This Hillegass person's hysteria is typical of the modern Leftist. If you don't support transgender surgery on minors you are killing them. "Climate Change" is going to kill "Birthing-Person Earth" and make it uninhabitable in, what is it now, 9 years. DeSantis is a fascist. Trump is Hitler. Everything is set to number 11 all the time. It doesn't win them any friends except with the emotionally immature and incontinent.
The problem is that our society is full of the emotionally immature and incontent. Products of a broken education system that indoctrinates. Look at all the leading bestsellers on substack like rather, Richardson, reich, abramson, legum and their deranged commenters:
"They do not believe conservatives are wrong; they believe conservatives are evil." - All due to the fact that they've turned their "Social Justice" into a religion with morality baked in. The logical conclusion.
Read about the resignation on twitter- these extra details of context (having only been there three months, staying around until contract expires) all point to the hyperbolification of the professor's claims and drama enacted on social media. What a world.
"They do not believe conservatives are wrong; they believe conservatives are evil."
Another excellent post Chris. You are honorably standing on the shoulders of other wise men who have come to the same conclusion.
The late great Dr. Charles Krauthammer said “To understand the workings of American politics, you have to understand this fundamental law: "Conservatives think liberals are stupid. Liberals think conservatives are evil.” That is embedded in the minds of many progressives and almost hardwired into the minds of all Wokesters.
Their version of "Evil" is not based on changeless Biblical principles bur rather fickle situational ethics.
I teach high school civics. On the first day of class I tell my students that I have 1 goal for this course: that they learn that those who disagree with them can be wrong without being evil.
This becomes our mantra for the year. It's on the classroom wall. I come back to it repeatedly. If you think someone is "wrong", you will try to convince them. if you think someone is "evil", you will try to destroy them. You can share a society with (or accept an election you lose to) someone who is "wrong", but not someone who is "evil". Evil must not be allowed to win. Evil must not be allowed to have power. Evil must be fought, always and forever.
Hannah Arendt (Origins of Totalitarianism) says convincing yourself that your political opponents are "evil" instead of "wrong" is a step toward dehumanization so you can justify hurting them.
From what I’ve gathered, a lot of the faculty are “very annoyed” that he said this--not because of the sentiment but because of the attention it brings them.
I think they need to have a *lot* more attention directed their way.
Like the full-time gender studies professor who has somehow “miraculously” vanished from the website and whose CV is conspicuously missing.
Of course. It's a tactical misstep, easy to turn the tables. He wanted to get the MSNBC glory, but he didn't have the verbal sophistication to do it right. Even Gavin Newsom has failed to turn attacks on NCF into a successful narrative. He put a video on Twitter and earned a massive ratio.
And I’m willing to bet that, the more these people lash out in impotent rage, the more we’ll discover that they’re not nearly as sophisticated as they have led us to believe. A valuable advantage, I’d say!
Its almost disappointing to get a glimpse of the inside (really, lack of inside) - that civilization could be commandeered by so little and over so little.
Yes--in fact I’m curious how it might be that a public institution is failing to inform the public (via their website) of the existence of certain professors.
Hmmmm. I took a glance at the "Gender Studies" program page. I see the affiliated faculty, but indeed, no FT gender studies prof. Also, the silly course offerings that are not tethered to reality! (Queer History: Sexuality in the 20th Century United States)
Another name on my list of people never to hire should their resumes come across my desk.
Aaron Hillegass absolutely should go somewhere where his views of the world are respected. He gets to teach in a woke, pinko echo chamber... and New College takes another step toward rediscovering classical, university education. (thanks Chris!) Then capitalism takes over and we see which model people are actually willing to pay for.
Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out, man.
"This is fantasy. Hillegass and the young protesters, who work, live, and study in unprecedented peace and prosperity, are play-acting an imaginary historical drama designed to win fawning coverage on MSNBC, not to stop Governor DeSantis from building concentration camps on the beaches of the Sunshine State. In contrast to his fevered rhetoric, Hillegas feels no sense of practical urgency. In his resignation note, he states that he wants to stick around until his contract expires in August. "
The final sentence is comedy gold for the connoisseur of certain kinds of irony - one might (leeringly) call it "delicious."
