Pray for Dr. Haim. The real criminals are the doctors who castrated children and the prosecutors going after brave whistleblowers like him. Will they be held to account?

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This is relevant: Canadian parents organize My Child Month to oppose Pride month.


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Un fathomable. This should be the top news story on every channel. No words to explain

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This is encouraging.

I wish I were wrong about Canada, but, sadly, I've lost hope entirely there.

My only hope is that it might be an example to the USA to scare more people there into action, as that is what happens without standing up to such things.

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Link seems to have been taken down??

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They will overplay their hand… I pray it comes soon.

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100%🎯 Yuri Bezmenov

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The prosecutor needs to be sued for malicious prosecution and abuse of power. No mor playing defense. Go on OFFENSE.

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$50 donated to him.

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You have to punish those who appointed the prosecutors or those who contributed to the campaigns of elected prosecutors. Across the Country we have prosecutors whose elections have been funded by the far left including Soros. But we have allies . Even the Oakland chapter of the NAACP is calling for the replacement of the Oakland City prosecutor who was sponsored by Soros.

The letter from the Oakland NAACP appears at the bottom of this article https://www.ktvu.com/news/oakland-naacp-blasts-local-leaders-calls-for-state-of-emergency-due-to-crime

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Jun 7
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True point. But the best defense is still a good offense, regardless of the situation.

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Jun 7
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System breakdown should not mean giving up. This octogenarian commends Haim for his courage, integrity and bravery. Being the first to push back is hard...but after that example, others will follow.

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How short our memories are. Prior to 2015 most of us had a sense that the two parties (now called the Uniparty) represented no real choice. There was no Substack, not Rumble, no Parler. We had FB, YouTube, preMusk Twitter and an entire MSM dedicated to misinforming us and keeping us in line.

Remember? That's how it was. And then Trump entered into things. I think we all get that this isn't about Trump. This is about us low-life rabble being able to communicate directly with each other and 'conspire' to take down a century-old political machine. The power elite are terrified. They still mostly don't get it. Their one last desperate hope is to rig elections just as Putin, Xi, Maduro and many others do. Their one last hope is to shut down media such as Substack and Rumble, accusing them of 'hate' speech and 'misinformation'. ALL such speech, by the way, is constitutionally protected, but they don't care. Their one last hope is to maintain control of education and to indoctrinate our youth, just as Hitler did with his Hitler's Youth.

Things are vastly different now, thanks to the internet. The MSN tell us that Trump is a criminal and presume that with his conviction we will be convinced. We know better. Even the unquestioning useful idiots are starting to question. Just as quick as the MSM lie, we expose the lie. They're not used to that and have no idea how to deal with it. They could try being honest, but that has yet to enter their mind.

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Politicians are like cockroaches - shine the light on them and they scatter in search of darkness.

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The case has to be made, even in the face of, especially in the face of, a Pagan tyranny.

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I once reported a hospital for HIPAA violations. They refused to release medical records that they were obliged to release to me.

The DoJ functionary said they would not even contact the hospital or open an inquiry.

Eventually, the hospital did release the records but the DoJ was not interested in pursuing the matter

Your case is another example of selective enforcement for a political agenda.

Don't forget the Pritzkers who are very powerful( Harvard Board, Governor of Illinois, they ‘ discovered’ and backed Obama)are the leading champions of trans political activity.

Powerful people are pushing this.

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The Trans Agenda , Anti Police protestors and prosecutors, ANTIFA and others are all intended to create disorder and conflict.

Think back to Ferguson and "Hands Up Don't Shoot" , the networks carried "eye witness" accounts of the officer shooting the child who had his hands up pleading not to be shot. TV stations ran with live coverage of witnesses to the execution. The officer was vilified and fired, the business district looted and burned and additional deaths occurred .

About a year later and late one Friday night when everyone had left for the weekend and the weekend talking heads programs were fully programmed the Obama DOJ finally released their report on the Ferguson shooting.

