Many accolades and thanks to you for rebutting MSNBC. As often as possible influential spokesmen, such as yourself, should speak up and expose the media for the vile institution it has become.

And another heartfelt thank you for holding firm to the proper role of university academics. New College is the perfect start to the reclamation of higher education.

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New College, UATX, Hillsdale, and St John’s are the new standard. Meanwhile, the DIEvy league accelerates its descent into demoralization: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-get-into-harvard-part-3

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Your use of the term "demoralization" is both broad and precise. Yes.

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Yuri is a great writer and has his finger on the pulse of "all things current". If you aren't subscribed, I highly recommend his substack!

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Sep 2, 2023Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

This is what happens when activists pose as teachers/professors and exploit students to advance the revolution.

The radicals buttress the Democrat Party in exchange for indoctrination privileges. Most often, this is achieved through the faculty union, and other times, faculty are directly connected to external activist organizations.

Some faculty unions are old school and want to indoctrinate with class warfare. Other faculty unions push identity politics. Unions like that don’t care about students. They use them to advance a political agenda.

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I LOVE what is happening at New College-basically a model similar to Hillsdale. So sad that a huge portion of this country will listen to the lies from MSNBC and other media outlets and do no further research ( hard to find if you don’t know where to look). So glad Chris Rufo is involved! De Santis was genius to involve you. DeSantis for President in 2024!

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While Hillsdale is a model, if I am not mistaken, it is fundamentally different from what is going on in Florida. Hillsdale takes no public funds and so has no strings attached. What's happening in Florida is radically different. Ideologically, they're in the same neighborhood, but in structure. The public university in Florida is THE model itself. More power to them!

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Florida is leading the way in bringing actual inquiry and analysis back into its educational institutions.

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Sep 2, 2023Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

i have nowhere else to turn but to this substack of Rufo's ,as everyone i know seemingly swallows MSNBC (and CNN) completely whole!

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Sep 2, 2023Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

I love Rufo...and if you like this, check out Jeff Childers Coffee and Covid stack...it’s about a LOT more than Covid 💕.

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WhoisRobertMalone. Is another excellent source of great info. Some science. And Epoch times. So so Grateful to Christopher Rufo!,,

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Sep 2, 2023Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

Truth is not a left wing value. The truth destroys their narratives, therefore, the truth must be ignored.

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Sep 2, 2023Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

Truth is a white-supremacist homophobic patriarchal social construct.

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NO; it is a reality of humanity and something that will always win out. It is the only freeing noun you will ever know. Universally; past , present and future.

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I get the sarcasm.

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Sep 2, 2023·edited Sep 2, 2023

Is Harrity a man? Sure sounds like it. If so, please do not call him a young woman or use she/her. The truth matters, right?

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She is a biological woman.

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Thanks for the clarification. Appreciate it!

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I had the same confusion.

Don’t use their fantasy pronouns. It’s confusing to us in reality.

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I realize it's possible that this person actually is female, so correct me if I'm wrong. I hate that people ever started using wrong-sex pronouns. The lack of clarity is frustrating.

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Absolutely, thank you.

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I couldn't tell what sex that young person was, but what made me squirm was the way, after having spat and helped to cause chaos, the person doesn't seem to understand that there would be consequences.. as if some fundamental part of the process of reasoning had been absent, l wondered why her should be in higher education with such a mental incapacity.

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I'm guessing the word "dick" should be clarifying.

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Yes, that was what made me suspect he's a man, but people like this often shout things that don't make any sense when they get riled up

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Maybe she was talking about the fake "dick"-like lump of flesh that was constructed using muscle from her arm.

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The truth matters. Facts matter. Propaganda with hysterics is the mantra of the Democratic Party. It seems so obvious, and I am still amazed every day that so many do not recognize the manipulation.

I so admire what you are doing for America.

I admire DeSantis as well for his lazar focus on getting policies in place for his state. So often he refuses to get distracted by nonsense from mouthpieces spewing lies. It really is a sign of true leadership.

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If you notice, new additions to like tab aren't being allowed to increase; just another show of how the left is trying to control all narrative. C. Rufo you are a champion of truth & light- keep fighting & God bless you & your sincere effort to save our children & our American sanity. :)

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Sep 2, 2023Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

The MSNBC video is pure left-wing propaganda and outright lies. Be sure to reconsider everything you see on MSNBC as well as NPR, CNN, the New York Times, Washington Post and numerous other captured media. None of it can be believed. To neo-Marxist activists, the only truth is revolutionary truth--that which serves the revolution. There is no objective truth for those who support totalitarianism.

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My son received this racist invitation to a diversity program meant for recruitment from Grinnell College. Honestly, he’s received dozens of these, so I’m not just picking on this one college. Please open the link and note that the invitees include every demographic except for straight white children whose parents went to college. That is a pretty specific exclusion. I’m sure these colleges have no insight, but I am glad that Mr. Rufo is shining a light on these racists. Way to go to New College! It is a breath of fresh air in a stench filled world.

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My great grandfather attended Oberlin and became president of Grinnell at turn of the 20th century. Would turn in grave these days. My own grandfather ,also an "Obie" would yank his endowment so fast it would make the administrators' heads spin!

