Ironically, DEI and ESG would not exist without the economically unsound excesses of MMT and ZIRP. Now they have latched their crony interest groups onto the inflationary money printer to loot a treasury that is $36 trillion in debt. Zimbabwe is a preview of our utopian equity future, where Kamala prints $1,000,000 dollar bills with Yellen's face on them and cackles as we spend it in breadlines - joy! https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-kill-a-country-zimbabwe-mugabe-decolonize

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I wonder if DEI will ever go away?

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It’s been 50+years. No one had a problem with affirmative action, or employment law. But it’s always something new. Equality became equity 4 years ago and we didn’t correct that error then.

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Agree. There is a lot of wisdom in 'nipping something in the bud' 🤨

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"No one had a problem with affirmative action"

Respectfully have to disagree.

I watched my father (a white man who was born into very less-than-privileged circumstances) work extremely hard as a firefighter, only to be passed over for promotions to "PoI" ("people of identity") who had lower advancement exam scores and less seniority.

Yes, people had a problem with that.

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Why can't we all go back to colourblindness, as MLK would advise? We were nearly there in the UK but recently have gone down the "colour is the most important thing about you" route.

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You want to bring back slavery.

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Chris is a Maoist who wants to bring back slavery so he can rape black children.

He is an enemy of America.

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Geez, not you again.

I've read this exact same comment over 20 times on another Sub.

Please, leave us alone. We "get" your message.

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Yeah--the sicko is back again. But every single sane person knows Chris Rufo does amazingly fantastic work showing the problems in education and now in the government.

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Nope. Chris is a liar and a racist who wants to bring back slavery.

Fuck him and fuck you too

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It wouldn’t hurt if more people reported him.

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What a loving Christian you are

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You tell 'I'm, carily!

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You are a fake Christian and an enemy of America.

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I’ve reported him again, this time quoting the comment, which is exactly the same as yesterday.

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You are a fake Christian and an enemy of America.

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You are a sick person. Get some help.

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What a loving Christian you are

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Hey! Hanks back ! Welcome back Hank, We were all wondering when you would show up. Next time bring coffee and donuts for the rest of us. Oh, don’t be so lazy using copy and paste. Go “old school” and do the work that resonates with you brilliant dialogue.

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Chris copy-pastes Chairman Mao all the time

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What a stupid statement.

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I don’t lie

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Thanks for the article.

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Addressed to Yuri.

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Chris is a Maoist who wants to bring back slavery so he can rape black children.

He is an enemy of America.

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Broken record

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What a loving Christian you are

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What Yellen et al are doing is illegal per the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Why isn’t this being contested in court? Nothing short of Marxist tactics sowing division to destabilize our systems. What the hell?

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Who is going to contest it in a court? Any employee with even one brain cell knows that fighting this is a fast-track to losing a cushy gov't job. And bureaucrats are risk-averse in the first place, and lack the will/ability to spend up to millions on trying to fight it.

Right now, your choice is vote for Trump and bring 5 of your friends to also vote for him. If you have friends in swing states, need to ensure they are out voting for Trump, too.

If Trump wins, then a max pressure campaign on his team might work to clean up Treasury.

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Chris is a Maoist who wants to bring back slavery so he can rape black children.

He is an enemy of America.

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Let's cut to the chase. DEI is 100% democrat controlled. DEI is not a means toward advancing equality; it is a devious, in your face program to load up government and corporations with democrat partisans.

We are not heading down a slippery slope, we are on the edge of a cliff.

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Yes--DEI's ultimate goal is for huge government take over of our lives

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Chris is a Maoist who wants to bring back slavery so he can rape black children.

He is an enemy of America.

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All of this should be abolished. It’s unconstitutional and discriminatory.

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Chris is a Maoist who wants to bring back slavery so he can rape black children.

He is an enemy of America.

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I'm ready to go Javier Milei on these people. Forget trying to reform these institutions, close entire cabinet departments. Granted, Treasury can't be closed, but major pieces of it can be eliminated by EO. Will Trump (IF he gets elected, which is still an "if") have the attention span to do it? I hope so, but I'm not optimistic.

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I think Trump will do it--but there are so many problems to fix that Biden-Harris crashed on us with all those executive orders the very first day...that it will take time. Trump should assume he has only two years...because who knows how the mid-terms will go

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Chris is a Maoist who wants to bring back slavery so he can rape black children.

He is an enemy of America.

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Workplaces to Avoid — if you are White, Male, or Straight: https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/workplaces-to-avoid-if-you-are-white

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I'm so glad I have retired as I don't think I would last long in the current atmosphere in the workplace. There seems to be little emphasis on the job in hand and more about not hurting anybody's feelings and promoting staff based on a colour chart rather than qualifications and experience. I'm afraid I would be unable to keep quiet about the inequality and absurdity of it all.