A. Hands up don't shoot never happened, the officer only shot when the deceased continued to advance

B. The black "child" was about the size on an NFL linebacker

C. The deceased had committed a strong arm robbery earlier at a convenience. Although the value of the merchandise was small the deceased threatened the shopkeeper and made physical contact with him

D. The officer told the deceased to move from the center of the road to the sidewalk and the deceased refused.

E. The officer stopped his car and was about to exit the vehicle when the deceased attacked the officer and attempted to take his gun. During the struggle the gun discharged inside the car

F. The officer exited the car and attempted to arrest the deceased at which time the deceased again advanced on the officer . The officer ordered him to stop several times before discharging his weapon.

None of that mattered to Obama who used the story to inflame the public , leading to riots, looting and several deaths

The Obama report noted that a number of the "eye witnesses" who were on TV later admitted that they were not at the scene of the shooting

Very few of the pundits who had been so outraged at the original story took the time to explain to the public that they were wrong, the whole story was a lie. People had died because of the lie and other had their businesses destroyed . The entire nation suffered because of the lies.

The Obama deception is even more relevant today as Soros prosecutors continue to attack the police and put more criminals back on the streets across America . They have preempted much of the press as we saw in the Kyle Rittenhouse case.

Bicep boy - the guy who was pointing a pistol at Rittenhouse when he was shot had a two page rap sheet.

Based on the press stories the public had a difficult time understanding how the jury could find Rittenhouse non guilty and to reach the verdict quite quickly . They found him not guilty because each shot fired was in self defense in a situation that Rittenhouse did not instigate or pursue beyond making a safe escape. When escape was impossible or he faced bicep boy with a gun he fired one shot.

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Ahhh. You have connected some more dots for me re: the pritzkers. Thanks.

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Curious what your thoughts are on why the Pritzkers and others are so invested in transgender agendas? I have my opinions but am curious what others think.

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My guess is that it is part of wanting to tear the social fabric with dissention.

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A certain well known family member is apparently trans......validation, perhaps?

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Don't they sell some of the puberty blockers?

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There is a direct link between the Great COVID Disaster, the collapse of ethical standards in academia, DEI and our descent into Soviet-style lawfare. Unless there is a massive change, our society will collapse.

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True. But these are all epiphenomenal: they’re all effects of the same cause. Many believe the primary cause is political Marxist?). I disagree. The main cause is media greed. What passes for news is no more than pandering to peoples’ want for extremes. Why do they do it? To sell ads, for which they are paid more than handsomely. They pretend to believe the excrement they’re peddling and in many cases probably actually do buy it.

But until they do, it’s intellectual prostitution pure and simple.

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Fair point, but I still think the underlying reason for this horrific unending push to undermine our society is a deliberate effort to promote collapse and revolution and ultimately a Utopia. Marxian theory is the main framework in modern times for this destructive aspect of human nature. Now, the MEDIA as you noted has its own incentives to enable and amplify these forces.

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I think it is the advancement of a transhuman ideology and power-maintenance with big money, government, and corporate backing. It's fascism. Mr. Garland and all of his extensions represent the pretorian mob bosses. They are on a war footing while we still try to work the system legally. Lawfare always immediately precedes full totalitarianism.

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Reasonable people can disagree.

If the goal were an egalitarian utopia, that would be one thing. But people never voluntarily cede power they’ve taken, and egalitarianism requires that. Marx himself admitted that it would always be necessary for there to be a power elite to preserve the “workers’ paradise” and protect it from counterrevolutionaries.

All animals are equal. Some are more equal than others.

Four legs good, two legs better.

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Creating chaos nurtures the fires of revolution controlled by those who want to destroy democracy.

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Islamic extremists, Communists (CCP and North Korea) and Globalists all fighting for world dominance simultaneously. Energy and the money created by the purchase of it is how control is meted. In the end, a spiritual war between Lucifer and good people and the prize is human souls. Heaven and hell. Plain and simple.

