Copy pasta word salad all the way down. Leftist academics and politicians have nothing to offer except regurgitations of bad ideas. Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

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I think that's a bit unfair on pasta. 🙂

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I'm having coffee, pasta and a word salad with Russian dressing for lunch! Small world huh

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His supporters don’t care that he’s stupid, dishonest and pro-terrorist so they won’t care that he plagiarized his thesis for a garbage degree in a garbage discipline.

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his voters are almost as stupid as the rodent is

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That's exactly right. Blue states have the most credulous, laziest voters in American history.

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Is that why they voted him out?

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It took years.

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Good things come to those who wait...

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They don’t know that he’s stupid

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What supporters? 🤣 Seems like he's going to get voted out 👍🏼

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He's a garbage human being.

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His supporters may not care, but his constituents do.

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I think they think he's smart.

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As has been documented by Sowell, Williams and others, Ed School students are the lowest-SAT (i.e. dumbest) cohort of the academic students in any college with an EdSkool. The idea one of these morons would cheat is table stakes: they’re too dumb to do otherwise.

A former Dean of the Boston College School of Education wrote an OpEd in 1984 that these students were “the dregs of the academic population.” Electing former denizens of Ed Schools or classrooms to positions of national policy is just stupid.

It’s also how socialism, 1619, “reverse racism,” “Whole Language,” “Common Core,” pro-Palestine ideologies rise in K-12: fads and idiot ideas most-easily capture the stupid and those unable to think critically.

To think America can change course without the wholesale replacement of our faculty and the setting of an intelligence floor for those teaching the next generation is existential foolishness.

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I agree with your comment. Many of those who believe or support the 1619 project, 'reverse racism', etcetera are either ignorant, lazy, make decisions because of emotions instead of logic, or a combination of those. Unfortunately, many of those people vote.

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Another lovely example of an EdD is "doctor" Jill who insists on her "title". That useless piece of paper seems to make the holders louder, yet more unaware of how little they know.

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Romans 1:22 (KJV) - Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

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Or as I have to say about a family member---"be sure brain is in gear before mouth is in motion" True of the blathering liberals talking heads too.

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Sadly lauded by equally vacuous journalists & media personalities.

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Journo school is the second-dumbest cohort.

So it shouldn’t be at all

Surprising that we elect the morons we do when kids are educated by the dumbest, and adults are informed by the 2nd-dumbest…

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I cringe when people refer to me as doctor because I have a PhD. I insist that they not use that title with me and most of my PhD colleagues feel the same way. It’s weird how people with dubious doctorates seem to have the least restraint with the title.

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For sure.

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But, but, but…what about “Doctor” Jill? She’s an awesome doctor. Whoopi Goldberg said so.

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That piece of paper...with the letters on it "EdD" The emotional, facts don't matter crowd love that useless piece of paper

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Regarding Whole Language, you'll probably enjoy my little site: My Child Will Read: http://mychildwillread.org/

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Smarter parents (not democrat vermin) will assist their child into a life long love of reading.

Tragically, democrat vermin do not want their children to be educated. They prefer to mutilate their genital's.

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Good site; thanks. Interesting stats I’ll share with my kids (26-33, only the oldest yet a parent), the two youngest def plan on homeschooling.

Might want to fix this sentence - not sure if it’s a quote as it’s underlined:

“This means that even if you a college graduate, there is still less than a 50/50 chance that your children will be proficient readers at any grade level in any typical public school.”

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Thanks for the tip. Will fix.

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Several years ago, I taught at a state university. The education majors were by FAR the worst students, shockingly uninterested in honing their intellects.

One of the professors in the college of education had a sign on his door, quoting Marx in support of his goal to overthrow the state and to dethrone God. His salary was paid for by you and me.

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I was on a D-1 athletic team. The locker rooms are full of jocks going to be teachers because they get summers off. Nothing to do with the career, just a refusal to grow up.

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Yes. Unfortunately long, long overdue!

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This is the perfect resume for a Democrat member of Congress.

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That's why I enjoy wearing this in front of democrats 👇


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Thanks for a much needed laugh when I saw the t-shirt

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That one made me laugh out loud.

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I'm not sure what's scarier. The fact that a supposedly educated person wrote this crap or that a doctoral committee approved it.

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For me, the scariest part of all is that I have two grandchildren in the NYC public schools.

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I feel for you.

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committee, definitely. Without his PHD he would probably would not have run for office, spitballin here

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It's almost as if there is a relationship between the radicalism of the person and their propensity to lie, cheat, and steal their way into their positions through false and faulty "scholarship" (be it from their affirmative action spot in a real university or their diploma mill spot that we're likely paying off the loans for thanks to Biden).

I think it's pretty safe to say at this stage that when dealing with a radical credentialed leftist there is a reasonable chance they're not there on merit and didn't get there through their own hard work.

