What’s the best way to prepare to live in a banana republic where the rule of law has been supplanted by the rule of vicious men who have captured a massive and corrupt central government?

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At a personal level, move to a community with shared values and, ideally, a functioning local legal system. At a political level, however you feel about Trump, I think it is imperative that he win the presidency, to show that this tactic will not be rewarded. There should also be some official retribution, to create a penalty for this kind of political prosecution.

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I have little confidence in the long term effect of retribution. Rather institutional changes are needed. For example, at the constitutional level there should be new amendments and laws that prevent one generation from making sovereign debt slaves of a future generation.

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And when you get to that local community, take a deep breath and run for office. Or support someone you believe in. Involvement matters. And if you have kids, no phones or computers in the bedrooms, at least one meal together a day, and ask to help with their homework. Go to the school meetings.

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Seriously you read my mind! We need to build the next generation of conscientious leaders because there is currently a big dearth of them.

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Also, someplace where you can shoot someone on the most well-known avenue in your most populous city with impunity.

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We need to prepare to defend America, not prepare to live in a banana republic

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It might be too late to defend it — that should have started in earnest and with urgency at least 40 years ago, if not longer. It’s now a recovery mission.

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The American people have been asleep for 40 years, but over the last four years they have been waking up so I believe there’s still hope.

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deletedJun 1
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Beginning with the dystopian civil rights act.

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All I know is, everything works on the local level. Everything. Maybe we should just stop paying attention to the insane debacle that are presidential "elections." Too many people are emotionally invested in what is a de facto circus.

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May 31Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

Sage advice. Find neighbors of character and moral clarity and cultivate relationships with them.

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Yes it's effectively become largely a part of the MSM entertainment industry.... meanwhile the permanent Leftist techno-bureaucracy grinds on .... and on, pulverising our once great Western culture to a mush

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How do we win on the local level?? This is the answer but locally the politicians currently have bought their influence. EVERYONE hates Lindsey Graham but he owns the republican party and everyone who works in local gov so that sphere of influence is impenetrable without deep pockets motivating a community activism movement.

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"All politics is local", I believe, is attributed to Tip O'Neil. I will take that further with "All law enforcement and justice administration is local". I see the legal system as the old three-legged stool, police, prosecutor, judge. There has to be coherent functioning between all three or the wheels come off of the cart. When prosecutors refuse to seek an indictment to enforce a law, the police no longer arrest those who break that law. The judge can hold considerable sway over a trial by what they allow, don't allow, and the jury instructions. So many judges view the law as a living, evolving entity that needs to be changed if they see fit, rather than kicking it back to the legislative branch to "fix".

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Not true. School boards are local but look at the hellishness they've done in recent decades.

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I agree 100%! I’m on a school board fighting the good fight and they don’t like OpEds. My only way to fight the bullies. Rebecca Hamman CT Examiner

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Good for you!! You're fighting the good fight.

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There have been victories against school boards. Some have been completely replaced. Also, maybe you can tell me what's easier: To remove a local representative, or a federal one.

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Yep. Dr. Pournelle taught me the political term 'Devolution':

Move power down as close to the people as possible; The other

ingredient in the cure is 'Transparency': No government secrets,

particularly in expenses.

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Our college who tracked EVERY DIME up until then suddenly got millions in Covid money they didn't have to track. Multiply that x all the other institutions. Where did all that money go? Into the pockets of all the corrupt a-holes carrying out the WEF/NATO directives (which includes color revolution, DEI, CRT, LGBTQWERTYUIOP+++3x, etc).

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I’m not kidding when I say, “Just vote ‘NO’!”

I wonder - if a sizable portion of Americans expressed their disgust at the polls in this manner, would it prove the weakness of the Beltway mandate and force a reckoning?

Well, no, but I really am at wit’s end with all of these clowns.

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Agreed! And shorten, "Just VOTE!," EVERY election!

In Ohio last year, Pro-lifers knew the latest November election had two Issues, 1) amend the Ohio Constitution to strengthen abortion rights, and 2) allow marijuahna sales over-the-counter. A double-whammy since Leftward voters tend to say YES on both issues. Leftward voters won both. The abortion amendment by 57% to 43% of a LOW voter turnout in November.

If you were Pro-life, you had an extra, earlier Primary election, months prior to November, where an even smaller voter turnout failed to add a different amendment to the Constitution, to require at least 60% of the vote in order to amend the Ohio Constitution. So a strong Pro-life vote in either election could have prevented the abortion rights being added to the Ohio Constitution.

Whichever side you are on, it is vital to show up and vote your way. Your vote can even be "stronger" during low voter turnout elections! Spread the word to like-minded voters! Ohio churches, state-wide, failed to get the vote out!

(In defense of the Ohio churches' ignorance, it has been decades since Ohio voters had a chance to vote on the abortion issue. So Pro-lifers failed themselves by being lax to rally their voters, in fear of losing tax-exempt status, which the Left never fears, they always get away with campaigning in church. Democrats are above the law in the USA, we know).

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I should add, my church totally ignored the first chance, to vote for 60% needed to amend the Ohio Constitution, despite everybody knowing this was meant to stop the November abortion amendment.

My church rallies hundreds for an annual Pro-life Young Mothers Center, walk and fundraiser, which we promote for a month before the event; but when it mattered the most, we were silent or reluctant to VOTE against abortion in Ohio. Which we only mentioned in church a week before the November election, with much apology for talking politics in a conservative church! Doh! We were innocent (and passive) as doves, but not wise as serpents, (we failed to apply Matthew 10:16 for success).

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It is time for new nations. This one cannot be maintained because there is no shared culture. It would be impossible after all the damage done to impose a new or rediscovered shared culture in a common area. That is necessary for a nation to be a nation. We need new nations. The sooner we realize that and get going the better.

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Yes!! I've been saying this for a while now. Perhaps 'Balkanization' is the answer. And yes, 'multiculturalism' has now gone too far. Look what happened to Sweden. Look what happened to us. When you have millions upon millions of illegals invading the U.S. WHILE CARRYING THEIR OWN FLAGS, it won't end well. Our shared Western culture along with its mores and morals was lost in the sixties when Commies took over the Universities. They followed, and still follow, Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals," which was published, I believe, in the late sixties to early seventies. If you ever happen to find a copy, look at his "Rules." Absolutely horrifying because IT'S HAPPENING HERE. Right now.

