Can't wait to read it. There are too many parallels between the Chinese Cultural Revolution and the American Woke Revolution. Here is an interview with my father, who has lived through both: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/cultural-revolution-podcast-father#details

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Jun 8, 2023Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

It will be part of our reading in this home immediately ! Keep up the pace ! It’s effective! It’s common knowledge Japan mistakenly woke a giant at Pearl Harbor. That same giant await another awakening from which moment leftist WOKE takeovers will be recognized for the destructive fringe it is. The sooner the people understand the dangers the sooner a true awakening pulverizes the biggest enemy America ever faced - the enemy within. The tyranny of Woke America. Congratulations on leading the way .

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Jun 8, 2023Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

I'm excited to read it! I was hoping you would write a book that encompasses your work. You have been important to me for guiding me through the cultural and political shift we've been experiencing. Thank you.

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1. Done.

2. My twitter address: @tommasodi_di

Given that you were the impetus - or final impetus - for this, please "follow." This will make you the second "follower" - a twitter-appropriate sort of honor, given that my first was a "bot" purveying sexual perversions in exchange for credit card information...we really must maintain our sense of humor in all of this (my wife and my Confessor found this very funny, given my semi-ascetic habits and somewhat esoteric interests) - though "civilizational collapse can be funny" perhaps overstates things a bit.

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Jun 8, 2023Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

Ordered!!....Thanks for your perseverance in the face of this extremely difficult challenge....Thanks to you & others I am learning how to fight back against this truly evil & destructive suite of ideologies!!!...NOW is the time to speak up!!

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Jun 8, 2023Liked by Christopher F. Rufo


I ordered three for three different households. I hope it's a best seller.

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Jun 8, 2023Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

Other than the push to buy through amazon, I look forward to reading it. Strange how in order to educate, we seem captured by the mega corporations that profit the most from these destructive ideologies.

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Jun 8, 2023Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

I'm buying it. Christopher Rufo is an intellect and teacher of the first rank. They can call him a polemist, but he uses facts to make his points.

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Jun 8, 2023Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

Pre-ordered and can't wait to read it!!

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Jun 8, 2023Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

Looks like a great book. Is there a chapter on Howard Zinn?

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If you haven't already, try Debunking Howard Zinn by Mary Grabar. It'll get your blood boiling...


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I have read excerpts-Zinn and Marcuse both deserve to be considered in any book on the long march of the left

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Jun 8, 2023Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

Heck yeah can't wait to read it.

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Does the book cover the 68 Paris protests or is it focused primarily on the US? I'm really interested in parallels between 68 and what was revealed here in 2020.

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The US, mostly.

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Thanks! Do you know of anything interesting on those Paris protests?

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With Patrick Buchanan doing less it is important for Christopher to expose this indisious transformation of our country.

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Ordered the audiobook! I don't read conservative books of complaint. My attention goes to those constructing alternatives to the far Left's Long March across media content, culture, and the professions. It will be interesting to learn how Mr. Rufo's cultural history overlaps with my experience of past decades, and more so to hear his roadmap for counter-revolution.

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Rightfully wearing that quote by The Atlantic as a badge! 😆

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Look forward to reading it! On a side note, I was going to take my daughter to a local amusement park today (Six Flags Discovery Kingdom). I went online to purchase tickets and noticed that today is PRIDE Day at the park. Had to disappoint my daughter and cancel the plans. While any good parent can relate to the feeling of disappointing your child (yes she’s upset), every parent should refuse to support events (and the companies that support them) that promote this new age Marxism propaganda.


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