The Stasi and Cheka would be proud. Deborah Archer is the CEO of the ACLU. She won awards for an article called: White Men’s Roads Through Black Men’s Homes’: Advancing Racial Equity Through Highway Reconstruction”

I’m sure she’s not a biased leftist activist ;)

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They want to scare people from leaking to right-wing journalists. Leaks are an important part of exposing their corruption and malfeasance to the sunshine.

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all these people....are somehow the SAME PEOPLE

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Progressives *know* that blacks are too dumb to get drivers' licenses. Or register to vote.

The soft bigotry of low expectations, launched by The Great Society (t.m.reg.) and still wreaking havoc across the fruited plain.

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One thing I know without a doubt. Since 2020 my eyes have been opened to the utter chaos and darkness that our country has fallen into.

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Mine, too, thanks to Christopher Rufo. He’s a sledgehammer against woke ideology. Chris, keep hammering. Looking forward to seeing what’s to come from New College. And call Dershowitz. I’m sure he’d love to represent you against the DEFUNCT ACLU.

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Yes, he understands that ACLU is awful.

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ACLU delenda est!

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He's a bulldog.

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Perhaps find some much needed Solace in knowing you are among friends and allies here. Buckle in Alice, this is gonna get more turbulent....

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The name of that chaos and darkness is Marxism. I discuss how cultural marketing techniques have been used to sell Marxism to Americans in today's article "National Swindle" at https://2026.substack.com/p/national-swindle

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The ACLU is just another arm of the corrupt Democrat Party.

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And becoming more hypocritical about it every day.

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And has been so some time.

Would be amazing to see Rico fully expose them for more to see though.

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I'm old enough to remember when the ACLU was wrong-headed but principled.

Now they are just evil.

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It makes me wonder whether they were this way all along. Some have suggested as much.

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Wasn’t the ACLU founder, Roger Baldwin, a Soviet stooge?

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Maybe he was at one time. It's complicated. FWIW, here's what wikipedia says:

In St. Louis, Baldwin had been greatly influenced by the radical social movement of the anarchist Emma Goldman. He joined the Industrial Workers of the World. Roger Baldwin oversaw, documented and supplied funding for a large number of defense cases for I.W.W. members and investigations throughout the United States. A fully accessible archive of his correspondence with I.W.W branches, investigators and attorneys has been published by Princeton's Mudd Manuscript Library.

In 1927, he had visited the Soviet Union and wrote a book, Liberty Under the Soviets. Later, however, as more and more information came out about Joseph Stalin's regime in the Soviet Union, Baldwin became more and more disillusioned with communism and in 1953 called it "A NEW SLAVERY" (capitalized in the original). He condemned "the inhuman communist police state tyranny, forced labor." In the 1940s, Baldwin led the campaign to purge the ACLU of Communist Party members.

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Skokie was a high point; it wouldn’t dare to repeat that bravery today for fear of losing its seat at the progressive table.

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I think this is going too far. They have defended Nazis, the KKK, and are currently defending the NRA. There must be some principled people at work. Unfortunately, nowadays they seem to be few and far between.

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I've come to the conclusion that all my inputs were corrupted prior to ~2016. It may well be the case they always were evil.

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Whatever you may say about their foolishness of defending the civil liberties of people whom would send them to forced labor camps in a heartbeat should they have attained power, it at least showed they took freedom of expression for everybody as a core value. Shit like this is just blatant partisan hackery, showing they have no values at all beyond advancing wokerista politics.

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It's a case of Conquest's (or O'Sullivan's) Law: "Any organization not explicitly and constitutionally right-wing will sooner or later become left-wing."

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America is proving that wrong

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How so??

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The Constitution doesn’t seem to be working as intended.

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How so?

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Exactly. I'm horrified by what they've become. They used to stand up for their principles even when the case was unpopular. There are no more principles, only an agenda.

