I'm seeing a few comments about the US exporting DEI at the expense of its own interests and actual diplomacy. I have a hard time justifying spreading "Western values" when they're just a codeword for DEI and other radical ideologies, and I'm interested in y'all's thoughts.
Is the US in a position to export any policies to other countries, given the current administration's woke priorities? Are there any benefits to current US diplomacy?
I'm not informed enough about foreign policy to know what the U.S. is effectively exporting or not.. in a way that's beneficial to other countries. In a way we export quite a lot of things, but not on the tax payer's dime. Sadly exporting critical social justice, critical theory, and queer theory sounds like it's more akin to exporting a religion than anything else. And I'm actually quite angry that they've decided to do so with the public dollars. But I'm use to seeing what they are doing in public schools, so perhaps I shouldn't be surprised they'd want to fling it around in other places. My biggest issue with it is that it's dealt with as IF IT IS de facto truth, with these dystopian mandates that are like the thought police. I could care less if a neighbor practices it, like any other religion, but let's call it what it is, and that certainly is NOT de facto truth.
“Western values” is a term currently being contested. Not everyone at State, Agency, or Pentagon is an insurgent. But some are. As of right now, there is no organized opposition to this internal threat, because that would require a Renaissance of Western belief and purpose to coalesce around. So the good things that we do are overshadowed by the insane things. We need to get our house in order.
the same could be said for the usa exporting its ideology at threat of sanctions and etc. etc. too... sounds very autocratic and dictatorial to me, lol, which funny enough is what the usa is supposed to oppose..
The Biden-Harris administration is the tale of two Dicks: Neocon warmonger Dick Cheney and trans Admiral Rachel “Dick” Levine. Put them together and you get American bombs dropping around the world and dicks in every women’s locker room.
As much as I may agree with Mr Rufo's concern with the obsession with DEI, the world watches and thinks we're off of our rocker not because of DEI and the left, but because of Donald Trump and the rabid unquestioning belief of every crazy word he says. Really.
It's just a fact. Sorry. The world knows nothing about our DEI programs. The world looks at us with disbelief because of Trump. And I'm hardly far left. The terminology of far left and far right is just an excuse not to listen to others' points of view.
I really don't give a damn about your view when it is such stupidity. fifty genders etc . If I wanted to hear crazy shit I would become a democrap . You people are sick in the head. And for sure I am fed up with paying taxes and seeing the $ going for such stupid crappola . Nothing but criminal schemes by bureaucrats.
You just don’t get it - Trump’s not a diplomat, a statesman, or any of the roles our history classes taught us that a president ought to be.
And I’m sorry if you bought that baloney.
The most effective presidents are hard core negotiators and salesmen. They set a goal and get people to run through walls to achieve them. I don’t get it either, but Trump has that quality. In spades.
He’s not an idealist, he’s not even a pragmatist. He’s a bare knuckles brawler and, I’m sorry - the economy was in better shape when he was there, and he addressed my red button topic: abortion (which, by the way, he’s backtracking on, now that he can leave it to the SCOTUS).
The democrats had 4 years to prove they could a hit their goals and the situation SUCKS.
Trump’s been out of the scene for four years but apparently he still lives rent free 24/7 in your head. It must be difficult getting through life when all you can do is obsess over Orange Man Bad. You should get medical help for that.
How do you know this? Got any references or quotes? If you're talking about the elite leftists who hold sway in the European Union, then yes, you are probably correct. But in the real world of real people around the world, promoting DEI is a sign of American decadence and failure, causing them to run from all things American -- from pop culture to all the academic nonsense that's published every day. Hungary is a fine example -- Orban is derided as an authoritarian dictator because he won't allow the teaching of LGBT nonsense in Hungary's elementary schools, or bow to EU nonsense of a similar type, among other things. Let's hope Trump cancels all this DEI nonsense and puts the State Department back on track. May have to fire a lot of people to do it, and they will scream about authoritarians at work but it must be done.
JWDoc (I assume you’ve some medical training based on your MD), be easy on Anthony. He may be shouting out for help. I’m not an MD but I have survived nearly 8 years of suffering through others TDS. It’s worse than Covid 19!!!
