Dec 19, 2023Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

As usual, Chris uses facts to make his case rather than simple opinions. I want elaborate on, and place some emphasis on, Ms. Gay's academic "accomplishments." They are so slim as to not merit tenure at any even mildly decent research university, much less Harvard. You don't have to simply believe me (or Chris), look for yourself on Google Scholar. Of course, university presidents need not be great academics but she has no compensating business or government experience. So what happens when, seemingly, the only criterion to lead a university is "identity". Well, issues like hard work, merit and classical liberal values are meaningless. It chills and kills incentives for truth seeking - the purpose of the university in the first place!

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Harvard, along with many other “universities” chose this path out of their own free will. They were given a choice at a critical moment in time to use judiciousness and ethics to determine the just path forward, and they failed.

They chose the anti-intellectual, anti-truth, anti-ethical path because it was the most convenient. Nothing more needs to be said, they are frauds and charlatans, and atop this illiberal, racist Panderverse sits Mean girl, but who else better to divide and conquer, it’s her special talent to make everything in life bow to her will. She’s been taught that that is her role from the moment she was born, so to anyone with eyes wide open, this is no surprise, but the natural consequence of what Society has created?! A lot of things need to be called into question, whether they will or not is anyone’s guess, kudos to Rufo again for showing us what leadership should be!

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In the 'The Diversity Delusion' Heather Mac Donald takes the words from your mouth when she asks “are there any grown-ups left on campus, at least in the administrative offices?” She makes a convincing case that this multi-billion campus bureaucracy is likely to have harmed the interests of as many students of colour as it has helped. A study in 2004 found that, by pushing black student with relatively low SAT scores into the most elite law schools, affirmative action actually had the effect of reducing the number of qualified black lawyers. “As such findings mount, the conclusion will become inescapable: College leaders who embrace affirmative action do so simply to flatter their own egos so that they can gaze upon their ‘diverse’ realm and bask in their noblesse oblige.” https://grahamcunningham.substack.com/p/how-diversity-narrows-the-mind

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Gay is a POS and so are all those that think like her. Angry bitter nasty racist communists determined to destroy this country along with all Western countries.

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Miss GAY disgusts me as a human being, having no qualifications of being president in any institution but also lacking soul and spirit.

Nothing will be made better under her tenure but replacing education for revolution.

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"Nor is she a competent administrator, having botched the response to rampant anti-Semitism on campus and, by one estimate, lost the university more than $1 billion in donations."

Sadly Harvard's endowment makes this not quite the massive amount it would be elsewhere.

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People like Gay have problems with themselves. They know they are not anywhere near parity with the "straight white men" who established and maintained these institutions for centuries. Since their problem is with themselves, no amount of genuflection by idiot liberals will "fix" anything.

The envy and rage will continue unabated until people like her wreck what was previously a functioning multi-ethnic society. Stay strapped.

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Great post, Rufo - your work is invaluable. So what you are saying is that... Since our 'leaders' sent all of our work overseas in the last 30 years we have too many people who are worthless; mostly bureaucrats who invent issues? I agree.

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The saddest thing in all of this? Gay merely justifies concerns about hiring people of her racial persuasion. She and others like her -- and there are MANY -- undermine the institutions that treated them better than they treat people of other racial persuasions. There are too many stories out there of black people, in particular, creating chaos in the institutions, breeding resentment and divisiveness. Honestly, until they start displaying out group objectivity (let 'em sign a statement on THAT) they should be thrown to the wolves.

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Dec 19, 2023Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

Excellent research and spot-on analysis by Rufo. Glad that he is exposing, with specific examples, the effects of this hateful, racist (and ultimately violent) social justice ideology and “decolonization” movement that have completely seized control of Harvard. Rufo demonstrates how DEI is revising history, vilifying important historical figures, and even creating its own lexicon - all based solely on race and identity. The plagiarism angle shows how easily Harvard can dismiss even its own academic standards in favor of DEI. Sadly, it’s the tip of the iceberg and it’s pervasive throughout higher education.

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Thank you for your clarity & persistence Chris.

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Dec 19, 2023Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

Please include her treatment of Roland Fryer in your writing. Fryer, a black economist was pur on unpaid leave, his education research program was shut down, all because of her vindictiveness. He published research that didn't fit her narrative. VTW, Gay came from a wealthy background, attended all the right schools. Fryer came out of a broken family.

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Dec 20, 2023Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

Until large amounts of money leave the institution, she and the bureaucracy will try to ride it out.

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Call me crazy, but isn’t the way to reduce race based stress, to reduce focus on race???

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Dec 20, 2023Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

The banality of the banal. The Free Press reported earlier this year on elite college graduates who would go on to jobs after surfing through undergrad getting easy As in worthless classes. When they were confronted with something they didn’t know in their new jobs, they would just watch a YouTube video and move on to the task at hand. I do think essentially YouTube and the like can replace much of what passes for undergraduate education these days. One hopes that, someday soon, this will bring pricing discipline to education and see to the end of useless degrees and, frankly, useless colleges. The less President Gay and her cohorts matter, the better.

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This possibly explains why those who wrap themselves in the cloak of academe are enthusiastic promoters of DEI propaganda:

“Those who can, do; those who can’t, teach.”

— George Bernard Shaw

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