We need to amplify this story. So much false information from the left dominates the news.

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I agree. This is frightening and most people only see bits and pieces of it on social media outlets.

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Thank you for the investigation and the details behind the whole mess - how it came to be. I have many friends and family in Colorado. They tell me it's becoming California and are nicknaming it Colofornia. We have the same problem here in Georgia. People from Blue states are migrating here for a better life but bringing their Blue voting with them. How stupid is that! Now we're Purple and a Swing state. And, we are the state that caused the Democrat majority in the Senate, which is the underlying cause of everything that is going wrong right now.

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It is so sad to see what has happened and is continuing to happen in these three beautiful states - California first, then Colorado, now Georgia (I would never have thought it).

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That is why it is so important for the population to stay awake. There have always been predators internationally who would love to own North America. Becoming weak and naive as a people helps them play out their plans.

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Ditto in Maine! I came her to get away from them!

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“…some of the nonprofits involved appear to be profiting handsomely from the situation.”

Just perfect.

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Shocked, I tell you! Shocked! 🤣

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Kamalas Brother in law fleeced taxpayers for Billions to give to left wing groups and lawyers.

His name is Tony West.

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Its the plan, simply:

1. Inflame a reasonably condoneable cause;

2. Extract/coerce millions in government [Federal, State and Local] for programs run by "outsiders"-established or instantly created NGOs;

3. Fund those "selected" organizations and turn them loose;

All this premised on plausible deniability and convenient obfuscation of culpability and responsibility.

-How much of $ actually went to the program objective(s)?

-How much went to Program administrator(s) [no patronage there, move along]?

-What, if any 🤔, connection between the sponsor cum distributing agency and beneficial recipient [not the individual noted]?


- How reasonable, comparable are the rates being paid? Is it a case like california where subsistence housing exceeds $600k for a "single" - and thats not stand alone, new or prime location. [cost noted was Long Beach circa late 2010s. And at @ $200/sq.ft. for "Custom" builds units should have been no more than $100k - $150k, whereas price paid by us tax payers amounts to roughly $1,000/sq. ft.]

Commonality, like Buffalo and Detroit during Johnson Admin was lot of outgo - Pols feel good stories all around - but little to nothing to show for that was positive; grifters and grafters on other hand disappeared into the progressives' warren.

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Few Westerners are implacably opposed to economic migration per se.... as long as it's kept within the bounds of realism. What rankles about the pro-immigration lobby and their parasitic Human Rights lawyer enablers is the wholesale disregard of the interests of the wider host population. What rankles is how the virtue-signalling vanities of this university sheep-dipped elite have imposed costs borne primarily - not by themselves personally but by the non-‘opinion forming’ classes lower down the social scale. What rankles above all perhaps is the reckless assumption that the civilisation that has succoured them will still be there however much they mess with its cohesiveness and undermine it with their ‘globalist’ sentimentalities. https://grahamcunningham.substack.com/p/the-migrants

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It is planned that way, Graham. It is meant to bring down the host country. This "multiculturalism" began in the late 60s in Canada under Pierre Troodo, Communist, Eugenicist and member of the Club of Rome. Had his dirty fingers in the UN pie too. He was one of those who wanted to see the West destroyed, and set about making plans.

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Cloward-Piven is the textbook on how to run this migrant operation as a weapon.

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Another text/playbook: "Rules for Radicals" by Saul Alinsky

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Obama used to teach Alinsky's Rules.

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There may be “a push for deadening the moral/ethical conscience of the population”, but most women do believe that it is our right — a woman’s right — to control our own bodies and to decide whether to carry a pregnancy to term and give birth.

Both things can be true.

Typo: succored is not spelled with two u’s.

Correct: succored

Incorrect: succoured

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"Succoured" is the preferred spelling in the UK ... as is "colour".

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Your quote seems to be a reply to someone else.

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Are the NGOs profitting from this cultural replacement donating heavily to the Democrat party?

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Sep 11Edited

YES. Many who are working for the NGOs are newly arrived migrants themselves. It's an employment program for the Left and Democrat Party.

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You can be damn certain that you and I, American taxpayers, are signing the paychecks.

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Kamalas brother in law fleeced taxpayers for Billions to give to the left wing groups supporting open borders..............Tony West.

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Most likely!

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The swamp has overflown, flooding our country far and wide.

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Sep 11Edited

And the putrid waters will continue rising unless an opposing candidate stops them, supported by an awakened populace.

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Sep 11Edited

Migrant Settlement is an ENORMOUS BIG BUSINESS in the USA. Billions of dollars - compliments of the Democrat Party - are paying off thousands and thousands of NGO workers - and who knows how much the leaders of these groups are taking home?! Your tax dollars at work a la the Democrat Party. During the Trump years, I met a women who lived in New Jersey who was 'temporarily unemployed' - she made her living doing migrant settlement and the Trump Administration had stopped the flow of funds to these groups.So she remained 'unemployed' until the new regime got in. She voted Biden / Harris so that she would get her 'immigration NGO job' back. The Democrats are just tearing down this country day by day.

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Citizens need to rise up

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Oh come on...this is False Information ....Kamala said so ,,,,, so it must be right ...LOL

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She's only the Border Tsar so can't be expected to know anything about migrants running gangs.

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And now we have an election in which we may elect Harris, who is in part responsible for this insanity

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Harris has full responsibility for this tragedy because she is a full member of the biden administration. If the administration executes a policy or program, the office of VP is a partner.

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I have been repeatedly assured, not the least by the "moderators" of last nights "debate" that these sorts of things are simply NOT HAPPENING. Please take your mis/dis/malinformation somewhere else sir. SARCASM Oh! PS They don't kill live born babies in the US either. This is also a well documented lie. There is a "compassionate discussion" and then a "failure to thrive" occurs I am told. There is no killing involved. Wink wink.

