This is what DEI and CRT breeds namely professors and who professionals who thinks that any ends justify the means because of their lack of ability to get a job or promotion on the basis of merit

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It's far worse than that. Affronting the DEI racketeers by having the temerity to hire the best-qualified candidates—even in jobs where lives and properties hang in the balance, like state forestry/fire dept positions—is now a fireable/suspendable offense •_______•

cf. https://nypost.com/2024/10/14/us-news/top-oregon-official-put-on-leave-for-allegedly-prioritizing-qualified-job-candidates-over-gender-identity/

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Fantastic link!

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Wish these stories would go back to being fantastic in the old-faahiomed sense of the word •_____•

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Terminate the hack in charge… he or she does not deserve to be working above their natural level of burger-flipper.

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This is totally shocking! I never would have guessed. She is even less authentic than Hillary, which is quite an accomplishment. 😁

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It's an emperor's new clothes moment. People are afraid to state the obvious: boy she's really dumb!

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Your emperor's clothes emanate a foul odor. He just had to go online to try to dispel rumors he routinely soils himself.

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It's the Harris trifecta - lazy, stupid and incompetent!

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LOL your boy can barely make it through a sentence without wildly diverting to some random other topic. He never showed up to work earlier than 11 AM and he thinks people need ID to purchase groceries. He marveled recently that Cheerios were still on the market. But sure, he's the GREATEST to have ever served LOLOLOL

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The misrendering of a 24% decrease in ARRESTS for a certain crime (here, illegal vending) as though it were a 24% decrease in the criminal activity itself is a perfect capsule summary of exactly how pro-crime DAs like Chesa Boudin and George Gascón and their flunkies claimed that crime went down on their watch.

BTW, Mr. Rufo, you probably know this but just in case you don't—the same Chesa Boudin who was so incompetent that S.F. voters recalled him (how disastrous do you have to be to get recalled in SAN FRANCISCO as a fauxgressive Democrat?) has duly fallen upward into heading the new Criminal Law & Justice Center at UC Berkeley. ((shudders))

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Wow. Just when I believed Berkeley couldn't fall further into the abyss.

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YIKES! Who supports the new Criminal Law &Justice Center at UC Berkeley? Could be helpful to know who is working so hard to destroy our Justice system.

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5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

I've been meaning to try and dig up that info—funding sources, chartered purpose(s), etc—but I haven't done so yet.

Considering they've got "zealous advocacy" up in lights on the landing/home page, though (I'm so old I remember when universities at least posed as higher learning and research institutions), this road leads nowhere worth going.

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Thank you for your comment--without wasting a lot of time, finding some of the major funding sources could be most enlightening...Wonder if foreign entities or some "interesting" PACs are included?

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They should have named it for Rose Bird and called it the Lawless Injustice Center.

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The libtards won't get get your reference...but I greatly appreciate it!

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Call me unsurprised. Your work on plagarism and the so-called elite is outstanding.

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It’s plainly obvious the rules are (D)ifferent for her.

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Another example of the moral, intellectual, and spiritual shallowness, no, emptiness of the left. In Kamala’s case in particular, it shows extreme laziness that is born out of her, and give her credit where credit is due, ability to take advantage of DEI. If she “wins” the (s)election it will be a glorious victory not for her but for the demonic deep state. She is merely a pawn to be taken advantage of.

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The demonic deep state -- a pathocracy run by Psychopaths.

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An individual with low self-esteem, a low IQ, and a history of taking the easy way forward rather than doing the work is certainly no surprise when they're also found to be a plagiarist. Her "unencumbered by the what went before" is from Mao. Maybe she and Tim have more than stupidity in common?

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6 hrs ago·edited 6 hrs ago

Kamala's father, Prof. Donald Harris, is a self-avowed Communist. Would not surprise me if she is too.

Walz? Very fishy that he spent so much time in Communist China. Was he brainwashed by them, perhaps without his knowledge? They have many experts there in this cognitive technique. Personally, I think they target Western businessmen and diplomats. Just like Reverend Moon used to target fresh-faced American kids in the 70s, for his cult...though they had no idea they were being brainwashed.

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The surprise factor on Kamablah plagiarizing is exactly 0.0000%.

I'm glad Mr. Weber found it.

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Well, then, she has been a good match for the notorious plagiarist Joseph R. Biden.

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As a DEI hire, continuously failing upwards, are we to be that surprised?

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Junk academia, junk degrees, junk research. A golden American intellectual age is OVER and the not-best and not-brightest will lead us. To where?

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Hell, if we let them. I would prefer to let God sort them out.

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I saw someone online, and I wish I could recall who and on which platform so that I may credit him properly, call her bereft of substance. That pretty much encapsulates everything about her.

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One of Trump's mistakes.....

Much of the time, Melania cannot even seem to manage a pleasant demeanour in her role as political wife or First Lady. For all the good fortune she has had, her gratitude seems nil.

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Whoa!! Now I can see what your alias “A” is for! Next time you’re looking for an anonymous handle, try “C”! It’s more fitting.

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Something wrong with you, my friend?

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A, whatever nastiness you read into my post is all on you, dear. Again, Melania is not the subject here.

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In my posts, the subject is whatever I decide.

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She’s pro abortion…and you are defending her?!?

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Melania is always showing gratitude for this country and her success... Here's a youtube video: "Melania Trump Shares Gratitude for Global Support During Her Grief."


OMG to bring her up lol. It's HIS private life, HIS choice


What do you think of Hillary's pleasant demeanor LMAO

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To bring her up? Right now, Melania is flogging her personal memoir, my dear. Seems that she is the one seeking attention and wishing to spill the beans. But no one is allowed to comment on that, according to you?

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I am a supporter of Donald Trump. Which you seem to have made a mistake about. Watch your language too. Civil discourse, please.

It's HIS private life? No...it is his highly public political role, which he chose. She might behave decently and support him. Marriage, you know? Or are you WOKE?

Boy oh boy...the nastiness that comes out from some commenters when they make errors about what other commenters are saying.

Hillary? She is Cluster-B and foul, in my estimation.

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3 hrs ago·edited 3 hrs ago

Is Melania an elected public official? Is she running for President? No? Her perceived reluctance to speak publicly or in any capacity that can be leaked to the media, is because of the 110% certainty that she will be mocked, ridiculed, and her tone or words distorted. She has spoken and written of her gratitude over many blessings, but, you know how the media machine works against anyone associated with Trump.

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3 hrs ago·edited 3 hrs ago

So...uh...why are you slandering me? Pot calling the kettle black?

She won't date me? I won't date her, either. I am a heterosexual woman. A non-feminist, too. You got it all wrong. I tend to go for brains and morals anyway. Melania's not my type. 😂

Melania has had enormous good fortune in life. She might give back something to the American people by putting some oomph into her role as Donald Trump's wife. No one forced her to marry him, as far as I know. Marriage is based on mutual support, don'tcha know.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it!

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All Democrats lie, obfuscate, and cheat if they are not checked and revealed. Mr Rufo has once again done a masterful job of journalism.

Harris has NO business anywhere near the presidency since she is the poster child for DEI and is a hollow shell of a person. Nov 5 can’t come soon enough.

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Do you really believe she would allow the election to take place?

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Heels Up should go work at an Ivy League school. Her incompetence and upward failure is a symptom of DEI/CRT

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She will never be asked about this and never respond.

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Cry harder.

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Why is anyone shocked by this. It’s so obvious that Harris is a Fraud as well as a fool. Her only talent was in bedding Willie Brown who then proceeded to keep her as a mistress giving her jobs that paid six figure incomes for part time work and not actually showing up to do the work.

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