Well if the legislature cuts off all public funds that would surely wake them up. Parents need to think long and hard about sending their kids to any college. You could remove UK from this article and insert any of the thousands of colleges and universities doing the same thing. It is why Bill Ayers stopped blowing up buildings and decided to destroy our country from inside academia. College is only necessary for careers that require a degree.....doctor, lawyer, engineer etc. The vast majority of kids graduating from college end up in debt working a job that could have gotten without a degree. Personally, if I owned a business today I would not even consider hiring a recent college grad. They spell trouble in the work place. I have seen it first hand.

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It's hugely ironic isn't it, the story of our post-80s massive expansion of tertiary education. Hard working, upward striving parents dreamed of their kids going to university so as to get a proper education and some high-end skills. Little did they realise that the 'skills' that so many of their kids would actually learn were 1) how to articulate currently fashionable beliefs whilst not noticing their inherent absurdities. 2) 'learning' how to de-activate whatever native intelligence and common sense they came in with.

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A disaster.

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One that a few (totally ignored) educationists, I believe did actually foresee and predict.

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May 9Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

Yes I have, for years, called college "communist finishing school"

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May 10·edited May 10

Yes, schools create an unending supply of credentialed useful idiots. People with the worst of traits. But we should not be surprised. Universities once embraced eugenics. Today they promote climate hysteria, give refuge to terrorism, give cover to gender fluidity and turn out teaches intent on indoctrination instead of teaching. They are crucibles of stupidity and activism shrouded in smug superiority (another bad trait). They are unencumbered by the critical feedback loop known as reality, that keeps the rest of us, well, real and honest. I have worked with different industries and, IMHO, they are the most juvenile. Their administrations should be cut 80% and departments with political uniformity removed.

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Eliminate the funding and the ideas will wither and die. They can not live in the wild. They need the terrarium to survive.

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In addition to our government’s funding, what foreign funding does UK get? Boy, is a lot of the world laughing at us.

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May 9Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

Thank you & please notify parents - keep the administrators feet to the fire Chris. People/Citizens in general have no idea what’s going on under their noses.

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State Republican leaders have historically failed to stop CRT and DEI. The same is true of Florida, a state where, thankfully, diligent state wide grassroots efforts resulted in the election of our esteemed governor, Ron DeSantis. This could be true of other states if the citizens cared enough to do the work. My concern is a reversal of our legislatures to their previous spineless politics once Gov DeSantis leaves office. We have tried very hard to elect those who will uphold our constitution (both state and federal) but courageous people with integrity are hard to find.

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DeSantis is one of the greats. I’ve admired him more the better I’ve gotten to know him.

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Governor DeSantis, with Chris Rufo’s help, sets a great example for others to follow. They both like winning and they’re not shy about it. They show that winning is possible, and better for everyone concerned. As for the DEI bureaucrats thrown out of work, I don’t feel the least bit sorry for them. Let them go back to tearing wings off flies or any other work that suits their mindset and capabilities.DEI has done a lot of damage, but academia without it stands a chance of recovering its educational mission.

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May 10Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

Yes, states need to change education from the top down. Chis, is the model at New Florida being replicated? Is their traction? 🤞

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We’ll see what other states copy it. So far, most are focused elsewhere.

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Your second to last sentence reminds me of Reagan: "Freedom is never more than one generation away from being lost."

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May 9Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

So: How to make your state university a mediocre laughingstock while teaching students that at the center of their existence they all are either evil predators or victims. The state Legislature (and all state legislatures) could curtail this immediately by shutting off the funding and encouraging a purge of the useless administrators who are pushing this agenda. The rest of the community can assist by refusing to employ individuals who reflect this way of thinking.

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Unfortunately you could cut and paste any conservative state college or medical school into this article and it would fit. We are being held hostage.

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May 9·edited May 9

Unfortunately you are almost 100% correct, but fortunately you are not 100% correct. Kudos to DeSantis and Ben Sasse (and Rufo) for chopping down DEI at the university of Florida and setting a model for the rest of the country.

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Another excellent piece, Chris! This poisonous ideology must be defeated convincingly in the public eye because it’s a lie and it’s unsustainable for our survival. Check out my latest piece in American Thinker.