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For years we’ve watched the ACLU stray from their original noble intentions to become a biased agent of the power elite. Please fight like hell to expose them and shut them down through any uncorrupted legal means that remains.

I just subscribed to your substack, less for the content, which I appreciate; but more to give you a very small amount of financial support and an even greater amount of moral support to keep up the good fight. Go get em, Chris

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costs money to fight like hell.

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I think you have grounds for a civil RICO lawsuit. Your journalism and related work is your career and the source of your financial survival. The ACLU is trying to deprive you of that through a multi-channel strategy that amounts to racketeering.

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I’ve been a paid subscriber for a while now and don’t regret it in the least! It’s worth the 8 bucks a month( which is cheap by the way) to help Christopher stand up for our rights as white Americans! The work he’s doing is invaluable and extremely important!

To anyone who hasn’t subscribed, I know times are difficult right now! But if leftists had their way, all white Americans would be killed or imprisoned! If you think that is an exaggeration, just go back and read history where similar persecutions have occurred in a society! It never ended well! Especially with those that are Jewish! Whites are the leftists new JEW! Fight back white America! Stop being scared!

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David, although I do not take blacks off the hook for their responsibility in our country's woes, and their own claims of victimhood and lack of Introspection, I put the blame squarely on leftist ideology -- perpetuated mostly by the white leftist elite - the privileged class who finances DAs who think you help the poor by legalizing theft. Who finance the trans movement and trans mutilation of children. Who finance NGOs that bring illegals into our country. Yes, blacks take part in leftism, but they are not the force behind leftism. In many ways, they, like other poor people, are its victim -- whether blacks realize it is another story.

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First off, thanks for responding with a reasonable amount of respect. I appreciate that. And I will do the same. You are right about the fact that white libs/commies are driving the black commie narrative. Many blacks as well as poor ignorant whites are pawns in their gradual hostile takeover of the United States. They are useful idiots. But black communist have been using rich, white libs and manipulated their “guilt” to their own advantage. I don’t blame my enemies for having smart tactics, I expect it! But white people around the country, in unison, needs to cast off the psychological shackles they been tied down with and stand up for themselves against black tyranny! If not, America is nothing more than a microcosm of South Africa. As far as the white libs go, they’re more reprehensible than their black counterparts! They sicken me with their narratives! And they don’t get a free pass for what they’re doing! I’m not excusing them for hating their own race and undermining the very country that made them rich in the first place.! But if there’s a civil war because of what they’re doing, I’ll aim for their heads first, and sleep like a baby that same night😴

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Well said. I just hope it never comes to that. 🙏

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Show me where blacks kidnapped 15 million whites for slavery to the new world which mal-distributed massive generational wealth and power to blacks. Were there 4 million white slaves owned by blacks in America? Did blacks create Jim Crow (apartheid) in which over 5,000 whites were lynched by blacks? Put down the meth pipe!

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Blacks kidnapped all of the black slave who were sold to slave traders, who then took most of them to South America, the Caribbean and the Middle East. Jim Crow was created by Democrats who also lynched blacks and white Republicans

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Dude, well said and great point!