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Jun 7Edited
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That’s a great question. There’s no limit to hubris, for starters. And what megalomaniac doesn’t think that everything would be perfect if only they were in charge? To belong to the inner elite circle; to imagine yourself as the most special of the special, it’s probably the greatest high they can find. I do think that they aren’t willing to die to achieve Utopia so they must be imagining themselves as forever in charge.

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Jun 7
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Insecure geeks with money and desire for power and revenge?

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Permanent power is my guess

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Yes--Media likes controversy...often manufactures some when it isn't there

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Yep. Exactly. From Neal Stephenson's SevenEves, for example. He has Doob talking with the woman who was the ex-president of the US--and who didn't belong on the orbiting colony, but got there by being devious and manipulative. He gets into a conversation with her, which conversation is about as distorted as a chat with Steve Jobs. He hangs up and says to the person who was listening in...

“It would be easier,” Doob said, “if I could figure out what the hell she wanted.”

“You’re assuming,” Luisa said, “that she has a plan. I doubt that she does. She is driven to seek power. She finds some way to do that and then backfills a rationalization for it afterward.”

Doob pulled his tablet closer and started trying to find Tav’s blog. “To what extent do you imagine she really is reporting facts about the AC? As opposed to creating the reality she describes?” Doob asked.

“What’s the difference?” Luisa asked.

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Like most complex phenomena, there are many contributing causes, and in this case it's truly hard to sort out their relative weights.

1. Over half a century ago, radical academics began assembling a post-Marxist critique of society, reframing their revolutionary focus from primary economic to primarily culture (aka "Cultural Marxism"), but keeping the "oppressed throwing off their oppressors" mindset. They really did want to "bring down the system" and replace it with something more "politically correct". Like Marxists, they were opponents of liberalism (in both the broad sense of a liberal Western democracy and the narrower US sense of being on the left), believing it doesn't have the strength to free the oppressed.

2. Versions of this were taught to students (especially those aiming for academia), and new hires were filtered for sympathy to this cause - first lightly, but then ever more strictly as entire departments became more radicalized. Over the past half century, this has greatly shifted the politics of the large bulk if current Academia. It also spread to other departments, now even to STEM fields.

3. One precept of this movement was that proponents should use every bit of power that comes into their hands to advance the cause, as a higher priority than previous concepts like neutrality, objectivity, and professionalism. Teachers should use their position to advance activist causes, journalists should prioritize reforming society over accuracy, etc. For example, a professional society would be pressured into forming a social justice oriented bureaucracy, comprised nearly 100% of true believers who would push out any dissenters.

4. Existing and new broadcast media, facing revenue declines in many cases, evolved to compete somewhat differently for attention (views, clicks) in order to get advertising, and extreme passionate stories get more attention than sober thoughtful ones. (This affects all sides). This is in addition to the effect of activist journalists, who may mix the "get clicks through stories evoking outrage, cheers, fears, anger" with "use your power to shape the story to fit our narrative". (This is your point and I agree).

5. Social media, without central narrative control, evolved and has a life of its own. This has served to amplify effects (again on both sides). While this has in many cases helped advance the social justice (cultural Marxism) narratives, it's unreliable and quirky; sometimes the "wrong" stories go viral, and there are no editors to reign it in. So the power structures is currently seeking government/private coordination to get control of social media's narrative (at least enough to shape the net effects at the population level, if not every thread).

Long ago, Noam Chomsky said that the Soviets (at the time) admired the US system of thought control, which didn't require thowing people en mass into gulags, because it realized there could be effect control if the desired narratives were broadcast on TV and the major newspapers, and dissenters were using mimeographed newsletters distributed via postal services to get their side out - you don't have to control everybody, only the major opinion shapers. Social media changed that equation and the forces of control are still catching up to that.

