Unbelievable. At this point, there needs to be a financial and ideological accounting of every single public school system curriculum in our country. These progressives have been trying to change the west from the inside for decades and we are at the fruition. The barbarians are not at the gate, they are inside.

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Yes they are inside, but they have been for decades and all the effort by all the parents to hold government schools accountable has been for nothing. Who exactly would conduct this "accounting"? What power would they wield? What would be the consequences? The fact is that government schools are run by the government, which makes them a socialist enterprise, and there is no way to fix socialism no matter how hard you try. The answer is to circumvent and eventually replace them. That's already underway, with home schooling and private schooling becoming ever more popular. We cannot fix the government schools. We can, however, abandon them: https://www.publicschoolexit.com/

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abandoning them is not a solution for preventing radical politicization of the majority, unfortunately.

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Well that may be true, but (per my own experience) fighting them is pointless, and keeping your kids inside them (with the idea that you're going to reform them in time to save your own kids) is even worse. Perhaps you are being too pessimistic. When I was a kid, Sears was the premier American retailer. KMart, Walmart, and the rest were tiny upstarts and Amazon wasn't even yet a figment of someone's imagination. My how times have changed. I do realize that the government schools are tax-subsidized and so this is really an imperfect analogy, but as the failures and outrages of the government schools become ever more egregious and obvious, parents keep leaving them nonetheless. Aside from all this, we really have no other option. Parents (including me) have been fighting the school-reform fight for decades, to no avail. Check out this page from my website, for example: http://mychildwillread.org/the-problem.shtml

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The teachers' unions and the Democrats strongly oppose charter schools and school choice because it is the only way to defeat their activism, since at some point these radicals will be preaching to an empty classroom if we the people have a choice.

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I went to public schools and it was neither socialist nor radical

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But, unbeknownst to most of our semi-literate population, the government schools were already soaked in utterly insane reading-instruction ideology, something that continues to this day, producing illiteracy on a scale that may well destroy our nation. Secondly, I'll guess that you never had a class in "history", which, by the time of my schooling in the 1960s and 70s, had been replaced by "social studies". Consequently it was not till I was an adult that I actually learned anything about history, American or otherwise. The thing about the government schools is, they know how to boil the frog slowly. Read (if you can) and weep: http://mychildwillread.org/

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In my experience in the Chicago Public School system and, later, junior high/high school in the western suburbs (from roughly 1966-78), there were both history and social studies, the latter being a sort of sociology course with the usual liberal precepts. I first encountered both social studies and world/American history in junior high around 1973-74.

It saddens me to think that from Headstart in 1965 through my graduation from high school in 1978, my schooling was, in retrospect, excellent. I'm not sure when this widespread leftist political indoctrination began, but, I'm happy to say, I never was a target.

Clearly the objective in Oregon is to get at kids as early as possible. They ought to be learning the three Rs and enjoying recess and chocolate milk breaks and naps, obviously. Do first-graders anywhwere still sing "The Wheels on the Bus" and read "The Man Who Wouldn't Wash His Dishes"?

I can imagine a large population of leftist political zealots coming out of such schools who lack the reading comprehension skills to learn anything for themselves but have learned the self-righteousness necessary to resist any contrary outlook (much like their "teachers"). If a Portland kid is lucky, he'll have parents who teach him to read and be skeptical of received wisdom, even from his teachers, those authority figures intent on creating "allies" for their fashionably ignorant leftist politics and sinister, crackpot social theories.

Paolo Friere should have been drowned at birth.

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I graduated from high school in 1965. We had classes in history and social studies

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Timing is everything.

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And how long ago was that? My sons are in their late 20's and early 30's now and at the end of their high school careers, I discovered they'd been pumped full of this propaganda since middle school and now they're introducing it as early as Kindergarten.

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So glad my kids went to private school through grade 8, and a conservative, old school one at that. By the time they got to high school they could recocnize the BS and think for themselves today-thank God.

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Are you in your eighties?

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When and where?

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Lakeport, California, 1951-1965. I did have a math teacher who was a little bit of a lefty

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Defund them, until they reform.

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Precisely. And since you are not going to convince your Portland neighbors (or other lunatic-left-area neighbors) to de-fund what they like and want more of, your best bet for de-funding them is to pull your kids out. Districts do receive some per-capita funding, and your removing your kids removes that funding.

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to your door... comes to your door, HOLD THE LINE. Those nutjobs must keep their sickness out of our children's future. Make sure your children know what is going on. Teach REAL truth, actual history.