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I strongly encourage you to read the book, "The Long Southern Strategy: How Chasing White Voters in the South Changed American Politics" by Angie Maxwell and Todd Shields. In 1948, Diexicrats (anti-civil rights struggle) started switching to the Republican Party. During FDR, blacks began switching to the Democratic Party because the New Deal benefitted them. More blacks switched over to the Democratic Party when JFK ran against Richard Nixon who supported states rights. Nixon began using the Southern strategy to get the dixiecrats to vote Republican. Nixon also started the drug war against blacks to disrupt their communities-- well documented. However, JFK won the election for president. In 1958, Hubert Humphrey (D) strongly pushed for civil rights which greatly pissed off the white racist Southern Democrats (diexcrats). Goldwater (R) who ran against LBJ was anti-civil rights and pro states rights. Goldwater used racial code words to attract white southern voters. Reagan used racial coding to win the presidency.The GOP has increasingly become anti-black doing the same sing and dance. Now, it's Trumpism. White extremist groups such as the alt-right (Richard Spencer), Klan (David Duke), and neo-nazi groups supported Trump's first presidency.They thought he was the catalyst to mainstream white white fascism and nationalism. Trump did use white identity politics to create his base (Mexicans are racist...). I currently live in the deep South where Confederates flags fly alongside *vote for Trump signs*. The GOP is no longer the radical party of Lincoln which created Reconstruction, the 1866 Civil Rights Act, 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments. However, these actions had no teeth until the 1960s Acts. Civil Rights Plessy v Ferguson near the end of 1800s created Jim Crow which last for 80 years. LBJ, with black political pressure, advocated for and signed the 1964 Civil Rights Act, 1965 Voting Rights Act, and 1968 Fair Housing Act. The Supreme Court under conservative John Roberts gutted critical parts of the Voting Rights Act. Since then, red states have been on a mission to suppress minority votes and create racist Gerrymandering to suppress black representation. Whites are increasingly becoming a minority with the right-wing setting up fellacious systems to protect their power. If Trump is elected president, it will be downward spiral of this country. Trump wants to become another Putin with the help of white extremist sycophants. The 1964 Civil Rights Act is under great threat. A white neo-conservative writer and journalist named Christopher Cauldwell wrote a very chilling book, "The Age of Entitlement: America Since the Sixties." According to Caudwell, the 1960s Civil Rights Acts are unconstitutional, oppressing white people. Bottomline: Caudwell prefers that America return to the Jim Crow era wherein whites can do what the want to do with impunity. The book is manifesto and blue print to dismantle Civil Rights.

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David, so you are saying there was and are racists. Duh. Always will. But here is a fact. A person's attitude and their personal beliefs is far more important to their success than the existence of racists, their own intelligence, and government programs. We are only victims of the chains we place on ourselves.

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I never implied anything about a person’s personal beliefs, government programs etc. and never said anything about racist always existing or whatever you’re trying to say! What are you talking about bro?!

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Tried to back track on my message but what I wrote no longer has context.

Answer: I have no idea!

But if I were to reply to your last message I agree getting votes based on race is a strong dynamic -- which leads to policy changes which contributed to the realignment of voters. I also agree Trump looks for votes from blacks and, at the same time, from racists. Is it "code" words? Not sure. But policy-wise I do not think Trump is racist. Having said that, I do think he is a blowhard. I do not trust him to dismantle big government, detangle the left-wing corporation-government axis, or boot woke from Universities. He is, at best, a person to occupy the presidency so lefty-weirdos who might just start WW3 do not.

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The entire fucking slave trade involved Black Africans defeating rival tribes in wars then selling those slaves to other Black African kings who then sold them to European slave traders. There, I just showed you.

As for this never-ending bullshit of "massive generational wealth," there was NO generational wealth created by slavery because the Democrats had their slaves taken away by Republicans without compensation. There is also - separate from slavery - a reason for the phrase, rags to riches to rags in three generations.

Put down your obnoxious racism, you nasty fuck.

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Mar 8
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Black slavery in the Colonies also began as indentured servitude, the same as it was for whites. Chattel slavery had been forbidden in common law since the Norman conquest.

Slavery in North America was introduced through a series of disastrous court cases, most notably Casor vs. Johnson. Notably, both were black. Anthony Johnson had been bought from Portuguese slavers and indentured for the standard seven years, and then been granted land to make a living. He prospered, becoming wealthy. John Casor believed his term of servitude with Johnson had ended, and taken a paying job. Johnson sued him, and the court extended Casor's term of indenture to life!


