because Signal is open source.

Signal still seems to be the far more private and secure app compared to Telegram, especially if you need private and secure group chats.

And if you are still unconvinced, maybe try Threema.

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A lot of people that are woke claim to be anarchist.

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May 7Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

Telegram, Session, Signal...don't ass-u-me any of them are not subject to back doors. Heck, I have an off-shore (non 5-eyes) VPN and 'secure' email, but still wonder...and act accordingly.

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The origins of Signal caused me to be wary of relying on it for absolute privacy.

Does privacy exist anymore?

(Say only what you want to be heard.)

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Tucker Carlson’s Signal messages were intercepted by the three letter agencies and released to the New York Times, which obligingly printed them in its propaganda rag. Some people say Telegram is a better option, but also it’s safe to assume that there is no form of electronic communication that is private.

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As a formerly quite satisfied Signal user, this is unpleasant news. When does Chris Rufo sleep?

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For a few hours each night! :)

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Thank you again Christopher, for your diligence and vigilance!

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The rabbit hole keeps getting deeper and deeper. I don’t think it’s far fetched to think that every communication device and platform has some form of gov’t spying and censorship embedded in it. Information is the new key to power and control and any gov’t interested in holding onto and expanding power is no doubt involved in monitoring and censoring information. Then add in these rotating gov’t to private sector and back to gov’t people who are really just private contractors for the alphabet agencies and you end up here.

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I think you're absolutely right. I guess it's time to start training carrier pigeons.

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There will be spies mixed in with them too.

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Brilliantly idea sister eel

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Nothing more important to the gov then knowing who is who. Every platform since the beginning of the internet was built to capture conversations and actions. All those supposed entrepreneurs, mostly from foreign countries were directed and $seeded by the USG in the building of their platforms; from FB to PP and Ebay and everything in between.

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This article needs to be shared everywhere on Signal.

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I’m letting LOTS of people know since I recommended Signal a few years ago.

There’s no safe place. Yet.

Rumble, are you listening?

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May 7Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

Your reporting is invaluable. Thank you for all you do.

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I stopped using Signal the day they announced the new feature where they would graciously suggested to "backup" your private key to their cloud in case you wiped/lost your phone (admittedly it sounded nice as printing off, storing a copy and worse retyping a 384-bit elliptic key was a pain in the ass).

But to any of us who actually understand computer encryption, this meant your private conversations would no longer be private; someone else could now decode it.

Moreover, even if you didn't fall for it, your conversations wouldn't be private with anyone who fell for that carrot (and you of course would have no idea).

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Wow, yeah, it's even worse for the person who maintained good security practice and didn't put their private key in the cloud, isn't it? Because in public key crypto, I use *your* public key to encrypt what I send to you. So *my* messages are the ones that are potentially compromised because of *your* lack of security consciousness. Oof.

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May 7Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

"... a “white male Westernized construct” and “did not end up living into the intentionality of what openness can be.” The better path, in her view, is managed opinion, using, alternately, censorship and promotion of dissent—depending on context and goal—as the essential methods."

The disbursement and institutional entrenchment of Newspeak™ is one of the more frightening, if not downright infuriating aspects of the past 55+ years of the slow ascent of the Marcusian Industrial Complex. "The intentionality of what openness can be.” is as insidious as "alternative facts", a construct typically and universally reviled by Fellow Travelers, but wholly welcome under different cover and dependent upon delivery.

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Yeah, what the actual F does "living into the intentionality of what openness can be" even mean?? The fact that there are places that will publish this kind of postmodernist nonsense newspeak without a single editor batting an eye tells you a lot about those places.

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“Alternative facts” is fine and reasonable. Take a trial. The prosecution has facts. The defense has alternative facts. Each set leads to a different conclusion. Even though all the facts may themselves be true. This is how the media usually lies — omission.

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May 18·edited May 18

Yes. The newspeak tipping point was marketing "space."

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From what I’ve read of her ideology and previous work experience, I wouldn’t trust her for a second

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No surprise here. They have those giant data centers in Utah and elsewhere to store everything about us from birth to death.

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Virginia, is allowing them EVERYWHERE. They are also putting utility solar all over our rural farmland and OSW, destroying the coast and marine life, to try to power these monstrosities.

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So, to use Signal for anything other than discussions of recipes and interior design is a really bad idea. Will the corruption and manipulation ever end? Who will be able to clean out these technological/communications Augean Stables?

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Well, I’ve heard online knitting circles can be pretty dicey places to express an opinion. True story.

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Yep. My knitter wife dumped the woke Ravelry site.

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Another good revelation by Christopher Rufo. Good job.

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Thank you, yet again, for your insight. My experience in politics taught me early on that almost everything connected to government is not as it seems. These times one cannot even “trust but verify”. Sadly, suspicious cynicism is the order of the day.

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In this Computer-Internet Age, there is no Internet or Credit Card activity by the Public kept Secret from government's prying eyes. Ken Snowdon was made a Fugitive for exposing that government secret in 2013

William Binney, a 32 year veteran of the National Security Agency, exposed it before Snowdon, as the system was being built to illegally spy on Americans in a program called Stellar Wind.

You can hear Binney and see much more in this video:


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Maher is not to be trusted.

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