I love this analysis. Instead of hysterical generalities about wokeness, Chris Rufo actually digs the dirt and comes up with irrefutable facts, that are all the more devastating on how wokeness is a real cancerous agenda being peddled.
The US is pushing its genderwoo nonsense on other countries, yet stays quiet about the status of women in places like Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia. What a world.
These are the people that will be losing their jobs if Trump is elected. As a tax payer, I find this utterly grotesque. The idea that they would use our resources to advance a sectarian and insular worldview like LGBTQ+/gender theory, and foist it on people via "requirements" says it all. They are worst than cult practitioners. It's enough reason for me to move from not voting at all, to at least voting AGAINST the Democrats. I have no desire to give the progressive left any more power, and wiling to put up with another Trump term to do so.
This is one of the reasons it's so important to expose this ideology, especially in the government. I bet a lot of people would be horrified to learn what the US is pushing. I'm glad to hear it's motivated you to vote against it!
Thanks Chris. Unfortunately , I way too many cases “ The long March through the institutions” strategy of the left has led to tragic consequences in far too many instances. Determination and patience will be needed to reverse it, but at least it has become so widespread and extreme that when you and others expose it there is “ the revolt of the masses” as a hopeful reaction .
This is why nobody takes State seriously anymore. When you spend all this time and effort on nonsense (the politest term for this agenda) you don’t have the time or attention to spend on actual diplomacy.
Just remember that the State department runs our rogue intelligence agencies. See @MikeBenzCyber. They are the overt wing while the CIA is the covert....
The Biden-Harris administration has kept its widespread DEI programs well hidden, until exposed by Chris Rufo. This is the first I have heard of how extensive it is. DEI is part of critical race theory, a neo-Marxist theory that substitutes race and gender for class. Marxism is the ideology of communism, a totalitarian form of government that opposes the U.S. constitutional republic and other free nations. Our taxpayer dollars are funding an infiltration of the State Department and other federal agencies with totalitarianism. This is outrageous and clearly unconstitutional. It's important to let as many Americans as possible know about this Biden-Harris corruption before election day. If elected, Harris will continue more of the same.
The true purpose is to indoctrinate the population away from conservative values.. including Judeo/Christian (and other religious) values around sexuality and morality. The idea is that humanity will find "liberation" when it does away from these so-called social constructs around sexuality and relationships. And of course, they tend to throw in capitalism and other tid-bits like "national borders" as something that we need liberation from.
May this note find us all ever closer to God, and His Peace.
Population control, breaking-minds, destroy critical thinking, make people think only 2 solutions - and provide them - like Zionist Genocide Supporting candidates picked by the same ruling powerful families that run presidency when Bidden couldn't.
A generation after Row-Wade the hard work was done, believing insanity is acceptable from crib .. and Genociding the indigenous white race that is so liberty defending, so filled with Christian values and what were standard virtues male were raised by, mind-raped and crippled from birth and unable to respond to being killed.
Abortion and Western-wide World-wide Darkened Intelect and damage to intellectual mental faculties.
As a young man at University I took a medical ethics course where essays on Abortion debate were considered and discussed, yet no argument against abortion presented in course or I ever heard were anything as decisive as the one argument inspired to me after learning some Traditional Catholic Theology, St. Thomas Aquinas' break-down of mental faculties and the damage we induce to Sin, the Darkening of Intelect.
This argument avoids the baby-killed and all the Secular Satanic distractions of when after conception is it wrong to kill them, their rejection of the Truth of Conception as Holy Significant Truth of Life.
The argument is further shown true by the continued increased state of insanity, Sin, Sicken souls, Sicken Church, ... anyone my age or older (and many younger) can verify in personal experience and memories of this rapid and increasing drop down Jaccob's Ladder deeper into Hell.
The Argument simply brings Clarity of the damage done to us all when from our crib we are indoctrinated to believe the clearly insane - that it is acceptable that mothers may kill our babies, siblings, grandchildren, .. on their whims. That belief is socially, legally, Sick womanhood, and others re-enforced and to object from crib is punished in often psychological damaging ways by them and our mothers.