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Yes, they want one multi-national, multiethnic, brown, bland, consumer culture in which people live desperate existences. WE need to pursue the opposite.

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Is the deepest struggle within us? How do we maintain a strong communal identity that is also respected by the outside? While living under an oppressive regime poses many challenges, one approach is to form close-knit communities with strong cultural and family ties, as many Mennonite communities have done successfully. Living according to principles of honesty, hard work and self-sufficiency within a supportive social network can help insulate people from corruption and instability in the outside world. Nurturing strong intellectual and moral development within such a community could also help establish rule of law in spirit, if not in name, providing stability and protection from the arbitrary rule of those in power. (Brave's Leo AI helped with some wording and content)

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Like MTG? Lol!!!!

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Regarding the banana republic... Alternatively, the banana republic is just a feature to help us give all political power to the antichrist. Big Tech could empower such a person to fully take over the world, who would inform policy manipulations using big tech AI.

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Can the American Association of Pediatrics be compelled to acknowledge the findings of the Cass report and the WPATH files?

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Yes, in time. Their reputation is suffering significant damage and doctors are becoming more bold in resisting this ideology. Push, push, push. Eventually they will cave.

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May 31Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

The administrative class will be the very last to accept reality. APA and AAP are not responsive to outside pressure. It will have to resolve as politics. You're already seeing that with the state bans on childhood sex lobotomies. We are now in the persuasion phase. If Christopher has a suggestion for getting Jamie Reed, Leor Sapir, and Hilary Cass more mainstream media exposure, I am all ears.

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The process is time-consuming and disturbing. Having abandoned religion (and philosophy), we have only "empirical" proof left, and only barely; those who immediately see the obvious were (in the 30's/40's) "premature opponents," and are now "civil rights violators."

Our relationship with reality has become tenuous.

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But don't give up. Reality is still there! And we can make it show.

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I have infinite hope in God - the creator and ongoing ruler of all things.

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Lmao, many thanks for your brave testimony, Virgin Mary. +10 Heaven points

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European Doctrine of Discovery? Genocide, colonization, slavery, and apartheid?

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Research the 'Doctrine of Discovery.'

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Don't forget the Harvard Pilgrim Study, just released in April showing bisexual women have a 37% increased mortality rate and lesbian women 20% from their heterosexual peers. So we have three legs of the LGBT showing either increased mortality with risky behavior, Trans is mental health per the Dr. Cass study. We know 1 million people are still infected with HIV/AIDs per year with gay men being the highest population from risky sexual transmission. Need to address Safety in all schools and remove risks, i.e, remove LGBT.

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deletedMay 31Liked by Christopher F. Rufo
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I tend to agree with you on this.

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Why is George Soros untouchable, his name is thrown around everyday and the destruction he's caused OUR country is immeasurable

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Because what he is doing is not illegal, and he has enough money to insulate himself from political consequences.

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May 31Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

Seems like Wealth can insulate one from justice in 99% of cases. Trump is the 1 % . If US Citizens don't wake up they will start the slide into the 1% which slowly become 50% or more.

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I’m worried about this.

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Exactly my thoughts

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He plays the J card. Or at least his supporters in the media do. Of course, it's the height of irony considering his childhood activities! lol

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May 31·edited May 31

How do we encourage/ask Elon Musk/Bill Ackman and similar others to startup STEM high-schools/universities in the vein of the University of Austin/TX? Such institutes could be "home" to the many talented students being rejected from ivy-land and encourage admission/credit based on merit.

The US is falling behind in STEM expertise.

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I think this initiative is well underway. But it will only represent a small fraction of universities, so reforming existing institutions is also critical.

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May 31Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

That's good to know. I don't see much happening (by way of new institutions) in STEM, however perhaps I'm unaware. Thanks Chris.

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When the vast majority of advisors in high schools strongly recommend a college education, it discourages many from going into individual businesses or the trades. Then the student gets a degree in LGBTQ basketweaving, has a serious student loan debt and gets a job working in a fast food restaurant.

The experts and advisors, in too many cases, are in need of a new viewpoint. Too many of them think that everyone else should follow in their footsteps but experts and advisors are not the ones who really power the economy.

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Thanks. Good point.

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UT Austin ? You have got to be kidding me. I was a student at UT Austin in the 70s and it was divided just like the USA . The liberal arts were leftist and Business and Engineering were Conservative. With very little mixture on either side. From what I know about UT Austin today the Conservatives are losing the battle even in the Bus. and Eng. side. But there is some turning now with so much CRT, DEI etc being exposed.

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May 31Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin) /= University of Austin (UATX)

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May 31Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

I think she meant the other, new university- I can’t remember its name.

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If so then I apologize. It sort of set me off even thinking about my time at UT being a Vietnam Vet. and having to take some of the lib arts classes required .

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University of Austin in Texas. Not, the University of Texas in Austin. :)

Thank you for for your service.

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May 31Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

They really need a more unique name, for branding purposes if nothing else.

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For some reason Eugine I can’t “like” this so I’m typing it out - thank you, this made me laugh 😂

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Why is communism not hated and looked down upon in the same way as Nazism, even though it was just as destructive (if not more)?

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This is a great question. I'm sure there is better historical research, but my sense is that the rhetoric of the Left has a sympathetic element—the utopian, egalitarian frame is persuasive to many people; and intellectuals were able to downplay the historical atrocities of the Left.

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May 31Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

You are precisely correct. The way they describe it, it sounds lovely, utopian. Unfortunately, it inevitably creates a tyranny with a wealthy, elite ruling class crushing the working class into grinding poverty. Our 'education system' seems to have quit teaching honest history since the Soviet Union collapsed and the fear of nuclear war with the Soviet Union faded away. Thus the students never learn the other side of the story.

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May 31Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

There was a high-end restaurant in the high-end Cherry Creek business district of Denver called 'Mao' in the 2000's.


"Yes, Mao is the hippest, slickest, South Beach-iest joint to debut on the Denver restaurant scene in a long time"..."a restaurant dedicated to the happy memories of a murderous communist revolutionary."

Imagine that type of glowing write-up about a restaurant called 'Hitler.' Would never happen. Not an accident of our coordinated educational and media system.

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I think to get any even deeper understanding of it, to get to the human root of it, you have to look at psychology. Jordan Peterson does a good job of exploring this.