Ultimately, this is a group of grifters who not only got into their spots through everything but actual merit but NEED a country full of (self-perceived) victims and dysfunction to justify their positions in the nanny state and its private sector counterparts who are the only places that will employ such miserably unqualified "doctors."

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You wrote, "there is a relationship between the radicalism of the person and their propensity to lie, cheat, and steal"

You are correct. People like that tend to make decisions based on emotions and they believe that they are morally superior to anyone who holds opinions that differ from their own. Thus, they feel justified in attempting to attain their goals through any possible method.

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Like self-loathing and self-hating Justice Clarence Thomas, who formulates the most extremist right-wing decisions and dissents on SCOTUS. I bet that you have no significant problems with Black puppet bufoons like Thomas. 😏

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What is wrong you? Justice Thomas is one of the few Constiutionalists we have left on the court. You can bet he didn't plagerize anything in his long career.

What a dolt.

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Jamerson is a run-of-the-mill Democrat. Blacks can’t possibly be allowed to think for themselves. That’s why Ds gave us the Civil War.

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White supremacist delusions!

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Pretty sure your mis-spelled “white accomplishment solutions,” as nothing in the modern world has been invented by anyone else.

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No, I didn't misspell white supremacist(s). Before the transatlantic slave trade and colonization, Europe was in terrible shape -- plagued by rampant diseases wiping out half of its population, extensive poverty and crime, debauchery (priests raping children, lack of natural resources, stagnant economies, etc.

Europeans appropriated navigation and gunpowder technology from the Chinese. Then they sailed around the world, taking other people's property and social capital with savage violence and genocide -- in the name of the white supremacist Doctrine of Discovery.

Black chattel slavery, Jim Crow, lynchings, colonization, apartheid, and institutional racism are not a meritocracy.

Moreover, whites getting the headstart with generous handouts from the government initially excluding blacks isn't meritocracy -- Asian Exclusion Act, Homestead Act, Welfare, Unions, Social Security Act, Wagner Act, Unions, GI Bill Benefits, FHA mortgage assistance, redlining, and systemic racism.

Inferring that African Americans haven't contributed to humanity is a blatant lie.

White supremacy is on its way out -- note the low white birthrates, fear, anxiety, uncertainties, and anger in the West. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Kamala is a perfect example. Incredulous she got a law degree.

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The empirical evidence to support your contention? References and citations?

• Issue(s)




Or is it your profound bigotry and ignorance? 😎

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Amazing what can be accomplished with chapstick & kneepads.

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And the Mexican Mafia loved Italians.🤣

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I used to rescue wannabe proud boys like you from Aryan Brotherhood prison gang rape when Kamala was the AG for California. A box of Kotex Napkins would always be secreted in my file cabinet for rape victims like you.

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Color me shocked that you’ve been in prison.

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I evaluated convicted felons for prison consideration. Would you like to hear about the psychiatrist I interviewed? He wasn't slick enough. 🤣

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Activism and ideology aren't perfectly correlated. The scholar whose work was used to develop critical race theory (Herbert Marcuse) despised activists who confused activism with scholarship. He was the star among the professors recruited to the University of California La Jollla, which no longer exists (it has a different name... UCSD... and a different mission... it was supposed to be like Johns Hopkins and ended more up like UCLA).

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Chris - As HL Mencken said, "a moron decorated with a Ph.d is still a moron"

Bowman, like so many race hustlers, is begging to be outed as a fraud.

Most of these people couldn't think their way out of a paper bag. What passes

for academic achievement these days is proof of the decline of academia.

Bowman's dissertation sounds like a leftist template with space to fill in the blanks.

Thanks for the great work. Academia has become a phony factory where race hustlers

ply their trade with little or no requirement. Its become the leftist version of a mail away degree.

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Sunlight is the best disinfectant. His lack of academic knowledge and rigor has been exposed. One can expect fabrication from the squad. Time to disinfect his congressional seat

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Fire Marshal Bowman does it again. I’m gonna LOL when he loses his primary.

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the Dems will somehow replace him with someone worse

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Like when they swap in Newsom

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yes, like that

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Actual justice … perhaps.

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I think we’re starting to make some inroads into tearing this nonsense down. We need to keep this kind of analysis in front of the average person. We saw during Covid that when parents saw what their children were being taught, they rebelled. Thank you for keeping this front and center.

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Hopefully, in large part to young, intelligent people like you shining a light on these things; we will finally reach a tipping point where the bullshit is so nakedly exposed that even the diehard acolytes begin to question the veracity of the babble.

Sadly, a whole generation of children is being put through the cultural experimentation.....and will be worse off because of it.

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I hope you are correct, but I fear that our 'education system' is controlled from kindergarten through the federal Dept. of Education by people who are much like Bowman.