If our intellect and judgement is so damaged and weakened to believe this insane thing is acceptable, what cannot also be made acceptable - sterilizing or sexually mutilating children? Sex is changeable. Open televised Genocide is okay?
Of course, the damage to womanhood is significant. If she believes she may kill her baby, the dehumanizing of self and others into inconvenient group of cells has been done, and she with that Power of Murder, why not False-Accuse, or other self, others, society damaging Sins would she consider less-then murdering babies so acceptable to do?
Entire Western Nations have been so Sickened and anti-Virtue and amoral, our Governments and Powerful that shape policies so contemptable and disrespecting of their Offices' and Duties once-defined as Serve to citizens, Families, and Justice, now show that population-control, lies, hate, inJustice, division, induced suffering, poverty, and mind-raping evil as some of their Goals, genociding indigenous white Christians.
I'm seeing a few comments about the US exporting DEI at the expense of its own interests and actual diplomacy. I have a hard time justifying spreading "Western values" when they're just a codeword for DEI and other radical ideologies, and I'm interested in y'all's thoughts.
Is the US in a position to export any policies to other countries, given the current administration's woke priorities? Are there any benefits to current US diplomacy?
I'm not informed enough about foreign policy to know what the U.S. is effectively exporting or not.. in a way that's beneficial to other countries. In a way we export quite a lot of things, but not on the tax payer's dime. Sadly exporting critical social justice, critical theory, and queer theory sounds like it's more akin to exporting a religion than anything else. And I'm actually quite angry that they've decided to do so with the public dollars. But I'm use to seeing what they are doing in public schools, so perhaps I shouldn't be surprised they'd want to fling it around in other places. My biggest issue with it is that it's dealt with as IF IT IS de facto truth, with these dystopian mandates that are like the thought police. I could care less if a neighbor practices it, like any other religion, but let's call it what it is, and that certainly is NOT de facto truth.
Washington DC should be scooped from the Earth and dumped into the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.
No can do - there’s already a floater ng sea of garbage out there that won’t take it… 🤣
“Western values” is a term currently being contested. Not everyone at State, Agency, or Pentagon is an insurgent. But some are. As of right now, there is no organized opposition to this internal threat, because that would require a Renaissance of Western belief and purpose to coalesce around. So the good things that we do are overshadowed by the insane things. We need to get our house in order.
the same could be said for the usa exporting its ideology at threat of sanctions and etc. etc. too... sounds very autocratic and dictatorial to me, lol, which funny enough is what the usa is supposed to oppose..
The Biden-Harris administration is the tale of two Dicks: Neocon warmonger Dick Cheney and trans Admiral Rachel “Dick” Levine. Put them together and you get American bombs dropping around the world and dicks in every women’s locker room.
Yuri- You outdid yourself on this one. 👋👋👋
that's the democrat promise
Meanwhile, the world watches and a large portion of it thinks the US is off it's rocker.
including many of us in the US!
Um - it doesn’t think so - it KNOWS so.
As much as I may agree with Mr Rufo's concern with the obsession with DEI, the world watches and thinks we're off of our rocker not because of DEI and the left, but because of Donald Trump and the rabid unquestioning belief of every crazy word he says. Really.
This is classic projection.
Projection is a favorite tactic of the far left.
It's just a fact. Sorry. The world knows nothing about our DEI programs. The world looks at us with disbelief because of Trump. And I'm hardly far left. The terminology of far left and far right is just an excuse not to listen to others' points of view.
I really don't give a damn about your view when it is such stupidity. fifty genders etc . If I wanted to hear crazy shit I would become a democrap . You people are sick in the head. And for sure I am fed up with paying taxes and seeing the $ going for such stupid crappola . Nothing but criminal schemes by bureaucrats.
Much of the world who want peace hope Trump wins.
So your stating as Fact that the world thinks the US is off its rocker , and naturally you blame Trump. I’d love to see the evidence of these facts.
You just don’t get it - Trump’s not a diplomat, a statesman, or any of the roles our history classes taught us that a president ought to be.
And I’m sorry if you bought that baloney.
The most effective presidents are hard core negotiators and salesmen. They set a goal and get people to run through walls to achieve them. I don’t get it either, but Trump has that quality. In spades.