Envious, coveting, narcissistic tendencies are very human and we all possess them. They can be exploited to great effect on a large scale. Narrative is central to this and as Chris noted the concept of elgalitarian is at the root. Fairness is something that gets everyones attention! Give me enough pwoer and I will make things fair! I think at some level its an indulgence of venegnece and sadism that exists within all humans and is very exploitable, especially in a social context. The left harnesses this masterfully and the right underestimates it's allure and power until it's too late. Both sides have their hubris.

Power of course attracts psychopaths and without checks and balances.. well everyone knows the rest... The point is, I sense the right has finally stopped underestimating the left and is finally waking up. Ironic that the wokedness was needed on the right. I thought the might not ever wake up, but am glad to see embers beginning to shimmer.

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May 31Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

Capitalism/ classical liberalism alone is spiritually empty and unsatisfying, but its emphasis on freedom pairs well with religious expression. The result was a flourishing society like no other. The US was very religious in the past, but as religion declines a spiritual void is opening up. Communism and other misguided activist ideologies fill this spiritual void in a way by claiming to usher in a new sensibility or a higher state of being on Earth.

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May 31Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

Communism taps into a values hierarchy that is widely embraced in Western societies. Consider two values

- Serve the common good

- Respect for the individual

These two values often compete against each other; for example vaccine mandates, gun control, Universal Basic Income. A significant percentage of western society will prioritize serving the common good over respect for the individual. With that priority the pitch for communism in the West is often easy. The Enlightenment disrupted this hierarchy, and this disruption’s first major instantiation was the US Bill of Rights.

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May 31·edited May 31

Serving the 'common good' becomes a problem when it is forced on everyone, versus the people having personal freedom to choose. Developing a vaccine is a good thing if it works. Forcing everyone to take it when it has significant side effects and is unnecessary for most people is simply a show of power or a push for some to make a profit.

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In the case of human sacrifice serving the common good is a problem when it is forced on one individual.

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deletedMay 31
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it seems capitalism isn't too shabby either when it comes to totalitarianism... oh and it was the usa - uk and friends that funded germanys rise of nazism, so there is that too...

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deletedMay 31
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i don't think any of the systems are perfect, but the ragging on communism is over the top...

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deletedMay 31
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do the same with capitalism and i will be fine with it.. cheers..

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What would you recommend as the best resource to cover the basics of DEI prior to my discussion (as a public school board member) with a state organization?

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I would recommend the critical race theory chapters of my book! :)

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Excellent. I just added "America's Cultural Revolution" to my cart.

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I just read chapters 16 and 17. Thank you!

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To be clear, I believe I have a pretty grasp already, but I like to be as well-prepared as possible.

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James Lindsay/New Discourses is an amazing resource. He has pieced out every single bit of it.

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May 31Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

Chris, 'Deplorables' could have a lot of fun and have our voices heard with something like this.

From Perplexity AI:

Rush Limbaugh's involvement in the infamous "Dan's Bake Sale" event in 1993 started as an offhand joke but snowballed into a massive grassroots gathering of his fans. Here are the key details:

In March 1993, a caller named Dan Kay asked Limbaugh for a free subscription to his newsletter since he couldn't afford the $29.95 fee. Limbaugh quipped that Kay should try holding a bake sale to raise the money.

Kay took the suggestion literally and organized a bake sale for May 22 in Fort Collins, Colorado. Word spread among Limbaugh's audience, and fans from across the country made plans to attend and urged Limbaugh to go as well.

On the day of the event, an estimated 20,000 to 70,000 Limbaugh fans converged on Fort Collins, with some traveling from as far as England and Guam. Billboards along highways advertised "Rush to Dan's Bake Sale."

Limbaugh flew in by helicopter due to the traffic jams caused by the massive crowds. He spoke to the attendees for about 10 minutes, during which Kay presented him with the $29.95 check and a giant fortune cookie baked by a local restaurant owner.

The event, dubbed the "Conservative Woodstock," became a symbol of grassroots support for Limbaugh's brand of conservatism. However, Kay himself ran out of baked goods within minutes due to the overwhelming turnout.

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Wow, what a story!

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I totally remember this. Rush! What I’d give to hear his voice again.

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What will be the mechanism to help non woke Universities to be seen, advertised and treated as the new elite universities that do actual truth seeking and research and not _______ "studies" and cause the ivies to diminish in stature?

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State universities should simply shut down non-scholarly, activist "studies" departments.

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May 31·edited May 31

The rebranded TItle IX (which substitutes gender identity for "sex") in its wording is scheduled to be implemented by the Biden Administration in August. This will impact females (and also males with regard to due process issues) in many negative ways. Since this is a regulation/rule and not a law, could this be readily reversed by another administration? If so, what would be the procedure for doing so?

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It will impact females and how many of those females who vote will not vote in what is best for themselves, but for the Blue?

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How to expose the NGO's such as the Catholic Church . Surely the majority of , so called Christians are not in favor of their involvement in the millions of illegal immigration.

Also are we , the USA , going to have to go to War with Mexico and the Drug Cartels?

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One of my Logos Fellows did a great report on migrant NGOs: https://www.thefp.com/p/nonprofits-make-billions-off-migrant-children

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May 31·edited May 31

The drug cartels should be declared terrorist organizations. They kill thousands of Americans annually. When the twin towers were destroyed on nine eleven we declared war. Those terrorists killed almost 3,000 Americans. The Mexican cartels kill about 100,000 Americans every year and we do essentially nothing to stop the slaughter. Makes me wonder who in our government are profiting from the actions of the cartels.

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You should definitely speak out about the cartels, human smugglers, drug runners, Catholic and Jewish charities facilitating human trafficking on the border. The main Jewish human trafficking cartel has ties to DHS secretary Mayorkas. Write to your representatives and push for a hot war on the border to defend your country. Also push for mass deportation of tens of millions of illegals.

American soldiers should be humiliated to be working overseas while their own nation is actively invaded. Tell them so. Speak up boldly about stopping ALL foreign military aid to Ukraine, Israel and the like so they can fight proxy wars for the US. This has VERY LITTLE American support. The majority of Americans don't care about Ukraine or Israel. they care about America.

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are there good ngos and bad ngos? how about all those colour revolutions funded by usa ngos??