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Step #1 is dismantling the entire Department of Education. Since it was formed...test scores in all areas have gone DOWN. All they do is claim **more money will fix the problem.

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… and seeing that education is NOT among the enumerated powers and so the Dept is unconstitutional, it’d be nice if we had a pro-Constitution party to point that out, or governors refusing to accept it - which is their job: keeping the Feds within their enumerated powers box.

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Wow--- interesting.

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And firing all the school administrators and union teachers and re-recruiting from within that pool, regardless of seniority or how loud they yell.

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From a guy who can't differentiate between "Push here to open door" and "Pull in case of fire" what else would you expect?

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lol, like

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The flagrant spelling errors in a DOCTORAL DISSERTATION are a huge red flag that the author is either: (a) a drug user in active addiction OR (b) a low-level intellect... who is probably also quite lazy.

There's simply no excuse for these violations of basic academic practice and professional ethics.

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My third grade English teacher would not let this pass muster.

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True story: years ago my wife and I attended our then-8th-grader’s back to school night. I asked the English teacher why there were five mis-spellings in the first page of the materials on his desk to show the parents how well the kids were doing. “Oh, they don’t need to know how to spell anymore with spell-checkers.” I replied that my experience with spell checker was to have the wrong word spelled correctly. She didn’t like that. Two years later our next kid had her. In her intro PowerPoint to the parents, her title page had the wrong word, correctly spelled….

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Since the advent of affirmative action, teachers don't have to know anything anymore. Incompetence rules everything.

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Thank you. That's a good article that provides specific examples of how incompetence rules everything and is destroying everything! Affirmative action and DEI are civilization killers and that's the precise reason they were initiated and forced in the first place. All this AA and DEI idiocy is not designed to help blacks and other POC. The downfall of whites and the civilization we've built over the centuries is the goal. AA and DEI are as destructive as a bomb just a lot slower.

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I corrected a teacher's bad spelling. The school leadership (the principal, the grade school teacher and the union organizer/his former teacher) blackballed me and my child.

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Where was Manhatanville College? Who approved awarding this degree?

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OR (c) all of the above

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1) Being progressive means never having to let data impact your conclusions. Since intentions are what matter, facts and data are derived from conclusions, not the other way around. Bowman is example A of this.

2) Teacher colleges are the bottom of the barrel intellectually at almost every university. If you've spent 6 years in that environment, any ability to think deeply has been drummed out of you. An EdD is not just worthless, it's a net negative.

3) In fields this shallow, plagiarism is inevitable. Since all the practitioners are trained (indoctrinated) the same way, they will come to the same politically based conclusions and express those conclusions using similar words. Even in postmodernist, scholar-speak drivel has a limited number of ways to say "whitey is evil" and "Wakanda forever".

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My sister was a teacher for 40 years. She told me that there are generally two types of teachers: Those who are interested in teaching the students how to learn and how to become successful adults, ... and those who couldn't find a job that paid better.

And she said that the second group is the vast majority.

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"they will come to the same politically based conclusions and express those conclusions using similar words"

Those are not "similar words" (paraphrase), those are the SAME WORDS (plagiarism).

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Why should we be shocked or surprised by anything this charlatan and anti Semite says or does?

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I love your work. I find it kind of humorous that you stoop to analyze the ramblings of a “Clown Car” person as if his dissertation would be anything but garbage. The fact that the people of New York elected this garbanzo bean to represent them is kind of funny. But then again, they elected AOC, and she is another one.

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I don't think they're getting "elected". They are getting installed. Thoughts?

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"Installing" is the 3rd world way. And the Left use the word regularly when talking about putting people into positions of authority.

The another Freudian slip they make is describing a person in a government position as "ruling" instead of using the verb "govern".

It's quite revealing.

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I've started using the term "ruling class" instead of "elite". I wish our side would start doing this. These dirtbags are NOT elite by any stretch. Elite implies the best and brightest. There's no way on God's green Earth that I'm giving them that title.

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When the ruling class decays, it rots completely... you know, like Hunter, who is a perfect example. In our grandparents' generation, there weren't very many Hunters and their own relatives were ashamed of them.. not proud of them the way Joe is proud of Hunter.... and when they've lined their walls and their Swiss bank accounts with illicit cash, they were turned in, not cosseted by owning the DOJ.

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Oh that we could examine the written responses from “Lawyers” on their law school exams. Maybe some skated by, by

being given the option of taking a verbal exam. I have two particular “lawyers” in mind, however, we will never be given such access.

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I don't believe blacks have to take law school exams or the bar exam. They're affirmative action from entrance to college to the end so why would they have to take a bar exam? Affirmative action students don't have to master the same standards "regular" students have to pass.

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She has better credentials than he does. She didn't have to show her **** to work as a bartender.

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