He’s not an idealist, he’s not even a pragmatist. He’s a bare knuckles brawler and, I’m sorry - the economy was in better shape when he was there, and he addressed my red button topic: abortion (which, by the way, he’s backtracking on, now that he can leave it to the SCOTUS).
The democrats had 4 years to prove they could a hit their goals and the situation SUCKS.
Trump’s been out of the scene for four years but apparently he still lives rent free 24/7 in your head. It must be difficult getting through life when all you can do is obsess over Orange Man Bad. You should get medical help for that.
His presence in my thoughts has something to do with the election. I had forgotten him until he decided to run.
As my friends in the south say, “bless your heart”. Get some help for your OCD/TDS!
MAGA GONNA GET YOU! November 5 !!
I’m surprised you didn’t think of him every time you gassed up your car. Or shopped for groceries.
It's actually the response to the people's choice that put everyone off their rocker.
Anthony, please get tested for TDS before it becomes irreversible.
How do you know this? Got any references or quotes? If you're talking about the elite leftists who hold sway in the European Union, then yes, you are probably correct. But in the real world of real people around the world, promoting DEI is a sign of American decadence and failure, causing them to run from all things American -- from pop culture to all the academic nonsense that's published every day. Hungary is a fine example -- Orban is derided as an authoritarian dictator because he won't allow the teaching of LGBT nonsense in Hungary's elementary schools, or bow to EU nonsense of a similar type, among other things. Let's hope Trump cancels all this DEI nonsense and puts the State Department back on track. May have to fire a lot of people to do it, and they will scream about authoritarians at work but it must be done.
How do I know? I have friends in Holland, Spain, France, Germany, Brazil and Chile. They don't know about our DEI programs.
Go **** yourself.
Stupid comment.
JWDoc (I assume you’ve some medical training based on your MD), be easy on Anthony. He may be shouting out for help. I’m not an MD but I have survived nearly 8 years of suffering through others TDS. It’s worse than Covid 19!!!
Appreciate your concern! I’m a retired neurologist; Anthony may have a frontal lobe disorder, commonly seen in leftists.
Whoops! Misplaced apostrophe!!!—>Other’s 😉
I love this analysis. Instead of hysterical generalities about wokeness, Chris Rufo actually digs the dirt and comes up with irrefutable facts, that are all the more devastating on how wokeness is a real cancerous agenda being peddled.
The US is pushing its genderwoo nonsense on other countries, yet stays quiet about the status of women in places like Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia. What a world.
These are the people that will be losing their jobs if Trump is elected. As a tax payer, I find this utterly grotesque. The idea that they would use our resources to advance a sectarian and insular worldview like LGBTQ+/gender theory, and foist it on people via "requirements" says it all. They are worst than cult practitioners. It's enough reason for me to move from not voting at all, to at least voting AGAINST the Democrats. I have no desire to give the progressive left any more power, and wiling to put up with another Trump term to do so.
This is one of the reasons it's so important to expose this ideology, especially in the government. I bet a lot of people would be horrified to learn what the US is pushing. I'm glad to hear it's motivated you to vote against it!
The are government workers so will never really be fired just placed elsewhere
Utter insanity.
Thanks Chris. Unfortunately , I way too many cases “ The long March through the institutions” strategy of the left has led to tragic consequences in far too many instances. Determination and patience will be needed to reverse it, but at least it has become so widespread and extreme that when you and others expose it there is “ the revolt of the masses” as a hopeful reaction .
This is why nobody takes State seriously anymore. When you spend all this time and effort on nonsense (the politest term for this agenda) you don’t have the time or attention to spend on actual diplomacy.
Thank you for providing sunlight and exposing the wokeism infection in our state department. Exporting it to other countries is vile colonialism
Just remember that the State department runs our rogue intelligence agencies. See @MikeBenzCyber. They are the overt wing while the CIA is the covert....