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Yes, there are good and bad. Catholic Charities is up to their eyeballs in trafficking unaccompanied minors in the giant invasion of our nation. They are making bank with government $$. Sad to say.

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i don't know anything about this.. please offer a link with information about it, as i would read it.. thanks..

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Assume all secular NGOs are bad. With the religious ones it's maybe 50/50.

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Given the disaster that was the initial invasion of DEI & CRT at Evergreen University, why did it then spread to almost every other university within a year (or 3), and how was this so seamlessly coordinated?

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It's been building for years. It's very hard for university administrators to resist.

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I think that part of the problem is that those in control of the universities tend to live in an academic bubble and think they are smarter than the 'common folk'. The universities, as businesses, should be made to follow the same laws and regulations as other businesses.

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It's been building for decades, but as gluttonous administrative jobs outgrew teachers, nobody realized the communist bent until they achieved critical mass in the 2020's, when they now brag about their Marxist foundations.

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George Soros and company

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I want to know the method, though. How the pipeline works. Who does George inform, and how? Who is running each area (of colleges/universities, etc). How does the system work?

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Heather Mac Donald's 'The Diversity Delusion'.....which I reviewed here would go a long way to answering your question: https://grahamcunningham.substack.com/p/how-diversity-narrows-the-mind

Here's a snippet..."it is a devastatingly compelling expose of “how race and gender pandering corrupt the university and undermine our culture.” To be a believer in personal responsibility in the contemporary West is to be continually assailed by invocations to feel guilty about the - largely baseless - alleged grievances of an ever-growing list of ‘victims of society’. This competitive victimhood narrative originated in academia but now oozes daily from the liberal media and has progressively been absorbed as orthodoxy in each and every one of our institutions, all the way from schools to armed forces....."

It is a mistake, in my view, to pin it all on individuals like Soros plus a few Marxist academics. Poisonous as these people have been, the problem is much bigger and more longstanding than that. The real problem is people's tendency to groupthink (and ironically high IQ university types are actually more prone to this than people lower down the social scale). Letting these people dominate academia for 50+ years and sheep-dip the young and ambitious future professional classes with all their bogus Social Justice nonsense....that is the answer to how the pipeline has worked. Plus the fact that conservative politicians only started to notice it all a few years ago by which time it was too late.

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Thank you!

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You are welcome! Hope you will find time to read the whole review and if you find it useful subscribe free to get my essays each month.

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The method, for Soros, is to fund institutional efforts and public demonstrations: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/13/us/politics/george-soros-racial-justice-organizations.html. An important question is why DEI, and the answer involves considering how western societies operate. That consideration involves behaviors and normative values: the lust for power and control over others, the inclination to marginalize the adept and protect the inept. The emotional reward many get from virtue signaling. It also involves the real returns to isome groups who, absent DEI, have little chance of success, and consequently support those who promote DEI. Remember LBJ's "We will have them voting for us for the next two hundred years?"

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I wonder how he managed that. I would have loved to be a fly on the wall in these meetings where people suddenly decided they needed to have DEI and CRT idiocy running the show.

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Not sure it was sudden.

America's Cultural Revolution | Ep. 1 @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvLxX8BkHN0

The Long March Through the Institutions | Ep. 2 @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NEt9XepeGt4

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Thanks for the links.

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Obama and Valerie Jarrett run everything.

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I don't know about Jarrett, but Barry is as much a pawn as Biden. Someone else has been leading him by the nose his entire life. He is NOT in charge. Look deeper...

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They're both grifters, groomed by the CIA, and their families benefited from war profiteering. They are such disgusting people. Agree they don't really run anything.

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Here's a nutty question from out of the blue: My wife and I attended our daughter-in-law's graduation at New College of Florida, which was a disgrace. (She was one of the few respectful graduates and tried to silence those around her.) Nevertheless, my wife, who used to be the office manager at the counseling services department of a private Christian University, would like to help the transition at New College to your goal of the Hillsdale of the South, and would love an opportunity to work for you there, if possible.

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Great, please have her reach out to the president's office. I agree that the disruption was disgraceful and expect that those students will meet a significant punishment.

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Jumping on this bandwagon. My husband and I are in Colorado where the legislature has lost its mind. DEI, CRT, gender ideology, the removal parental rights are rampant, ruining education and decimating families. We are both looking for employment in SW Florida (my family is there). I am currently the Head of School in a Charter School, and would welcome an opportunity to serve in any capacity that respects parents, families and children, seeks to promote academic excellence, preserve sanity, and restore classical education. I’d be honored to work with Chris, AND your wife🙏.

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May 31Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

Maybe reach out to Inspiration Acadamy in Bradenton, FL right near Sarasota. The founder of it was one of the trustees at New College for a while.

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Were you at all surprised by the Trump guilty verdict on all counts? I know I wasn't.

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I expected it, but was still shocked. A truly disturbing precedent.

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Stephen Miller, a top Trump advisor, points out how conservatives still think the Left will eventually come to be reasonable, surely they won't put Trump behind bars for 134 years? WRONG, the Left will never stop on their own, they must be stopped!


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I was saddened, not surprised. The left controls the big cities and especially NY & CA. And that goes from the janitors to the governors. Obviously, there are some conservatives there who still believe in the constitution and such, but many of them are moving out or keep quiet about their view for fear of retaliation.

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I was gobsmacked. It was a real eye opener.

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Have you heard of a key to an understanding of the dynamics of conflict resolution that arises as a direct outcome of the fledgling science of Communication Theory, borrowing the crucial concept of the meta-perspective. It is defined as a higher-order perspective on the viewpoint held by another: schematically defined as “this is how I see you-seeing me.” The higher-order groupings of virtues/values are ordered as subsets within such a hierarchy of meta-perspectives, each more abstract grouping building upon that which it supersedes. Take, for example, the cardinal virtues (prudence, justice, temperance, and fortitude), the theological virtues (faith-hope-charity-decency), and the classical Greek values (beauty-truth-goodness-wisdom). Each of these traditional groupings is further subdivided into four subordinate terms permitting precise point-for-point stacking within the hierarchy of meta-perspectives. Additional listings of ethical terms are further added into the mix: namely, the personal ideals (glory-honor-dignity-integrity), the civil liberties (providence-liberty-civility-austerity), the humanistic values (peace-love-tranquility-equality), the mystical values (ecstasy-bliss-joy-harmony), etc. When taken in concert, the complete ten-level hierarchy of virtuous terms emerges in full detail, as partially reproduced in the compact table below (including the preliminary behavioral antecedents).