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They are incapable of reforming. If you wait for that the brownshirts will be our own kids! Anyone comes yo your door demanding your children.....hold them to account, shame them, end this madness.

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Right a minority has been infected, do not give-up this is why we have people like Ryan Walters in Oklahoma spearheading to remove biased literature from state K-12 libraries.

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Sure abandon them as one can but your tax dollars will still be going to the public schools. One still has the vote of their school board . That is the first place to start , then on to the local gov. then the county , then the state etc etc . Turn off the tellie , youtube tic toc etc . Get out and meet your neighbors . Find like minded people and join forces .

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Back in 1995-2002 I believed in this. I was a member of the first group of online parents and educators to try to reform the government schools, and we spent about seven years at it. We had dial-ups and AOL email addresses. We were active locally, statewide, and nationally. We were trying to reform the insanity of the government-school reading instruction - a small goal, really, compared to what parents are up against today. The press called our battle "The Reading Wars" (see https://www.apmreports.org/episode/2018/09/10/hard-words-why-american-kids-arent-being-taught-to-read). In Illinois, we called our contingent the "Illinois Loop" (https://www.illinoisloop.org/). We had the government data (NAEP) on our side. We had the rational educators on our side. We had decades of research on our side. We had common sense on our side. But it was all for nothing. We lost, and nothing has changed. The only people who learned anything was us. We learned that no matter what you do, you cannot reform a socialist system.

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Never give up or give in. As Chuchill said " fight them at sea , fight them on the beaches , fight them in the fields " Never , ever give up !

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I have not given up; I've just changed strategy. I'd be an idiot to keep trying to reform the government schools. What I do these days is help parents realize that they must ABANDON the government schools. When I was a kid, everybody shopped at Sears. Everybody. Today, due to competition, Sears is gone. Totally, completely gone. One day, the government schools will hold a school year and nobody will show up.

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Or build a new school system or better yet homeschool.

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Either one is out of reach for many parents. New school , very expensive, homeschool , most homes both parents work. Paying local school property tax that goes to the pubic school so no money left for private school. The vote , for majority , is the only way they have to change the game in the right direction.

If you have or plan on having children you had better be prepared to put in the time to oversee who is teaching them or indoctrinating them!

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Love it that you provide a workable solution.

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On the bright side, runaway national debt is going to force austerity sooner or later, and the nice thing about targeting woke/DEI spending is

a) it's unpopular

b) it doesn't actually affect core services, making the spending cuts somewhat painless for normies.

I wrote about this in more of a Canadian context, but the same basic principles would apply to the US:


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You are right ! But I wouldn’t call

these people “progressives”. It’s what they call themselves…for now. Until they no longer have to pretend to care about LGBTQ, women’s rights, etc.

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The entire "progressive project" since the mid 60s has been a sham and a scam, Julia. It was never about bettering mankind. The predators simply needed to find the best vanity-point to hit, to reel in the punters.

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You state the obvious. All of these "shoulds". But don't you see? The issue is that we do not have the power to enforce this!!

The WOKE hold the power. So you can shout out your glorious "shoulds" forever, and it will make not one iota of difference until we wrestle the power back.

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You are right, and it’s so depressing

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Progressivism is a cult that loathes western civilization. We need major pushback but I fear ordinary Americans aren’t up to the task

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I fear the same.

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I'll admit, aside from educating myself, sharing articles like yours on social media, and talking about it with friends, both like minded and otherwise, and voting, what are we, the sleepy, senior middle class, supposed to do?

I live in SW Washington across the river from Portland. I don't spend much time over there because frankly, I don't like going there anymore. I honestly have no idea what else to do. I advocate younger families to school at home, as I did, for exactly the same reasons many others have homeschooled since the 80s. We don't trust the public school systems. Back in the 90's we had to be careful to stay in during school hours in some areas or risk having CPS knock on our doors to check for truancy. Thank God for organizations like Home School Legal Defense.

We filled out our yearly forms to alert the Vancouver School District of our intentions to home school our sons. Fortunately it was not a big deal, but many in other states and districts went through hell for the right to keep our kids home to educate them.

I would like to see public schools completely reformed and the core philosophy to be teaching children math, reading, writing, history and the scientific method. But also to bring back basic life skills like shop, home economics, small business management and other useful information. But now we're being asked to go up against what sounds to me like "pre-terrorism" indoctrination for kindergarteners! What are we supposed to do?

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We have 5 months to share this information and embolden the conservative voters at ballot boxes.

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Jun 5Edited
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Other responses you get are: "It's not that bad" or "Most schools aren't that way" or "You're turning into a radical."