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Sep 11Edited

There is a side to the abortion debate that is almost never discussed.

That the push for wider abortion limits is about the push for deadening the moral/ethical conscience of the population. This is what it was always about, folks. Never actually about "women's rights'; that was just the cover story to get women to sign-up.

Abortion worked towards the eugenics cull, too. Look into the Huxley family -- Julian Huxley was instrumental in founding the UN decades ago. And his brother Aldous fictionalized some of their "dreams".

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But getting back to the moral deadening motivation -- this is about Psychopathy, and how Psychopaths in power wish to obliterate the conscience of a nation. Makes it easier to enable their utopian vision of serfdom/slavehood after that.

You think I'm kidding? Every totalitarian group has a Cluster-B personality behind it, as the driving engine. And Psychopaths are the most severe of the Cluster-B personalities.

Unlimited abortion is their tactic for a conscience-less society, followed by state euthanasia on demand. They have Canada signed-up already. If you notice a death culture growing vs. a life culture....you are looking at Psychopaths running the show.

Was I too blunt here? We're running out of time for the "nice" cover-ups, I'm afraid.

Kamala pushing abortion? Just what I would expect.

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State-sponsored euthanasia is also happening in Scandinavian countries, too. The Free Press had a piece on a woman (why is it always women?) who was in her 20’s and wanted to die because of her “mental illness.”

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Oh, Canada is far ahead in terms of this evil.

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Oct 25Edited

State euthanasia is at critical junctures in Canada. As of 2022, when the state released records, 60,000 persons had been killed in this suicide cluster; largest suicide cluster in the world.

They are state-killed for minor mental issues (Depression or less), for poverty, for being military Veterans who have requested help for PTSD, for being high-functioning Autistics, for any level of "disability", or simply for being unable to find medical care in the poor Canadian healthcare system.

If you arrange to have surgery in a Canadian hospital, just before you go into the operating theatre, and while you are alone and vulnerable, the surgeon will now suggest Euthanasia instead.

And Canada has euthanasia "doctors" who run double abortion/euthanasia clinics, while they boast to the media of their kill-counts.

This situation is indicative of a Pathocracy -- rule by Psychopaths.

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Sep 12Edited

I am thinking with disgust about Kermit Gosnell's House of Horrors.....

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Is he the same one who kept buckets and freezers (in his HOME as well as office) full of all of his collections of “the products of conception” (which is SO much nicer than “dead babies” amirite?)? Or was there more than one of these evil spawns of satan in the US? My oh my, I just don’t feel like this is the “advances in science and health” that we were all dreaming about as children. This has been such a depressing week to be honest.

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Good investigating, Chris. I think Canadian Polly St. George did something on this issue too:

Regarding the "Gang Takeover" at the apartment complexes in Aurora Colorado.

They're all owned by the same management company.

Isn't that worth looking in to?

My thread below, but first, a word from the mayor of Aurora...

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Yes, we spoke with a whistleblower inside that management company.

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The People’s Spirit

In times of high morale and effective leadership, nations often experience significant advancements and cohesion. Conversely, when morale is low or leadership fails to inspire and guide effectively, it can lead to stagnation or regression.

The United States experienced a period of significant economic growth and prosperity, often referred to as the "post-war economic boom" or "Golden Age of Capitalism." This was fuelled by a combination of factors, including a strong national spirit, a sense of unity and purpose, and effective policies that encouraged innovation and investment in infrastructure.

In the social upheavals of the 1960s and 1970s together with the covert reinvention of Marxism as Critical Theory, led by Herbert Marcus and his Top-Down indoctrination of academia, those elites have fuelled a period of economic and social instability, affecting national morale and decline, as this article bears testimony to. Thanks Christopher F Rufo, the antidote to Americas cultural decline.

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It may go without saying, but violent gangs are totalitarian groups, wherein the recruits are brainwashed into the narrative much like members of any cult. Or like the 1969 Manson Family. The overlords are generally psychopathic. Totalitarian groups included political regimes (Nazism, Communism), cults, gangs, secret societies, criminal organizations, extremist religions, and some particular family groups.

This book might be of some interest:

"Gang Leader for a Day: A Rogue Sociologist Takes to the Streets"

by Sudhir Venkatesh

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Christopher and Christina, good article. Thank you. Now as a follow-up do an article on how it is affecting the local Aurora grade schools. My daughter teaches in that district. In one week she had 5 new “students” in her class. No documentation, no known prior education, does not speak English…in fact only 5 of her 25 students speak English….she does not have an aide and must also deal with any emotionally challenged children that are mainstreamed. How does she rightly teach the kids in her class when so many require her attention in speech and emotional support. “Houston we have a problem”.

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I am sorry that your daughter has to deal with this. I can imagine her goals of helping children are being tested by her supervisors who also have their hands tied.

That model of schooling is failing. Public schools have become social experiments where the usual outcomes are kids that are unable to read, write and are terrible at math.

Where does this lead? To a society that must rely on a ruling group to tell its minions what to do, how to do it and when to do it. A group of robots. A group of zombies. I don’t think AI is as big a threat as people say it is. If the ship doesn’t change course, our public schools will be making students in to AI humans that are just smart enough to obey their masters and carry out orders.

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There is a tendency for groups (communities) of new immigrants (often illegal) from a given country to be controlled by elements back in that country. Canada has a similar issue with Chinese immigrants being controlled within Canada by the CCP back home. Pseudo "police stations" are not unusual.

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See wide Muslim invasion of Europe.

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