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Thank you, Douglas!

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Wow. I just read your essay. I'm speechless. That's America? Good God!

I'm reminded of a teaching from the Jewish sages of 2000 years ago: "He who is kind to the cruel will ultimately be cruel to the kind."

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Thank you. Getting good reaction thus far. What I see and experience driving Uber all over Chicago and suburbs is disgraceful. Generations of citizens without a shot at the American Dream. All on purpose. Shameful. And it’s gotta change. Unsustainable.

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May 9Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

It’s doubtful those now in charge will relinquish their grip on power or ideology. But, if the UK holds up the mirror, they’ll see how racism dominates their every day.

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May 9·edited May 9Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

This is not about truth, it's about power. Chris Rufo represents an existential threat to the entire DEI machinery's operation and growth in the American academy, governments at all levels, corporate boardrooms, and cultural institutions. The balance of power is shifting, and Chris has already made significant progress in a number of states, including Florida, Texas, Alabama, and Tennessee. Kentucky is now on the menu. Here's to you and victory in your fight, Chris.

P.S. It's wonderful to see you have allies (moles) buried in these DEI bureaucracies willing to cough up the evidence of the ideology's "long march through the institution."

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May 9Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

We should all join Chris in supporting initiatives!

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Thank you for exposing this rot. My son is heading there for engineering & ROTC. I will be involved in my state, alongside my state Senator, to purge this racist nonsense from Kentucky public universities.

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Appreciate it! And good luck to him!

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It is almost shocking how effectively the radical Left has captured academia, even in Republican states like KY. And once again, Rufo makes a compelling case for how DEI has been the Left’s weapon of choice throughout this takeover. Another key factor, often overlooked, is the inherent capability of the governor to fight this radicalization of state universities (assuming it aligns with his/her values and political ideology), as we’ve seen with Ron DeSantis in FL. The governor typically has several appointees serving on the state university’s Board of Trustees, and can control the hiring of university presidents and other senior administrators. It’s not just coincidental that KY has had a two-term Democrat governor. Look at the state universities that have had the longest, most violent and destructive pro-Hamas encampments, and you will undoubtedly find a Democrat governor, likely supporting a Left-leaning university president.

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Appreciate it, Rich!

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Not shocking at all. Read Gramsci. He outlined how to do this in the 1920s and it unfolded after WWII.

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Chris, thank God the calvary is coming.

Its not just the infrastructure that's dangerous, its the end game that should worry every American.

Somehow that gets lost in the noise.

Their mission I believe, is retribution for every mythically oppressed group in America. You never hear the DEI left talk about utopia for the middle class or poor. They could care less. Its a one note living room of getting even with white, straight, Christian America. "Trump Lawfare" is the perfect symbol for their aim: punish and destroy all the symbols of the past.

There is nothing Reagan-esque about their mission. There is no morning in America or shining house on the hill. Its all out bloody warfare.

Chris, the dismantling of DEI is the dismantling of the bloody revolution the DEI left

covets, dreams about, and is hell bent on forcing blindly on America.

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Awesome work, Chris! Can you put LSU on your radar? Louisiana now has a republican supermajority and republican governor. LSU needs some big changes. Now's the time pull up DEI root and branch.

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Will do!

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Another great piece of investigative work by Christopher. He should be hired as a consultant to work with the legislature to show them how it was done in Florida. One detail is not clear however. What was the mural of or about that students demanded be taken down?

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Need to stick higher Ed professionals in the Offices of Student Services in initially and start an aggressive PSA campaign against DEI. I work one day a week on University Campus in NC, the Dept of Education, is swamped with LGBT flyers. It so egregious as I worked as college counselor for years and never saw anything like this until about 10 years ago.

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Guess that means more Caucasian’s on the basketball team.

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Not necessarily! 😅

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I think the only way to move forward is for state legislatures to mandate mass firings of non-academic administrators. They increase tuition costs, indoctrinate students, and do little to increase the quality of education:


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Thank you for yet another exposure of a college that has lost their focus on useful education. I'm a grandparent who plans to financially participate in my many grandkids college educations. Schools that have a profile like what is described in this article are off Grandpa's list. I want my grandkids to learn skills that will provide them a good and productive living.

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