Appetite • Rewards ...... Aversion • Leniency

Nostalgia • Approval ...... Guilt • Blame

Glory • Prudence ...... Honor • Justice

Providence • Faith ...... Liberty • Hope

Grace • Beauty ...... Free-Will • Truth

Tranquility • Ecstasy ...... Equality • Bliss


+ Reinforce • Approach ...... – Reinforce • Avoidance

Desire • Solicitousness ...... Worry • Submissive.

Dignity • Temperance ...... Integrity • Fortitude

Civility • Charity ...... Austerity • Decency

Magnanim. • Goodness ...... Equanimity • Wisdom

Love • Joy ...... Peace • Harmony


This cohesive hierarchy of virtues, values, and ideals proves exceedingly comprehensive in scope, accounting for virtually every major theme celebrated within the Western ethical tradition. It is particularly easy to gain a sense of the increasing degree of abstraction when scanning the individual columns from top to bottom,. Can you suggest a better strategy? http://www.worldpeace2.com

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Interesting, will look into it.

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Thanks ^_^ I have been enjoying your many recent appearances on Cable news TV. I would greatly appreciate if you might consider collaborating w/ me on these matters in order to make a major difference in restoring our Nation.

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deletedMay 31
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Thank you for the resources...

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Ontario Canada: community college attendance is 75% foreign students. Hundreds of thousands of kids. Upon graduation from a one or two year diploma they are given a corresponding one or two year work permit during which time they can attempt to get a job good enough to qualify for immigration status known as “permanent resident “.

The education is secondary, it is a back door bribe for immigration.

Today dishonesty is so prevalent, we take for granted simple, obvious, institutionalized dishonesty, I wonder, has it always been this way?

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It's a scam, and should be shut down.

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I know things are getting worse in Canada but there have always been lots of immigrants. My daughter is one, she went to McGill, had a post grad visa then permanent residency recently became a citizen. In her business her partner is a brilliant man born in India his assistant is from China. My daughter has friends s from Ireland, Australia, South Africa, the Middle East etc. All well educated and accomplished. Jus sayin.

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Only since 1964, and the Lyndon Johnson administration.

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deletedMay 31
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Well said. Canada is altogether feckless. That said the unintended consequence of this massive immigration is a rise in Quebec separatism, PSP might just be the guy that can get’er done.

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deletedMay 31
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A feckless people are doomed as you say. Really Canada could well fall apart in the 2030’s.

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deletedMay 31
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As a Canadian...It's obvious that Trudeau is just a puppet of unknown masters & A is absolutely right about being a testing-ground...just look at the freezing of bank accounts..Justin is not innovated enough to be the mastermind of this idea.....Canada is the experiment & what is the most frightening is that 99% of Canadians have no clue

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Even if Trump is elected and serves his term, the reality denying gender ideology will continue to march forward as this is a long war. What are concrete things “regular people” can do along the way to turn the moderate Dems in their lives, and give them the support to publicly recognize what’s happening not to just the Democrat Party, but to our rights?

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#1 Do not vote for any Democrat. Even if that person is logical, their vote gives more power to the leftists. Vote for the opposition. A left leaning Republican gives one more vote to the GOP.

#2 Participate if you can. Run for a local office, or at least go to the public meetings.

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Forgive the sloppy syntax.

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How are things going at New College in Sarasota?

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Very well! I will have a piece coming out this summer with an update and goals for Year Two.

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As a parent of a kid reapplying to medical school, it has become obvious that the MCAT and high academic achievement, which used to be benchmarks for admission, are no longer sufficient at State or private institutions alike. Nor does medical research fellowship at the nation's premier reseacrch institution matter. Rather, DEI and "wokeness" now rule the admission process. The Harvard and UNC decisions by the SCT apparently are ignored in this process. Any movement to go after the medical school admission process?

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Underway. There is a lot of pressure on admissions, in general. The Supreme Court has helped, and exposing the rot of DEI is moving it forward, too.

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Have you looked into Corporate DEI programs at all?

There seems to be a lot of parallels to the work you have done for University DEI programs that we need to explore. It has destroyed the culture in many Corporations and in many instances has led to the same hiring issues as the University admissions process. Thank you! -Ryan

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I have, yes! If you search my archives, I did about a dozen stories on corporate DEI.

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Perfect, will do--thank you!

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Are China and Iran our enemies or are they paying our politicians? Our CIA installed pro China Lula in Brazil but, we are supposedly preparing for war with China. We also supposedly plan to fight Iran, but we gave them billions of dollars in recent years knowing they would arm HAMAS?

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I think our problem is mostly domestic, rather than foreign.

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What can we do to prevent Election Fraud besides Voter ID?

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In 1993, Rush Limbaugh's involvement in the infamous "Dan's Bake Sale" event started as an offhand joke but snowballed into a massive grassroots gathering of his fans. Can you get something similar started for a 'deplorable' like me to participate in this summer?

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I am not familiar with this!

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Sorry, I this might be a duplicate post. 'Deplorables' could have a lot of fun with this and really have our voices heard this summer.

Rush Limbaugh's involvement in the infamous "Dan's Bake Sale" event in 1993 started as an offhand joke but snowballed into a massive grassroots gathering of his fans. Here are the key details:

In March 1993, a caller named Dan Kay asked Limbaugh for a free subscription to his newsletter since he couldn't afford the $29.95 fee. Limbaugh quipped that Kay should try holding a bake sale to raise the money.

Kay took the suggestion literally and organized a bake sale for May 22 in Fort Collins, Colorado. Word spread among Limbaugh's audience, and fans from across the country made plans to attend and urged Limbaugh to go as well.

On the day of the event, an estimated 20,000 to 70,000 Limbaugh fans converged on Fort Collins, with some traveling from as far as England and Guam. Billboards along highways advertised "Rush to Dan's Bake Sale."

Limbaugh flew in by helicopter due to the traffic jams caused by the massive crowds. He spoke to the attendees for about 10 minutes, during which Kay presented him with the $29.95 check and a giant fortune cookie baked by a local restaurant owner.

The event, dubbed the "Conservative Woodstock," became a symbol of grassroots support for Limbaugh's brand of conservatism. However, Kay himself ran out of baked goods within minutes due to the overwhelming turnout.

