Brilliant and disciplined response Chris! With lessons for other conservatives wrongly smeared as you describe! Fight on!

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Agreed. Rufo is disciplined. A real-life how-to for countering the ill will and ill logic of the ‘denunciation cascade’, guilt by association, and ‘bad-faith transference’ proprietary media practices trafficked as reliable reporting. Expose AND counter; by countering, further exposing.

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Oct 12, 2023Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

The headline banner for this post should hi light that “Jared Holt is an employee of the George Soros-funded Institute for Strategic Dialogue, an international NGO that advocates for Internet censorship in the name of fighting “disinformation.” “

Enough said , of this low life. We must as you say expose rot for what it is .

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Oct 12, 2023Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

Sorry you had to go through that Chris. Just follow the money to understand the genesis of hit pieces. A “journalist” did the same to my spouse. We followed the money and found the connection.

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Right on Chris. The left have become bullies and liars. Punch them in the nose with the truth and exposure!

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'Have become'.......always were.

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Thanks for your - as always - well written response. I applaud your good work and determination in bringing the left's lies and smears to everyone's attention.

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Chris, unfortunately the DB headline is uncorrected and carries the fale accusation still. So for those who only read the headline, they will be unaware it is false.

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“Influential Anti-Woke Activist Is Open to Terrible Allies”

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Oct 12, 2023Liked by Christopher F. Rufo

That’s actually funny, you being the influential anti-woke activist. Keep it up!!!

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The problem is that he will suffer no professional damage for his apparent lack of what used to be known as "journalistic ethics," which has now become an oxymoron. That's because people like him are mere simulacrum of journalists. The are now Leftist activists posing as journalists. Accordingly, he will ascend into our elite media and will probably be hired by The Washington Post or New York Times within a year

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Good work we can all learn from. Thanks.

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I’m so grateful for all the work you do Mr. Rufo on behalf of all of us. May you continue to use your God-given gifts & talents to positively influence and illumine people in America and beyond, and never lose heart. Romans 8:28

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So, so, so, soooooooooooo PROUD of you, Chris! It's an honor to follow your work, courage and scholarship! Swords up!

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According to the radical left, we’re all “racialist garbage”. Based on our supposed privilege, we are unworthy even to debate. This is the horseshit they throw at us, thinking they’re really throwing a hand grenade. Ridiculousness needs to be ignored wherever it comes from. Let’s move on to what’s really important. Your reputation is intact, Christopher. Keep up the good fight. Next opponent step forward, please.

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A small quibble...the left would actually say that you are all "racist garbage." This is subtly different, but the difference is important - 'racist' is a very old term meaning someone who considers one race superior to another.

'Racialist', on the other hand, is a term which applies to race-fixated leftists. They don't believe that one race is superior to another, but they *do* believe that races have certain inherent & immutable attributes.

It's an odd system. They believe that all races are inherently on-balance equal, and thus should, in the absence of racism, have exactly the same levels of societal success & average individual success. This not being the case, they blame racism - but also, where racism cannot be blamed, they propose inherent & irreconcilable differences between the way different races organize their societies.

If they try to call you "racialists" too, it means that the label is cutting them accurately. Simply say that you are not a racialist because you do not believe in race-based privileges or racial carveouts - say that racialism is a progressive ideology. Say that racialism treats African-Americans as "special needs children" and denies them the respect & moral equality due an American citizen.

Say that you, rather, are an anti-racist, because you believe in the simple & revolutionary idea that people should be treated accorded to the content of their character and not the color of their skin.

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Not a small quibble. I am here to be educated. Why else would I read Christopher Rufo. Thanks for taking the time to give me new knowledge, Teach.

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Tim Pool talks about this. News site A will defame you which will be picked up and pushed out by every other Left leaning outlet. When you go to News Site A to get them to change what they've written they just go "oopsie our mistake" and then change what they've written. Too late though as the damage has been done by every other Left leaning news outlet not changing what they have pushed out.

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Bravo! Your formula is working.

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This is super helpful. Both seeing the way you respond/counterattack - and how quickly it works. Makes you wonder why not many more have been doing this before!

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Interesting article, Chris. That's the kind of response I make every day on my shows too.

Like you, I am not threatened by opposing views. However, it those views go against everything I believe is right, just, moral, and ethical, they are disavow as soon as they are discovered.

Extremism from either side is wrong: racism, anti-Semitism, scapegoating of those unlike us, claims by either side that the other is unAmerican or anti-American, labeling our side as "real people" implying the others aren't real, labeling one group of people as unnatural and thus not really human, guilt by association, dehumanizing other people and groups of people, and then claiming the 1st Amendment does not apply to them,... these are all tactics of fascism.

I admire people who are so self-aware that they can freely express their ideological position on things. For example, Matt Walsh, on his X feed (Twitter), tells the reader his ideological position. He has the kahunas to freely admit it and claim it unlike many others who match most of the characteristics for a given ideological position, but are afraid to say it out loud. By the way, here's Matt's profile description, "Theocratic fascist, bestselling children’s author, Dancing With The Stars contestant"

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