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"white slaves in were called indentured servants"

White indentured servants usually worked through 7-year contracts and given up to 140 acres of free Indian land following the end of their contracts. Children of indentured servants were not born slaves. Whites were not subject to the increasing black codes. On the eve of the American Civil War, there were *4 million black slave* and 400 thousand semi-free blacks. BTW, educate yourself, *dummy* is ad hominem. And the Barbary Coast pirates didn't brutally rape my great-grandmother with impunity. The perpetrator was a Scots-Irishman.

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I am sorry to hear about your great-grandmother's ordeal, once which has been shared by billions of women throughout history. We all work towards a better world in which that does not happen again. No one can change the past, but we can all change the present and future.

Why don't you focus on that, instead of bitching and whining and accusing your superiors of being white supremacists without any evidence?

You are such an obnoxious asshole; I for one am not going to allow you to cast aspersions on my character without basis.

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Your grandpa trafficked heroin and prostitution on the East Coast, causing significant social harm. Superior? What's your net worth compared to mine? 😂🤣😅

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What I like most about the slavery argument is the numbers always changes and the mention of brutality is only put on whites! Like some how blacks are innocent lambs that never bothered anyone! Not all slaves that were black were treated badly like the black communist narrative would have you believe! As far as the indentured servants go, many whites were screwed over in their contracts and mistreated as well. That’s a fact! Slavery in any form is bad, which is why hundreds of thousands of whites died to free the slaves in the civil war. Not to mention the fact that ALL races at one time or another throughout history have been enslaved.

But that aside, white people have been amazing towards blacks in healing them with inventions like penicillin and the cure for polio which saved millions of blacks around the world throughout the decades. You don’t hear that though! Because too many leftist are too busy spewing their black commie narrative to bother to realize history! Whites have done far more for blacks than blacks have done for whites! The only racism that they see is in their imagination! So now all whites are bad because grandma allegedly got raped by an Irish prick. Seriously?!

Today, there’s no law that holds down any blacks anywhere?! But blacks have special rights and privileges no other race has! One is example is how they forcibly segregate themselves from whites then cry foul! The hypocrisy is astounding! They openly hate white people who never enslaved them in this generation nor had anything to do with Slavery yet it’s white Americans that have to be lectured on racism, like blacks were innocent some how of slavery! They were bigger perpetrators of slavery than whites were! As far as attacking that person’s character goes in your mention of ad hominem, he attacked mine first pal, so what did you say to him?! If anything?🤔must be another hypocrite hitting me up on here😂

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Arabs didn't create Jim Crow in America which was worst than slavery. Over 5,000 black men, women, and children were lynched with impunity. Men were castrated like animals. No due due process. Under Trump, the 1964 Civil Rights Act will gutted like the 1965 Voting Rights Act. Conservatism is anti-black as repeatedly illustrated.


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> Arabs didn't create Jim Crow in America

You should learn about the social system under Arab rule. Many groups were second class citizens.

> which was worst than slavery.

Are you nuts?

> Over 5,000 black men, women, and children were lynched with impunity.

Fewer Blacks were lynched throughout the whole Jim Crow era than are killed every year by their fellow Blacks these days.

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Hey Monty ;). Muted? Even here? Shame.

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“I want to make a statement directly to the ACLU’s lawyers: my office is open. Depose me anytime. But I won’t let you hide behind a Zoom screen. You will have to face me in person—in court, where I will expose your cynical game for the world to see.” Exciting. Sounds like pre-fight boxing, MMA or WWF talk. Look forward to the footage—if it ever happens. I have my money on Rufo, as a premium subscriber—$8 a month.

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Thank you for supporting my work.

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Brother, what choice do we have?

Supporting your work is the least we can do

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It’s my pleasure. And thank you for working to uphold and strengthen the First Amendment. Here’s a conversation starter: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion (including DEI) or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” Thoughts? Agreement? Improvements?


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I’d love to see Rufo take on that strange person involved in this chase for ACLU - “Chase Strangio” a trans person. They could sell tickets to the event. I’d buy a couple!

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That can't be his or her real name. "Strangio? Strange-io!