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Thank you!

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Sep 2, 2023Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

You are a hero to me. That there are such men as you working to correct the path we were on gives me hope. God bless you always.

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They will do everything in their power to stop you, Chris. You know this. Sadly, their track record is quite good... I'm nervous for you. I hope you carry a pistol at all times, along with pepper spray or some other non-lethal protection at all times. There are enough Antifa and BLM and Trans nutters out there who are violent enough to be a real threat to you. You can bet the Civil Rights Division of the DoJ is actively investigating you and the entire operation.

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Sep 2, 2023·edited Sep 2, 2023Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

When I converted to the Roman Faith, I read at the very beginning of the Catechism that it is our duty to say what we are, and that consequences are not a consideration in that duty. After knowing the warning Socrates gave about our duty to reenter the Cave to speak with fellow citizens about the truth - which then actually happened to him some years later - one realizes that living a life of real consequence is a very serious matter and cannot be without real risks.

The truth is always hated, it is true.

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I'm fighting back, step by step.

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If it wasn't for outright less, what would the left have?

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Half truths and suppression of relevant information

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Lies *

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🙂 Though you CAN edit your comments. Select the three dots to the right of "Reply".

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I know...I usually do, but this time, for some reason it wouldn't work.

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🙂 Substack is one of the better "social media" platforms, but still with more than a few rough edges. For examples:


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Rhetorical in form, true in content!

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Sep 3, 2023Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

I was invited by the governor in my state to sit on a committee overseeing all of higher education in the state. When I saw who else was on the committee, people from all kinds of nonsensical backgrounds like Women's Studies and Hispanic Studies and Black Studies and Gender Studies and Diversity Studies, I declined. I turned the governor's office down more than 10 times, actually. They wanted to clean up education, but of course everyone else on the committee wanted to make education in the state worse. If I disagreed with any of them, I would have been tarred and feathered. Without any power to enact reform, I would be wasting my time and putting my life and safety at risk. I am glad I turned this opportunity down.

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I'm thinking if they really wanted to clean up education, they would not have had those kind of people on the board.

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Yes, but you have to understand that politicians and the general public are somewhat dazzled by the nonsense spewed by these characters, and the general illusion of "learning" and expertise. As a scientist, I know they are fools and frauds. But if I have no power, then there is nothing I can do.

I have turned down faculty positions for the same reason at a variety of institutions. The institution is floundering, or the department is in sharp decline. They want to bring someone new in to "clean things up". However, as a junior person, subject to all the wiles and demands of assorted idiots in power, this will never happen.

They are positively shocked when I do not accept their offers. But, a lot of these situations will be disastrous, in all likelihood. I have friends with faculty positions at a variety of institutions, and being a faculty member in the current climate is often pretty much akin to a nightmare. And so, in fields where someone with a solid background has options, it becomes increasingly difficult to get someone to accept a position.

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"Yes, but you have to understand that politicians and the general public are somewhat dazzled by the nonsense spewed by these characters, and the general illusion of "learning" and expertise."

I think the days of the general public being dazzled by a CV are going away. Politicians can, IF that person holds The Correct position (ie one they hold).

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Sep 6, 2023·edited Sep 6, 2023

Yes, possibly. For example, I know that climate "experts" and virology "experts" and gender "experts" and DEI "experts" and the like have had very large and negative impacts on the public's impression of "experts".

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Michael Crichton Warned about this in 05


"Fortunately, we can learn to manage complex systems. There are people who have studied how to do it and know how to do it. But it does take humility, and with that, something very important, the ability to admit that we’re wrong and to change course.

If you manage a complex system, you will frequently, if not always, be wrong. You have to backtrack. You have to acknowledge error. You probably learned that with your children, or if you don’t have children, with your bosses.

And one other thing. We have to not be afraid. Fear may produce a television audience, it may generate cash for an advocacy group, but fear paralyzes us. It freezes us. And we really need to put that behind us as we move into a new era of managing complexity, because, look."



He's talking bout Climate Change but it applies to so many areas.

Look at Covid. To listen to the news you would think this was the Black Death.

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These fear-inducing situations are being dishonestly exploited and manipulated to destroy our civilization and our system of government and our freedoms.

On the plus side, the masks are now off. We know what the progressive project is, we know what the globalist project is, we know what "The Great Reset" is, we know what the "New World Order" is, we know what the goals are and what these elite elements have planned for us. This sounds like a conspiracy theory of course, but too much of it has now been confirmed to leave much doubt. This is a horrendous as Islamism and Global Communism and Fascism and similar ideologies.

I never thought I would see anything like this in my life. It is astounding and terrifying. But, we have to meet the threat and be stalwart and strong.

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This school is on the list of schools I will support my children attending. It’s a very very small list.

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I rarely watch MSNBC but saw their coverage on Rudy Giuliani this week and couldn’t believe the bias. I just want facts in news reporting not a sermon.

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you didnt hear, They're all Preachers now!🤣

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The idea that they are no longer respected among the respectable bears some truth, but they have a tabloid sort of public influence, and that matters for political results. They work to "activate" a certain sort of person.

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