There is a cynicism about "Post-Modern" thought, which hides a deeper naivete behind it; there is nothing true per-se about such perspectives - their truth is in describing the terminal point of a certain civilization (ours). Taking them up in a cynical bid for power has the consequence of hastening the end of the order which such persons purport to uphold.
Life becomes play-acting - "narrative." That is, a form of moralistic ("our" version) entertainment. Meanwhile, in the real world, misgovernance follows and the more realistic enemies of the West and its former dependents and allies all move forward with actual, real-world plans: Saudi Arabia and now Egypt and even France make preparations for the atrophy of American power - never mind the preparations of overtly hostile regimes.
The hubris of K. Rove's "We Make Reality" has become a prophetic irony.
I'm glad you caught the irony. It's a very revealing set of facts. I know many of us on the Right are critical of postmodernism, but you're right that it's accurate as a diagnostic, even if it is poisonous as an ideal. Hillegass, I'm sure, imagines himself as a principled liberal, but is, in reality, a fully saturated postmodern character. He cannot see that we (the new trustees) are hoping to restore the classical liberal system and that he is hastening its collapse. We need to unmask these characters who use liberalism as a disguise for an empty postmodern core. Not easy, but people will see it if we show them.
"it's accurate as a diagnostic, even if it is poisonous as an ideal. "
This is well-put, and accurately restates my intentions. The same can be said of Critical Theory as a situational reflection on particular parties to a particular contest. Beyond that, it is in-fact incoherent, and merely ideology.
Even as a situational diagnostic, it is not prescriptive - it says nothing about legitimacy. Attaching any category to it, such as "Race" (or, whatever) creates a "shield" for that category and how it is defined - it exempts itself from Critical Theory. It is legerdemain.
Oh my - this Hillegass character is really something, even for a leftist windbag. Just for kicks, I looked at his twitter. Love the attempt to walk back his desire to burn buildings:
"I have been getting some requests for clarification, so I will give those in this thread. 1) The line about burning buildings is pretty mild. It says 'I’m not going to burn down any buildings. I’m just going to walk away.' I believe that no one should burn down any buildings."
Ah yes, it was a "poetic flourish that sounded cool," he says, "until it showed up in the Sarasota Herald Tribune."
Sadly, this man is a typical academic in many ways, bombastic, hate-filled, bust mostly cowardly. I would like to tell him and his ilk that the actual victims of his rhetoric, fascism and hate are the millions of Jews, Poles, the disabled, gays, Romani, and many, many more, their bodies incinerated and tortured, their descendants, long-suffering.
Good on you Chris for calling out this professor. Should he (along with our president) not know the meaning of the word fascist?
Webster Handy College Dictionary 1995 edition: a governmental system characterized by nationalism, regimentation, rigid censorship, and suppression of opposition.
We are no longer talking the same language.
The left activists are reminiscent of the red guards and brown shirts - indoctrinated useless fools. It is a shame what has been done to our youth.
So, according to this article good leadership is about hiring competent people and DeSantis is not doing this. However, he doesn’t mention Biden and his appointments.
This confirms that the myopic view and intransigence is planted firmly on the “progressive”. Do you believe me or your lying eyes? O Tempora! O Mores!
Isn't "patriotism" about supporting the white male supremacist, heteronormative, cisgender, corrupt racist, American System? Apparently, Mr. Hillegass chose his words very well---he simultaneously signaled to his comrades that he is not a patriot, and used that excuse for not becoming an arsonist. I have a strong feeling that if this individual continues in his present academic position he will still not be ready to leave in the fall. These cowardly woke academics love to incite their students to riot while they hide in their classrooms and watch the show.
Conservatives would not burn down Hillegass’s home but would gladly volunteer to bend this adolescent over their collective knees for a definitive spanking. Grow up Hillegass.
This Hillegass person's hysteria is typical of the modern Leftist. If you don't support transgender surgery on minors you are killing them. "Climate Change" is going to kill "Birthing-Person Earth" and make it uninhabitable in, what is it now, 9 years. DeSantis is a fascist. Trump is Hitler. Everything is set to number 11 all the time. It doesn't win them any friends except with the emotionally immature and incontinent.
The problem is that our society is full of the emotionally immature and incontent. Products of a broken education system that indoctrinates. Look at all the leading bestsellers on substack like rather, Richardson, reich, abramson, legum and their deranged commenters:
The majority neither know nor care and just want to be left alone to the extent they aren't preening on social media for fun and cash.