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Where is a good place for a freedom-loving American to live? I am leaving NYC after 30 years, thoroughly disgusted after yesterday’s verdict, but have no destination planned. Anyone? Pitch your location If it’s conservative-friendly.

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Texas…but only if you join the fight to keep it as red as possible. We have our struggles here, too. It is everywhere!

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We have a LOT of common subscriptions.

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Texas is kinda big. 5x the size of NY. Any more specific recommendations? I have enjoyed short visits to Austin, Dallas, Houston and a longer one in Amarillo.

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Florida, I'm outside of Tampa.

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I had an Aunt who lived in Bonita Springs. Nice to visit. Close?

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Are you aware of any deliberate movement in the medical academics community AWAY from DEI? Interestingly the pass rate for the veterinary licensing board exam (VAVLE) has been dropping each year since 2018-2019. This was published in a recent Journal of the American Veterinary Association, without much speculation as to why.

Hmmm….could there be a link?

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Yes, we are abolishing DEI in state universities! I think we are up to six states now.

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Who is running this country? It is certainly not the demented old man we see in public.

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The bureaucracy. It's always the bureaucracy.

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Without a doubt it is Barack Obama, Valerie Jarrett and George Soros.

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deletedMay 31
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I have heard the same rumor. But I think BO has something even better in mind because replacing Joe with Michelle would piss off many Dems. He will replace Kamala with Michelle and after the inauguration in January Joe will resign "for health reasons". Gavin Newsom will be a Cabinet Secretary and Kamala will be the next Governor of California and get the next Supreme Court nomination as payment. Michelle will be President for the next 11 years with BO and Valerie Jarrett (and George Soros) telling her what to do every day. Take this to the bank.

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Read Jason Chafetz book: The Puppeteers

It is not too long and is very well written. It gives a good explanation of many aspects of the 'deep state' and the bureaucracy which controls most of our government.

You will learn a lot (and perhaps be infuriated). It is well worth the time.

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Thank you

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Here's my assessment - I'm not surprised that he was found guilty on all counts. It doesn't surprise me in the least. Ill recap it like this with a few general statements - It was a political Hit Job - Our country is in Third World territory now. For a number of years the DOJ has been weaponized. And there is no doubt in my mind that Joe Biden, his administration, the Democrat Cabal, and the Mainstream Media have been colluding against Trump from the moment he came down the escalator with Melania. This is just a continuation of the Democrats Election Interference. I could go on but I'll stop for now.

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Can Republicans and Democrats coexist amicably?

As I see things politically, there are generally two kinds of people in the U.S. There are Declarationists and there are statists. Declarationists believe governments are instituted to secure the unalienable rights. Statists believe that big government can, and should, engineer society and redistribute wealth.

The drivers of these two philosophies are based in how people handle life’s natural anxieties. The natural anxieties are 1) life is a lot of work, 2) there is uncertainty in the future, 3) mortality, and 4) envy.

It is fairly easy to see that statists believe that other people are capable of relieving them of their anxieties. Declarationists believe that the individual is the primary source of success and happiness.

I do not see how Republicans and Democrats can coexist amicably. The philosophies are dramatically different. I believe that, as a civilization wanting to truly understand the best form(s) of government, we should be subdividing the country to conduct long-term experiments in forms of society. Roughly half the nation does not want any part of this general move in a communistic direction.

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I presented to the Rochester, MN School Board on April 9th an analysis of their Equity Policy 105. It is amazing how easy it was to expose their commitment to Marxism. I said:

"I am here to ask that you apply “Critical Thinking” to a review of your Equity Policy 105. When you do, you will find that adherence to Paulo Freire’s “Critical Consciousness” praxis (referenced and specifically cited in the policy document) in the classroom and administration, rooted in a Marxist - Humanist worldview, is deeply flawed and harmful to our children and young adults.

For those of you not familiar with the term, “Critical Consciousness”, it can be summarized as a three step process. STEP 1: Understanding power structures; STEP 2: Rejecting the status quo; and STEP 3: Taking action for change. Paulo Freire strongly believed that teaching students this way should be a priority over the traditional academics of reading, writing, math and science.

Has this praxis worked? It has not. Based on the Minnesota Report Card, results over the last decade suggest that proficiency scores in math, reading and science for Rochester Schools have declined. Simultaneously, national trends show that teen depression, anxiety and suicide rates have increased. Violence and lawlessness in schools and neighborhoods has also been increasing. Why is this the case? Praxis, grounded in a Marxist - humanist worldview, teaches that humans are deemed masters of their personal and societal destiny. Such a worldview claims that truth as relative, morals are malleable and societal injustice and marginalization of peoples can be rectified by human ingenuity, social engineering and educational effort. Perhaps this is why many students are not performing academically and are lost and depressed.

How has this praxis worked historically? There is strong evidence that it creates fertile ground for the emergence of psychopaths seeking power. Reflect for a moment on the horrific suffering, death and destruction over the last 100 years caused by Lenin, Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao and Hitler alone. They all emerged from and embraced “Critical Consciousness”. So why should the Board continue to embrace “Critical Consciousness” when outcomes have been so horrific? Are there alternatives to consider?

Yes there are. And what if the Board were to consider alternative worldviews as part of their “Critical Thinking” review of 105? And what if a worldview concludes that humans are not primarily fixable via social engineering and education but rather humans are innately flawed creatures destined for catastrophe when left to their own devices? What if this worldview accepts that human nature is prideful, unjust, seeks power, employs deception, and is selfish to name a few. What if this worldview takes the position that truth is not relative and that morals and codes of ethics and conduct are best defined by examining wisdom literature over thousands of years on the subject of the human condition? I believe you will find, upon honest reflection, that embracing “Critical Consciousness” to its fullest extent, which you are doing, eventually collapses on itself. And sadly, violence and destruction has been its hallmark."

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Thanks for sharing.

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I'm a web developer skilled in AI tools, OSINT, information visualization, and social network analysis.

What kinds of tools could I make to help activists like you, and related organizations, fighting for liberty?

Some examples:

+ Analyzing school board meeting minute en masse

+ Mapping influence networks on social media

+ Anything to help the ecosystem with marketing and fundraising

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A network analysis of left-wing NGOs, prosecutors, Antifa activists, bail funds, and media organizations would be very helpful.