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Jun 5
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Not sure what your point is? Are you suggesting we adopt some of the policies that the Nazis eventually did to deal with the "problem". Or were the Nazis the problem?

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A. refers to "the Good German" syndrome.

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Anthony Vermeer, he's suggesting that we all must wake up!

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I often wonder in disbelief why a culture would allow itself to sow hatred for itself in higher education, inculcate disgust for itself in its young children, and ultimately destroy itself. One of the greatest cultures ever to exist.

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the people doing this hate America, hate freedom, hate causasians, hate God, hate Christianity and Jews.

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I know this to be true - my sweet nephew met a young lady in college who was educated in Portland schools. He was immediately smitten with this cute blonde who, oddly, spoke Arabic. Now he has been completely brainwashed into her radical ideology. Their constant anti Israel social media posts are shocking to me. At Christmas he looked and acted like someone who was in a cult. His parents didn't instill values into him so he was an empty vessel. Heartbreaking.

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Shame on his parents.

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I love them but have always had issues with their parenting and subsequently, both of their boys have had significant struggles with mental health and being susceptible to destructive ideologies. My brother (their dad) is a wonderful man, but we grew up with alcoholic, detached or absent parents and all 3 of my brothers have suffered from it. And then it all rolls forward into the next gen.

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So sad.

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Jun 5
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Burst out laughing when I read "tear gas" in their sensory guide for children at protests. Reads like a parody (although obviously the frantic politicization of young children - depriving them of innocence far too young - is, in reality, horrifying).

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Gotta prepare five-year-olds for fighting the cops!

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They've turned the public schools into madrassas (sp?).

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Government school

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Well this is horrifying. It explains a lot about why Portland is such a hotbed of degenerates.

There is something really rotten in their public education. I suspect the teachers union promote this communistic indoctrination.

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If they're promoting it in Portland, why not elsewhere, perhaps just a bit less openly?

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Good chance of that.

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Teaching 5 year olds that rape is resistance when you’ve been told you were wronged, or “feel” you’ve been wronged….what could go wrong?

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Seriously, it's a disaster.

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These are monsters, NOT educators. They must be held to account, torn from exposing themselves to our children. THERE IS NO TIME TO WASTE.

Pull your children out of the hands of abusers, get them the hell out if school!

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Private school, in my experience, is worse and even more radical (I do live in a blue area). I have been extremely vigilant and pushed back against a lot of this but now am putting my child in public school bc it is less radical. I still have to be very vigilant. I’m not homeschooling- my kids like going to school, and I have to work but really respect those that do.

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Duck Duck Go: "Classical, Christian Education" in your area. It's the counter-movement that is growing in momentum. Lots of resources for Classical, Christian schools, home school materials, co-ops, online, cottage schools. It's about the curriculum. Our school uses Memoria Press curriculum.

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When I was very young, say first grade or so, I remember being taught in school to sing "My country 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, to thee I sing, land of the Pilgrims' pride, land where our fathers died, from every mountainside let freedom ring." After more than 60 years, I can still sing it...what has happened to us? It is a tragedy.

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Chris, this disease is spreading elsewhere and can connect you w someone who could probably help you obtain more evidence

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News tips here: chrisrufo@protonmail.com.

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My definition of Zionism is that the state of Israel should continue to exist. Does the word Zionism mean something different to the hard left or are they advocating for abolishing a UN recognized country?

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Not just abolishing a country but also ethnically cleansing its Jewish citizens and possibly allowing them to be murdered. Very progressive…NOT

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And not stopping with Israel …….

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Portland is a goner. RIP Portland public schools.

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Thank you so much for exposing the K-12 indoctrination. It’s most important that this be identified in these age groups BEFORE a child is exposed in college. It is sad that many parents don’t care even if alerted but there is an army of concerned parents that need help in stopping this brainwashing. Thank you again for your leadership.

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How about reading them a story about a little girl who’s genitals are “cut” who’s given in an arranged marriage to an old man who keeps her locked away and covered up for the rest of her life.

Women are property. Islam is retarded.

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Do they ask "What's a woman?".

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“The objective is to ‘connect histories of settler colonialism from Palestine to the United States’”

It’s like history began in 1789 for these people.

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Behind all this is a rich, white, "progressive" woman.

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One side rejected the 1947 UN Partition Plan. Today that side wants the other side to march themselves into the sea (or something similar). The keffiyeh must look more fashionable than a brown shirt but I submit they should still adopt the organizational name Sturmabteilung as it's the same message as that of the Sturmabteilung from 1930's Germany.

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Horrifying! The government educational system is completely broken. What to do? It needs to be shut down.

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