The growing number of college graduates is the problem since the academy has been co-opted by the neo-Marxist left.
Hell, it only took them around 60 years of unconcealed, unopposed radicalization.
How very true!
"They do not believe conservatives are wrong; they believe conservatives are evil." - All due to the fact that they've turned their "Social Justice" into a religion with morality baked in. The logical conclusion.
Read about the resignation on twitter- these extra details of context (having only been there three months, staying around until contract expires) all point to the hyperbolification of the professor's claims and drama enacted on social media. What a world.
"They do not believe conservatives are wrong; they believe conservatives are evil."
Another excellent post Chris. You are honorably standing on the shoulders of other wise men who have come to the same conclusion.
The late great Dr. Charles Krauthammer said “To understand the workings of American politics, you have to understand this fundamental law: "Conservatives think liberals are stupid. Liberals think conservatives are evil.” That is embedded in the minds of many progressives and almost hardwired into the minds of all Wokesters.
Their version of "Evil" is not based on changeless Biblical principles bur rather fickle situational ethics.
I teach high school civics. On the first day of class I tell my students that I have 1 goal for this course: that they learn that those who disagree with them can be wrong without being evil.
This becomes our mantra for the year. It's on the classroom wall. I come back to it repeatedly. If you think someone is "wrong", you will try to convince them. if you think someone is "evil", you will try to destroy them. You can share a society with (or accept an election you lose to) someone who is "wrong", but not someone who is "evil". Evil must not be allowed to win. Evil must not be allowed to have power. Evil must be fought, always and forever.
Hannah Arendt (Origins of Totalitarianism) says convincing yourself that your political opponents are "evil" instead of "wrong" is a step toward dehumanization so you can justify hurting them.
I wish we had a civics teacher like you in every high school in America. Keep up the good work!
Dr. K was a legend. RIP.
From what I’ve gathered, a lot of the faculty are “very annoyed” that he said this--not because of the sentiment but because of the attention it brings them.
I think they need to have a *lot* more attention directed their way.
Like the full-time gender studies professor who has somehow “miraculously” vanished from the website and whose CV is conspicuously missing.
Of course. It's a tactical misstep, easy to turn the tables. He wanted to get the MSNBC glory, but he didn't have the verbal sophistication to do it right. Even Gavin Newsom has failed to turn attacks on NCF into a successful narrative. He put a video on Twitter and earned a massive ratio.
And I’m willing to bet that, the more these people lash out in impotent rage, the more we’ll discover that they’re not nearly as sophisticated as they have led us to believe. A valuable advantage, I’d say!
Its almost disappointing to get a glimpse of the inside (really, lack of inside) - that civilization could be commandeered by so little and over so little.
The faculty also voted unanimously yesterday to “stand behind” the gender studies program--another laughable show of “force” by the academic elite.
Ridiculous! It's a shame that this sort of nonsense can't be pulled out from the roots. It is all such fiction.
Fiction is surely the word! "YA" fiction, more precisely - after the "diversity edits."
Now that is interesting! Yes, they surely should have more attention brought their way!
Yes--in fact I’m curious how it might be that a public institution is failing to inform the public (via their website) of the existence of certain professors.
Hmmmm. I took a glance at the "Gender Studies" program page. I see the affiliated faculty, but indeed, no FT gender studies prof. Also, the silly course offerings that are not tethered to reality! (Queer History: Sexuality in the 20th Century United States)
His name is Clarkson. The affiliated faculty are all experts in other fields--he’s the only one that is 100% Gender Studies.
So, he was once on the website and disappeared? I see an old FB post referencing him.
Precisely! His CV also used to be readily available.
Another name on my list of people never to hire should their resumes come across my desk.
Aaron Hillegass absolutely should go somewhere where his views of the world are respected. He gets to teach in a woke, pinko echo chamber... and New College takes another step toward rediscovering classical, university education. (thanks Chris!) Then capitalism takes over and we see which model people are actually willing to pay for.
Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out, man.
"This is fantasy. Hillegass and the young protesters, who work, live, and study in unprecedented peace and prosperity, are play-acting an imaginary historical drama designed to win fawning coverage on MSNBC, not to stop Governor DeSantis from building concentration camps on the beaches of the Sunshine State. In contrast to his fevered rhetoric, Hillegas feels no sense of practical urgency. In his resignation note, he states that he wants to stick around until his contract expires in August. "
The final sentence is comedy gold for the connoisseur of certain kinds of irony - one might (leeringly) call it "delicious."