The Biden-Harris administration has kept its widespread DEI programs well hidden, until exposed by Chris Rufo. This is the first I have heard of how extensive it is. DEI is part of critical race theory, a neo-Marxist theory that substitutes race and gender for class. Marxism is the ideology of communism, a totalitarian form of government that opposes the U.S. constitutional republic and other free nations. Our taxpayer dollars are funding an infiltration of the State Department and other federal agencies with totalitarianism. This is outrageous and clearly unconstitutional. It's important to let as many Americans as possible know about this Biden-Harris corruption before election day. If elected, Harris will continue more of the same.
Ugh it is so pervasive and counterintuitive.
So destructive, nefarious. What is the true purpose?
Keep looking and exposing this creep state, for my grandchildren. I thank you.
The true purpose is to indoctrinate the population away from conservative values.. including Judeo/Christian (and other religious) values around sexuality and morality. The idea is that humanity will find "liberation" when it does away from these so-called social constructs around sexuality and relationships. And of course, they tend to throw in capitalism and other tid-bits like "national borders" as something that we need liberation from.
May this note find us all ever closer to God, and His Peace.
Population control, breaking-minds, destroy critical thinking, make people think only 2 solutions - and provide them - like Zionist Genocide Supporting candidates picked by the same ruling powerful families that run presidency when Bidden couldn't.
A generation after Row-Wade the hard work was done, believing insanity is acceptable from crib .. and Genociding the indigenous white race that is so liberty defending, so filled with Christian values and what were standard virtues male were raised by, mind-raped and crippled from birth and unable to respond to being killed.
Abortion and Western-wide World-wide Darkened Intelect and damage to intellectual mental faculties.
As a young man at University I took a medical ethics course where essays on Abortion debate were considered and discussed, yet no argument against abortion presented in course or I ever heard were anything as decisive as the one argument inspired to me after learning some Traditional Catholic Theology, St. Thomas Aquinas' break-down of mental faculties and the damage we induce to Sin, the Darkening of Intelect.
This argument avoids the baby-killed and all the Secular Satanic distractions of when after conception is it wrong to kill them, their rejection of the Truth of Conception as Holy Significant Truth of Life.
The argument is further shown true by the continued increased state of insanity, Sin, Sicken souls, Sicken Church, ... anyone my age or older (and many younger) can verify in personal experience and memories of this rapid and increasing drop down Jaccob's Ladder deeper into Hell.
The Argument simply brings Clarity of the damage done to us all when from our crib we are indoctrinated to believe the clearly insane - that it is acceptable that mothers may kill our babies, siblings, grandchildren, .. on their whims. That belief is socially, legally, Sick womanhood, and others re-enforced and to object from crib is punished in often psychological damaging ways by them and our mothers.
If our intellect and judgement is so damaged and weakened to believe this insane thing is acceptable, what cannot also be made acceptable - sterilizing or sexually mutilating children? Sex is changeable. Open televised Genocide is okay?
Of course, the damage to womanhood is significant. If she believes she may kill her baby, the dehumanizing of self and others into inconvenient group of cells has been done, and she with that Power of Murder, why not False-Accuse, or other self, others, society damaging Sins would she consider less-then murdering babies so acceptable to do?
Entire Western Nations have been so Sickened and anti-Virtue and amoral, our Governments and Powerful that shape policies so contemptable and disrespecting of their Offices' and Duties once-defined as Serve to citizens, Families, and Justice, now show that population-control, lies, hate, inJustice, division, induced suffering, poverty, and mind-raping evil as some of their Goals, genociding indigenous white Christians.
God Bless., Steve
Well said, Ben.
You are projecting your biases onto a complex situation.
Well it is diabolical. I don’t think such power seekers will ever kill free will completely.
The State Dept should be concerned about saving the lives of our citizens who are being executed in places like Iran. This is despicable.
hmmm, gender ideology, hmmm, trans health care, hmmmm,
Just pretty words for the vermin cult that enjoys mutilating the healthy tissue of the children these vermin have made mentally ill.
Funny how the nazis had pretty words for exterminating jews and other "mistakes". You know, the final solution.
At least the nazis had enough guilt to try and hide their perversities, the rabid democrats, and other leftist vermin, applaud and promote their evil.
Stop the evil, never vote dim again.
The DEI agenda has corrupted every part of society and it could usher in the demise of this country if it is not halted soon.