As if telling the truth in the teeth of the trans delusion and recounting the facts of the cultural revolution is somehow a "violation" of anyone's rights.

This is the sort of insanity that arises when you accept the idea of "hate speech." Sticks and stones, motherfucker!

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Indeed, Chase Strangio is its name. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chase_Strangio. It is the Deputy Director for Transgender Justice at the ACLU. Fancies itself a champion of "transgender rights". Claims malehood, though biologically a female. Apparently takes enough hormones to grow a creepy little mustache. Defended noted corrupt soldier Bradley Manning after Manning released secret info from his tour in the Army.

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all those hormones can give you cancer, let's hope it works.

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The Lord God already laid out His plan for transgender justice. Paul details it in Romans 1:18 - 27.

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Good call brother

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At 59, almost 60, years of age. I have watched so many so called 'civil rights' protectors become the antithesis of what they claim to do.

We live in upside down times. I hope we can right the ship.

We need an adversarial system to thrive and the people who USED to do that job and, unfortunately still have the reputation(WaPo, NYT, ACLU) are now 100% captured by the very people they need to be adversarial towards. There are very few 'hero' journos anymore....I count you among them, along with Matt Taibi, Michael Shellenberger, Glenn Greenwald and quasi journos like Russel Brand, Tucker Carlson, Greg Gutfeld.

No pressure here, but y'all need to get on with saving what little is left of our freedoms....just kidding.

I appreciate what you do and the fact that you are deep in the belly of the beast in Washington state makes it even MORE impressive.

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You're a white supremacist wanting old white America back again --- Jim Crow descrimination, intimidation and violence against blacks with impunity, keeo blacks impoverished and powerless, and no civil rights protections for a minority group who has been wronged for the pass 500 years. You want to restrict me being a shoeshine boy and my spouse as maid. I used to rescue weak and naive PROUD BOYS from Aryan Brotherhood prison gang rape during my 34-year career in the prison industrial complex. The other super predators usually got sloppy seconds. 🤣

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Everything is white supremacy to an obvious dumbass!! Suck on that you racist black turd!

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Jamerson, I suppose you are black and hate the anti-black rhetoric. I get it. I do not like it either. Smacks of ignorance. I would much rather be color-blind but, as a black man, you need to look at both sides. I have witnessed black-on-black crime. I have seen black racists. Blacks can be as stupid and as racist as whites. Can't blame white conservatives even if they include their share of people who mouth off. All of us have our hotheads and race-baiters. But the real racism today is white-superiority masked as compassion. The white lib who suddenly acts black when they see you. The white lib who thinks people must be forced to hire more blacks. White libs who think blacks need handouts (how demeaning and dustespectful). The white lib follows a double standard -- they think all blacks can do no wrong. They think innocent whites should compensate blacks for the actions of non-innocent whites before any of us were born. Who bring up slavery of whites against blacks so long ago without saying a peep about the current slavery in mauritius (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_in_Mauritania) which involves up to 500,000 people.

If you want to vent anger, act in the present, not the past. Channel your sense of righteousness against today's racism. Today's racists. The people who think you are not capable and need their generosity.

True funny story: A black begger in nice cloths approached me. A tall thin man, like me, about 6'4". He asked me for money. I said to him "why?" He said to me "because I am black," he said. I replied "Gimme a break." So he walked away. This is what libs do to too many blacks. They take away their dignity. We cannot change the past but we can learn from it.

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Prior to the Transalantic slave trade, Europe was in bad shape: plagued by rampant diseases wiping out half its population, extensive poverty/crime, stagnant mercantile economies, lack of natural resources, and debauchery (priests raping children). Europeans needed a quick remedy to mitigate the above.