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David Horowitz has done something similar at https://www.discoverthenetworks.org It might make a great starting place for such a project.

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How about an analasys of our electoral system? How many registered voters versus how many votes are counted. How many ballots are printed in Mail-in-ballot areas, versus how many are counted and how many for each party. Some indication of how much effort is spent to fight election fraud?

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Yes, this is the right kind of question--positive and engaging the #1 new power of our time, probably the #1 political and social transformative power ever made by man. Artificial Intelligence if properly wielded has great power. In my personal opinion, an AI probably has been made by big tech in order to apply systems control theory to the human population. While our principles would not allow us to create a counter "ring of power" in the same way, there still are many ways more practically speaking to use AI in our daily lives. I say God bless the one who uses these technologies (particularly AI) for good / God-glorifying purposes.

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The International City/County Management Association (these are the people who administer 1500 counties and thousands and thousands of cities) has adopted DEI as its guiding principle. The Board is split, but woke and minority Board members along with the Exec Director have pushed this. This is a “slow march” evolution. These people run communities that administer the services and related hiring practices that serve hundreds of millions. What can be done to bring more public attention to this organization? FYI I was at one time the Chair of the National Association of County Administrators and I still can get no purchase on this matter.

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Regarding your analysis of Katherine Maher and (quasi)NGOs spreading woke agendas in foreign countries, do you know of any NGOs that not woke and are actually tyring to advocate classical liberal values overseas?

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There are some Christian charities that do good work overseas. But the government-funded NGOs that work abroad deserve mostly caution.

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Historically, socialist and communist never relinquish their stranglehold on power even long after they’ve destroyed their host country.

Are American Marxists any different? And can they be defeated without bloodshed?

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I think we can absolutely defeat them through normal politics.

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The US election system operates under the Stalin system of “it’s not who votes that counts, it’s who counts the votes who counts “. This negates normal politics.

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Socialists and communists in other countries, when they are successful, overthrow/replace totally corrupt regimes with promises that, of course, never materialize. The American Marxists are trying to replace the most successful, prosperous and fundamentally fair (slavery excepted) society in history. Until now, the vast American public is either asleep or not paying attention. When they wake up and focus upon what is happening, if it is not too late, they will crush those Marxists like a bug. Unfortunately, it may be too late.

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Remember, we outlawed slavery well over 150 years ago.

The problem that I see is that our 'education system' from kindergarten through post-grad schools seems to have been totally corrupted by the left. Millions of students are being indoctrinated instead of educated. It will be nearly impossible to have a permanent fix if the schools are not radically changed.

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The real problem in America is that most people find contentment in identifying the problem and not being a bravely active part of solutions within their families, communities, businesses and governments.

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I predict bloodshed will be the only way to defeat the Marxists.

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Just as ever man is defined by his choices, as long as I am above room temperature, it’s not too late.

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What other strategies are being employed to destroy, disrupt, and disable DEI and the hate groups that support this toxic perspective??

In addition, are any groups being formed that legitimately represent European citizens without having what could be considered element of racism embedded in its core values and practices?

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Scroll through my articles—we are abolishing DEI in state after state.

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Where is Colorado on your list? Come soon.

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Success taste good😎

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We passed legislation to prohibit DEI in state funded schools. They just changed the name of the program at first but then once the jig was up, started getting rid of the personnel. I don’t know the full status of it in Texas at this point but it seems these universities think nothing of just ignoring law.

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And we all know what should be done with cockroaches 😆

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Leftist will be leftist like cockroaches will be cockroaches ☠️

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Should you speak out against the leftist agenda you WILL be called not only racist but many other names also.

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Not only has this happened to me countless times already, I’ve already lost jobs, and so called friends and family over this!! I could give a FUCK about their labels😂☠️

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And that’s the problem with white Americans!! Scared to lose anything accept their souls and honor!! 😂

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Hello Chris, I live in Germany and found that almost everything you said about K 12 school indoctrination also happens in German schools (private and public). What can I as a father, oppose this without getting me and my son in trouble?

Secondly, I am asian (from India) and there are many Asian people who could support a conservative movement. Could you support our religions (Buddhism and Hinduism) and place them as equals to Christian Theology? At least show some support for these religions?

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Could you talk a little bit about how you became the thought-leader you are today, who your influences/mentors were and how you chose your path in life?

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I do understand it’s the ‘madness of crowds’, but there’s no antidote to this mind virus. It seems to be an ideological cult that needs to be seared.

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It goes in waves. We will get through it.

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Will the Trump verdicts be appealed to a state court or a federal court? Who sits on that appellate court? Are they all Dems?

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The current case is a state case. We'll see, but the immediate appeals will be very difficult.

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As an immigrant I am bewildered that this country allows and encourages the practice of hyphenated Americans. We have White Americans, Black Americans, Asian Americans, Fay Americans. I this practice was limited to census or demographic data, fine.

Unfortunately it is used for arguments that some categories are victims and the others oppressors. Sponsors of this practice are gravediggers of history and authors of fictionalized history ( 1619 Chronicles).

Teddy Roosevelt a century ago advocated the elimination of hyphenated American usage and the adoption of American to all legal citizens. Do we have to wait another century?

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I don't think they're going away anytime soon. Too much invested in their usage.

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Does anyone know what and who is behind the destruction of the British culture? Who has led this ideology of destruction and what will they get from it?

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What issue should mainstream conservatives "give up on", as in, a losing battle, which is needlessly spending political capital we don't have, and could be spent on more 80/20 issues?

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I think most time should be spent on 70/30+ issues. It's hard enough to get Republicans to act on those; the others are even more difficult.

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What now!? ( I know, not a very good question, but I’m speechless right now!) the corruption is rampant, the media is complicit, the ‘ American people,’ in fact cannot/ do not, understand what is at stake! I will vote for the Republican candidate, but the current candidate needs to move on, he is participating in a constitutional crisis and he is insisting on dragging all of us thru a very high risk, unreasonably risky, candidacy and an election that threatens our existence.

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Trump has to win. Then we get to work.

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If we let the Dems disqualify candidates with their kangaroo courts, they will keep doing it.

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Seems the fastest growing political parties in my area are Socialist. Our city council is now about 50% Socialist.

What is a good name or term to rally around to create opposition? Anti-Socialist just does not have the right ring to it. Patriot has a connotation that would deter non-socialist democrats.