6. Relatively few liberals realize that the new ideologies seek to displace liberalism itself in favor of a system with more teethe and fewer limitations in its quest to obliterate (the designated) oppressions, and instead see the revolutionaries as fellow liberals just more passionate. The new ideology plays a very effective game of mott and bailey.

Which factors are "causes" and which are "amplifiers"? It's a complex mixture and doesn't easily reduce to a "main cause" vs secondary causes (or amplifiers), in my view. However, some of these factors involve conscious planning and intentions, and some are mostly just emergent from technological and economic changes. I doubt that the click-seeking and extremism amplifying shift in the media was "designed" so much as "fallen into". Which doesn't mean nobody is taking advantage of the opportunities that creates.

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Jun 7
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Not what it looks like to me. Things have taken a malignant Jacobin turn over the past year or two. Those who aren’t ideologically pure become food for those who hold themselves out as more dedicated. That process repeats itself indefinitely. So what it looks more like to me is a bunch of savages trying to see who can be the last one standing. Sort of the opposite of Marxism.

(Lest you get the idea that I’m somehow defending Marxism, I'm as pure a capitalist as there is. I cannot think of a single socioeconomic point on which old Karl and I might agree.)

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I think that many movements can turn to authoritarianism if (1) they have come to believe that their cause is existentially important, (2) they are not quickly succeeding in their aims via persuasion and have no patience for waiting, and (3) they can acquire the power to enforce.

Whan a movement's goals include enforcing behaviors and beliefs on a granular individual level, their authoritarianism follows a more totalitarian path ("for your own sake, we must control your behavior"). That is, they don't just need to control the big issues and keep themselves in power (pretty much all authoritarians have those mandates), they also want to control nearly every facet of everyday life and every interaction between people. So you are right, this is socio-political, not just political.

I agree with my liberal friends that there are disturbing signs of authoritarianism in Trump. However, they have difficulty seeing the incipient roots of totalitarianism in modern progressive ideology, with things like seeking the power to coercively punish and thus extinguish an ever growing list of "microaggressions".

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And now we're back to analyzing the fall of Rome. Exactly where we need to be focussed.

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Disagree, but that’s what makes it interesting and lively here.

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And the ʻdirect linkʻ is E.V.I.L. Look at what the president of El Salvador did to turn around the country that was the most dangerous country in the world! The answer is certainly to act, but the real answer is to pray!

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And the hatred of Trump. He is a disruptor and they have to silence him.

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Classic Marxist chaos and disorder from within. Parents, Grandparents and Caregivers, PLEASE remove your children from Public (Government) schools Registries. Don't enroll them in September.

Every alternative is superior.

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It is in collapse now.

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If I’m ever feeling a bit down about my career, I can just remind myself that at least I have no future regrets about being complicit in helping an organization further confuse kids by indulging fantasies about gender, which may at times include life-altering pharmaceutical products and/or removing body parts. Thank you for exposing this stuff. It’s grotesque. There’s no such thing as being born in the wrong body. More kids would be living perfectly normal lives if more adults would stand up for truth over fantasy and manipulation.

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This physician is following in the spirit of Hippocrates. “Into whatsoever houses I enter, I will enter to help the sick, and I will abstain from all intentional wrong-doing and harm, especially from abusing the bodies of man or woman, bond or free. And whatsoever I shall see or hear in the course of my profession, as well as outside my profession in my intercourse with men, if it be what should not be published abroad, I will never divulge, holding such things to be holy secrets.

Now if I carry out this oath, and break it not, may I gain for ever reputation among all men for my life and for my art; but if I break it and forswear myself, may the opposite befall me.”

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He is in every way living up to his oath. He is an example to ALL people responsible for others’ health. I hope at the end of my career, I can say I upheld my oath as solidly as this young man.