There is a cynicism about "Post-Modern" thought, which hides a deeper naivete behind it; there is nothing true per-se about such perspectives - their truth is in describing the terminal point of a certain civilization (ours). Taking them up in a cynical bid for power has the consequence of hastening the end of the order which such persons purport to uphold.
Life becomes play-acting - "narrative." That is, a form of moralistic ("our" version) entertainment. Meanwhile, in the real world, misgovernance follows and the more realistic enemies of the West and its former dependents and allies all move forward with actual, real-world plans: Saudi Arabia and now Egypt and even France make preparations for the atrophy of American power - never mind the preparations of overtly hostile regimes.
The hubris of K. Rove's "We Make Reality" has become a prophetic irony.
I'm glad you caught the irony. It's a very revealing set of facts. I know many of us on the Right are critical of postmodernism, but you're right that it's accurate as a diagnostic, even if it is poisonous as an ideal. Hillegass, I'm sure, imagines himself as a principled liberal, but is, in reality, a fully saturated postmodern character. He cannot see that we (the new trustees) are hoping to restore the classical liberal system and that he is hastening its collapse. We need to unmask these characters who use liberalism as a disguise for an empty postmodern core. Not easy, but people will see it if we show them.
"it's accurate as a diagnostic, even if it is poisonous as an ideal. "
This is well-put, and accurately restates my intentions. The same can be said of Critical Theory as a situational reflection on particular parties to a particular contest. Beyond that, it is in-fact incoherent, and merely ideology.
Even as a situational diagnostic, it is not prescriptive - it says nothing about legitimacy. Attaching any category to it, such as "Race" (or, whatever) creates a "shield" for that category and how it is defined - it exempts itself from Critical Theory. It is legerdemain.
We're in the Kali Yuga and postmodernism is a symptom.
First horrified or leering speculation, then symptom!
Oh my - this Hillegass character is really something, even for a leftist windbag. Just for kicks, I looked at his twitter. Love the attempt to walk back his desire to burn buildings:
"I have been getting some requests for clarification, so I will give those in this thread. 1) The line about burning buildings is pretty mild. It says 'I’m not going to burn down any buildings. I’m just going to walk away.' I believe that no one should burn down any buildings."
Ah yes, it was a "poetic flourish that sounded cool," he says, "until it showed up in the Sarasota Herald Tribune."
Sadly, this man is a typical academic in many ways, bombastic, hate-filled, bust mostly cowardly. I would like to tell him and his ilk that the actual victims of his rhetoric, fascism and hate are the millions of Jews, Poles, the disabled, gays, Romani, and many, many more, their bodies incinerated and tortured, their descendants, long-suffering.
"Cowardly" is exactly the right word.
Good on you Chris for calling out this professor. Should he (along with our president) not know the meaning of the word fascist?
Webster Handy College Dictionary 1995 edition: a governmental system characterized by nationalism, regimentation, rigid censorship, and suppression of opposition.
We are no longer talking the same language.
The left activists are reminiscent of the red guards and brown shirts - indoctrinated useless fools. It is a shame what has been done to our youth.
It's an insult, not a description. An example of the Left's hysterical, fuzzy analogizing.
So, according to this article good leadership is about hiring competent people and DeSantis is not doing this. However, he doesn’t mention Biden and his appointments.
This confirms that the myopic view and intransigence is planted firmly on the “progressive”. Do you believe me or your lying eyes? O Tempora! O Mores!
Isn't "patriotism" about supporting the white male supremacist, heteronormative, cisgender, corrupt racist, American System? Apparently, Mr. Hillegass chose his words very well---he simultaneously signaled to his comrades that he is not a patriot, and used that excuse for not becoming an arsonist. I have a strong feeling that if this individual continues in his present academic position he will still not be ready to leave in the fall. These cowardly woke academics love to incite their students to riot while they hide in their classrooms and watch the show.
I'm certain that, even if he wanted to stay, his contract would not be renewed.
Another well done!!
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Thank you 🎶🎶🎶
Conservatives would not burn down Hillegass’s home but would gladly volunteer to bend this adolescent over their collective knees for a definitive spanking. Grow up Hillegass.