Any suggestions?

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Look at what's happening in Seattle, for example, where centrists are defeating hard-left candidates.

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How about the "Opposed to Idiocracy" party?

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May 31·edited May 31

Should Trump win the election, what would be the blueprint to drain the swamp and to reduce depolarization?

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At the same time as the values and ideas of Western democratic societies gained ground, so did the parallel growth of central planning and the welfare state. The Cassandra metaphor started being applied to those who foresaw the clash, prophesized disaster, but were not listened to. Writers were easily dismissed. This was because, in the words of Herbert Marcuse, “the long march through the institutions” proceeded systematically and incrementally by “working against the established institutions while working in them”.

We how have a new breed of reformers who are being listened to and who are leaning on political methods to cleanse institutional decay. Thankfully. One such Cassandra from the past worth noting was John Holt (a leader from the home education movement of the 80s), who perceiving a meanness and totalitarianism in the ed reform movement said: “Today freedom has different enemies. It must be fought for in different ways. It will take very different qualities of mind and heart to save it.”

I see current work by people like Christopher Rufo as applying the “qualities of mind and heart” that are helping save our sanity and freedom.

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I just read about an incident at New College in Florida: https://www.jewishpress.com/news/on-campus/degrees-held-from-hamas-supporting-students-who-jeered-billionaire-joe-ricketts/2024/05/30/

I thought this nonsense had stopped.

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It takes time. There are still some students who entered under the previous administration. But those who disrupt speakers will face significant punishment.

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Love your work, Chris.

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The State of Michigan now requires three hours of Implicit Bias Training for most all licensed health care professionals. This is required for all initial licensing as well as all renewals. It seems to me to be a violation of the first amendment to require “training” on a topic not directly related to professional competence. What if any recourse does an individual have to oppose this state mandated ideology?

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Elect better leaders. It's not illegal to require bias training; it's just bad policy.

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I have hazy recollections of the Bakke affirmative action case in CA in the 70's. I thought that Bakke had won that case - he had suffered reverse discrimination as a white man. How did that case influence our current affirmative action/DEI environment? Was it pivotal in some way? Are similar cases gaining more traction now?

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We are building up cases that, I hope, will eventually outlaw all forms of affirmative action.

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Jeffrey Asher

Teacher of Humanities, Retired Ottawa Ontario Canada jnasher@rogers.com

Mr. Rufo,

Thank you for your insightful, “America’s Cultural Revolution”. I have given copies to two acquaintances and more will follow.

Please offer more evidence on successful measures for, “ … the return of natural rights, the Constitution and the dignity of the individual.” (p.280)

Along with other readers’ comments, I was disappointed that you did not offer a critique of radical feminism, which evolved from doctrinaire Marxism. You so characterize the invective of Angela Davis (p.102). Feminists denounced the male half of the human race as inherently abusive and exploitive. Feminists continue to undermine the family. Feminist corrosive politics continue to undermine Western culture.

I invested 14 years in my course, “Men’s Lives” to rebut feminists’ misandry. Over 2/3 of my students were bright young women, who had their fill of feminist antagonism. The sisterhood eventually contrived to force my early retirement.

In 1973, I was one of the first fathers awarded residential custody of a minor (3 year old) daughter. Few fathers have since similarly challenged pervasive feminist jurisprudence.

On your p.115, you write: “The radicals … wanted to create a world … abolishing … the constraints of human nature itself.” Among those restraints and benefits is inherited mental capacity, or IQ, which remains among the most denounced of scientific evidence.

Feminist employment equity claims are founded in an apparently democratic demand for at least 50% proportionality - but only in attractive and remunerative careers.

Although the IQ sex gap appears trivial at the IQ mean of 100 at 5 points, that is usually evident in ordinary performance and conversation. At IQ=115, women comprise less than 15%, at IQ=130 (σ+2SD) women comprise less than 3% of those who achieve excellence. Excellence in STEM includes few women.

Mention of the sex IQ disparity requires caution in almost every home and employment and offering statistical evidence may lead to severe consequences.


Richard Lynn: Sex Differences in Intelligence, 2021 Arktos Media




Race disparities in IQ are well documented for over a half century. Asians score and achieve at IQ>109. As do Ashkenazi Jews, which may partially account for over two millennia of persecution.

USA Blacks consistently score IQ85 as their mean, with decreasing σ, SD proportions on their bell curve. USA Blacks obviously show achievement and wealth in entertainment and athletics. But few have shown intellectual achievement as Robert Sowell, Thurgood Marshall or Clarence Thomas.

Post ’colonial’ independence in sub-Sahara Africa is characterized by declining social quality and political instability, including The Union of South Africa. Lower IQ levels also correlate with increasing psychopathy.

See; Richard Lynn: “Race Differences in Psychopathic Personality” Washington Summit 2019



What policies should a rational and compassionate society offer to advance such, “ … constraints of human nature itself”? Equal and enhanced education and career opportunities should be offered to those eager to achieve. The greater society should also be protected from psychopathic abuse from those unable to control their behaviour, by the forces of law and order.

Jeffrey Asher

—- —- —-

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My question: Can you link me up with any important contact in South Carolina that could assist me in networking, influence education advisory boards or committees, publish my essay, or mobilize grassroots efforts to fight CRT? I'm willing to do the work for my masters and doctorates, I just need to be pointed in the right direction for support. Can you advise?

I'm a state certified in history and math.

I earned teaching degree while exposing issues in USC's teacher preparation program.

I spearheaded lawsuit to remove CRT from school district with the South Carolina Freedom Caucus.

I worked with Fox News to remove USC's "anti-racist" mission statement from their education website.

I've retained materials from a Marxist-leaning teacher training program.

I've successfully completed 27 Hillsdale online courses.

I've drafted a 60-page academic essay on "culturally relevant" pedagogy, potentially guiding new legislation.

I'm an Iranian-American, married to an African-American, with two young children.

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How does collecting the testicles of young boys count as "fertility preservation"? One of the authors of the above study who calls himself Candace Granberg is a urologist at the Mayo Clinic and also claims the gender identity introduced by WPATH in its last Standards of Care (SOC 8): "Eunich." He is a member of WPATH and is seen in the video leaked to Shellenberger et. al. in the WPATH files. Did you know there were men with castration fetishes? Please see Gluck's work at Reduxx.info.

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