In 1452, Pope Nicholas V issued a Papal Bull (an official Proclamation or decree by the Pope) - Dum Diversas. Dum Diversas had a disastrous effect on millions of Africans. The Portuguese started the transatlantic trade slave. The Pope gave the Portuguese the "right to invade, search out, capture and subdue all Saracens (Muslims) and pagans (Africans) whatsoever. And other enemies of Christ wheresover placed. And kingdoms, dukedims, principalities, dominions, possessions, and all movable and immovable goods held and possessed by them and to reduce their persons to perpetual slavery." Putting it other other words, the Pope gave the right to a Portuguese King, Alphonso, to invade; capture, enslave, and kill in the name of Jesus. Jesus representative, the pope, was actually the devil. Europeans perpetuated one of the worst atrocities ever committed in the world in transporting huge numbers of people across the world for enslavement. All Christian dominations originate from the Catholic Church. In the new world, force and violence were used to convert enslaved Africans to Christianity. Slaves Bibles were especially written for slaves to promote their

submission and servitude.

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I really do not understand your point. I could go on and on about arab slavery and their castration of blacks, the history of black-on-black slavery in North Africa, the slavery of the conquerer over the conquered, etc. History is chock full of slavery. I kinda feel like we cannot change the past but we can only change the present and the future. Are you simply pointing out the violence of the past? We ate all human and have all sinned greatly. Nobody is immune. I sincerely do not understand your point.

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Stay strong hero!!! You are doing God’s work! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

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Thank you for supporting my work!

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I supported the ACLU for years, not because I believed in many of their cases, but because I thought they were unbiased in who they would support. It’s been a horrible awakening these past 5 years for me, and one part of that awakening has been the capture of the ACLU. What they are doing to Christopher is awful.

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All these organizations like the ACLU are front groups for racist blacks to destroy white people! None of them deserve support!!

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The turn in the ACLU against free speech is recent:


It's telling that during the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, the ACLU spent $1M on ads suggesting he was guilty of sexual assault. So much for defending the due process rights in the Fourth Amendment and the equal protection under the law. That no longer applies to conservatives says the ACLU (with some vocabulary help from George Orwell).

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It is hard to imagine the ACLU going to court to defend Nazis today as they did years ago with the group of brown shirts that wanted to march in Skokie, Illinois back in the day. This would be equivalent to defending the rights of self-proclaimed white supremacist segregationists wishing to march on Chicago's West Side. Granted, the results for the marchers might be hospitalization or worse but it's doubtful the ACLU would be in court to defend the marchers' rights to peacefully assemble. ACLU's mission has changed, driven I imagine by donor dollars. Now they are just another luxury charity badge to be worn or, in the alternative, protection from criticism on Twitter.

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They ~did~ defend nazis in New Orleans in 1961. Burt Klein was the Jewish ACLU lawyer defending George Lincoln Rockwell. My mother, a criminal lawyer, took me to court to watch some of the proceedings. Rockwell had told Burt that, when he got to power, he (Burt) and the ACLU would be among the first people he'd "deal with."

And they'd do it again, if only to gain notoriety.

Interestingly, when I asked them why they didn't also take Second Amendment suits, their answer was that they didn't consider 2A to be valid. So for them, it's a cafeteria of laws: they deal with the ones they like, and ignore or oppose the ones they don't.

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The ACLU has been an appendage of the woke world for decades-You should get a good lawyer whos has experience in dealing with ACLU based challenges

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Kara Dansky used to work as a lawyer for the ACLU.

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They know it won’t work. Their real purpose is to intimidate future sources for all right-wing journalists. Derision, making jokes about the ACLU and generally not taking them seriously would be a good strategy.

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Chris, good luck and godspeed. You are a brave warrior and I thank you. I’ve been following your work for some time now. I hope you will be able to continue your work. I’d love to see you research a series on the best universities and law schools in America (best in the WOKE free sense). I think the public needs to know about universities like New College, UATX, Ralston College, Hillsdale, College of the Ozarks, and University of Dallas. People need to know about FIRE and the Chicago Statement. We need to liberate our institutions from ideology. We need balance and a return to the pursuit of truth, beauty and a marketplace of ideas.

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