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As always I want to know every detail about the actual situation and charges. There’s no HIPPA or Hippocratic oath issue if personal details were hidden. It’s the difference between an ER doctor saying that their community is seeing a sharp rise in overdoses of some new drug, and saying that last night, Sally Smith and her boyfriend Greg Chaz came to the hospital with near-lethal levels of NewDrug in their blood.

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True, HIPPA is a bit of a mixed bag in my experience. I’m more interested in the greater good of exposing so called health professionals that would perform the procedures on children.

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Do you suppose he:

“[swore] by Apollo Healer, by Asclepius, by Hygieia, by Panacea, and by all the gods and goddesses, making them my witnesses, that [he] will carry out, according to [his] ability and judgment, this oath and this indenture.

To hold [his] teacher in this art equal to [his] own parents; to make him partner in [his] livelihood; when he is in need of money to share [his] with him; to consider his family as [his] own brothers, and to teach them this art, if they want to learn it, without fee or indenture; to impart precept, oral instruction, and all other instruction to [his] own sons, the sons of [his] teacher, and to indentured pupils who have taken the Healer's oath, but to nobody else.”

Or do you suppose maybe that oath is a little… outdated?

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Ok, the oath is a few millennia old. The point is 1st, do no harm. That’s not changed.

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Thank goodness for physicians like Ethan Haim.

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Thank goodness for all whistle blowers

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We need more!

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Christopher I saw the interview you did with Dr. Haim months ago. Thank gd for his integrity and your perseverance to expose the evil and rot. Truth and goodness will prevail.

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Thank you for sharing the GiveSendGo link. I've been following this story (primarily through your investigative reporting, Chris). Godspeed to Eithan and to you, Chris.

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For violating HIPAA? I can't stop laughing! They are mad. What was the entire covid19 fiasco but one big, neverending violation of HIPAA?

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All these out of control alphabet soup agencies need to be shut down

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Beyond disgusting that our justice system has been completely subverted and become part and parcel of the Biden regime… Butchery and mutilation of children must be exposed and those who promote it must pay.. including FJB. Maybe the Supremes will end up saving Dr. Haim from Meritless Garbage

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As if the intimidation and prosecution of physicians who seek to legitimately protect and care for their Covid patients wasn’t enough, we now have even more evidence of the bullying, Mafioso tactics of the illegitimate thugs who’ve infiltrated and taken over our government.

Question: Is it really *just* about avarice, lust for power, stifling revelation of their dirty deeds and silencing those who would consider opposing them? Or is this the tip of the iceberg to something far greater and more evil?

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I don’t discount the idea that Evil-capital-E is guiding the process.

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I just donated to his fund...for the second time. As a surgeon myself it is important that we support those that follow their oath and fight to keep our field honorable.

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The process is the punishment. Anyone who thinks they'll only do it to Trump is deluding themselves. You're a Nazi, and Nazis must be destroyed. That is the extent of the reasoning with liberals today.

Which is why I'm in favor of no longer reasoning with them. The opening page of Plato's Republic asks a very important question, how to reason with people who refuse to be reasonable? Plato's answer is that sometimes you can't. Sometimes force is necessary to make people be reasonable. Should we win in November, this is an axiom we should apply to our political opponents. They're certainly doing it to us.

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No should we win in November but WHEN we win in November. Listen carefully and you will hear the Pro Communists movement gurgling down the drain. FLUSH

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I was around the last time we thought we'd beaten the commies too. That was the Francis Fukuyama End of History period. I suspect utopian thinking is probably endemic in any largely secular society, which is why commies and various other progressive, control-based ideologies never stay dead.

I hope you're right, but postmodernism runs deep in the West today.

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Ever since the forced outing and sorting of folks based on jab status, and the plans (still in the works) to bake that personal medical information into vax "passports," it's hard to take HIPAA seriously. I.e., the high-and-mighty impartial aim it professed (privacy) turns out to be just another regulation to be observed in the breach, when it's convenient, and otherwise used as a cudgel of oppression.

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