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Chris is a Maoist who wants to bring back slavery so he can rape black children.

He is an enemy of America.

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If the Donald gets re-elected ( actually) will this tyranny end?

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if elon can remove enough rabid leftist vermin form the offices they infest, sure

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Chris is a Maoist who wants to bring back slavery so he can rape black children.

He is an enemy of America.

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It will be a hard fight. We must be ruthless.

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And work fast--do the same "executive order" the very first day to reverse everything Biden-Harris did

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Chris is a Maoist who wants to bring back slavery so he can rape black children.

He is an enemy of America.

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hahahaha, the drooling of rabid democrat vermin is just funny to read

please continue

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I’ve reported him. He needs to be banned from the site. I encourage you to report him also.

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I reported all but this post I replied to

now, I do like to see rabid democrat rodents here, it makes it easier to mock the vermin.

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You are a fake Christian who hates black people.

You want them out of work so you can enslave them and rape their kids.

You are an enemy of America.

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and you are a rabid piece of leftist dog crap, you thundering moron.

I am an atheist, who loves to mock rabid democrat cult members.

How that for self identifying, you mewling rancid piece of festering rat excrement.

You may need to look some words up.

IN the meantime, please, more spam I can report.

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What a loving Christian you are

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Great question. I am thinking it will take more than the executive branch. But maybe not.

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The Executive Branch can at least begin with the Head. Then, it will be critical to re-craft the antiquated and harmful HR practices under an aggressive Musk restructuring to remove the rotten wood—that’s probably 75% of the civil service. Those that survive the culling will be the best of the best!

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To John- it’s the Executive branch. All the power vested in the President. DIE whole of government could be removed.

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Chris is a Maoist who wants to bring back slavery so he can rape black children.

He is an enemy of America.

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Chris is a Maoist who wants to bring back slavery so he can rape black children.

He is an enemy of America.

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He will have a Secretary of the Treasury in his cabinet.

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Chris is a Maoist who wants to bring back slavery so he can rape black children.

He is an enemy of America.

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'Equity' has morphed into "advantage."

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Charlie - yes, but worse, it is really just a form of racism. After all, if a person is truly disadvantaged one can always switch race-based measures with income-based and health-based measures.

Using "color" as a metric makes gov a lot of money since it makes us angry at each other -- as gov sits on the side lines and gets bigger and more corrupt and hopes we do not set our sights on them and their huge inadequacies. In fact, the divisions (which IMHO are caused by dems for more than republicans) also have us less focused on cutting government -- which could easily be cut 50% over the long term. And if you think that is crazy look at the per capita budgets of FL vs NY. One is half of the other. I bet federal spending could even be cut 75% in the long term - not including programs like Social Security.

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Certainly not equality.

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This is bound to happen given the 'progressive' Long March that is ongoing through all Western governmental bureaucracies. of course they don't keep statistics on the political leanings of their employees but there are clues. Unherd columnist Peter Franklin reflecting on his own experience of working in two UK government departments comments: “How many of the civil servants that most closely serve this Conservative government are actually Leftwing? Well....I would say approximately all of them”. And it’s not just the UK. Research in the US context finds that “the political beliefs of the median federal government employee lie to the left not only of the median Republican, but also the median Democrat”. https://grahamcunningham.substack.com/p/carry-on-governing

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One only has to check the donations to political candidates and parties in and around major cities and especially D.C. area to know how 80% of Gov. workers lean. IE democrap /socialist/communist/that is the democrap's of today.

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It has been bad enough that rabid perverted democrat vermin has coontrolled the treasury for years, NOW they have to fill it with rabid corrupt idiots.

Good lord, the house cleaning Elon needs to do.

We might have a government we can afford if we get 4 years of trump, followed by 4 years of JD or Ron.

A man can dream......

IN the meantime,

What did Dracula say when they caught him sleeping in the wrong coffin?

I believe, there has been, a grave mistake.

Happy Halloween.

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You are doing God’s work. Thank you.

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Oct 17·edited Oct 17

In case anyone wants to know, I had been subscribed to the Celia Farber Substack. Lots of trouble there; I left. Would not recommend it.

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That’s why gold is at an all time high.

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Yet another reason to vote for Trump.

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I'd like to see an investigation into whether (yes) and to what extent ($$$$) the Treasury-funded NGO's that are identified here are, or will be, actively participating in the election by collecting ballots, registering voters, transferring funds to other partisan vote harvesting groups, etc.

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Mike, making NGOs transparent -- that would be fantastic.

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A form of this has been going on at least since the 80s and probably before. When I worked in construction all the government projects such as highways, bridges, etc required a "percent" of subcontracts had to be awarded to Women or Minority-owned businesses. Some of my friends started up construction businesses and registered their wives as owners.

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"The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation."

"The best way to destroy the capitalist system is to debauch the currency."

~ Vladimir Lenin

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